Competition effects in surface diffusion controlled reactions: Theory and Brownian dynamics simulations D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 99, 9237 (1993); doi: 10.1063/1.465540 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see Competition effects in surface diffusion controlled reactions: Theory and Brownian dynamics simulations D. V. Khakha,.a) and U. S. Agarwal b) Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Powai, Bombay 400076, India (Received 6 April 1993; accepted 10 August 1993) Surface diffusion controlled reactions on a heterogeneous catalyst surface comprising randomly placed circular reactive sites are considered. The diffusing species adsorbs onto the surface following Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics and reacts instantaneously on contact with a reactive site. Approximate theories are formulated to describe the process for high concentrations of the reactive sites, when competition between the sites is significant, following three different approaches: (i) modification of the single sink theory; (ii) using a cell model; and (iii) using an effective medium theory. The predictions of the theories are compared with the results of multi particle Brownian dynamics simulations for the overall reaction rate, the bulk concentration of the reactive species, and the ensemble averaged concentration profile around a reactive site. The effective medium theory is found to give the best results among the theories considered, and the predictions are in good agreement with the computational results. I. INTRODUCTION In rapid heterogeneous reactions on solid catalytic surfaces, such as the oxidation of CO on platinum,I,2 the overall reaction rate may be limited by the rate of surface diffusion of the adsorbed species on the catalyst surface to a suitable configuration (e.g., diffusion to another molecule of the adsorbed species, or diffusion to a reactive site). 3-5 Other examples of diffusion controlled aggregation processes in two dimensions (2D) are precipitation in 2D,6 thin film nucleation and growth, 7 coagulation between drops floating on the surface of a turbulent liquid (e.g., oil spills), etc. In addition, the reaction of diffusing molecules in lipid bilayer membranes is effectively a 2D process because the diffusing molecules are of a size comparable to the membrane thickness. 8,9 The trapping of diffusing species by spherical sinks in 3D space is a classical problem, and considerable work has been reported in the literature (Refs. 10 and 11 for reviews of theoretical analyses). However, relatively few theoretical studies of diffusion controlled processes in 2D, which are known to have qualitatively different behavior as compared to 3D systems, 12 have been carried out. Freeman and Do1l 3 compared the results of the theory (based on Smoluchowski's approach13) for the reaction of an adsorbed diffusing species with a single circular reactive sink to those of a Langevin dynamics simulation. They obtained reasonable agreement between the reaction rate constant obtained from simulation and the theoretical prediction for physically practical values of the diffusion constant. However, significant deviation between theory and computations was reported for the rate constant and the concentration profile for large values of the diffusion constant. Freeman and Do1l 3 also carried out multiple absorber simulations. In a)Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. b)Current address: Chemical Engineering Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411008, India. this case, the rate constants obtained for low values of the diffusion constant were in excellent agreement with the theory. When the reactive sites cover a significant fraction of the surface, interaction between the sites becomes important and the effective rate constant is found to increase. 4.14 Cukier4 considered such competition effects in a rigorous effective medium theory for reaction of adsorbed species at randomly placed circular line sinks. Kuan et al. 5 presented an approximate treatment for reaction at the perimeter of randomly placed circular disks based on the assumption of no flux at the symmetry boundary between neighboring sinks using a cell model. The validity of these theoretical approaches for reaction rate constants of diffusion controlled reaction on surfaces has not been investigated in detail. Fichthorn et al. 1 carried out Monte Carlo simulations of adsorption, surface diffusion, and reaction on catalytic surfaces, and they found that adsorbate islands were formed on the surface. At low desorption rates, the growth of these islands resulted in oscillatory reaction kinetics. In the absence of reactant desorption, self-poisoning of the surfaces was found to occur. Reaction rate constants for the process, however, were not calculated. Thus, while diffusion limitations regulate the rates of many important aggregation