1 Behavioral Model Using Conjectural Variation in Power Markets Considering the Effect of Contracts Sangamesh G. Sakri, Student Member, IEEE, N. Sasi Kiran, and S. A. Khaparde, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— Introduction of competition in the generation sector has resulted in an interest for modeling the behavior of competitors for all strategic decisions. The behavioral model using Conjectural Variation (CV) will play a key role in the prediction of behavior of all constituents of power market. The conjecture of a firm is defined as its belief or expectation about how its opponents will react to a change in its output. Since there is an absence of any confidential information, the CV based model has to be based on past data. In this paper, the following applications are reported. (a) An optimal bidding strategy, based on CV, to obtain the coefficients of affine supply function. For this, the elasticity of demand is also considered. The method, as applied to a practical system, is illustrated. (b) The effect of contracts on a pool based spot market. In this analysis, we study the effect of contracts on bids of generating companies, and the market power exercised by them. Simulation results for different sample systems are presented, which substantiate the analytic conclusions. Index Terms— Conjectural variation, forward market, market power, optimal bidding, supply function equilibrium. I. I NTRODUCTION ITH restructuring of electricity markets taking place around the globe, many new problems have been posed with regard to the operation and design of these markets. The strategic decisions now necessarily involve economics, law and behavioral modeling of participants in addition to forecasting. The major source of errors in the decision making process arise from inaccuracies in modeling. Further, the information available for modeling is limited because of the introduction of competition in electricity market. This available information is also imperfect and the uncertainty inherent to it has to be taken care of. Hence, a proper model for the behavior of market participants is now a paramount requirement, as has been never before, for solving different problems – optimal bidding is one such. Several approaches have been proposed for modeling the behavior of system operator and market players under different market conditions to solve the optimal bidding problem. However, use of either game theory, dynamic programming or Markov decision process suffers from the curse of dimensionality. An optimal bidding approach with modeling of imperfect information has been proposed in [1]. In this, the bidding is in terms of coefficients of affine function relating price and quantity. The bids of other competitors are taken as a normal distribution and a simulation method based on the Monte Carlo W Sangamesh G. Sakri is with PDA College of Engineering Gulbarga, Karnataka, India, Email: sgsakri@iitb.ac.in. N. Sasikiran obtained his Masters Degree from IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Email: nsasikiran@iitb.ac.in. S. A. Khaparde is with IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Email: sak@ee.iitb.ac.in. method has been used. However, it is not definitely known whether the bids of competitors follow a normal distribution. An actor-critic learning algorithm has been presented in [2] wherein a Genco continuously learns from the bidding process. However, this method requires estimates of cost curves of the competing generators. In some behavioral models, the whole system is taken into consideration for analyzing market power and learning capabilities of each of the individual market players. In [3], a fuzzy methodology has been proposed for strategic bidding, which takes into account the uncertainty in parameters like load demand, generator bid and cost. The multi-level fuzzy system extracts the market behaviors from historical data and this is used in the estimation of the generator bids. In [4], the behavior of the market participants has been modeled using a set of bidding actions for each possible discrete state of the state-space observed by the participant. Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been used to show that the agents learn and coevolve from the bidding process. However, the state-space of the trading agents becomes very large as the number of generators in the system is increased, thereby, increasing the computational complexity. The market power exercised by the generators is as much an issue of concern for the regulator as optimal bidding for the generators. Market power is the ability of a generator to raise the market price above the marginal price to earn more profit, leading to production inefficiencies and providing inefficient signals for new investment [5]. In [6], a comprehensive review of market power related issues in emerging electricity markets is given. Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE) [7] approach is used for the analysis of equilibrium, market power and electricity pricing estimation. A duopoly market has been analyzed using the SFE based pool spot market and a forward market modeled using CV in [8], however, the CVs have been assumed and not estimated. This idea has been extended to include multiple Gencos with affine marginal costs in [9]. In [10], a linear asymmetric SFE model, with transmission constraints, has been proposed to develop bidding strategies considering forward contracts. A similar approach has also been used in [11] to show that holding of transmission rights has influence on the market power. In [12], the method of supply functions has been used and bidding coefficients obtained using Conjectural Supply Function Equilibrium (CSFE) assuming inelastic demand. Generally, the SFE solution contains multiple equilibria and it is difficult to identify which of them represents the firm’s strategic behavior. The existence and uniqueness of a solution is difficult to establish except under very simple versions of ©2008 IEEE. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 03:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2 SFE models. Further, presence of differential equations in the SFE model increases the computational requirements [13]. Recently, CV based methods have been proposed to estimate the strategic behavior in electricity markets. In [14], the concept of CV was applied to electricity markets for the first time to optimize the dispatch of generators. The mathematical formulation for CV as applicable to electricity markets has also been given and the same has been used in our work. A CV based learning method has been proposed in [15], [16] in which each firm learns and dynamically modify its conjectures according to available information and then makes its optimal generation decision based on an updated CV. A theory and methodology of estimating the CVs of Gencos and the analysis of dynamic oligopoly behavior underlying market power has been developed in [17]. CV based methods have, so far, been used to obtain optimal dispatch. The main contribution of our work has been to obtain generator bids as parameters of linear supply function using CV and examine the CV based market model in the presence of contracts. The effect of contracts on the bids has been shown. The method of mitigating the market power exercised by the generators by use of contracts is analyzed using CV. A study of how a generator improves its optimal dispatch with forward contracts and the factors that could affect the strategic contracting behavior is also carried out. The following is the organization of the paper. In section II, a multi-player market model based on the concept of CV is presented. This model also incorporates the contracts that a generating company enters into. In section III, an optimal bidding problem is formulated. Its application to a market is illustrated and the results obtained are discussed. Section IV deals with the effect of contracts on the market with respect to bids made by generators and market power exercised by them. The results of simulations carried out on sample systems are presented. Finally, we draw our conclusions in section V. II. M ODEL FOR M ULTI - PLAYER M ARKET WITH C ONTRACTS In this section, a mathematical model based on Conjectural Variation based Bidding Strategy (CVBS) is proposed for generators to improve their strategic behavior. The relation for CV considering contracts is derived. Conjecture of a firm is its belief or expectation of how its opponents will react to a change of its output. In this work, forward contracts are considered. The model can be considered as a two-stage game of a forward contract market and a bid based pool spot market. Uniform pricing market model that is used in many power markets (e.g., England and Wales, PJM and NEMMCO) has been considered. Here, the spot market is modeled with CV. In the first stage, trading takes place in the forward market, then production occurs in the second stage and agents meet in the spot market. The optimal decisions are derived considering the positions initiated in the forward market. Consider an n firm spot electricity market with the following inverse demand function, p = r − sQe (1) Here, p is the price of the electricity, s is the slope of the the inverse demand curve, r is its intercept and Q e is the total generation in the system. Generator i, producing q i is offering a contract quantity x i at a price f . This generator has a production cost of C i (q). It will, therefore, have a profit function, πi = pqi + (f − p)xi − Ci (qi ) (2) = p(qi − xi ) + f xi − Ci (qi ) i = 1, 2, · · · , n Using the following expression for the cost function, 1 2 ci q + ai qi (3) 2 i Using (1) and (3) in 2), we have the following expression for the profit, Ci (qi ) = 1 πi = (r − sQe )(qi − xi )+ f xi − ci qi2 − ai qi 2 i = 1, 2, · · · , n (4) Assuming that each generation firm is rationally aiming at maximizing its profit, then the corresponding optimization problem for firm i can be defined as, max πi s.t. Qe = n qi i=1 qmin ≤ qi ≤ qmax i For maximizing the profit of a generator, dπ dqi = 0 ⎞ ⎛ n dq dπi j⎠ − ci qi − ai = (r − sQe ) − s(qi − xi ) ⎝1 + dqi dqi j=1,j=i (5) By definition, conjectural variation γ i of a firm i is the response of its competitors to change in its own production [14], n dqj dq−i γi = = (6) dqi dqi j=1,j=i Where q−i is the quantity of a pseudo-generator representing all other generators considered together. r−s qi = ⇒ qi = n j=1,j=i qj − ai + xi s(1 + n j=1,j=i γij ) s(2 + γi ) + ci r − sq−i − ai + xi s(1 + γi ) s(2 + γi ) + ci i = 1, 2, · · · , n (7) Therefore, the relation for CV using (7) is, γi = p − M Ci −1 s(qi − xi ) In the absence of contracts, p − M Ci −1 γi = s qi (8) (9) For each generator i, p, q i and xi can be obtained from historical data and the marginal cost (M C i ) is known to itself. Moreover, the parameters for a linear demand function are Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 03:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 3 known from historical records. Thus, a generator can estimate its CV. It can be noted from (7) that an increase in the i th generator’s forward sales directly affects its expected equilibrium output level, since q i is directly dependent on x i . III. O PTIMAL B IDDING USING CV Optimal bidding is one of the tasks that a generator has to carry out in restructured electricity markets. This is challenging because of the limited information available to develop the bids. Reasonable assumptions have to be made about the unknown information or it has to be obtained from past data. However, since CV can be estimated from the past data, a CV based optimal bidding method will be more appropriate. (Hence, optimal bidding based on CV can serve as a better method since CV can be reliably estimated from past data.) Some of the Independent System Operators (ISOs), e.g., NEMMCO, around the world are making the past bid data publicly available which can be used for estimating the future bids. In this work, we have used the past dispatch data of the generators for the purpose of validation. Consider a system with n generators. The generators are assumed to bid the coefficients of affine function relating price and quantity – α (constant coefficient) and β (linear coefficient), in the market. For any generator i with a dispatch qi and Market Clearing Price (MCP) p, the following equation holds, i = 1, 2, · · · , n (10) αi + βi qi = p Since the objective of any generator is to maximize its profit, therefore, we have, p qi − Ci (qi ) max Considering all other competitors as a single pseudocompetitor, the dispatch of generator i can be obtained from the CV estimation as, q−i,est = q−i,mean + γi (qi − qi,mean ) where q−i,mean and qi,mean are the means of the dispatches of the pseudo-generator and the generator under consideration which are obtained from the past bidding data. γ i is the CV of the ith generator which is calculated using (9). Finally, q −i,est is the estimate of the dispatch of the pseudo-generator. The mean values are considered for a time horizon representing different system conditions and they cover consecutive bidding periods over a time period. Thus, behavior of various market participants as well as different system condition are reflected in the CVs. Using (15) and (16) in (14), we get, Qo = q−i,mean + γi (qi − qi,mean ) + qi + K p p= [Qo − (q−i,mean − qi,mean γi − αi /βi (1 + γi ))] (18) (1/βi (1 + γi ) + K) The other constraint to be considered is the maximum and minimum generation limits. Thus, the formulation requires no data about the cost function of other generators. It is dependent only on the estimation of CV for each generator which can be obtained from the past data. Thus, we obtain p and β which will be submitted to the ISO as the bid along with α. TABLE I E STIMATED M ARKET S HARE OF F IRMS : S AMPLE S YSTEM 1 [18] (11) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The constraints are, n qi = Qe = q−i + qi (17) Rearranging the above equation and expressing in terms of MCP, the demand-supply constraint becomes, Here, Ci is the cost function of generator i. Using (10) in (11), we have, p − αi p − αi − Ci (12) max p βi βi qi,min ≤ qi ≤ qi,max (16) (13) Generator ID BW ER GSTONE HWPS LD LOYY LY MP STAN TARONG YWPS Market share 8.40 % 6.36 % 5.36 % 6.44 % 6.81 % 4.13 % 8.15 % 7.76 % 4.96 % 5.63 % 5.93 % (14) i=1 where qi,min and qi,max are the minimum and maximum generation limits and Q e represents the total generated power. Here, we consider de-centralized power market model. Therefore, Q e is the effective load as well, after considering the demand-price elasticity and it is given by, Qe = Qo − K p (15) where Qo is the maximum demand, K = 1/s is a nonnegative constant and s is the slope of the inverse demand function. In (12), α is fixed and the optimization is carried out to solve for p and β with constraints (13) and (14). A. Algorithm The following is the algorithm for determining the bids for a particular generator for a particular period. • Firstly, each generator computes, from the past data, made available by the ISO, the mean values of the power dispatched by all the other generating companies in the system and by itself along with the mean MCP. • The marginal cost of the mean power dispatched by the generator is then computed using its own cost curves. • Next, the demand-price elasticity is determined from the past data. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 03:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 4 TABLE II S IMULATION R ESULTS OF S AMPLE S YSTEM 1 W ITHOUT C ONTRACTS No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 • • • Generator ID BW ER GSTONE HWPS LD LOYY LY MP STAN TARONG YWPS γi 2.085 0.985 2.680 8.237 3.604 19.584 4.596 2.515 4.915 4.625 12.773 p Qe q−i qi βi profit $/MWh MWh MWh MWh $/MWh/MW $ 30.573 30.636 30.576 30.649 30.621 30.534 30.642 30.590 30.639 30.654 30.596 4301.504 4297.988 4301.318 4297.305 4298.809 4303.680 4297.653 4300.556 4297.853 4297.000 4300.239 3764.600 3867.030 33952.185 3900.371 3868.745 4050.843 3791.202 3806.346 3983.710 3941.956 3937.161 536.904 430.957 349.134 396.934 430.064 252.837 506.451 494.209 314.143 355.045 363.078 0.062 0.037 0.071 0.224 0.102 0.448 0.132 0.073 0.132 0.129 0.320 16864.457 7243.515 8522.181 28792.328 16587.844 24431.185 28293.637 16434.048 11483.551 14071.629 34868.217 Using the above calculated parameters, the conjectural variation is calculated using (9) where the forecasted load information Q o is already available to the generator. The value of α in the bid is equal to coefficient a of the cost curve. Finally, the optimization problem, with objective function given by (12) and constraints given by (13) and (18), is solved for determining β of the bid. B. Application to a sample system The above developed model has been simulated for the system given in [18] (herein referred to as sample system 1), using the CONOPT solver of General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). The relevant data has been taken from [19]. The period for which data has been analyzed is from April 2002 to December 2002. From the data, the mean market clearing price during the time period under consideration has been found to be 28.55 $/MWh. The market share estimated is presented in Table I. The 11 generators considered are major players in an electricity market consisting of 58 generators, who operate among themselves 160 generating units. The 11 generators share almost about 70% of the total load amongst them and we concentrate on these generators for the analysis. Further details about the analysis of the data can be obtained from [18]. Since every generator has information about its own cost curve, the estimated cost curves have been used only for illustration. During the actual application of the algorithm, the generators can use their original cost curve to develop their bids. Therefore, the risks associated with inaccurate modeling of confidential information is eliminated. The parameters of the estimated cost curves are as given in [18]. Table II gives the results of the simulation carried out for each generating company. The value of the constant K is taken to be 55.556 and the demand considered is 6000 MW. For this market data, each generator has a CV greater than zero. This indicates that the behavior of the generators is monopolistic in nature [17]. The assumption of considering only the 11 prominent generators is done for simplifying the analysis. For an elaborate analysis, all the generators in the market can be considered. Further, instead of an average for the whole period, each individual bidding time period can be chosen. The past data corresponding to that particular time period will then have to be taken for calculation of CV and this can be done for all the time periods. However, further studies are needed for locating a simultaneous equilibrium of the market. The discussion on the multi-player market model with contracts is carried out in the next section. IV. E FFECT OF C ONTRACTS ON M ARKET Contractual arrangements, physical or financial, play an important role as a means of market power mitigation in electricity markets [20]. A generating company possessing market power needs strong motives to participate in a contract market since the company will get higher profits by exercising market power. However, since a contract hedges the risks of a spot market, it will help a generating company to commit more power at the production stage. Thus, the ability to commit a large quantity at the production stage is a strategic benefit in oligopolistic markets [21]. The following two sub-sections describe the impact of contracts on the two major aspects of the market, namely, generator bids and market power. A. Effect on Bidding To understand the effect of contracts on bidding, the CV based model is applied to a multi-generator system. The estimate of CV for this case is done using (8). The parameters of the generator cost curves for this system (labeled as sample system 2) are given in Table III. The objective function, which now includes contracts, is, p − αi p − αi − Ci + xi (f − p) (19) max p βi βi TABLE III PARAMETERS OF C OST C URVES OF G ENERATORS OF S AMPLE S YSTEM 2 Generator 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cost parameter ci Cost parameter ai $/(MWh-MWh) $/MWh 0.00834 0.0175 