Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2001 Docket No. R2001-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO WILLIAM P. TAYMAN, JR. (OCA/USPS-T6-43-56) November 19.2001 Pursuant Commission, to Rules 25 through 28 of the Rules of Practice of the Postal the Office of the Consumer requests for production OCA/USPS-1-21 of documents. dated September Advocate Instructions hereby submits interrogatories included submitted, Acting Director Office of the Consumer KENNETH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 Advocate E. RICHARDSON and with OCA interrogatories 28, 2001, are hereby incorporated Respectfully Rate by reference. -2. Docket No. R2001-1 Please OCABJSPS-TG-43. Please refer to your response confirm that your response Postal Service provide to say that all the markets which the serves today are highly competitive products substitutes is intended or services that are “either for postal services.” OCAlUSPS-TG-44. to OCAAJSPS-TG-33(a-b). as they include competitors direct or extremely attractive who indirect If you do not confirm, please explain. Please refer to your response to DMAIUSPS-TG-21 indicating the Postal Service has not asked Congress to increase the USPS debt limit in the last five years. November recall that the Postal Service 9, 2001 appearance General Government attacks. Also, before Appropriations the Senate requested subcommittee $5 billion in a on Treasury to address the impact of the September and 11 terrorist Note also the proximity of the current Postal Service debt to the statutory debt ceiling imposed by Congress to the September which you say at page 8 of your testimony 11 terrorist attacks) “will be uncomfortably in FY 2002.” [$12,913 billion or 86.1 percent of the statutory billion or 111.8 percent management of the statutory limit]. prior close to the statutory limit limit.] year before rates basis, the Postal Service could reach the statutory [$16,772.6 (prepared Further, “On a test limit in FY 2003.” Does the Postal Service have any plan or intent to request from Congress during FY 2002 or FY 2003 an increase in the Postal Service’s $15 billion debt ceiling: (4 If Congress adverse subsequent financial does not provide the Postal Service any funds to address the impact of the September use of the mail for bio-terrorism. 11 terrorist attacks and the Docket No. R2001-1 (b) -3- If Congress to address provides the Postal Service a total of approximately the impacts of the attacks on facilities, equipment, $3 billion security, and operations. (4 If Congress consisting provides the Postal Service a total of approximately of $3 billion to address equipment, security, and operations Service for business the impacts of the attacks $5 billion on facilities, and $2 billion to compensate losses due to significant reduction in volumes the Postal incurred due to the terrorist attacks. (d) If the answer is affirmative to any of the parts (a) through please explain when the Postal Service management increase (c), above, would expect to request an in the debt ceiling and uses of the funds raised by increasing the debt ceiling. 63 If the answer is negative to any of the parts (a) through (c), above, please explain why the Postal Service management would not plan or intend to seek an increase in the Postal Service’s debt ceiling. OCADJSPS-TG-45. Postal Service’s to FY 2003. Please refer to Table 6, page 8 of your testimony, outstanding debt as a percentage listing the of the statutory ceiling from FY 1972 Please explain whether the total debt shown on Table 6 is year end, the average outstanding OCAIUSPS-TG-46. program costs. balance, or another measure. Please refer to your testimony You state, “Reduced program expense at page 18, discussing reflects management’s other concern -4- Docket No. R2001-1 about the Postal Service’s control costs. financial condition as well as a continuing There is long term risk, however, deferral and cancellation of programs quality of service, increase in such an approach, that would otherwise responsiveness commitment to customers, to as it requires be planned to improve the and build and maintain our infrastructure.” (a) Please confirm that your phrase “[rleduced fact that your testimony shows declining program expense” refers to the as well as your Table 13, Other Programs, Other Programs expenditures on page 18, from FY 2001 through the test which of the Other Programs listed in year. (b) This interrogatory LR-J-50, Chapter is to determine V, sections funds, will provide b-d, for which an improvement in the quality Postal Service responsiveness to customers. the following describe programs responsiveness and will be improved the Postal Service of service is budgeting and/or increase Please provide the full names of the way for the years in which shown postal in LR-J-50, service or FY 2001 through FY 2003. (9 Field Personnel transfer of Related Sales Cost Function Reductions from Areas & Other to HQ Programs-(Professional Employees). (ii) Field Non Personnel HQ Programs and Unallocated--HQ Activities-Information Technology, Technologies, FED-Ex Startup, Credit Cards. Activities, Ebusiness-Information -5 Docket NO. R2001-1 (iii) Unallocated Personnel Breakthrough Productivity PMPC In House, (iv) Cost Other Programs Please describe Initiatives, BPI-District (Chap. V, sec. d)- TNS Tulsa, Facilities Professional DARs, Staff, Retail Init. the postal service benefits and responsiveness any other cost reduction operations or other programs of listed in Chapter V, sections b-d, of LR-J-50. Please indicate any other programs that are m (c) V, sections b-d, for which the Postal Service is budgeting funds to provide or will provide an improvement responsiveness costs. Please refer to your testimony You state, “Reduced about the Postal Service’s control costs. deferral quality of service, Changes (4 Postal Service financial of programs increase Please at page 18, discussing program expense reflects managements condition as well as a continuing There is long term risk, however, and cancellation infrastructure.” in the quality of service and/or increase to customers. OCWUSPS-TG-47. program listed in LR-J-50, Chapter in such an approach, that would otherwise responsiveness Exhibits concern commitment to as it requires be planned to improve the to customers, also refer to LR-J-49 other