A duality based framework for integrating reliability and precision for sensor network design P.R. Kotecha a, Mani Bhushan a, R.D. Gudi a a,* , M.K. Keshari b Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India b Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India Abstract In sensor network design literature, requirements such as maximization of the network reliability [Y. Ali, S. Narasimhan, Sensor network design for maximizing reliability of linear processes, AIChE J. 39 (1993) 820–828; Y. Ali, S. Narasimhan, Redundant sensor network design for linear processes, AIChE J. 41 (1995) 2237–2249] and minimization of cost subject to precision constraints [M. Bagajewicz, Design and retrofit of sensor networks in process plants, AIChE J. 43 (1997) 2300–2306; M. Bagajewicz, E. Cabrera, New MILP formulation for instrumentation network design and upgrade, AIChE J. 48 (2002) 2271–2282] have been proposed as a criteria for optimally locating sensors. In this article, we show that the problems of maximizing reliability and maximizing precision (or minimizing variance) for linear processes are dual of each other. To achieve this duality, we propose transformations which can be used to convert sensor failure probabilities into equivalent sensor variances and vice versa. Thus, the duality enables working in a single framework with specified criteria on reliability as well as precision. As an application of this duality, we propose two formulations for the sensor network design problem viz., maximization of the network reliability subject to precision constraints and minimization of the network variance subject to reliability constraints. We also show the utility of these formulations to determine the pareto-front for the combinatorial sensor network design problem. Hydrodealkylation and steam-metering case studies are used to illustrate the proposed ideas. Keywords: Duality; Reliability; Precision; Optimization; Sensor network design 1. Introduction The operation of a typical chemical process is characterized by several thousand variables. All these process variables however cannot be measured due to cost and other constraints. Generally, only a subset of the overall process variables are measured, and the unmeasured variables can typically be estimated using their relationships with the measured variables via the use of a process model. For choosing the optimal placement of sensors, some of the criteria considered in literature are observability [5], cost [6,7] and reliability [1]. A greedy-search based graph theoretic approach was used in [1] to obtain the most reliable sensor network. The initial reliability criterion was proposed for non-redundant linear systems and was later extended to redundant linear [2] and non-redundant bilinear systems [8]. Bagajewicz [3] used a tree type enumeration procedure to design a minimal cost network subject to constraints on precision, availability, resilience and error detectability. Bagajewicz and Sanchez [9] have shown that the problem of minimizing variance subject to cost constraints can be converted into an equivalent problem of minimizing the sensor network cost subject to precision constraints. Later they have extended [10] this idea to reliability, i.e. maximization of network reliability subject to cost constraints was converted into an equivalent problem of minimizing cost subject to reliability constraints. This enabled them to use their earlier [3] tree based enumerative approach for solv- 190 Nomenclature akj coefficient of the relation between the jth measurement and the kth variable A reduced incidence matrix (independent mass balances) for flow process L variance of the fake sensor n,m number of variables, number of linearly independent mass balances written across each of the m units N,M set of all and measured variables P symmetric matrix of dimension m · m as defined in the formulation P3 R,R* network reliability, threshold on network reliability Ri,Re,i reliability, equivalent reliability of the ith sensor _ _ R i ; R e;i ; Ri ; Re;i reliability, equivalent reliability, threshold reliability, equivalent threshold reliability of the ith variable sj failure probability of the jth sensor s equal failure probability of all sensors ing reliability problems. Bagajewicz and Cabrera [4] posed the sensor network problem as an explicit optimization problem with minimization of cost as the objective function and requirements of precision, error detectability, resilience and availability as constraints. Sen et al. [11] integrated genetic algorithms (GA) with graph–theoretic concepts to solve the problem of optimal design of sensor network for linear processes. By the use of GA, they could solve various problems such as optimizing cost, estimation accuracy and network reliability. Recently, formulations [12] which take into account the cost advantage obtained in terms of the ability of the network to resolve between faults, its ability to yield desired precision and adequate control, have also been reported. From the above literature survey, it can be seen that in general, the criteria of reliability and precision have been handled by different techniques. It must be mentioned that the problem of maximizing reliability has no reported explicit optimization formulation and has been solved using graph theoretic or tree based enumeration approaches. Although the graph theory based greedysearch algorithms [1] are robust, they do not guarantee global optimality. Moreover, it is not clear how multiple objectives or sensor network requirements (e.g. maximizing the reliability with the least possible cost or maximizing the reliability subject to precision constraints) can be efficiently accommodated in such a framework. While the tree based enumeration approach [3] guarantees global optimality, due to its enumerative nature, it is not suitable for large flowsheets. On the other hand, for the precision case, Bagajewicz and Cabrera [4] have reported an explicit optimization formulation for the minimization of cost subject to constraints on variances for some of the variables. These V S set of variables with threshold reliability or variance constraints sensor variance matrix defined as Sði; jÞ ¼ 8 < 0 i 6¼ j 8i; j 2 N L if i ¼ j and lj;2 ¼ 1 : 2 rj if i ¼ j and lj;2 ¼ 0 _ S reconciled variance matrix r2 ; r2 network variance, threshold on equivalent nete work variance 2 r equal sensor variance r2i ; r2e;i variance, equivalent variance of the ith sensor _2 _2 2 r i ; r e;i ; r2 i ; re;i variance, equivalent variance, threshold variance, equivalent threshold variance of the ith variable lj,1,lj,2 binary variables indicating whether the jth variable is measured by a real (lj,1 = 1, lj,2 = 0) or fake sensor (lj,1 = 0, lj,2 = 1) r2scale scaling factor as used in Eq. (34) formulations