processes in 2D, no exact theoretical treatments are available when competition effects are significant. Here we consider the steady state diffusion controlled reaction of adsorbed species with circular static reactive sites on a heterogeneous catalytic surface. Approximate theoretical analyses and multiparticle Brownian dynamics simulations are presented for finding the effective rate of the diffusion controlled reaction. The validity of the approximate analyses is examined by comparison with the results of the simulations. The mathematical formulation of the problem and the approximate theories using three different approaches are given in Sec. II. The computational procedure used in the Brownian dynamics simulations is given in Sec. III and the J. Chern. Phys. 99 (11), 1 December 1993 0021-9606/93/99(11 )/9237/11/$6.00 © 1993 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 9237 D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions 9238 results and discussion in Sec. IV. The conclusions are summarized in Sec. V. so that the dimensionless parameters of the system are (ka+kd) and kaNmax. The boundary conditions in dimensionless form are N=O II. THEORY We consider the reaction of molecules A that adsorb on the surface from the gas phase and diffuse on the surface until they desorb or react at reactive sites Agas+=±Aads+reactive site ..... product gas. (1) where k~ and kd are the adsorbtion and desorption rate constants, and C and Cmax are the local and the maximum number concentrations of the adsorbed species on the surface. DAis the surface diffusivity of the adsorbed species. Assuming that the reaction at the reactive site perimeter is instantaneous, the boundary conditions for the problem are for r=ra , a= 1,2, ... ,ns , (2) where ra is a position vector to the perimeter of the ath reactive site and ns is the total number of reactive sites. In addition to the above, far field boundary conditions for the problem must also be specified (e.g., no macroscopic number density gradients of the adsorbed species on the surface). The main objective of the analysis is to calculate the effective rate of reaction due to surface diffusion given by4 (3) where A ~ is the total surface area, the integral is over the perimeter of site a, and Da is the outward pointing unit vector perpendicular to the perimeter of site a. Furthermore, direct adsorption of species A onto the reaction site results in instantaneous reaction (i.e., reaction by the Eley-Rideal mechanism).3 The reaction rate for such direct adsorption is (4) where 4J is the fraction of the total area covered by the sites. In the presence of overlap between sites, the area fraction is given by (Appendix A) 4J-;:::, l-exp( -4Jo), a=I,2, ... ,n s (7) and the expressions for the dimensionless rates of reaction by diffusion and direct adsorption are (8) and The reactive sites (circular disks of radius a) are randomly distributed on the surface, and overlap of the sites is allowed. The governing equation for the problem, assuming that adsorption and desorption of the molecules follow Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics and that a steady state exists, is4 C=O for S=Sa, (9) respectively, where R=R'a4/ DA and AT = A~/a2. The number concentration of the sites (Ns = n/AT) is an additional dimensionless parameter of the system. A. Theory for low reactive site concentration When the dimensionless number concentration of the reactive sites is sufficiently small (Ns <1), the sites are located far apart and competition effects are negligible. Hence the problem reduces to diffusion of the adsorbed species to a single isolated reactive site on the surface, and has been solved by Freeman and Doll. 3 We briefly review the results of this single absorber (SA) theory below and carry out modifications to improve the accuracy of the theory at moderate concentrations. The governing equation and boundary conditions for this case are a (5 aN) g1 as as +kaNmax- (ka+kd)N=O, (10) N=O, (11 ) N=N B , 5=1, 5 ..... 00, (12) where N B is the uniform average dimensionless concentration of the adsorbed species far from the reactive site. The dimensionless concentration profile around a sink corresponding to the above equations is obtained as 3 (13) where ,1= (ka+kd) 1/2. Using Eq. (8), the reaction rate due to surface diffusion is RD=kIftPB, (14) where the effective rate constant is given by (15) The far field concentration is obtained from Eq. (10) in the limit 5..... 