DETAILED ANATOMY OF LATE-HOLOCENE DEPOSITS ON THE ADRIATIC SHELF FROM 3D VERY HIGH RESOLUTION SEISMIC DATA (TRIAD SURVEY) T. MARSSET, B. MARSSET, Y. THOMAS, P. COCHONAT IFREMER, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané Cédex, France A. CATTANEO, F. TRINCARDI Istituto di Geologia Marina (CNR), v. Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy Abstract Very High Resolution 3D seismic data collected on the Adriatic shelf define the smallscale geometric complexity of late Holocene deposits. Three groups of units have been distinguished from deeper to shallower: the Transgressive System Tract (TST), a condensed interval at the base of the Highstand System Tract (HST) and the progradational units of the HST. The HST deposits show large-scale shore-parallel undulations and shore-normal reliefs. The genesis of these features seems to be related to a combination of two mechanisms : 1) sediment deformation in relation with the condensed section and 2) depositional process related to shore parallel currents that increasingly interact with topography. Keywords: Late-Holocene, Adriatic, 3D VHR seismic, Sediment deformation, Currents 1. Introduction 14°26 14°28 Triad Triad Ortona Ortona 42°28 42°26 Figure 1. Location of the TRIAD survey in the central Adriatic Sea. The black rectangle on the bathymetric map represents the area covered by the 3D seismic survey. 449 On the Adriatic shelf (Fig. 1), the late-Holocene mud prism is affected by the presence of gas at different stratigraphic levels and by complex irregularities in the form of linearcrested seafloor undulations and nearcircular mud reliefs over large extent of the seafloor (Trincardi et al., 2000; Correggiari et al., 2001). As has been the case for other settings worldwide (Gardner et al., 1999; Faugères et al., 2002; Lee et al., in press), interpreting the origin of such complex features proved difficult using conventional 2D seismic data alone. 450 Marsset et al. For this purpose, a small area was selected for a Very High Resolution (VHR) 3D seismic survey (Marsset et al., this vol.). The survey was conducted in an area where swath bathymetry and detailed stratigraphic data from piston cores were also available (Cattaneo et al., this volume). The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed description of the reflector geometry of the sediments and address the problem of the origin of undulations and reliefs that have previously been ascribed either to bottom-current deposition or to sediment deformation. 2. Background The shallow stratigraphic architecture of the west Adriatic margin is composed of units related to sea level changes over the last 120 kyr (Fig. 2a; Cattaneo and Trincardi, 1999; Trincardi and Correggiari, 2000): - The Prograding Pleistocene wedges are truncated at their top by a regional erosional surface (ES1) that records a regressive phase encompassing most of the last glacial cycle (Trincardi and Correggiari, 2000; Ridente and Trincardi, 2002). - The Transgressive System Tract (TST), above ES1, marks distinctive phases of the last sea level rise (Cattaneo and Trincardi, 1999): the lower unit is muddy, intensely gascharged and was deposited in a shallow-water environment; the middle unit reflects a phase of increased sediment flux with shingled clinoform reflectors and centimetrescale sand beds; the upper unit is muddy and shows faint plane-parallel continuous reflectors. - The Highstand System Tract (HST) consists of a shore-parallel prograding mud prism younger than 5.5 cal kyr BP that formed above a regional downlap surface (Maximum Flooding Surface, MFS). Tephrochronology indicates that the basal portion of the HST encompasses a thin condensed unit draping the MFS; this basal unit shows evidence of extensive deformation and possible fluid escape (Correggiari et al., 2001, Hovland and Curzi, 1989). Above this unit, three shore-parallel regions are distinguished: a head region where the thick HST deposit is affected by undulations with shore-parallel crests; a toe region composed of a thinner deposit with elongated mud-relief clusters oriented sub-perpendicular to the shoreline; and an intervening transition zone with buried small reliefs and sedimentary features previously interpreted as small-scale extensional faults (Correggiari et al., 2001). Intense shallow seismicity and recurrent tsunami (Tinti et al., 1995) occur in this area located on the foreland basin of the Apennine chain. Modern circulation is characterised by a counter-clockwise gyre (Poulain, 1999) with a component of flow directed to the SE and parallel to the Italian coast. Regional sedimentological analysis suggests that this circulation pattern has not changed since the onset of the modern sea level highstand (Cattaneo et al., in press). 