result in mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problems. As global optimality for MINLPs is not guaranteed in general, these problems are further converted into mixed integer linear programming (MILP) [4] problems. Such simplifying transformations increase the size of the problem thereby increasing the computational requirements. Hence, although there has been much work done to accommodate various requirements for the sensor networks, there is still no single satisfactory framework which can accommodate both reliability and precision. This is essentially due to the lack of equivalence between reliability and precision. Our work contributes in establishing the duality between reliability and precision related formulations, thereby enabling the user to choose an appropriate formulation on the basis of the merits of individual solution methods. We show that a problem of reliability can be posed and solved as an equivalent variance problem and vice versa. The solution space of maximizing reliability is in principle equivalent to the solution space of minimizing equivalent variance. The variances used in this equivalence are not the inherent variances of the sensors but are to be determined by an appropriate transformation of the sensor reliabilities. We restrict the analysis to the non-redundant [1] sensor network design problems for steady-state, linear processes. We demonstrate the proposed strategies of equivalence on a hydrodealkylation (HDA) flowsheet and also demonstrate the use of the duality principle to design sensor networks that have constraints on reliability as well as variances. We further show the use of duality theory in designing sensor networks for a steam-metering network by explicit optimization. It is thus shown that the proposed duality can be used to (i) solve reliability and precision 191 problems efficiently, and (ii) evaluate tradeoffs and select sensor network designs which result in highly reliable as well as high precision networks. The remainder of the article is structured as follows: To begin with, we present a brief definition of the terminologies used in the article. This is followed by the proposed theory of duality between precision and reliability. Subsequently, representative formulations involving both reliability and precision are proposed. We then show the use of the proposed duality to transform these formulations into either of these (precision or reliability) frameworks. Finally, case studies on HDA and steam-metering network are presented to demonstrate the duality concept and the utility of the proposed formulations. Remark 1. The relation between variance and precision can be qualitatively expressed as 2. Preliminary definitions Network variance: Similar to the approach taken by Ali and Narasimhan [1] for the reliability case, we define the network variance to be the maximum variance amongst all variables. Hence, if r2 is the network variance, then We now briefly list the definitions of some of the terms that have been used in this article [13,14]. Non-redundant sensor network design: A sensor network that employs minimum number of sensors (number of variables – number of equations) is referred to as non-redundant sensor network design. The following discussion is for the non-redundant case. Observability: A sensor network is said to be observable if all the process variables can be estimated, either based on their direct measurement or their relationships with other measured variables. Reliability: Reliability of a variable is the probability of estimating that variable for a given sensor network and the failure probabilities of the sensors [1]. For a measured variable, the reliability is equal to the reliability of the sensor while for an unmeasured variable, the reliability is equal to the product of the reliabilities of the sensors used for estimating the unmeasured variable. Hence, we can write the _ following expression for reliability Ri for any variable i as Y _ ai Ri ¼ ð1 sj Þ j 8i 2 N ð1Þ j2M where aij ¼ 1 if measurement on variable j is required to estimate variable i and is 0 otherwise. For a measured variable i, aij ¼ 1 only for i = j and "i 5 j the value of aij ¼ 0. The value of aij can be obtained from the reduced incidence matrix A. Variance: Variance is the uncertainty in the estimate of a variable for a given sensor network and noise variances of the sensors. For a measured variable, the variance is equal to the variance of the sensor used for measuring the variable while for an unmeasured variable, the variance is equal to the sum of the variances of the sensors used for estimating the unmeasured variable. Similar to the reliability case, we can then write the following expression for variance for any variable i X _2 ri ¼ aij r2j 8 i 2 N ð2Þ j2M Variance / 1 Precision i.e., lower the variance of an estimate, the more precise is the estimate and vice versa. Therefore, in this article, we have used variance and precision interchangeably. Network reliability: Ali and Narasimhan [1] have defined the network reliability to be the minimum reliability amongst all variables. In other words, if R is the network reliability, then _ R ¼ min Rj 8 j2N _ r2 ¼ max r 2j 8 j2N ð3Þ ð4Þ The above definitions are consistent with the idea of a chain being as strong as its weakest link [1]. 3. Theory of duality In this section, we present transformations that convert problems formulated for precision to those for reliability and vice versa. We first present the theory for transforming a problem defined in reliability space to precision space. Subsequently, we also show that the proposed theory of duality holds for the reverse problem, i.e., transformation of precision to reliability problems. 3.1. Formulation of reliability problem as an equivalent precision problem First, we show that a sensor network design problem for reliability maximization can be converted into an equivalent sensor network design problem for variance minimization with appropriately chosen sensor variances. In other words, given the sensor failure probabilities, we want to select the variables to be measured, so as to maximize network reliability. We pose this problem as one of choosing sensors so as to minimize the network variance of an appropriately transformed variance problem. The important issue here is an appropriate selection of these sensor variances so as to ensure the equivalence of the two approaches. Theorem 1 presents the necessary transformation to achieve this equivalence. Theorem 1. Given a mass flow network (in terms of its reduced incidence matrix A) along with the failure probabilities of the sensors (sj "j 2 N) which can be used to measure variables in the network, solving the reliability maximization problem is equivalent to solving an appropriate variance 