0.02 0.025 0.025 0.0625 3.25 1.75 2 3 3 1 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 03:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 5 TABLE IV S IMULATION R ESULTS OF S AMPLE S YSTEM 2 WITH C ONTRACTS γi Generator x = 75 x = 150 x = 200 Generator x = 75 x = 150 x = 200 Generator x = 75 x = 150 x = 200 Generator x = 75 x = 150 x = 200 Generator x = 75 x = 150 x = 200 Generator x = 75 x = 150 x = 200 1 x = 50 2 x = 50 3 x = 50 4 x = 50 5 x = 50 6 x = 50 -0.225 -0.225 -0.225 -0.225 -0.241 -0.241 -0.241 -0.241 -0.826 -0.826 -0.826 -0.826 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 -0.239 -0.213 -0.213 -0.213 -0.213 -0.324 -0.324 -0.324 -0.324 p Qe q−i qi βi return $/MWh MWh MWh MWh $/MWh/MW $ 14.775 14.641 14.238 14.052 14.808 14.704 14.391 14.183 14.770 14.761 14.733 14.714 14.852 14.763 14.494 14.315 14.897 14.802 14.520 14.332 14.813 14.770 14.642 14.556 2379.165 2386.627 2409.012 2419.310 2377.330 2383.117 2400.479 2412.054 2379.426 2379.946 2381.507 2382.548 2374.867 2379.841 2394.763 2404.711 2372.413 2377.643 2393.332 2403.791 2377.083 2379.454 2386.566 2391.307 1830.944 1828.782 1822.294 1819.310 1936.457 1934.623 1929.121 1925.454 1820.711 1818.246 1810.852 1805.922 2050.893 2049.332 2044.646 2041.522 2050.628 2049.216 2044.979 2042.155 2183.964 2182.830 2179.428 2177.159 548.221 557.845 586.718 600.000 440.873 448.494 471.358 486.601 558.715 561.700 570.655 576.626 323.974 330.510 350.117 363.189 321.785 328.427 348.353 361.637 193.119 196.624 207.138 214.148 0.021 0.020 0.019 0.018 0.030 0.029 0.027 0.026 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.037 0.036 0.033 0.031 0.037 0.036 0.033 0.031 0.072 0.070 0.066 0.063 8136.226 8231.698 8542.894 8720.971 6563.073 6654.320 6949.784 7164.864 8288.885 8346.661 8522.461 8641.724 4844.164 4934.552 5225.553 5436.086 4823.659 4913.831 5205.085 5416.535 2894.956 2958.867 3161.607 3305.938 The constraints and the demand-price elasticity are the same as in section III. The total demand is taken to be 3200 MW. The maximum generation limit for all the generators is taken as 600 MW and the contract price is taken to be 15.5 $/MWh. Using the above data, the bids obtained for each generator are given in Table IV. The generators are numbered in the increasing order of the cost coefficients based on the coefficient c i . Generator 1 is, thus, the cheapest and generator 6, the costliest. It can be seen that the CVs obtained for the generators have values less than zero. This implies that we almost have a perfectly competitive market [17]. The MCP reduces as the contract quantity for the generators increase, irrespective of their cost coefficients. This can be seen from Table IV, wherein the relative reduction in MCP with contracts is more for the cheaper generators (which have a lower value of β) than the costlier ones (with a larger β). Furthermore, with contracts, it can be seen that the relative reduction in β is less for the cheaper generators as compared with the costlier generators. The generation dispatch and the revenue of all the generators increases with contracts. Costlier generators will prefer larger contracts to reduce their bidding coefficients and thereby, increase their share in the spot market. The cheaper generators already have a higher dispatch in the spot market and contracts do not have much effect on the bidding coefficients. In our model, a generator which calculates its bids does not require any information about the contracts that other generators have entered into, which is usually the case as most of the markets have bilateral contracts. B. Effect on Market Power The impact of contracts on market power is analyzed for the power market modeled using CV. The following algorithm is used to obtain optimal dispatch in the proposed model. 1) Algorithm: This algorithm is applicable for estimating the optimal dispatch of a particular generator for a particular period of bidding: • From the previous day’s data, the power dispatched by all generating companies, price of electricity and contracts offered by the generator itself are obtained by the generator. • The parameters of the demand function are then determined from the past data. • The marginal cost of power dispatched by the generator is next calculated and also the CV using (8). • The contracts are now offered based on the generator’s strategy. • Using the contracts offered and the calculated CV, the optimal dispatch is obtained using (7). The effectiveness of the proposed approach and the behavior of the market participants are studied for different cases of competition. In all cases, we consider a system consisting of three generators. TABLE V PARAMETERS OF G ENERATORS FOR S AMPLE S YSTEM 3 Generator 1 2 3 Cost parameter ci Cost parameter ai $/(MWh-MWh) $/MWh 0.001 0.0015 0.002 12 10 8 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 03:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 6 TABLE VI R ESULTS OF 3 G ENERATOR C ASE FOR S AMPLE S YSTEM 3 Events Case 1 CVi = −1 Case 2 CVi =1 Case 3 CVi = 0 Case CV1 CV2 CV3 4 = −0.6 =0 =0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Generator 