00 as (5) (16) where 4Jo = 1T"a2n/A~ is the area fraction covered without overlap. Using the following dimensionless variables: N = Ca 2 ; S=r/a; ka = k~2/DA; and kd = k;p2/DA, the governing equation becomes Here Ne is the eqUilibrium surface concentration of the adsorbed species in the absence of reactive sites. In addition to modifying the spatial variation of the number density of the adsorbed species (N), increase in the number density of sites (Ns ) has the following two effects: (i) reduction in the total perimeter available for reaction due to overlap of sites; and (ii) reduction in the (6) J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 9239 D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions far field concentration (N B) due to the reduced area available for adsorption and consumption by reaction of the adsorbed species; both are in tum due to the presence of reactive sites in the far field. We incorporate these two effects into the SA theory, neglecting changes in the concentration profile due to overlap of reactive sites and competition effects. The rate of reaction, with the above assumptions, becomes (25) The latter condition specifies that no diffusional flux of particles from the symmetry element occurs. The concentration profile for this case is obtained as Ko(A-g) +KI (A-a2)10(A-g)111 (A- a2) ] N=Ne [ 1 1) 1 l ' Ko(A-al) +KI (/l.a2 10(/ (/l.a2) (26) (17) where Ip is the fraction of the total site perimeter unavailable for reaction due to overlap. When only pairwise overlap is considered, we obtain Ip=1T'Ns' Taking into account the consumption of the adsorbed species (A) in the far field, the balance equation for A becomes (18) where we have included the factor (1- rp) to account for the reduction in the adsorption rate due to the presence of sites in the far field. Using Eq. (17), the bulk concentration is given by The corresponding reaction rate and bulk concentration are RD=21rNsC 1- Ip)A-Ne KI (A-al) -KI (A-a2)11 (A-al)III (A-a2) X Ko(A-al) +KI (A- a2)10(A-o l )1II (A- a 2) (27) and (28) where we have used a balance on A [Eq. (18)] to obtain the bulk concentration. (19) N B ka+ k d+ k Jfls(1- Ip) . The bulk concentration predicted by the modified SA theory thus decreases with an increase in the number density of reactive sites in contrast to the SA theory [Eq. (16)]. The reaction rate [Eq. (17)] is lower compared to the SA theory [Eq. (14)] because of this and because only a fraction of the total perimeter is available for reaction. B. Equivalent annulus approximation Kuan et al. 5 considered regular arrays of circular reactive sites and assigned a symmetry element around each site defined as the contour across which the flux of diffusing particles vanishes. For randomly placed sinks, an equivalent annular symmetry element was defined and the inner and outer radii in dimensionless form were taken to be5 (20) C. Effective medium theory The basic objective of the effective medium analysis is to replace the heterogeneous surface containing discrete reactive sites by an equivalent homogeneous surface with a spatially uniform rate of consumption of reactants. Such an effective medium representation for the system can be obtained by averaging the governing equation (6) over all configuration of sites, taking into account the interactions between sites. Since the governing equation is linear, the effect of every reactive site perimeter (which essentially acts as a line sink) is additive. An equivalent formulation of the problem is then (29) where aa is the strength of the site a considering diffusion from outside the site alone. The operator 3a is defined as and (30) (21) respectively, where Ae= lINs is the area of the symmetry element and P is the active perimeter of the sites. (All lengths are made dimensionless using a and areas are made dimensionless using a 2.) For overlapping sinks, the equivalent radii are al =rplrpo( 1- Ip), a2=a l l #. where Sa is a vector to the perimeter of site a. In addition to the above, the boundary conditions (7) are required to obtain aa' Taking a configurational average (see Appendix A) of Eq. (29) gives V g(N)+A- 2 (Ne -(N» = (22) (23) f ds' W(g-g')(N)(s') = W(N), (31) n (~as=18aaa) A The method of solution followed here is the same as in the previous section except that boundary conditions used are where the form of the average is assumed to be as given above 15- 17 and the caret denotes a convolution. As shown below, the operator Wcan be approximated as (24) (32) J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 9240 D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions so that the rate of reaction, the bulk concentration, and the averaged concentration profile around a site can easily be obtained if W(s,s') is known. We evaluate the function W(s,s') using the multiple scattering approach developed independently by Muthuku~ mar l4 and Cukier and Freed 18 for static spherical traps randomly distributed in a volume. The unique feature of the approach is that the Green's function used in the anal~ ysis includes the unknown function W so that higher order interactions between sites are taken in account in a relatively simple way. Cukier4 extended this approach to the case of surface diffusion to circular reactive sites, however, the reaction rate obtained was based on the diffusional flux to the perimeter from outside the reactive site as well as