Brownian dynamics simulation of diffusion-limited polymerization of rodlike molecules: Isotropic translational diffusion J. Srinivasalu Gupta and D. V. Khakhar Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 107, 3289 (1997); doi: 10.1063/1.474679 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see Brownian dynamics simulation of diffusion-limited polymerization of rodlike molecules: Isotropic translational diffusion J. Srinivasalu Gupta and D. V. Khakhar Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology—Bombay, Powai, Bombay 400076, India ~Received 7 March 1997; accepted 8 May 1997! Rigid rodlike polymers have considerable technological importance due to their excellent mechanical properties. The polymerization kinetics of such condensation polymers are qualitatively different from flexible polymers, and exhibit significant slowing at the later stages of the reaction. This is due to the slow rotational diffusion of the molecules to an appropriate configuration for reaction. In this work we have carried out Brownian dynamics ~BD! simulations to obtain the effective rate constant for reaction between rodlike molecules in the presence of diffusional limitations. The theory of Northrup et al. @J. Chem. Phys. 80, 1517 ~1984!# for pairwise BD simulation of reactions is extended to the case of rodlike molecules assuming isotropic translational diffusion. The computed results are compared to exact analytical predictions. Good agreement between computation and theory is obtained over a wide range of parameter values. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S0021-9606~97!53030-3# I. INTRODUCTION Rigid rodlike polymers have gained considerable technological importance in the production of high-modulus and high-strength fibers and films due to their excellent mechanical properties.1,2 The polymerization kinetics of these polymers, which are primarily made by condensation polymerization, are qualitatively different from those of flexible polymers. At the molecular level, apart from the requirement of the functional groups at the ends of the molecules approaching close enough, the rods also must have near parallel relative alignment, for the reaction to take place. The latter requires rotation of the entire molecule ~determined by the rotational diffusivity about its center of mass, D r ! which becomes very slow once the rodlike molecule becomes long enough.3 Recent theoretical studies4,5 have shown the role of rotational and translational diffusion in limiting the rate of polymerization under simplified conditions. Several experimental studies have also shown severe slowing of the reaction at the late stages due to diffusion control.6–9 Such slowing of reactions due to diffusional limitations has an effect not only on the molecular weight distribution but also on the final molecular weight obtained in the presence of side reactions.8,9 An understanding of the polymerization kinetics is important to predict the reaction time and the molecular weight distribution, which ultimately determine the reactor design and the processing parameters to obtain a product with the required properties. The basic method for analysis of the diffusion controlled reactions originates in the classical work of Smoluchowski10 and has been applied to a number of systems ~see Refs. 11 and 12 for comprehensive reviews!. In processes involving various degrees of complexity, such as angular constraints for reaction, charge effects, anisotropic translational diffusion, and flow, it is quite difficult to evaluate the effective rate constant analytically and several numerical techniques have been proposed.13–17 In this work we use the novel pairJ. Chem. Phys. 107 (8), 22 August 1997 wise Brownian dynamics ~PWBD! simulation method to obtain the effective rate constant for reaction between rodlike molecules. The method was proposed by Northrup et al.,18 and involves the computation of the rate constant from the statistics of the Brownian diffusion of a single molecule in the neighborhood of a second reactive molecule. The main advantages of this method over other numerical techniques are: ~i! it is computationally less intensive since the rate constants are obtained directly without first computing