1 x(GWh) q(GWh) 0 13.38 2.5 13.38 5 13.38 5 13.38 10 13.38 0 7.24 2.5 8.86 5 9.82 5 9.15 10 11.06 0 9.11 2.5 10.37 5 11.29 5 10.63 10 12.16 0 13.07 2.5 13.79 5 13.58 5 12.64 10 12.22 Generator 2 x(GWh) q(GWh) 0 10.25 0 10.25 2.5 10.25 5 10.25 10 10.25 0 6.95 0 6.6 2.5 7.47 5 8.68 10 10.42 0 8.38 0 8.03 2.5 8.82 5 9.69 10 10.99 0 7.29 0 7.09 2.5 7.84 5 8.79 10 10.28 2) Application to Sample System Consisting of 3 Generators: A three generator system (labeled as sample system 3) is used to illustrate the relevance of the proposed CV based model for three different classical and Game Theory based Bidding Strategies (GTBS) market structures. The market structures considered are perfect competition, monopoly, and Cournot and Stackelberg [22]. In our analysis, we vary the contracts, in an increasing order, to show their impact on market power. We consider a demand function with the following parameters: r = 45 GWh and s = 0.5 GWh/($/MWh). The cost parameters of the generators are shown in Table V [9]. The results obtained are tabulated in Table VI. Case 1 – Perfect Competition: In this case, all generators have CVi equal to −1 in the case of a perfectly competitive market. The results, thus, show that the prices remain constant for any value of contracts offered by the generators. This implies that no generator can exercise market power in a perfectly competitive environment, hence, contracts do not have any impact on the bidding behavior. Case 2 – Monopoly: In the case of monopoly, generators have CVi equal to 1. Hence, they can exercise market power and this gets manifested in the higher values of market clearing price. The effect of contracts offered by individual generators is, therefore, significant in lowering the market price. Case 3 – Cournot Oligopoly: In an oligopoly market, with a Cournot type bidding strategy, the CVs of all generators will be zero. This means that each generator believes that its pseudo-competitors (q −i ) will show no response to its own generation changes. Hence, in this case, contracts will lead to a lower market price, thereby, resulting in the mitigation of market power. Case 4 – Stackelberg Oligopoly: In the Stackelberg model, generator 1 acts as a leader and has a CV equal to −0.6, while the other generators act as followers with their CVs being equal to zero. Thus, the other generators will benefit by the price set by generator 1. Hence, in this case, contracts have Generator 3 x(GWh) q(GWh) 0 8.69 0 8.69 0 8.69 2.5 8.69 5 8.69 0 6.7 0 6.38 0 7.18 2.5 8.29 5 9.88 0 7.83 0 7.53 0 6.97 2.5 7.73 5 7.62 0 6.88 0 6.71 0 7.36 2.5 8.19 5 9.5 Price ($/MWh) 25.38 25.38 25.38 25.38 25.38 48.21 46.31 41.08 37.75 27.29 39.34 38.12 35.86 33.9 28.47 35.52 34.82 32.44 30.76 26 a significant effect in reducing the market power exercised by the leader. An increase in the contracts of the leader will lead to reduction in the market price. The above case studies establish that the classical GTBS with contracts are simply special cases of CVBS with contracts. V. C ONCLUSIONS Until now, the CV based methods have been employed to obtain the optimal dispatch of generators in the absence of contracts. In this work, we have developed a multi-market model based on CV considering contracts. Using this model the generator bids are obtained as parameters of linear supply function. The model has been examined on sample systems to study their bidding behavior in the presence of contracts. The results have shown that, in the absence of contracts, generators exhibit monopolistic behavior (indicated by the positive values of CVs) to gain more profits by bidding higher. However, with contracts in place, the generators have to bid lower, resulting in reduced price of electricity but with higher profits from the contracts. Hence, the behavior of generating companies is competitive in nature as indicated by the negative values of CV. Another application of the proposed model is for market power mitigation using contracts. The model is applied to a pool based market with forward contracts. The resulting lower prices are indicative of market power mitigation. Further, the contractual behavior of a generator, that is the extent to which a generator is encouraged to cover its output, in the forward market is decided by its cost parameters and CV alone. 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Khaparde (M’88-SM’91) is a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India. His research interests include power system computations, analysis and deregulation in the power systems. Sangamesh G. Sakri received his B.E. degree from Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, India in 1989 and his M.Tech. from IIT Bombay, Mumbai in 2005 He is currently with P.D.A. College of Engineering, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India. His research interests are energy conservation, energy management and deregulation in power systems. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 03:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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