3D VHR seismic on the Adriatic shelf (TRIAD survey) 451 3. Methods Detailed methodology and technical aspects of the 3D seismic survey are provided in Marsset, 2001 and Marsset et al. (this volume). The 3D block obtained after seismic processing consists of a cube of 1827 x 395 elementary cells (bin, the bin size being 2 x 2 m); each cell extends through depth at a 20 cm sampling interval. We are currently using conventional multi-channel seismic profiles to perform velocity analysis (work in progress). Head Region: Undulations 60 Transitional Region: buried small reliefs Toe Region: mud Reliefs SW NE CSS236 80 HST 100 Basal HST unit 120 (ms twt) TST 15 m MFS Upper Middle Lower 180 m (Shot nb) ES1 40 35 30 25 Section Y= 150 40 Fig. 5b U10 60 Fig. 5a U9 U8 U7 U6 80 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 100 (m) multiple 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 (Xbin) Figure 2. Comparison of in-line profiles acquired using complementary seismic tools at the same location: a) Chirp Profile (labels are from Trincardi and Correggiari, 2000); b) Sparker profile extracted from 3D depth migrated box showing the seimic units identified in this study. 4. Results The main seismic units identified by Correggiari et al. (2001) on CHIRP profiles and described above were recognised on the sections of the VHR 3D seismic volume (Figs. 2, 3). Despite the different vertical resolution of the two seismic sources (ca. 1 m for the Sparker and 0.2 m for the Chirp), the seismic units described above could be recognized 452 Marsset et al. in both data sets, although there was a small difference in the identification of the basal MFS (Fig. 3). This study Landward Seaward main characteristics Undulations more filling than U10 relief draping U9 HST U8 reliefs draping U7 U6 relief initiation Early HST U5 no relief U4 no gas U3 TST shore// gas pockets gas charged Reliefs Correggiari et al., 2001 CS= Condensed Section downlap onlap MFS HST U2 basal HST unit(CS) Upper Middle TST Lower ) U1 Pleistocene wedges Figure 3. Seismic stratigraphic units defined in the present paper and correlation with previous work The 3D analysis outlines major characteristics as follows: Extent of units. Units U1 to U5 are thin and laterally extensive, whereas units U6 to U10 are thicker, markedly progradational and pinch out more rapidly seaward. Gas distribution. Acousting masking is concentrated in the landward portion of the HST units, and in the TST units U1 and U2, indicating impregnation of sedimentary units by gas (Marsset et al., this volume). Undulations: undulations affect the HST, are asymmetric and define a stepwise morphology with broad sub-horizontal flats and narrow seaward-dipping steeper flanks (Fig. 2). Crests of the undulations are translated landward up-section. Seismic reflectors are continuous across the undulations. Undulations appear as straight shore-parallel lineaments, higher up on the slope, whereas further seaward they become increasingly sinuous (Fig. 4). This trend is observed at the regional scale from bathymetry data (Fig. 1). Reliefs. Semi-circular features referred to as “reliefs” by Corregiari et al. (2001) are rooted in small-scale features of unit U5. Upsection, the reliefs appear as antiforms with well defined internal conformable reflectors in units U5 to U8 (Fig.5a), even where they appear transparent on Chirp data (Fig. 2a). The relief axis may be laterally displaced with respect to its base. Spacing between Reliefs is about 500 m (Fig. 5b). In plan view, they appear as alignments of about 400 m length perpendicular to the regional bathymetric contour (Figure 5c). Reliefs are connected to each other by junctions appearing as shore-parallel elongated features. Junctions mark a differential (asymmetric) filling of morphologic lows between adjacent reliefs with a thick sediment wedge on the NW flanks and a thin sediment fill on the SE flanks (Fig. 5a). The top of the reliefs (U8 top) appears to be erosional with short-distance topographic variations displaying rounded shapes on depth slices (Figs. 6b). Units U9 and U10 tend to fill the topographic lows previously defined by the growth of the reliefs thus smoothing the general topography (Fig. 6a). Similar to units U7 and U8, the thickness of units U9-10 is different on both sides of the reliefs (Figure 5a). 