192 minimization problem, where the equivalent variances of the sensors r2e;j are chosen as r2e;j ¼ lnð1 sj Þ ð5Þ or r2e;j ¼ lnðRj Þ ð6Þ Proof. We present the proof in two steps: In Step 1, we show that the proposed equivalence holds within a chosen sensor network M1. In Step 2, the equivalence is shown to hold across two sensor networks M1 and M2. Step 1: For a given observable sensor network M1, consider a situation when the reliability of the ith variable is the least amongst all the variables i.e., _ RM1 i _ 6 RM1 k 8k 2 N ð7Þ Thus for M1 the network reliability R is R M1 ¼ _ min RM1 j 8j2N ¼ _ RiM1 ð8Þ or in other words, variable i defines the network reliability for M1. We now show that if variance minimization problem is posed using the variances as specified by the proposed transformation (Eq. (5)), then variable i also determines the network variance for the sensor network M1, i.e., ðr2e Þ M1 _ ¼ maxðr 2e;j Þ M1 8j2N _ ¼ ðr 2e;i Þ M1 ð9Þ In other words _ ðr 2e;i Þ M1 _ P ðr 2e;k Þ M1 8k 2 N ð10Þ Using Eq. (2) the above condition is converted into X X aij r2e;j P akj r2e;j j2M1 We now ensure the equivalence between Eqs. (7) and (11) as follows: Since the reliability of a variable is a positive number, Eq. (7) can be written as _ ln RM1 P ln RM1 i k ð12Þ By making use of Eqs. (1), (12) can be written in terms of the failure probabilities of the selected sensors as, " # " # Y Y aij akj ln ð1 sj Þ P ln ð1 sj Þ ð13Þ j2M1 j2M1 Using Eq. (5), we have ! ! X X i 2 k 2 aj re;j P aj re;j j2M1 RM1 6 RM2 ð15Þ Consider that the reliabilities of M1 and M2 are respectively given by the reliabilities of variables p and q (p,q 2 N) as _ _ _ _ RM1 ¼ min RM1 ¼ RM1 j p ð16Þ 8j2N RM2 ¼ min RM2 ¼ RM2 j q ð17Þ 8j2N Then to prove the equivalence it is enough to show that using the suggested transform, the following also holds ðr2e Þ M1 P ðr2e Þ M2 ð18Þ where ðr2e Þ M1 ðr2e Þ M2 _ M1 ¼ ðr 2e;p Þ _ M1 ð19Þ _ M2 ¼ ðr 2e;q Þ _ M2 ð20Þ ¼ maxðr 2e;j Þ 8j2N ¼ maxðr 2e;j Þ 8j2N are the network variances for networks M1 and M2 respectively. The steps involved in showing this equivalence are analogous to those presented in Step 1 and are omitted for the sake of brevity. Steps 1 and 2 together complete the proof of Theorem 1. h ð11Þ j2M1 _ variance space. In Step 2, we additionally show that the ordering relationship holds across sensor networks, i.e., the ordering in reliability space is preserved (as before, in an inverse sense) in the variance space for different sensor networks. Step 2: For two different observable sensor networks M1 and M2, consider a situation when the reliability of M1 is lower than reliability of M2 ð14Þ j2M1 which is the desired relation (Eq. (11)). This step ensures that for a given sensor network M1, the ordering relation for the variables in reliability space is preserved (but in an inverse sense as required) in the Corollary 1. If all the sensor failure probabilities are equal ðsj ¼ s 8j 2 N Þ, then the equivalent sensor variances can be chosen as r2e;j ¼ b 8j 2 N where b is any positive number. 3.2. Formulation of precision problem as an equivalent reliability problem In this section, we show that a sensor network design problem for variance minimization can be converted into an equivalent sensor network design problem for reliability maximization, with appropriately chosen sensor failure probabilities. Theorem 2. Given a mass flow network (in terms of its reduced incidence matrix A) along with the variances ðr2j 8j 2 N Þ of the sensors which can be used to measure variables in the network, solving the variance minimization problem is equivalent to solving an appropriate reliability maximization problem, where the equivalent failure probabilities of the sensors se,j are chosen as se;j ¼ 1 expðr2j Þ ð21Þ 193 or 4.1. Maximization of network reliability Re;j ¼ expðr2j Þ ð22Þ Proof. The proof of Theorem 2 is analogous to the proof of Theorem 1 and is not presented here. h Corollary 2. If all the sensor variances are equal 2 2 8j 2 N , then the equivalent sensor failure probarj ¼ r bilities can be chosen as se,j = c "j 2 N where c is any number between 0 and 1. Remark 2. It is interesting to note that the transformation suggested in Eq. (5) also makes sense for the limiting cases: sj ! 0 ) r2e;j ! 0 i.e. a highly reliable sensor transforms to a high equivalent precision sensor, and a sensor with low reliability is transformed to a sensor with low equivalent precision. Similar observations also hold for Eqs. (21) and (22), since r2j ! 1 ) Re;j ! 0 P1 ðor se;j ! 0Þ ðor se;j ! 1Þ ð24Þ which can be interpreted as: when the sensor variance tends to zero, i.e., the sensor has high precision, the equivalent reliability tends to one signifying that the sensor is highly reliable. If the sensor variance increases, the equivalent reliability starts decreasing. Remark 3. It should be mentioned that while we have used negative of natural log (or log1/e) and 1/exponential (e1) transformations in Theorems 1 and 2 respectively, we could have used loga and power of a, for any a 2 (0, 1). The proof regarding use of power of a is given in Appendix 1. In this proof, we prove a much stronger result which states that any function f which transforms variance to equivalent 2 reliability has to be of the form f ðr2 Þ ¼ ar for any a such that 0 < a < 1. Similarly it can also be proved that any function g which transforms reliability to variance problem has to be of the form g(R) = lnaR for any a such that 0 < a < 1. For the sake of brevity, this proof is not provided in the article. 4. Applications of the duality theory for sensor network design In this section, we describe some of the applications of the proposed duality. The first two applications have been addressed in literature by different techniques. Here, we show that any of the two techniques can be used to solve these formulations. The formulations presented are only representative and several other problems can be formulated using the duality proposed in this article. Maxlj R s:t: R 6 Rj _ 8j 2 N lj 2 f0; 1g ð25Þ 8j 2 N where lj is 1 if the jth variable is measured and zero otherwise. Ali and Narasimhan [1] have addressed this problem by using greedy-search algorithms in a graph theoretic framework. This problem can be converted into an equivalent problem in the precision space as follows ð23Þ sj ! 1 ) r2e;j ! 1 r2j ! 0 ) Re;j ! 1 This problem involves choosing n m sensors to maximize network reliability for a given set of sensor failure probabilities. If the network reliability is R, then the design problem is posed as follows: P10 Minlj r2e s:t: r2e P r 2e;j _ lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N ð26Þ 8j2N The values of r2e;j are obtained from Rj using the proposed transformation (Eq. (6)). It can be seen that Problem P1 0 is then the dual of Problem P1 and can be solved as an explicit MINLP (formulation P3 presented later). 