the concentration field;19 and ~ii! mathematical formulation of problems involving complex boundary conditions, flow fields, and charged molecules is simple. The PWBD approach has been continuously refined, and some of the major developments are the use of variable time steps,20 efficient inclusion of charge effects,21 and incorporation of finite rates of reaction.22 More recently, the reactions between complex molecules involving local rotation and translation have been studied;23–27 the far-field diffusion in these cases is, however, isotropic. The case of rodlike molecules has not been considered previously. In this work we focus on the diffusion limited reaction between rodlike molecules with reactive functional groups at their ends @e.g., formation of poly~p-phenylene terephthalamide!#,9 in dilute solutions ~C 0 L 3 !1, where C 0 is the number concentration and L is the length of the rods!. The main objective of the work is to adapt the pairwise Brownian dynamics method for analysis of the above class of reactions. The ratio of the translational diffusivity parallel to the rod axis (D i ) to the diffusivity perpendicular to the rod axis (D' ) in dilute solutions is approximately 2.3 Here we consider, for simplicity, the case of isotropic translational diffusion, for which an analytical solution is available,4 since the purpose is mainly to illustrate and validate the approach. Extension of the approach to take into account anisotropic translational diffusion is straightforward, and computations for dilute solutions (D i /D' 52) show that the approxima- 0021-9606/97/107(8)/3289/6/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 3289 3290 J. Srinivasalu Gupta and D. V. Khakhar: Simulation of polymerization rod axis, respectively. Expressions for diffusivities of rodlike molecules are reported in Ref. 29. The above equation is written with respect to a coordinate system fixed on the nondiffusing reactive site. If the test rod is also diffusing, D t and D r are the sum of the individual rod diffusivities, and Eq. ~1! will contain an additional translational diffusion term due to rotation of the rod on which the coordinate system is fixed.30 The far-field boundary conditions and the symmetry boundary conditions for the problem are C5C ` , ~2a! r→`, ]C 50, ]u u 50,p /2, ~2b! where C ` is the bulk concentration. For small u c , the reaction zone based on the center of mass position of the diffusing rod can be approximated to be spherical4 and boundary conditions at the reactive site are ~Fig. 1! Dt ]C 5k 8 C at r5R for u , u c ]r ~3! and FIG. 1. Schematic diagram showing the criteria for reaction of rodlike molecules. Molecules can react only if proximity (r,R) and orientation ( u , u c ) requirements are satisfied. Initiation (r5b) and truncation (r5q) boundaries used in the Brownian dynamics simulations are shown. tion of isotropic translational diffusion is reasonable.28 In Sec. II we define the problem under study and in Sec. III we present the theoretical framework of the PWBD method for calculating the effective rate constant for rodlike molecules for the case of dilute solutions, for which the translational diffusion is nearly isotropic. The computational procedure is given in Sec. IV, and the numerical results and comparison to previous analytical results4 are given in Sec. V. Conclusions of the work are given in Sec. VI. II. PROBLEM FORMULATION We consider the diffusion controlled reaction between rodlike molecules with the following constraints for reaction: ~i! The rod ends must be closer than a distance R, and ~ii! the angle between the two rod axes must be less than a critical angle ( u c ). Following Smoluchowski,10 the effective rate constant is obtained from the diffusive flux to the reactive site at the end of a rod ~Fig. 1!. Assuming the translational diffusion of the rods to be nearly isotropic, a reasonable assumption for dilute solutions, the governing equation for diffusion of the rods reduces to4 S D S D ] 2C 2 ] C 1 ] ]C Dt 1 1D r sin u 50, ]r2 r ]r sin u ] u ]u ]C 50 at r5R for u > u c , ]r where k 8 is the surface reaction rate constant. The effective second order rate constant is then k eff5 4pR2 C` where C(r, u ) is the number concentration of the molecules at position r with orientation angle u ~Fig. 1!, and D t 5(D i 12D' )/33 is the effective translational diffusivity, with D i and D' being the diffusivity parallel and perpendicular to the E uc 0 Dt ]C sin u d u . ]r ~5! The relationship between the surface reaction rate constant (k 8 ) and the homogeneous rate constant (k R ), i.e., the rate constant in the absence of diffusional resistance, is k 85 kR . 