3D VHR seismic on the Adriatic shelf (TRIAD survey) 453 The non random spatial distribution of reliefs/junctions point to a general “en echelon” sedimentary pattern that is also observed at the regional scale (Cattaneo et al., this volume). These observations are indicative of bottom current activity during and following relief formation at the regional scale. The preferential sediment accumulation occurs on the NW side of the reliefs i.e. the side facing the dominant along shore (Ybin) 300 SW NE Z= 70.4 m 200 100 U5 (Ybin) 300 U6-U8 U9-U10 Z= 71.6 m 200 100 U5 (Ybin) 300 U6-U8 U9-U10 200 Z= 74 m 100 200 U4 400 U5 600 800 1000 U6-U8 1200 1400 1600 1800 (Xbin) U9-U10 Figure 4. Depth slices extracted from the 3 D migrated box showing the spatial and statigraphic evolution within HST prograding units (U6 to U10). Shore-parallel crests evolve seaward to shore-normal. current. Moreover, small scale erosion on top of U8 resembles the micro-topography observed on the modern seafloor (Cattaneo, this volume) and is consistent with impinging shore-parallel currents. Based on these results, three groups of units are defined as follows (Fig. 3): - Units U1, U2 and U3 correspond to the three main deposits of the last TST (Cattaneo and Trincardi, 1999). Unit U3, capped by the MFS, represents a possible seal for underlying gas-charged units as confirmed by the Chirp data (Figs. 2a). - Units U4 and U5 are thin and extensive units that mark the lower HST. Unit U4 includes the basal HST unit (condensed section) and Unit U5 corresponds to the basal layer of the mud reliefs as defined by Correggiari et al. (2001). - Units U6 to U10. are wedge-shaped progradational units stacked that become more laterally continuous in a seaward direction and comprise the bulk of the HST mud prism. The geometry and thickness of these units reflect short-term supply fluctuations to the area. Unit U9 can be attributed to deposition during the Little Ice Age (Cattaneo et al., in press); Unit U10 is affected by short-distance variations in modern sediment accumulation rates reflecting the interaction between microtopography and bottom currents (Correggiari et al., 2001). 454 Marsset et al. a) 40 b) Section X= 1430 SE NW Fig. 2b Section X= 1180 SE NW Fig. 2b 60 550 m U9, U10 U6 to U8 relief core (U5) 80 100 (m) 100 200 100 300 (Ybin) c) 200 300 (Ybin) Fig. 5b SW Fig. 5a Relief B NE Z= 76 m (Ybin) 300 200 Fig. 2b 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 (Xbin) Relief A Figure 5. a), b) Cross-line sparker profiles extracted from 3D volume and illustrating two examples of the regular internal structure of the mud reliefs. Reliefs are symmetric to slightly asymmetric antiforms (units U5 to U8) partially covered by overlying units U9 and U10 that tend to fill the topographic lows between the reliefs. c) Depth slice at 76 m outlines the sub-circular shape of clusters that form shore-normal elongated reliefs; note the shore-parallel junction between the two reliefs A and B 3D VHR seismic on the Adriatic shelf (TRIAD survey) Relief A - 60 Relief B - 70 U8 - 80 U9 U6 to U8 U5 U4 U9 - 90 (m) 1300 350 1450 200 Xbin Ybin 1600 - 60 455 50 Relief A Relief B - 70 U8 U6 to U8 U5 - 80 U4 U9 - 90 (m) 1350 350 300 1450 Xbin 250 200 1550 Ybin 150 Figure 6. Detailed 3D cubes extracted from the total 3D volume. The cubes are viewed from SE and coordinates are expressed in bin number from their SW corner. a) shows the internal structure of the reliefs including: the mounded geometry of unit U5, on top of the flat unit U4; a stack of units (U6 to U8) that follow the morphology of the underlying mound and create the bulk of the mud relief; the overlying unit U9 filling the topographic lows between adjacent reliefs. Within the relief reflector geometry is almost symmetrical on X sections and the intersection of the reflectors with the Z plane are sub-rounded. b) shows the top of relief A characterised by a very undulated surface that seems to be of erosional nature. 456 Marsset et al. 5. Discussion: Sedimentary deformation or depositional process ? The complex geometries observed within the late-Holocene mud wedge offshore Ortona can be ascribed to two different mechanisms: 1) sediment deformation accompanied by fluid-escape; and 2) sediment transport and differential deposition by bottom currents. 