4.2. Minimization of network variance This problem requires the optimal placement of n m sensors to minimize network variance, for given sensor variances. If r2 represents the network variance, then the problem at hand is P2 Minlj r2 s:t: r2 P r 2j 8j 2 N lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N _ ð27Þ This problem can be converted into its reliability counterpart as 0 P2 Maxlj Re s:t: Re 6 Re;j _ lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N 8j 2 N Due to the proposed transformation, problem P2 0 is dual of P2 and can be solved using the graph theoretic based greedy-search algorithm proposed by Ali and Narasimhan [1]. Thus, using the proposed duality, graph theoretic approaches can be used to solve precision problems and similarly explicit optimization techniques can be used to handle reliability problems. We now present some problems, which have not been satisfactorily attempted in literature [15] due to the existing disconnect between reliability and precision problems. The equivalence between the reliability and precision problems developed in this article enables us to easily pose all these 194 problems either as appropriate graph theory problems or as appropriate explicit optimization formulations. 4.4. Minimization of network variance with constraints on the reliabilities 4.3. Maximization of network reliability with constraints on the variances A robust network may require that the network variance be minimized subject to reliabilities of some or all of the variables being above a threshold value. Mathematically, the problem can be represented as There are formulations in the literature for maximizing reliability [1] and minimizing cost [4]. However, a robust network may require that the network reliability be maximized while ensuring that some or all of the variances are below threshold values. This problem can be posed as Maxlj R s:t: R 6 Rj _ F1 ð28Þ 6 r2 8i 2 V ; V N i lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N This problem can be posed in any of the following two ways: (a) Maximize network reliability subject to constraints that equivalent reliability be greater than or equal to the equivalent reliability threshold values as Maxlj R s:t: R 6 Rj _ 8j 2 N _ Re;i P Re;i 8i 2 V ; lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N ð29Þ V N It can be seen that the original problem in reliability and precision space has been converted into a problem in reliability space alone. The values of the equivalent threshold reliabilities and equivalent sensor reliabilities can be determined by Eq. (22). (b) Minimize network equivalent variance subject to constraints that the variances be less than or equal to their threshold values. F3 Minlj r2e s:t: r2e P r 2e;j _ _2 ri r2 s:t: r2 P r 2j _ _ Ri P Ri 8j 2 N r2 i 8j 2 N ð30Þ 6 8i 2 V ; V N lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N This consists of transforming the original problem into its equivalent problem in precision framework. Remark 4. Comparing between formulations F1 and F2, it is seen that the variance threshold constraints in F1 have been replaced by equivalent threshold constraints on reliability in F2. Without these constraints the two formulations are the same. Addition of these constraints still preserves the equivalence between F1 and F2 since any observable sensor network satisfying (not satisfying) the constraints on threshold variances in F1, will also satisfy (not satisfy) the constraints on threshold reliabilities in F2. Similar arguments hold for equivalence of F1 and F3. ð31Þ 8i 2 V ; V N lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N _2 ri F2 F4 Minlj 8j 2 N This problem can equivalently be posed either in the reliability framework or in the precision framework as (a) Maximize network equivalent reliability subject to constraints that the reliabilities are greater than or equal to their threshold values. Let this formulation which is written using only reliability constraints be labeled F5. (b) Minimize network variance subject to constraints that equivalent variances be less than or equal to their equivalent threshold values. Let this formulation be labeled F6. Formulations F5 and F6 can be easily modified for the case where certain variables are subject to original precision constraints as well. In all the above formulations, graph theoretic approaches [1] can be explored for solving the problems P1, P2 0 , F2 and F5, which are in the reliability framework. The formulations P1 0 , P2, F3 and F6 are in the precision framework. These can be posed as MINLPs [4] as shown later (formulation P3). Any available MINLP solution tool can be used for solving these. Also, Bagajewicz and Cabrera [4] have shown the conversion of these MINLPs into equivalent MILPs (at the cost of increasing problem size). Chmielewski et al. [15] have converted these MINLPs into equivalent convex-MINLPs using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). These approaches can also be tried for solving the precision problems. Remark 5. In literature, Bagajewicz and Sanchez [10] have incorporated simultaneous reliability and precision constraints in a cost minimization approach. This approach however involves tree based enumeration [3] and not an explicit optimization strategy, since evaluation of reliability and variance require constructive constraints (involves a procedure for reliability and variance calculation for a given sensor network). Such enumeration based schemes are not efficient for large systems. Later, even though Bagajewicz and Cabrera [4] incorporated variance constraints in an explicit optimization formulation, no similar approach has been presented for the reliability constraints. The duality proposed in the current work addresses this shortcoming by providing an equivalence between reliability and precision. This equivalence obviates the need to 195 pose reliability requirements as constructive constraints, thereby facilitating the use of explicit optimization to solve the proposed formulations. 