4 p R ~ 12cos u c ! ~6! 2 The above equation is obtained by putting C'C ` in Eq. ~3!, in the limit of rapid diffusion, and substituting for the flux in Eq. ~5!. We next cast the above equations into a dimensionless form, rescaling the radial distance as j 5r/R and the concentration as C̄5C/C ` . The diffusion equation is then s S D S D ] 2 C̄ 2 ] C̄ ] C̄ 1 ] 1 1 sin u 50, ]j 2 j ]j sin u ] u ]u ~7! where s5D t /R 2 D r is a dimensionless parameter which gives a measure of the rotational diffusional resistance. The boundary conditions in dimensionless form are C̄51, ~1! ~4! j →`, ] C̄ 50, ]u ] C̄ 5 a C̄ ]j ~8a! u 50,p /2, at j 51 ~8b! for u , u c , J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 107, No. 8, 22 August 1997 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see ~8c! J. Srinivasalu Gupta and D. V. Khakhar: Simulation of polymerization ] C̄ 50 ]j at j 51 for u > u c , ~8d! where a 5k 8 R/D t is the dimensionless surface reaction rate constant. The dimensionless effective rate constant is given by k̄ eff5 E ]]j U uc C̄ 0 sin u d u , 5q; Fig. 1!. We next consider the relationship between ^ b q & and ^ b ` & . The first visit flux for a finite domain is given by j* 05 D tC qq ~ q2b ! b C50, j 51 C5C q , The flux normal to any surface enclosing the reactive site is equal to the reaction flux for the case of steady diffusion, due to continuity. The effective rate constant for steady diffusion can thus be written as k eff5 4pb2 C` E p /2 0 j ~ b, u ! sin u d u 5 4pb2 ^ j&, C` ~10! where j(r, u ) is the radial component of the translational diffusion flux, r5b is any spherical surface enclosing the sink ~Fig. 1!, and ^•& denotes an average taken over all orientations. The basic idea of the PWBD approach is to write the radial flux as j ~ b, u ! 5 j 0 ~ b ! b ` ~ u ! , ~11! where j 0 is the first visit flux ~i.e., the flux of particles starting from r5` that visit the surface r5b for the first time! and b ` ( u ) is the reaction probability ~i.e., the fraction of particles starting from r5b with orientation angle u that react rather than escape to r5`!. The first visit flux is obtained as j 05 D tC ` b ~12! r5b, r5q. ~15a! ~15b! We take C q such that the reaction flux for the finite domain case is equal to that for the infinite domain, hence ^ j & 5 j *0 ^ b q & 5 j 0 ^ b ` & . ~16! The average escape fluxes in the case of the finite and infinite domain cases are then ^ j bq & 5 j *0 2 j *0 ^ b q & ~17! ^ j b` & 5 j 0 2 j 0 ^ b ` & , ~18! and respectively. Defining V5 ^ j b` & / ^ j bq & we finally obtain ^ b `& 5 III. THEORY ~14! using Eq. ~1! and the boundary conditions ~9! where k̄ eff5keff /kD and k D 54 p D t R is the Smoluchowski rate constant for a uniformly reactive sphere with instantaneous reaction at the surface. The dimensionless parameters of the process are u c , s, and a. For rigid rodlike polymers, u c is expected to be small30 although experimental values for particular systems have not been reported. Large values of s correspond to slow rotational diffusion and small values of a represent intrinsically slow reactions or large translational diffusivity, which result in a kinetically controlled reaction with a negligible influence of rotational diffusion parameter s. The effects of rotational constraints thus become apparent for large values of both a and s. 3291 ^ b q& . b 1 ~ ^ q & 12 ^ b q & ! V ~19! When the diffusion for r.b is isotropic ~flux depends only on radial distance, r!, Northrup et al.18 obtained V512b/q. ~20! Here we generalize the above result to the case when the diffusive flux may not be isotropic for r.b as V512a ~ b/q ! 