BEFORETHE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 2026&0001 POSTALRATEANDFEE CHANGES, 2000 1 REGEIVELI FEB i i3 Li 58 PN ‘00 Docket No. R2000-1 NOTICE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE CONCERNING ERRATA TO TESTIMONY OF WITNESS MAYES (USPS-T-32) (ERRATUM) The United States Postal Service hereby provides notice of the .Sling of errata to the testimony of witness May+ (USPS-T-32). The errata appear on the following Exhibits which accompany her testimony: USPS-32A, pages 1 and 2; USPS32B, page 1; and USPS-32E, page 1. Revised pages are attached. These revised pages replace those originally filed on January 12, 2000. On each of the revised pages, the revised numbers are highlighted. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking /.ggJf 3 Michael T. Tidwell 475 CEnfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202) 266-2996; Fax -5402 February 16.2000 cJ&yJ$ 012% au% 1,&e% 121.0% , 129.4% 0D.w 126.w lB.o% R!iVlSED 2-W-00 6xhiMu6psju Pa6n2d2 Lems snd 6aa#ad Palmla 53.214 soYf% 41,048 44.4% 44s 0.42% 2.734 2.53% 105.647 ,m.oo% (5.632 11s.mB 5,673 ~4,oss ,a3 61s 0 lS1 12 285 0 wD5 31,620 121.356 6.W 4623 28 l&(.WD 0 137,713 202 4.548 28 15.575 Jki54 77 4sD 138 18 703 ma 58 0.54% 105 4 109 lO.&?D IW.m% 7% 14.158 522 ,4.878 asoL!!m 20% m 76414 &(.13x Em32 22,755 12.247 27 4 35.036 ponsl 5! 19.564 27,652 st,m 32 5 88.263 ztri Ii&! 370 32.0% 29 l.c.8 2.50% ~rn.mt4 60 4, 5 SD, 153 ,cm 174 48 ii 32 611 IWlY ll,.SX 112.5% 104.7% 11&S% ,,,.5x 125.0% 1smx 133.2% W&4% 241.5% 127.0% l&%2% 153.5% 16¶.0% 288.257 boua: “ “allabh con, fmn USPST-14. WP .l. T&m E. Rmnm USPS.T-37. “SP.ST-38 md “6FSTJo. (mn “SPST.33. USPS-T-S.. -T-35. BPS-T-38. REVISED 2-16-00 Exhibn USPS-32E PaQeiof1 SUIIWn6rYof E6tlm6ted T66t Ya6r ARM Ratea Row-we 6nd Incnm6nt6l C66l (Dollars In Thu6SndS) Revenue Minus Incremental Cost &cll. 2 - col. 1) (3) lncramental PrMty Mail T ?Y First-Class Mail Singlepiece Letters 6nd Sealed Pam& Presort and Automation Letters Total Letters Singl6-Pi6ce Cards Presort and Automation Cards Total Cards Total First-class Mail 14.%79,317 5.188.914 19.665336 552,719 170,606 724.264 20.605.617 ~::_::,3.402$66 Express Mail 23.004.794 13226,407 36.231.201 603,902 446,767 1.052.669 37263,669 5542,259 6.625.477 8.037.493 16365.863 51.163 277.966 326.425 16,476.073 ~~-:~::::2.139.573. 723,261 l,OS6.567 345,306 1,026 1.135 109 62,096 2.412,210 2.497245 61.647 2.416.926 2.496.774 6.937.525 2.617.126 9.767.090 1334.443 206,766 1344.776 11,431.673 9.070.437 5.162,024 14232.461 1.543,067 264,216 1.607.305 16.039.766 2.132,912 2.544,698 4,465,371 206,644 55,460 262,526 4,606.092 Standard Mail (6) Par& Post Bound Printed Matt6r Special Rate Library Rate Total Standard Mail (8) l,OS1,265 462,390 302,020 47.504 1.911.763 1.200.362 563,443 336,764 49,672 2,152.241 139,097 81,053 36,744 2,166 240,477 International Mail 1.531.016 1.747.556 216.542 65,307 548,559 76,760 15,016 214,999 3.444 12,551 569.421 94,993 577,361 106,070 19,968 305,466 6,317 16,041 ~~.~;.Slr.cJJg 29291 4,952 90,469 4,673 Mailgrams Periodicals Within County Outside County Total Periodicals Standard Mail (A) Regular Enhanced Carder Route Total Commercial NOllplVfH Enhanced Carder Route Total Nonprofit Total Standard Mail (A) Spa&l Sewices Registry cmltri6d Mail lllSlJC%KTS COD Money Stamped Orden l Cards Stamped Envelop66 aoxlcaller set-vice f.:.’ Source: Incremental Costs from USPS-T-23. Revenues from USPS-T-33, USPS-T-34, USPS-T-35, USPS-T-36, USPS-T-37. USPS-T-36 and USPS-T-39. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. Michael T. Tidwell 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 February 18.2000
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