4.5. Pareto-optimal solutions An ideal sensor network should have a high network reliability as well as low network variance. However, very often there is a trade-off between these objectives since maximization of network reliability may lead to an increase in the network variance and vice versa. In multi-objective optimization literature, the set of solutions characterizing trade-offs between competing objectives are typically represented as pareto-optimal solutions. The pareto-optimal solutions are the set of non-dominated solutions. A solution is said to be non-dominated if it is feasible and there is no other feasible solution which has better values of both objectives [16]. In this section, we discuss a special case of formulation F4 which helps us to determine these trade-offs typically characterized by a pareto-optimal front. In formulation F4, let the required threshold reliabilities for all the variables Ri ; 8 i 2 N be R*. The resulting formulation is labeled F7 for the discussion below. It is easy to see that R* corresponds to a threshold on network reliability. Formulation F7 can now be solved for different values of thresholds on network reliability (i.e. different R* values) to obtain corresponding lowest network variances and thus a trade-off can be generated. An important point to be noted is that the optimal solution of formulation F7 need not necessarily be pareto-optimal since multiple solutions may exist due to combinatorial nature of the problem. To understand this, consider a scenario when the solution of F7 is r2optimal for a threshold on the network reliability equal to R*. While r2optimal is the best possible network variance under the constraint that the network reliability is greater than or equal to R*, it may however be possible to design a network with a higher network reliability without compromising on the network variance. In order to find such pareto-optimal points, we need to solve the following additional problem in sequence with that in formulation F7. Maxlj R s:t: r2 P r 2j _ _ F8 8i 2 N R 6 Ri RPR 8j 2 N ð32Þ r2 ¼ r2optimal lj 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N The above formulation ensures that the highest network reliability is obtained for the optimal network variance r2optimal . It is obvious that if ðR ; r2optimal Þ is a pareto-point, the solution to F8 will be R = R*. The above formulations F7 and F8 can be converted into either reliability or variance framework according to the solution technique to be used. In the steam-metering case study presented later, the variance framework is used. For easy referencing, let the equivalent variance-framework formulations for formulations F7 and F8 be labeled F9 and F10 respectively. Both the formulations F9 and F10 can be solved as explicit optimization problems and hence it can be seen that the proposed duality helps in the determination of pareto-front using an explicit optimization approach. Remark 6. Instead of formulation F4, formulation F1 can also be suitably modified to obtain the trade-offs between network variance and network reliability. These trade-offs will be exactly similar to those obtained from F7 and F8. 5. Case studies In this section, we discuss two case studies to substantiate the theory of duality and demonstrate its utility by solving the above formulations. The HDA process is an example of mid-size flowsheet and the steam-metering network is a large-size flowsheet. The results reported in this work for the HDA case study are obtained by explicit enumeration. The results for steam-metering network have been obtained by explicit optimization in GAMS [17] and have also been verified for global optimality using explicit enumeration. 5.1. Hydrodealkylation (HDA) network The Hydrodealkylation (HDA) [2] of toluene is a midsize flowsheet (14 variables and seven equations). This flowsheet has a total of 14C7 sensor network combinations. Of these, only 992 combinations form an observable network. Using this process we demonstrate the concept of equivalence and its application to the formulations of previous section. The necessary data including dimensionless variances for this case study have been presented in Tables 1 and 2. (a) Given sensor failure probabilities, design the most reliable network (formulation P1): The cases for equal and unequal sensor reliabilities in Table 1 are from Ali and Narasimhan [2]. The results are shown in Table 1. For the case of equal sensor reliabilities, there are 55 globally optimal solutions with a network reliability of 0.729. We were able to obtain all these 55 sensor configurations by solving the problem of minimization of the equivalent network variance (formulation P1 0 ). For the case of unequal sensor reliabilities, there is a single globally optimal solution with network reliability of 0.4336 and this solution is also obtained by minimizing the equivalent network variance (formulation P1 0 ). (b) Given sensor variances, design a network with maximum precision (formulation P2): Again consider the HDA process with the randomly generated variances as reported in Table 1. The results have been presented in Table 1. For the equal variances case, there 196 Table 1 Data and results for HDA process Equal and unequal sensor reliabilities Data Case 1 Equal Sensor reliabilities Case 2 Unequal Sensor reliabilities Results Objective Case 1 Case 2 Maximization of reliability Minimization of equivalent variance Maximization of reliability Minimization of equivalent variance Equal and unequal sensor variances Data Case 1 Equal sensor variances Case 2 Unequal sensor variances Results Objective Case 1 Case 2 a Minimization of variance Maximization of equivalent Reliability Minimization of variance Maximization of equivalent reliability 0.9 for each sensor {0.6800, 0.8400, 0.7500, 0.6300, 0.9100, 0.7700, 0.8300, 0.9000, 0.8600, 0.7300, 0.6600, 0.7600, 0.7200, 0.8800} Objective value Number feasible solutions Number optimal solutions Optimal measurements 0.7290 0.3161 0.4336 0.8356 992 992 992 992 55 55 1 1 {1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14}a {1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14}a {2,5,6,8,9,10,11} {2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11} 0.32 for each sensor {0.8462, 0.5252, 0.2026, 0.6721, 0.8381, 0.0196, 0.6813, 0.3795, 0.8318, 0.5028, 0.7095, 0.4289, 0.3046, 0.1897} Objective value Number feasible solutions Number optimal solutions Optimal measurements 0.9600 0.3829 1.3999 0.2466 992 992 992 992 55 55 2 2 {1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14}a {1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14}a {2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14}a {2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14}a Sample optimal solution. Table 2 Results for HDA to maximize reliability subject to precision constraints and minimize variance subject to reliability constraints Data Threshold reliabilities Threshold variances {0.4570, 0.7881, 0.2811, 0.2248, 0.9089, 0.0073, 0.5887 0.5421, 0.6535, 0.3134, 0.2312, 0.4161, 0.2988, 0.6724} {6.1068, 3.3057, 3.0011, 1.4202, 7.3270, 1.5161, 2.7363 3.4982, 6.0345, 3.2106, 3.2247, 9.5335, 6.3163, 7.7431} Results Formulation Mixed framework Reliability framework Precision framework Maximize reliability subject to precision constraints Objective 0.4336 No. of feasible solutions 518 No. of optimal solutions 1 Optimal measurements {2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11} 0.4336 518 1 {2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11} 