1••• . ~21! Note that V→1 as b/q→0 as required. Thus if ^ b q & is computed for two or more values of b/q, ^ b ` & can be calculated. The dimensionless rate constant is then k̄ eff5b̄ ^ b ` & ~22! and the ratio of escape fluxes in dimensionless form is V 512a(b̄/q̄), where b̄5b/R and q̄5q/R. The above result is similar to that of Northrup et al.,18 however, the averaging over orientations and the relaxing of the necessity of isotropic diffusion for j .b̄ facilitates computations. The derivation is somewhat more rigorous than the branching diagram approach of Northrup et al.18 since variation of the probabilities with initial orientation are explicitly taken into account. The simplicity of the above analysis allows for generalization to more complex cases ~e.g., anisotropic translational diffusion!. on solving the diffusion equation @Eq. ~1!# along with the boundary conditions C50, C5C ` , r5b, r5`. ~13a! ~13b! Numerical simulations can be carried out only for a finite domain, hence it is possible to calculate only b q ( u ) ~i.e., the fraction of trajectories that react rather than escape to r IV. COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE The numerical method essentially involves the generation of Brownian trajectories of molecules starting from r 5b, and terminating the trajectories when they visit the surface r5q ~Fig. 1!. The reactive surface is taken to be perfectly reflecting. Each Brownian step comprises random J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 107, No. 8, 22 August 1997 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 3292 J. Srinivasalu Gupta and D. V. Khakhar: Simulation of polymerization density in the presence of a reflective boundary at r50. A sufficiently small time step (Dt) is used in the computations so that v ik '1 except very near the target surface and that the surface can be considered flat ~i.e., curvature effects can be neglected!. Analytical expressions for P rxn and P refl can be obtained in this limit. For isotropic translational diffusion of the rods the expressions reduce to the results of Lamm and Schulten32 for spheres when the region in phase space near u 5 u c is neglected.28 These results are used in the computations. A variable time step is used in the computations with the dimensionless time step given by Dt5 FIG. 2. Variation of reaction probability ( b q ) with the initial orientation angle of the molecules ~u! for different values of the rotational diffusion resistance (s). The upper dotted line gives the theoretically obtained reaction probability for a uniformly reactive surface @Eq. ~27!# and the vertical line indicates the critical orientation angle ( u c ). Error bars give the standard deviation for five iterations. ~a! s5104 ; ~b! s5108 . Gaussian translational displacements in the three coordinate directions with variance A4D t Dt ~Ref. 31! and a random rotation step with probability density P r ~ u ,Dt u u 0 ! 5 1 4 p D r Dt H 3exp 2 J u 2 1 u 20 22 uu 0 cos D f . ~23! 4D r Dt for u 0 ,0.01 rad, where u 0 is the orientation before the time step, and a random Gaussian rotation step ~Du! with variance A4D r Dt if u 0 .0.01 rad. The average reaction probability is calculated for sufficiently large number of trajectories (N) initiated at each orientation u as22 1 b q ~ u ! 512 N N ( )k v ik , i51 ~24! where v ik is the survival probability for a single Brownian step given by P rxn~ r,Dt u r8 ! v ik 5 . P refl~ r,Dt u r8 ! ~25! P rxn(r,Dt u r8 ) is the probability density of finding a molecule, which was initially at r8 , at r after a time Dt, in the presence of a reactive surface at r50 with a surface reaction rate constant k 8 . Similarly, P refl(r,Dt u r8 ) is the probability H t fac~ j 2r̄ c ! 2 ~ q̄2 j ! 2 1 t min, t min, j .r̄ c j >r̄ c , ~26! where D t 5D t Dt/R 2 and t fac is a constant in the range 0.2– 0.001. The survival probability is computed only if the particle is within certain critical radius r̄ c . We take r̄ c 51.05 and t min51024 so that the reaction probability ratio, @ 1 2 v ik (r̄ c ) # / @ 12 v ik (0) # , is less than 10210, following Allison et al.22 Further, t fac is chosen so that the reaction probability ratio is less than 10210 for all j .r̄ c . Since the critical orientation angle and the rotational diffusivity are very small ~u c !1, s@1! only those molecules initially oriented close to u c have a nonzero reaction probability @ b q ( u ) # . Hence, molecules are initiated with