5.1 SEDIMENTARY DEFORMATION: Evidence for sediment deformation comes particularly from the observation of units U4 and U5. On Chirp profiles, high-amplitude reflectors affected by acoustic wipe-out and “pagoda structures” have been previously interpreted as caused by fluid escape from unit U4 (Correggiari et al., 2001). Downslope extension of overlying HST zones in response to fluid expulsion is a plausible deformation mechanism. Cyclic loading engendered by earthquakes or tsunamis is a possible trigger mechanism to create excess pore pressure that were, successively dissipated through deformation and fluid expulsion. In that way, U4 may have acted as a basal weak layer for the HST. Deformation, however, is not associated with any obvious downslope translation of the sedimentary section at the metre-scale resolution of the Triad 3D seismic data. Possible minor offsets are observed on Chirp records at local scale (Correggiari et al., 2001). Unequivocal shear planes are not visible in the 3D data reducing the possible role played by retrogressive failure (Gardner et al., 1999). Nevertheless, if the sedimentary deformation is the plausible mechanism to involve, this mechanism is interpreted as a plastic process. The peculiar spatial distribution of the reliefs along regularly spaced alignments perpendicular to the shoreline is also difficult to explain in term of sedimentary deformation. 5.2 DEPOSITIONAL PROCESS: Transport and deposition by bottom currents may explain the complex geometries observed within the late-Holocene mud wedge and more specifically the sedimentary pattern in the undulations, after the creation of topographic irregularities in U5. We assume that undulations formed as sets of sediment waves with shoreline-parallel crests. A landward shift in the crests position exists, accompanied by occasional presence of gently landward-dipping reflectors. The evolution of the sedimentary pattern from U6 to U10 may be interpreted as changes in sediment supply and/or current regime. Moreover, bottom-current activity is indicated by the 3D analysis seaward of the shore-parallel undulations, i.e. in the reliefs area. Bottom currents however, are difficult to invoke given the irregular spacing of crests and bedform growth sub-parallel to inferred flow. In addition, the seaward transition from shore-parallel linear crests to sinuous crests, and then to shore-perpendicular elongated reliefs is not easily explained by sediment transport by currents alone. 3D VHR seismic on the Adriatic shelf (TRIAD survey) 457 Furthermore, the role of bottom currents cannot explain the initiation of the sediment reliefs within unit U5 above a relatively flat surface (top of U4). 6. Conclusion The comparison of 3D seismic with Chirp data allows for features identified in Very High Resolution data to be evaluated in 3 dimensions, and , in particular, two key units at the base of the HST, and how these influence the geometry of the overlying units. The origin of the stratigraphic complexity is likely to be related to two mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive: sediment deformation and bottom-current deposition. These two process may have work together to control distinctive aspects of the observed stratigraphy. With regard to the sediment deformation, the particular pattern of unit U5 may result of the presence of shallow fluids and cyclic loading by seismic activity. With regard to the depositional processes related to shore-parallel bottom currents, they seem to have partially controlled the sedimentary pattern. The role of these processes increased through time, as testified by distinctive geometries in some portions of the HST sedimentary section (possible mud waves in the undulation area, differential deposition around the mud reliefs and filling geometries in the upper part of some reliefs). Contrasting geometric patterns (undulation features, alignments of reliefs) possibly result from the interaction of different forcing whose relative importance may have varied through time. 7. Acknowledgements This work is part of IFREMER and IGM-CNR contribution to the EU project COSTA, EVK3-CT-1999-00006 (IGM-CNR contribution number is 1302). 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