0.8356 518 1 {2,5,6,8,9,10,11} Minimize variance subject to reliability constraints Objective 2.0354 No. of feasible solutions 19 No. of optimal solutions 2 Optimal measurements {2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14}a 0.1306 19 2 {2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14}a 2.0354 19 2 {2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14}a a Sample optimal solution. are 55 optimal sensor configurations which are identical to those obtained for equal reliabilities situation in case a. This result is as expected based on Corollary 1. For the unequal case, there are however only two optimal configurations. The results for the maximization of the equivalent network reliability (formulation P2 0 ) also confirm these findings. (c) Design the most reliable network with constraints on variances (formulation F1): This problem involves the optimal placement of sensors such that the network reliability is maximized while satisfying the precision constraints. The threshold variances are given in Table 2. We have enumerated the solution space for all the three frameworks: combined (formulation F1), exclusively in reliability framework (formulation F2) and exclusively in precision framework (formulation F3). The results have been given in Table 2. This problem has one single global optimum and this is achieved in all the three frameworks thereby validating the proposed equivalence. (d) Design the most precise network with constraints on reliability (formulation F4): This problem is complimentary to the above problem. Here the objective is to design a sensor network with least variance subject 197 to constraints on the reliabilities of variables. In this example, we have reliability constraints on all the variables (given in Table 2). The results are listed in Table 2. It can be seen that there are multiple (2) optima. These two solutions are obtained in all the three frameworks (formulations F4, F5 and F6). 12 4 10 11 16 4 3 9 5 2 2 15 1 5 6 22 17 1 3 25 9 24 8 18 13 23 14 6 10 27 5.2. Steam-metering network The steam-metering system shown in Fig. 1 is of a methanol synthesis unit and has been used in [1,2,18,19]. The steam-metering network is an example of large-size flowsheet (28 variables, 11 units). Using this flowsheet, we demonstrate the utility of equivalence in solving existing and novel formulations by means of explicit optimization. This flowsheet has a total of 28C11 sensor combinations with 1,243,845 observable networks. We solve all the proposed formulations using explicit optimization approach (i.e., consider precision framework for all the proposed formulations). The sensor failure probabilities, sensor variances, threshold reliabilities, and threshold variances are given in Table 3. Before discussing the results, the explicit optimization problem for the minimization of network variance is presented next in some detail. 19 7 26 7 8 5.2.1. Optimization formulation While formulation P2 states the problem of minimization of network variance, it does not explicitly specify the equations/constraints required for calculation of _2 r j 8j 2 N irrespective of the chosen sensor network. Such constraints are required for this formulation to be posed as an explicit optimization problem. For this purpose, formulation P2 is modified [4] as shown next: 21 20 11 28 Fig. 1. Steam-metering network [1]. Table 3 Data for steam-metering network Vars. Sen. Rel. Eq. var Th. Rel. Eq. Th. var Sen. Var. Th. var 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0.7340 0.8570 0.8890 0.9220 0.6560 0.8750 0.7770 0.8620 0.7070 0.6540 0.6850 0.8630 0.8000 0.8230 0.8550 0.9430 0.7690 0.8560 0.7610 0.6780 0.8770 0.8980 0.6750 0.7990 0.9430 0.7440 0.7250 0.8750 0.3092 0.1543 0.1177 0.0812 0.4216 0.1335 0.2523 0.1485 0.3467 0.4246 0.3783 0.1473 0.2231 0.1948 0.1567 0.0587 0.2627 0.1555 0.2731 0.3886 0.1312 0.1076 0.393 0.2244 0.0587 0.2957 0.3216 0.1335 0.6340 0.5016 0.7890 0.8220 0.3800 0.3813 0.6770 0.7620 0.1872 0.5540 0.5850 0.3480 0.7000 0.7230 0.7550 0.2794 0.1772 0.7560 0.6610 0.5780 0.1824 0.7980 0.5750 0.3436 0.8430 0.6440 0.2822 0.3348 0.4557 0.6900 0.2370 0.1960 0.9676 0.9642 0.3901 0.2718 1.6756 0.5906 0.5361 1.0556 0.3567 0.3243 0.2810 1.2751 1.7305 0.2797 0.4140 0.5482 1.7016 0.2256 0.5534 1.0683 0.1708 0.4401 1.2651 1.0942 6.8611 2.8471 16.7043 7.6741 10.4099 12.7337 1.2750 21.0758 6.3127 25.2903 8.0394 10.9326 14.0090 2.6323 3.6552 3.7080 10.5511 2.6194 4.2917 1.5561 10.7706 6.2972 13.0402 12.9512 9.3099 7.9517 13.5968 12.5028 16.8611 22.8471 37.3823 17.6741 20.4099 22.7337 11.2750 31.0758 55.4944 27.2710 38.2036 20.9326 35.5808 12.6323 13.6552 36.5397 62.7123 12.6194 14.2917 11.5561 22.3745 16.2972 23.0402 35.6120 19.3099 17.9517 35.2836 40.5836 Vars. – Variables; Sen. Rel. – Sensor reliabilities; Eq. var – Equivalent sensor variances; Th. Rel. – Threshold reliabilities; Eq. Th. var. – Equivalent Threshold variances; Sen. var. – Sensor variances; Th. var. – Threshold variances. 198 Minlj;k ;P s:t: P3 r2 _ r P r 2j _ _2 r j ¼ Sðj;jÞ _ 2 8j 2 N S ¼ S S:AT :P:A:S PðA:S:AT Þ ¼ Imm N P lj;1 ¼ n m ð33Þ j¼1 N P lj;2 ¼ m j¼1 2 P lj;k ¼ 1; 8j 2 N k¼1 lj;k 2 f0; 1g 8j 2 N ; k 2 f1; 2g b is the covariance matrix of reconciled estimates, P where S is the inverse of A.S.AT and has been introduced to avoid the symbolic inversion of A.S.AT, Im·m is the identity matrix of size m · m, and S is the given sensor variance matrix. The off-diagonal elements of S are zero (under the assumption that noise in different sensors is uncorrelated) and the jth diagonal element corresponds to the variance of the sensor selected for measuring jth variable. If variable j is not measured by its sensor (lj,1 = 0), then it is assumed to be measured by a fake sensor (lj,2 = 1) with large variance L (theoretically infinite). The choice of L has been a subject of discussion in the literature in terms of the scaling issues it introduces in the formulation. Similar to Bagajewicz and Cabrera’s work [4] the value of L is taken to be 1000. The explicit optimization formulation given by Eq. (33) is an MINLP. This can be reformulated into an MILP as shown by Bagajewicz and Cabrera [4]. Here, we restrict ourselves to MINLP because this conversion may have time issues due to large number of variables. Also, it can be seen that Eq. (33) depends only on the reduced incidence matrix A. Moreover, it is also valid for redundant sensor network design cases. It is to be noted that no such explicit optimization procedure is available in literature for the reliability framework. Hence, in this case study all formulations (reliability or precision or combined) have been solved using the framework defined by P3. The resulting optimization problems presented in this section have been solved on GAMS [17] platform with SBB as the MINLP