orientations in the range u P(0,u c 1 d ), where d is chosen such that b q ( u c 1 d )/ b q (0)<1023 . Scaling analysis of the Eq. ~1! gives d ;Aq̄/ As and the criterion for the reaction probability at u 5( u c 1 d ) gives A.1.5. The reaction probability b q ( u ) is computed at equally placed intervals in the above range of u, and then integrated using a numerical technique ~Simpson’s method! to obtain ^ b q & which is of interest. For very large values of s (s.106 ) we have d , u c , and thus b q ( u ) is calculated only in the range u P( u c 2 d , u c 1 d ). In this case the reaction probability for molecules with initial orientations in the range u P(0,u c 2 d ) is b q5 a ~ q̄2b̄ ! b̄ ~ q̄ ~ 11 a ! 2 a ! ~27! and corresponds to the case of a uniformly reactive surface ~i.e., reaction is possible for all orientations u!. A sufficiently large number of Brownian trajectories (N) are used so as to get small standard deviations. Computations are carried out for 100 trajectories at each of the 20 u values for cases in which d , u c and for 500 trajectories at each of the 20 u values for cases when d . u c . In all cases the average of 5 such computations are reported. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The variation of the reaction probability ( b q ) with the initial orientation angle of the rod ~u! is presented for different values of the rotational diffusion resistance (s) in Fig. 2. The molecules initially oriented at u 50 have the highest value of the reaction probability, and the reaction probability levels off to zero at relatively large initial orientation angles. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 107, No. 8, 22 August 1997 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see J. Srinivasalu Gupta and D. V. Khakhar: Simulation of polymerization 3293 FIG. 4. Variation of b̄ ^ b q & with b̄/q̄ for a 51.0, u c 50.01 rad, and b̄ 51.1 for different values of the rotational diffusion resistance (s). Error bars give the standard deviation of the computed values and the solid lines are obtained from a least squares fit. !: s5104 , n: s5106 , 3: s5108 , h: s51010, and 1: s51012. k̄ eff5 FIG. 3. Variation of b̄ ^ b q & with b̄/q̄ for a 51.0, u c 50.01 rad, and different values of the initiation radius (b̄) for two values of the rotational diffusion resistance (s). Error bars give the standard deviation of the computed values and the lines are obtained by a least squares fit. ~a! s5104 ; ~b! s5108 , 1: b̄51.05, 3: b̄51.1, and n: b̄52.0. The reaction probability for a uniformly reactive surface @Eq. ~27!# is also shown in both graphs ~dotted lines!. For very large values of s @Fig. 2~b!# the reaction probability at low orientations is equal to the theoretical value as required. However, for smaller values of s @Fig. 2~a!# the maximum value of b q is lower than the theoretical value. The computations thus verify the assumptions made for the range of initial orientations of the molecules. For small values of ^ b q & , as obtained here, Eq. ~22! simplifies to b̄ ^ b q & 12a ~ b̄/q̄ ! . ~28! Figure 3 shows the variation of b̄ ^ b q & with b̄/q̄ for different values of the initiation radius (b̄), and the rotational diffusion resistance (s). The error bars give the standard deviation of the computed values over five iterations. In all the cases considered, straight lines are obtained in accordance with Eq. ~28!. The fitted values for k̄ eff and a are given in Table I. The values of the rate constants for all the three values of b̄ are the same within the obtained standard deviations. Furthermore, the values of the constant a obtained for very slow rotational diffusion (s5108 ) are significantly less than 1, indicating a deviation from isotropic flux in the region j .b̄. The constant a approaches unity as b̄ increases for this case. The constant a is close to unity for faster rotational diffusion (s5104 ). Both of the above trends are consistent with an increase in isotropy for the region j .b̄. Typical computational times ~on an IBM PC, Pentium 120!, also given in Table I, show a decreasing trend with the ini- TABLE I. Table showing the values of the constants of the lines fitted to the data in Fig. 3 for different values of b̄ and two different values of s, along with the computational time consumed. s b̄ k̄ eff3105 a CPU ~h! 104 1.05 1.10 2.00 3.7760.15 3.7360.10 4.0060.25 0.995 0.992 1.083 1.28 1.25 0.83 108 1.05 1.10 2.00 2.6260.02 2.6260.02 2.6060.04 0.744 0.767 0.885 0.31 0.30 0.20 FIG. 5. Effect of rotational diffusional resistance (s) on the dimensionless effective rate constant (k̄ eff) for a 51.0, u c 50.01 rad. Symbols denote the computed results and the solid line gives the analytical result ~Ref. 4!. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 107, No. 8, 22 August 1997 Downloaded 01 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 3294 J. Srinivasalu Gupta and D. V. Khakhar: Simulation of polymerization The effective rate constant for reaction between rodlike molecules computed using pairwise Brownian dynamics is equal ~within computational error! to the value obtained from theory,4 thus validating the computational method. The method can easily be extended to more complex situations, for example, diffusion controlled reaction with anisotropic translational diffusion. The numerical procedures are more complicated in this case as compared to isotropic translational diffusion, and the computations are significantly more intensive particularly for low values of D' /D i . Results of these computations will be reported separately.33 FIG. 6. Effect of critical orientation angle ( u c ) on the dimensionless effective rate constant (k̄ eff) for a 51.0. Symbols denote the computed results and the solid line gives the analytical result ~Ref. 4!. tiation radius (b̄) for a fixed number of trajectories. The errors are small at small b̄ and increase with increasing values of the initiation radius (b̄). Considering a balance between magnitude of errors and computational times, an intermediate value of the initiation radius b̄51.1 seems to be most suitable for the computations. Figure 4 shows the variations of b̄ ^ b q & with b̄/q̄ for different values of the rotational diffusion resistance (s) for b̄51.1. Again, straight lines are obtained for all cases, in agreement with Eq. ~28!. The value of the intercept ~which is equal to the rate constant! decreases with increase in the rotational diffusion resistance (s) as expected. The variation of the effective rate constant (k̄ eff) with the rotational diffusion resistance (s) is compared with the analytically obtained values4 in Fig. 5. There is excellent agreement between the theory and the computed values within the obtained standard deviations. Figure 6 shows a graph of the variation of the effective rate constant (k eff) with the critical orientation angle ( u c ) for s5106 and a 51.0. Again, these values show a good agreement with the analytical results. VI. CONCLUSIONS The pairwise Brownian dynamics method of Northrup et al.18 for the calculation of effective rate constants of diffusion controlled reactions is extended to the case of rodlike molecules. A new approach is presented for calculation of the finite domain correction for the reaction probability. The approach is somewhat more rigorous as compared to that of previous works since variation of probabilities with the initial orientation of the molecules are explicitly taken into account. Other improvements that facilitate computations include numerical integration of the reaction probability over a limited range of initial molecular orientations, and relaxation of the requirement of isotropic diffusion for j .b̄ which allows for using smaller values of the initiation radius (b̄). All of the above would be useful for pairwise Brownian dynamics simulations of diffusion controlled reactions for systems other than the one considered here as well. 1 L. Vollbracht, in Comprehensive Polymer Science, edited by G. Allen, and J. C. Bevington, Vol. 5 ~Pergamon, Oxford, 1989!, pp. 375–386. 2 S. L. Kwolek, P. W. Morgan, and J. R. Schaefgen, in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, edited by H. F. Mark, N. M. Bikales, C. G. Overberger, and G. Menges ~Wiley, New York, 1987!, Vol. 9, pp. 1–61. 3 M. Doi and S. F. Edwards, The Theory of Polymer Dynamics ~Clarendon, Oxford, 1986!, pp. 324–349. 4 U. S. Agarwal and D. V. Khakhar, J. Chem. Phys. 96, 7125 ~1992!. 5 U. S. 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