from within the site. 19 Hence the problem considered is different from that defined here, and as might be expected, the results obtained in Ref. 4 do not reduce to the SA theory in the limit of low concentrations. Cukier4 also as~ sumed that the reactive sites do not overlap. In the follow~ ing analysis, we follow Cukier's approach4 for the case of disk~like reactive sites taking into consideration overlap between sites. When the reactive sites are represented as circular line sinks, the diffusional flux to the perimeter from inside is due to the particles which adsorb inside the site. For the problem under consideration, such particles would instantly react by the Eley-Rideal mechanism, so that N =0 everywhere inside the reactive site. To account for this, two alternative methods can be used: (i) to assume a distribu~ tion of sinks inside the reactive site such that N =0 every~ where inside instead of only at the perimeter [Eq. (7)]; (ii) to specify that no adsorption occurs within reactive sites, so that at steady state, we have N =0 inside all sites. The .latter is straightforward to implement and we use this ap~ proach in the analysis. The governing equation in this case becomes a=1,2, ... ,ns' (37) where baf=I dSS(s-sa)/(S)=/(Sa). Taking the pe~ rimeter inverse of the propogator for site a, we obtain the strength of the line sink as aa(Sa) = KabaGCWN +tf;) - L fJ=Fa KabaG5{P[3' where by definition KabaG5aaa=aa (Appendix B). Here ~[3=1=a denotes the sum over (3 excluding a. Taking a con~ volution with respect to Sa' we obtain (39) where Ta=5aKaba. Substituting for Saaa on the right-hand side of Eq. (39) an infinite number of times and using Eq. (36), we obtain the concentration in implicit form as (40) XG(WN+tf;) =Q( WN+tf;). (41) Similarly, substituting for N on the right-hand side of Eq. ( 41), we get the complete solution (42) Finally, to obtain W, take a configurational average of the above equation (43) where we have used (N)=G(tf;). Keeping only the first term in the above expansion, we obtain (33) where H= 1 inside sites and H=O outside. H(s) is defined to take into account overlap between sites (Appendix A). Defining the operator 2"=( -V~+A2+ W), (34) Eq. (33) becomes 2"N=WN+tf;- ~ a=1 5aa a , (35) (44) This approximation is referred to as the coherent potential approximation" and essentially corresponds to taking a configurational average keeping the position of one reactive site fixed. The approximation is found to give good predic~ tions for 3D systems," but has not been tested for 2D systems. The errors are expected to be larger for the latter. 20 Using Eq. (C6) and simplifying, we get GWG(tf;)= where tf;=A 2N e(1-H). The formal solution to Eq. (35) is N(S)=G(WN+tf;)- ~ a=1 G5aa a , (36) where G(S,S') is the Green's function (effective medium propogator) of operator 2" (Appendix B). As mentioned earlier, the effective medium propogator (G) contains the averaged contribution of all the sites (W). Using the boundary conditions (7), we get (38) ~ a=1 G(i'a)G(tf;)- ~ a=1 G(TaGHa)(tf;), (45) where (tf;)=A 2N e(1-</J). Using (N)=G(tf;), the above equation reduces to W(N) = (t) (N) - (1-</J) (q), (46) where (T)=~:s=I(Ta) and (q)=A2N~:s=l(faGHa). Taking Fourier transforms (see Appendix B for a definition) and expanding Wand (T) in a Taylor series about k = 0, the above equation becomes J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions [W(O) +kW'(O) + ~ W"(O) ] (N) J2-d2 _, ]_ _ = [ (T)(0)+2 dP (T) k=O (N)-(1-ifJ)(ij), (47) where the tilde denotes a Fourier transform. Equating terms with equal powers of k, we obtain (48) (49) W'(O)=O, 2 _ d -, W"(O) =2tJD=df? (T) k=O' (50) where we assume that there are no macroscopic concentration gradients, so that (N) =NB for k::::::O. Using the results given in Appendix B, we finally obtain (51) tJD=rrNs ( 1+t5D) [II (,U)~l (fL) 1 ] (52) I o(fL)Ko(ll) , where 1l 2= (A. 2+kr)/(1 +tJD). The governing equation for the effective medium thus becomes (1 +tJD)V~(N) +A2[ (l-ifJ)Ne - (N)] =kj(N). (53) In the absence of macroscopic concentration gradients, we have (N) =NB, and bulk concentration is given by (54) N B=A2NeC l-ifJ)/(A 2+kf ). The rate of reaction is then (55) In the limit Ns-O, we have kf::::::O, oD::::::O, Il::::::A., ifJ::::::O, and the above results reduce to the SA theory. To obtain the configurationally averaged concentration field around a site, we assume that Eq. (53) is valid. Using the boundary conditions given in Sec. II A [Eq. (12)] the concentration profile is (56) (N) =N B[ l-Ko(IlS)!Ko(Il)]. The above concentration profile is identical to the dilute case [Eq. (13)] except that A. is replaced by Il and N B is given by Eq. (54). We note that the rate of reaction computed from the above equation based on the average flux to the sink is the same as that given in Eq. (55), so that the equations are self-consistent. In addition, this also verifies that the calculated reaction rate is due only to the diffusive flux to the perimeter from outside the reactive site as required by the model. 