solver. The results for various formulations are presented below: (a) Given sensor failure probabilities, design the most reliable network (formulation P1): We transform this problem from reliability framework to precision framework. The resulting problem was of type P3 formulated using equivalent variances. The results are given in Table 4. The minimum equivalent variance of the network was found to be 1.262. This optimal equivalent network variance was converted back to network reliability as 0.2831 and agreed with the Table 4 Results for steam-metering network Results for steam-metering network to maximize reliability (explicit optimization Eq. (25)) Initial guess Real 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Fake 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Binary variables 56 Continuous variables 121 Optimal measurements {3,4,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,23,24,26} Objective value Equivalent network variance = 1.262, Corresponding network reliability = 0.2831 No. of optimal solutions 92 Results for steam-metering network to minimize variance (explicit optimization Eq. (27)) Initial guess Real 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Fake 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Binary variables 56 Continuous variables 121 Optimal measurements {1 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 26} Objective value 41.732 No. of optimal solutions 18 Results for steam-metering network to maximize reliability subject to precision constraints (explicit optimization Eq. (28)) Initial guess Real 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fake 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Binary variables 56 Continuous variables 242 Optimal measurements {1 2 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 25 26} Objective value Equivalent network variance = 1.262, Corresponding network reliability = 0.2831 No. of optimal solutions 2 Results for steam-metering network to minimize variance subject to reliability constraints (explicit optimization Eq. (31)) Initial guess Real 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 Fake 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Binary variables 56 Continuous variables 242 Optimal measurements {1 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 14 15 16 18 20 22 23 26 27} Objective value 42.172 No. of optimal solutions 1 199 literature value [1]. The optimality of the solution was also verified by explicit enumeration. This enumeration further revealed the existence of 91 additional optimal solutions which is once-again in agreement with the value reported in literature [1]. (b) Given sensor variances, design the maximum precision network (formulation P2): This problem was posed as in P3 and the results are reported in Table 4. The network variance was found to be 41.732. This was verified by enumeration which also revealed the existence of 17 additional optimal solutions. The objective function value (network variance) for these 18 optimal solutions was found to be 45.3038 by enumeration. No reported results are available in literature for this case. Remark 7. As seen above, there is a difference between the optimal network variance as calculated by enumeration and explicit optimization. This difference is due to the approximation of the variance (L) of fake sensor by 1000 instead of infinity which affects the results in the optimization approach. (c) Given sensor failure probabilities and variances, design the most reliable network with constraints on variances (formulation F1): This problem was posed as in P3 with additional constraints on threshold variances (listed in column 7, Table 3). On solving, the network variance was found to be 1.262 and the corresponding network reliability is 0.2831. The results have been reported in Table 4. It can be seen that the network reliability remains unaffected (case a) despite the addition of the constraints on variances. However, the number of optimal solutions satisfying the variance requirement is reduced to two. Hence the designer should choose one of these two sensor networks. (d) Given sensor variances and failure probabilities, design the most precise network with constraints on reliability (formulation F4): The results for this scenario with threshold reliabilities listed in Table 3 are shown in Table 4. The network variance was found to be 42.172 by optimization but the actual value by enumeration was found to be 45.3038. It can be seen that while the network variance has remained unaffected (case b) despite the additional constraints on reliabilities, the number of optimal solutions satisfying the reliability requirements has been reduced to one. The designer should choose this sensor network to satisfy reliability requirements while maximizing precision. The other 17 optimal solutions for case b will not meet the reliability requirements. Also, other criteria (such as cost) can be easily included in the optimization formulation to select even more promising sensor networks. The above four cases (a–d) demonstrate the utility of the proposed equivalence in formulating and solving various sensor network design problems. Even though the formulations have been solved in the explicit optimization based variance framework, the duality acts as a link which enables formulation of these problems in a graph theory based reliability framework as well. 5.2.2. Pareto-optimal solutions To determine the pareto-front, we solve the explicit optimization formulation as presented in formulations F9 and F10, i.e., we will minimize the network variance with constraints on the network reliability. The thresholds on network reliability (R*) used to determine the pareto solutions are given in Table 5a. The equivalent threshold network variance ðr2 e Þ can be obtained by the use of Eq. (6). Thus, we can now solve formulation F9 to obtain the minimum network variance r2optimal . Further, to uncover the pareto-optimal solutions, we solve formulation F10. The equivalent network variances obtained by solving formulation F10 are given in Table 5a and the corresponding network reliability is calculated using the sensor configuration. The equivalent network variances could have been converted to their corresponding network reliability using Eq. (22) but this may propagate the error due to the approximation involved in using a finite value for L. Table 5a also lists all the pareto-optimal solutions constituted by the four points A, B, C and D. A complete inspection of the solution space also confirmed the existence of these four pareto-optimal points. Additionally, this inspection revealed that these pareto-optimal points were characterized by multiple realizations i.e., sensor networks with different configurations but the same objective function values. The points A, B, C and D are characterized by 19, 9, 2 and 16 realizations respectively. From Table 5a, it can be seen that the points D and A represent the best solutions if only the objective of network reliability or Table 5a Results of pareto-front Tag A B C D Threshold reliabilities R* r2 e 0.1000 0.2000 0.2700 0.2800 2.3026 1.6094 1.309 1.273 r2optimal 42.172 42.547 46.203 47.861 Maximum reliability Pareto solution (R, r2) r2e R Explicit optimization Complete inspection 1.823 1.309 1.262 1.262 0.1591 0.2692 0.2793 0.2824 (0.1591, (0.2692, (0.2793, (0.2824, (0.1591, (0.2692, (0.2793, (0.2824, 42.172) 42.547) 46.203) 47.861) No. of realizations 45.3038) 45.4944) 50.3081) 51.7458) 19 9 2 16 Note: To minimize the error propagation of L used in explicit optimization, the network reliability in the above table has been calculated from the optimal network configuration (Table 5b) instead of r2e . 