9241 procedure used is similar to that of Freeman and Dolb for multiple absorber simulations. The dimensionless variables used in the computations are the same as given earlier. In the simulation, we first generate the configuration of reactive sites by fixing the positions of ns circular reaction sites of unit radius at random positions (allowing overlap) on a square cell ofside L' (dimensionless). At dimensionless time T=ta 21 DA=O, no particles of the diffusing species are randomly distributed on the same surface. Here no is only an initialization value and is not critical. The diffusion of A is simulated as a random walk with discrete time steps (.601'). The displacements ASx and ASy along the coordinate axes during time step .601', for each particle, are picked from a set of random numbers with a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and variance 2AT, and the positions of the particles are updated. To approximate an extended system, periodic boundary conditions are applied, i.e., if a particle leaves the cell through one wall, it reenters at an identical position through the opposite wall. In addition, during each time step, each of the n ( 1') adsorbed species is removed with a probability (ka+kd)Ar [i.e., a fraction (k a +kd)Ar of the n particles are removed, which results in a local desorption rate of (ka+kd)N per unit surface area]. At the end of each time step, the position of every diffusing particle relative to each reactive site center is calculated. If separation of any particle is less than the reactive site radius, then the particle is removed and counted as reacted. For each time step, an average of (kfimax)L,2 AT particles are adsorbed on the surface at random positions. Those landing directly on any reaction site are considered to have reacted by the Eley-Rideal mechanism and are removed. The number of adsorbed particles A [n ( T)] is updated at the end of each of the adsorption, desorption, diffusion, and reaction steps. The algorithm is repeated for long times until n (T) becomes nearly constant with T, indicating that a steady state is reached. Following this, the algorithm is continued for several time steps, and time averages of the rates of adsorbtion, desorption, and reaction at steady state are calculated. For a given set of parameters, such simulations are carried out for typically 30 configurations of the reactive sites, and the steady state averages obtained for the reaction rate per unit area (R D) and the bulk concentration of species A (N B=nl L,2). We also calculate the average concentration profile of A around a reactive site by generating a frequency distribution of the distance of every particle from each site and averaging for different configurations of the sites and over time in the steady state regime. The computational parameters of the simulation are L' and AT. We have taken L' large enough and .601' small enough that the results are not influenced significantly by further increase and decrease, respectively, of these parameters. Typical values used in the computations are L' =20 and AT= 10- 3• IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION III. BROWNIAN DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS We briefly outline the procedure used for the Brownian dynamics simulation of the system defined in Sec. II. The The simulation results for R D and N B are first considered for three sets of values of the parameters kfimax and (ka+kd), keeping the equilibrium concentration constant J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions 9242 050 0.10 0.40 008 0.30 0.06 cr:" cc'" 0.04 0.20 ~ Simulation ~EMT ~ Simulation ~EMT G€EE8 Eqv. Annulus Th. 0.10 [333OEl Modified SA Th. koNmo • ;;;; 1.6 k.+k, = 40 000 +r-,...,..,.Tr1rrrrn""'"n,,n"", In'""n,,-,-,,...,n,',I"n,'''',',',,,,,,,I 0.00 0.05 0 10 0.15 0.20 Ns (a) G€EE8 Eqv. Annulus Th. 0.02 o.00 [333OEl +r",,,rrrrn-,-,-nrrTr1rrrrn-,-,-,,,,,nornrr1 0.00 (a) 0.40 Modified SA Th. k.Nm •• = 0.16 k.+k, = 04 0.05 010 0.20 0.15 Ns 0.30 00BE!El Modified SA Th. _ Simulotior. ~EMT GeEJElE) Eqv. 0.30 0.20 Annulus Th. keNmo. = 0.16 ko+k. = 0.4 ",020 ~ 0.10 00BE!El Modified SA Th. _ _ Simulation 0.10 ~EMT GSeeO Eqv. Annulus Th. kaN m•• = 1.6 ko+k, = 4.0 o 00 .:j...,r-n-,-,-nornrrrnrr-rr-rrrrn-,-,-rn-rr-rrrr-n..,.., 0.00 (b) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 N. 0.00 +r-",-,-,-rrrrn-,-,-nrrTT"rrrrn-'-'-TTT-rr-rrrrn" 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.00 0.05 (b) Ns FIG. 1. Variation of (a) the dimensionless reaction rate (R D ) and (b) the dimensionless bulk concentration of the diffusing species (N B), with the number density of reactive sites (N,) for k.Nmax= 1.6, and (ka+kd) =4.0 (Ne=0.4). FIG. 2. Variation of (a) the dimensionless reaction rate (R D ) and (b) the dimensionless bulk concentration of the diffusing species (N B), with the number density of reactive sites (N,) for k.Nmax=0.16, and (ka+kd) =0.4 (Ne=0.4). N e=kfimax/(ka+kd=0.4). In Figs. 1-3, we plot the theoretical and the simulation results for the variation of the overall reaction rate (R D ) and the bulk concentration of the diffusing species (N B) with number density of the reactive sites (Ns ). The overall reaction rate (R D) first increases with Ns due to increasing total sink perimeter [Figs. 1 (a)-3(a)]. With further increase in N s ' RD decreases because the site-free fraction of the total surface available for adsorption decreases. This suggests an optimum loading of catalytic sites, when direct adsorption and reaction within the sink is not possible, either by the Eley-Rideal mechanism, or by diffusion to the inner perimeter of the sink. (An example of such a case is the reaction of one of the adsorbed species at a perimeter of islands of adsorbed molecules of the second species. s ) The optimal number density of sites shifts to higher values with an increase in the adsorption rate (kfimax) for a fixed value of N e . With an increase in N s ' the bulk concentration decreases [Figs. l(b)-3(b)] because the adsorption rate is not rapid enough (due to reduction in available surface area for ad- sorbtion) to make up for the increasing consumption by reaction. The decrease in N B with Ns is faster at smaller adsorption rates (kfimax). A comparison of the predictions of the theories shows that all three give the correct trends for both R D and N B (Figs. 1-3). This is in contrast to the SA theory, in which the bulk concentration is independent of the reactive site concentration (N B=Ne =0.4). The deviation of N B from Ne is significant even at the lowest reactive site concentration considered (Ns =0.02), which corresponds to about 6.5% of the total area covered by reactive sites [Figs. 1 (a)3(a)]. As is apparent from Eq. (54), the deviation from Ne is larger for smaller (ka+kd)' The SA theory also predicts a monotonic and linear increase of R D with Ns which is qualitatively different from the observed behavior. For all values of the parameters considered, the effective medium theory (EMT) and the equivalent annulus theory give good estimates of the overall reaction rate [Figs. 1 (b)3(b)]. For large values of the rate of adsorption (kfimax =4.0), the EMT and the equivalent annulus theory both J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions 0.014 9243 0.12 0.10 0012 0.08 0.010 0 a:: 0.008 - 0.04 Simulation ~ ~EMT 0006 0004 0.00 cea:B Eqv. Annulus Th. [E33J Modified SA Th. k.Hmo. = 0.016 k.+k. = 0.04 TI, 1'1""'" i i i ' 0,05 010 J cea:B Eqv. Annulus Th. C£EEEJ Modified SA Th. k,N mo • = 0.16 N, = 0.10 0.02 iii", iii i' iii, 0 15 0.00 +rT'T1-r-rr-rTTT"rrTTTO-rrrrr.-rrrrTTO-rrrrr-rnrn ~.oo 1.50 0.50 100 000 I 'I O.~O N. (a) Simulation ~EMT ~o (a) 0,15 + kd 0.40 0.30 G8I38EJ Modified SA Th. _ _ Simulotion 0.10 G8I38EJ Modified SA Th. ~EMT ~Simulotiorl GeeeO Eqv. Annulus Th. ~EMT kaNmo. = 0016 ko+ka = 0.04 .:; GeeeO Eqv. Annulus Th. 0.20 kaNmo, = 0.16 Ns = 0.1 005 010 0.05 (b) 0.10 0.15 0.20 N. o 00 -h-rrrTTTTr1;-rrrrrTTl...-rrTTTTTTr1rrrrrrTTTTTl 000 (b) FIG. 3. Variation of (a) the dimensionless reaction rate (R D ) and (b) the dimensionless bulk concentration of the diffusing species (N B), with the number density of reactive sites (N,) for kaNmax=0.016, and (k. +kd) =0.04 (N.=0.4). give good estimates of N B for all the site concentrations considered (Fig. 1). However, at small adsorption rates (kfimax=O.04), the results for N B for both show large deviations from the simulation results. The deviations are because of the very long range influence of each reactive site in this limit [see Eq. (56)], which results in very strong competition effects. In Fig. 4, we have plotted R D and N B results for a fixed adsorption rate and site number density (kfi max = 0.16, Ns=O.l) to examine the effect of varying (ka+kd)' The results of EMT and equivalent annulus theory are again in good agreement with the simulations at large (ka+kd)' while considerable deviation in N B is seen at small values of (ka+kd)' In Fig. 5, we plot the theoretical and simulation results for the variation of local concentration with S about a reactive site for the indicated values of the parameters. The original SA theory would obviously deviate considerably at large S and is not included in the figure. The modified SA theory predicts a larger zone of influence, indicated by a 0.50 1.00 ko + 1.50 2.00 kd FIG. 4. Variation of (a) the dimensionless reaction rate (R D ) and (b) the dimensionless bulk concentration of the diffusing species (N B), with (k.+kd) for kaNmax=0.16, and N,=O.l. leveling out of the concentration profiles only at large S, as compared to the simulation results. This is because the influence of the neighboring reactive sites is ignored in the modified SA theory, which is essentially based on Smoluchowski's "isolated sink" approach. 