200 Table 5b Network configuration of pareto-front Tag Optimal measurements A B C D 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 4 5 4 5 5 6 5 6 6 7 6 7 7 8 7 9 8 11 8 11 11 13 12 Network Variance D 47 C 46 45 44 43 B A 42 0.7 0.72 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 26 26 26 26 While the duality does not guarantee optimality for the redundant case, it can still be used to generate optimal or close to optimal solutions for such problems. In a simulation case study on an ammonia example [1], the proposed transformation reached the global optimal network in 73% of the randomly generated test cases for solving reliability maximization problem using variance framework. Issues related to the formal extension of this duality to the redundant case are currently under investigation. 49 48 14 14 14 14 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 1-Network Reliability Fig. 2. Pareto-front for steam-metering network. network variance is to be optimized. If there are no rigid requirements on variance, point B can be chosen in favor of point A as the increase in reliability is very large compared to the increase in variance. Table 5b shows one realization of the network configuration for each of the pareto points and Fig. 2 shows a pictorial representation of the pareto points. In this figure, to facilitate easy interpretation, (1 R) has been plotted versus variance, since the maximization of network reliability (R) is equivalent to the minimization of (1 R). This pareto-front can help the designer in making an informed choice as it shows the tradeoffs between the network reliability and the network variance. Remark 8. The current limitation of working in precision framework is the lack of availability of robust solvers for solving MINLP problems. In Table 4, initial guesses are also listed since the optimal solutions were found to be dependent on the initial guesses. In general, convergence to a globally optimal solution is not guaranteed from arbitrary initial guesses. The transformation of MINLP to MILP (which are not sensitive to initial guesses) increases the computational burden [4]. Remark 9. Redundant sensor network design: Though the duality proposed in this article is applicable for non-redundant sensor networks, there may be situations where additional variables need to be measured (redundant case). Remark 10. It can be seen from Eq. (22) that the transformation from variance to reliability is essentially mapping the interval [0,1] to the interval [0, 1]. This may lead to a situation where as the variance gets larger, the reliability becomes smaller, leading to numerical difficulties while solving the problem in the reliability framework. To overcome this problem, Eq. (22) can be modified as ! r2j Re;j ¼ exp ð34Þ r2scale where r2scale is a scaling factor (with same dimensions as variance) and can be chosen to be the maximum variance from the list of sensor variances though it can be any positive number in general. 6. Conclusions In this work, we have proposed a duality between the precision and reliability problems for non-redundant sensor network design problems for linear processes. This duality provides an elegant theoretical link between the precision and reliability frameworks. This link enables formulation of reliability problems as equivalent precision problems and vice versa. It also enables formulation of the optimal sensor location problem taking into consideration both reliability and precision in a single framework. This framework can be either in terms of precision or reliability and this flexibility helps the designer in efficiently evaluating trade-offs and identifying the best sensor network for the problem at hand. At an application level, the proposed equivalence can be used to solve several other sensor network design problems such as the design of a minimal cost network subject to reliability and precision constraints. Any other combination of cost, reliability and precision can also be considered, with or without constraints on these objectives. Extension of the proposed 201 duality for redundant and non-linear processes is currently under investigation. ðA:1Þ ðA:6Þ a c0 < a a Also, since a > c0 we get (on taking powers of a), a a < a c0 ðA:7Þ since 0 < a < 1. Comparing Eqs. (A.6) and (A.7) we get a contradiction. Hence, the statement f(c) 5 ac is incorrect, and indeed f(c) = ac. Now, since f(r) = ar for r rational and irrational, the claim that f(r) = ar for r 2 [0, 1) is proved. h ðA:2Þ References Appendix 1 For every non-negative real number a, we want to associate another real number f(a) 2 [0, 1] such that the following property holds: If a 1 þ a 2 þ þ a n 6 b 1 þ b 2 þ þ bm The relation c > a ) f(c) < f(a). Since a is rational f(a) = aa. Then then f ða1 Þf ða2 Þ f ðan Þ P f ðb1 Þf ðb2 Þ f ðbm Þ where ai, bj 2 [0, 1) and incase of strict inequality in Eq. (A.1), strict inequality in Eq. (A.2) also holds. Claim. The map f : [0, 1) ! [0, 1] satisfying the above property is of the form f(a) = aa for some a 2 (0, 1). Proof. Consider equality in Eq. (A.1), then the equality should also be valid in Eq. (A.2). Without loss of generality, let f(1) = a where a 2 (0, 1). We claim that f(a) = aa for every a 2 [0, 1). Assume that f(0) 5 0. Since, 0 + 0 = 0, we get f(0)f(0) = f(0). Hence, f(0) = 1. Now, let n 2 N be a positive integer. Then 1 + 1 + + 1(n times) = n. Hence, we get n f ð1Þf ð1Þ f ð1Þ ¼ f ðnÞ ) f ðnÞ ¼ ðf ð1ÞÞ ¼ an Also, 1 1 1 1 1¼ þ þ þ ðn timesÞ ) f n n n n 1 1 ¼ ðf ð1ÞÞn ¼ an Now let m 2 N be another positive integer. Then m m 1 1 1 ¼ þ þ þ ðm timesÞ ) f n n n n n m 1 m ¼ f ¼ an n ðA:3Þ ðA:4Þ In other words, for every non-negative rational number q, f(q) = aq. We now additionally show that for any non-negative irrational number c, f(c) = ac. To show this (by contradiction), let f(c) = b 5 ac. 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