13 The equivalent annulus theory considers the zone of influence to be of a size comparable to average intersink separation. However, this is not correct because the zone of influence, as obtained from the simulation, exceeds this (Fig. 5). In this regard, only the EMT gives a correct estimation of the influence of the reaction at the site boundary. Similar results are obtained for higher reactive site concentrations, and the agreement between the EMT predictions for (N) and the simulation results is good in all cases where the N B values for the two are close to each other. Finally, in Fig. 6, we show the variation of the dimensionless effective diffusivity with reactive site concentration for the same parameter values used in Figs. 1-3. The predictions based on Cukier's theory4 are also shown. While both theories match at low concentrations, there is a significant difference between the two at moderate concentra- J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 9244 D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions 0.15 / 0.10 0.05 o.00 Equivalent Annulus Th. Modified SA Th. EMT Simulation kaN mo • = 0.16. ko+kd N. = 0.1 0.4 -t-n-rriTTT"tTT"rrnrrrrTTTTTTrrnrTTTTTTTTTrrncrrrTTTTTl 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 FIG. 5. Average steady state concentration (N) of diffusing species at a radial distance S from the reactive site center as computed from different theories and simulation. tions. In addition, the EMT predictions show a nearly linear, monotonic increase in fJD with Ns in contrast to Cukier's theory, which shows a maximum at moderate concentrations and at high rates of adsorption. tional area covered by the reactive sites (cpzO.065), and these effects are accentuated at low adsorption rates. The bulk surface concentration of the adsorbed species is found to decrease monotonically with an increase in reactive site concentration. The rate of reaction, however, increases with reactive site concentration due at first to the larger total perimeter available for reaction, and then decreases due to the lower area available for adsorption. There is thus an optimal reactive site concentration which increases with increasing adsorption rates for a fixed equilibrium concentration (Ne ). While the modified SA theory, obtained by making ad hoc corrections to the single sink theory, gives the correct trends for the bulk concentration and the reaction rate, the equivalent annulus theory and the EMT also give good quantitative predictions over a wide range of parameters and at high reactive site concentrations. Only the EMT, however, gives the correct behavior of the ensemble averaged surface concentration profile around a reactive site. The results presented in this work seem to indicate that the approximations involved in the approach of Muthukumar 14 and Cukier and Freed 18 may not be very severe, and such an effective medium theory gives good predictions at high reactive site concentrations even for 2D systems. APPENDIX A: AREA FRACTION COVERED BY OVERLAPPING REACTIVE SITES V. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we have analyzed, theoretically and computationally, surface diffusion controlled reactions on a heterogeneous surface containing randomly distributed circular disk-like reactive sites. The reactants adsorb onto the surface following Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics. The theories and Brownian dynamics simulations show that competition effects become significant even at a low frac- We consider ns circular disks of unit radius randomly distributed over an area AT' In the absence of overlap, the area fraction covered by the disks is (Al) To obtain the area fraction covered when the disks are allowed to overlap, we define the function 1 inside any trap, H(s)= { o outside traps. 1.00 (A2) This function can be written in terms of Ha(S) defined as 1, Ha(S) = {0, 0.80 IS-Sal";1, IS-Sal> 1, (A3) where Sa is a vector to the perimeter of disk a. It is straightforward to verify by considering regions with different orders of overlap that 0.60 Q <0 0.40 0.20 X(l-~ L 6=1=a,{3,y 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Ns FIG. 6. Variation of the dimensionless increase in effective diffusivity (8D) with the number density of reactive sites (N.) for the indicated values of k.Nmax and N e=O.4. The dashed lines are the predictions of Cukier's theory (Ref. 4) and the solid lines are the predictions of the EMT. H6 ("·»)]} (A4) satisfies the definition given in Eq. (A2). Here ~{3=1=a denotes the sum over f3 excluding a. For example, if S is within a disk (say a= l), but not in a region of overlap between any two disks, then all the terms in the curly brackets vanish for a=1, and H(s)=H 1(s)=1. (All the terms in the first sum vanish if a=¥= 1.) Similarly, if S is in the region of intersection between any two disks (suppose J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 9245 D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions a = 1 and a = 2), then all the terms inside the square brackets vanish for a and /3= 1 or 2 and we get 00 L I {f.1S')Km{f.1S)eim (9'-9), 21T(1 +5D) m=-oo m (B4) H(~) =H\ (~) [I -tH2(~)] +H2(~) [I -!H\ (~)] = 1. (A5) The above arguments are easily extended for regions of intersection of three and more disks. The average area fraction covered by the disks is obtained by taking an average of H(~) over all possible configurations of disks as (A6) where 1m and Km are modified Bessel functions of order m of the first and second kinds, respectively, and f.12= (A,2 +kf )/(1+5D). The inverse Fourier transform is defined as 1 f{~)=2ii2 {21T kdk (A7) where fa is the position of the center of disk a. On simplifying, we get Jo _ d()kf{k)e- ik ' s, (B5) where ()k is the angle made by the wave number vector (k) with the reference axis. 2. Perimeter inverse X(I-~ {3=!=a L ~T fdt/JH,k"})' Ka«(}a,(J~) Assuming that the coordinate system is located at the center of site a, we have (B6) _ 1rns ( _~ 1T(ns-l) { _~ 1T(ns-2) r/J- AT I 2 AT I 3 AT X[I_~1T{~~3) {OO Jo L'" Ameim(9a-9~), (B7) m=-oo ( ... )]}) (AS) = 1- (l-r/JoIns)ns. (A9) where ()a is the angle made by the unit vector from the site center to its perimeter and Am=Im{f.1)Km{f.1)/[21T{1 +SD)] using Eq. (B4). By definition, KabJ;Sa = S{()a - ()~), which reduces to (AlO) (BS) For ns> 1, the above equation becomes 1 2 1 3 I 4 r/J~r/J0-2 r/Jo+ 3.2 r/Jo- 4.3.2 r/Jo+'" (All) = l-exp{ -r/Jo). An identical relation was been given by Richards \0 for overlapping spheres in 3D, but without a derivation. Assuming 00 L Ka«()a'()~) = Bp exp[ip«()~-()a)] (B9) P=-OO and using the identity ~;;;=_ooeim(8-8')=21TS{()_()'), we finally obtain APPENDIX B: EVALUATION OF THE FORMAL EFFECTIVE MEDIUM THEORY RESULTS Most of the results given below are similar to those derived in Ref. 4. Hence only the important definitions and final results are given, wherever possible. (BlO) 3. Configurationally averaged scattering operator 1. Effective medium propogator The Fourier transform of the Green's function corresponding to the operator .!f is given by (BI) where the Fourier transform is defined as (B2) and () is the angle made by tEe position vector reference axis. Expanding W{k) as (~) with the (B3) and taking inverse Fourier transforms, we obtain the Green's function for the operator .!f as «T» The scattering operator (T) is defined as T(~,~') = I a=\ (BI I) SaKaba = a~l f dS Jds~ a S{S-Sa) xKa{Sa'S~)S{s' -S~)' (BI2) where Sa is a position vector to the perimeter of site a and the integrals are line integrals over the perimeter of site a. For randomly distributed reactive sites, the scattering operator averaged over all configurations is J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions 9246 (T)(g,g') = a~l ~T f dfa f f dR~ (B19) dR a XI5(g-Ra-fa)Ka(Ra,R~) XI5(g' -R~-fa), where (B20) (BB) fa is a vector to the center of site a, and Ra= (ga is a unit vector from the center of the site to its perimeter. On simplification, we obtain -fa) 4. Configurationally averaged source term «q» The configurationally averaged source term is defined as xl5(g' -R~), (BI4) where ()a is the angle made by Ra with the reference axis. Taking Fourier transforms with respect to p= (g-g'), we obtain (B2I) a=l 2 A A A where ga=A Ne(KabaGHa)' For a coordinate system centered on the reactive site a, we get (B22) Xexp[ik· (Ra-R~) ]Ka«()a'()~)' (BI5) baGHa = 2rr[Ko(/-L)I 1(/-L)//-L( 1+I5D)], Using Eq. (B9) and the identity I In(k)rexp[in(()a-()k)], n=-oo ga=A 2Ne(2rr) 2 [Ko(/-L)I 1 (/-L) BoI/-L( 1+I5D)]. (BI6) where I n are Bessel functions of order n, of the first kind, and ()k is the angle made by k with the reference axis, we finally obtain 00 (i)(k) = (2rr)2Ns I (B23) and from the definition of K a , we finally obtain 00 exp[ik cOS«()a-()k)] = [see Appendix A for a definition of Ha and Eq. (B4) for G(g,g')]. Using Eq. (B22), we get B".J~(k). (B24) Averaging over all configurations of the reactive sites, we get ns (q)= I <8a)ga=N~a' a=l (B25) (BI7) m=-oo The coefficients Bm are given in Eq. (BlO). From the above equation, we obtain APPENDIX C: EVALUATION OF (Aa H ) (BI8) Using the definition of H(g), we get -~ (Aa p¥=a I Hp #P I Hr{I-~ 8¥=P, I r Hf>[I--4 E¥=P, I r,f> Hk")]})' I (Cl) Using the results of Appendix A for n s >1, we get (C2) On simplifying, we get J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 11, 1 December 1993 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see D. V. Khakhar and U. S. Agarwal: Surface diffusion controlled reactions 9247 (Aam = (Aalla)cfJ/cfJo + (Aa) (cfJo-cfJf/2+cfJt/6) + (Aalla) ( -cfJoI2+cfJf/6-cfJt/24) +~ (Aa L fJ,i=a H{3 L Hlfa[l-~ #a,{3 L E=/=a,{3, y,/j Hk")]) (C3) Continuing this way, we obtain (Aall) = (Aalla)cfJ/cfJo + (Aa) (cfJo-cfJf/2! +cfJt/3!-cfJV4!+"') + (Aalla> (-cfJoI2! +2cfJf/3!-3cfJt/4!+"')' (C4) Using Eq. 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