and build and maintain A-C listing Other our Program for FY 2001 through FY 2003, respectively. Please indicate which of the Other Programs as listed in LR-J-49, Exhibits A-C, and for which the Postal Service is budgeting funds, provide or will provide an improvement responsiveness in the quality to customers. of service and/or increase Postal Service Docket No. R2001-1 (b) -6- For those programs will provide Service in part (a), above, which you indicated do provide or an improvement responsiveness improvement in the quality to of service customers, please and/or explain increase Postal specifically what in service quality or Postal Service responsiveness will be provided and which classes of service will be affected. OCNUSPS-TG-48. other program concern costs. about commitment Please the You state, “Reduced Postal to control costs. it requires deferral refer to your testimony Service’s program financial at page 18 that discusses expense condition reflects managements as well as a continuing There is long term risk, however, in such an approach, and cancellation of programs that would otherwise improve the quality of service, increase responsiveness maintain Please our infrastructure.” to customers, also refer to LR-J-49 Exhibit as be planned to and build and E listing Cost Reduction Program Changes for FY 2001 through FY 2003, respectively. (4 Please indicate which of the Other Programs E, for which the Postal Service is budgeting improvement in responsiveness (W quality service funds, provide or will provide and/or increase Postal an Service in part (a), above, which you indicated do provide or an improvement responsiveness improvement of Exhibit to customers. For those programs will provide Service the as listed in LR-J-49, to in the quality customers, of service please and/or explain in service quality or Postal Service responsiveness and which classes of service will be affected. increase Postal specifically what will be provided -?- Docket No. R2001-1 Please refer to your testimony OCA/USPS-TG-49. program costs. You state, “Reduced about the Postal Service’s control costs. financial of programs quality of service, increase infrastructure.” Changes program expense reflects management’s condition as well as a continuing There is long term risk, however, deferral and cancellation at page 18, discussing responsiveness to customers, Please also refer to LR-J-49, concern commitment in such an approach, that would otherwise other to as it requires be planned to improve the and build and maintain our Exhibit E, listing Cost Reduction Program for FY 2001 through FY 2003, respectively. Please indicate (4 any other Postal Service initiatives for which the Postal Service budgets funds that are not listed in Exhibit E and which will provide an improvement in the responsiveness quality will provide Service and/or increase Postal in part (a), above, which you indicated an improvement responsiveness improvement service Service to customers. For those programs (b) of to in the quality of service customers, please and/or explain do provide or increase Postal specifically what in service quality or Postal Service responsiveness will be provided and which classes of service will be affected. OCANSPS-TG-50. program costs. Please refer to your testimony You state, “Reduced about the Postal Service’s control costs. financial at page 18, discussing program expense reflects management’s condition as well as a continuing There is long term risk, however, in such an approach, other concern commitment to as it requires Docket No. R2001-1 -0- deferral and cancellation quality of service, of programs that would otherwise increase responsiveness be planned to improve the to customers, and build and maintain our infrastructure.” Please (4 cancelled indicate that would the Postal have provided Service initiatives an improvement and/or increase Postal Service responsiveness that were deferred in the quality or of service to customers. Please provide any decision analysis reports or other planning documents 03 analyzing the justification program’s potential for such for an improvement increase in responsiveness in quality for an improvement in the quality Service responsiveness customers, in service specifically of service discuss the or an expected in part (a), above, which you indicated provided improvement that to customers. For those programs (4 programs to of service and/or please explain quality or Postal Service would have increase Postal specifically what responsiveness would have been provided and which classes of service would have,been affected. ocA/usPs-51. additional If the Postal Service reaches funds to continue its statutory debt ceiling and requires normally planned operations, able to continue to borrow funds from the U.S. Treasury (4 The existing terms and conditions under current law would it be at: and, if so, please provide the basis for your response. (W Under less favorable terms and conditions basis for your response. and, if so, please provide the DocketNo.R2001-1 OCA/USPS-52. additional -9- If the Postal Service reaches its statutory debt ceiling and requires funds to continue continue normally planned providing for controlled normally operations; and organized planned operations but lacks the cash flow to does the Postal Service reductions in service? have in place plans If so, please summarize those plans and indicate the order in which classes and subclasses of service, including special services, would be affected. OCANSPS-53. service provided Is the current FY 2002 budget designed to all classes and subclasses to insure that the value of of service will be maintained to the extent they were provided for in FY 2001 (the test year in Docket R2000-1) and the year for which the rates established were expected to reflect the service provided? please explain which classes and subclasses If not, of service now receive a lesser value of service than in the FY 2001 test year and explain why the budget is not sufficient to maintain the previous value of service. OCANSPS-TG-54. Has the deferral and cancellation to on page 18 of your testimony detrimental that you refer had an impact upon the value of the service or been to the service standards OCANSPS-TG-55. of programs of any of the classes or subclasses Will the deferral and cancellation value of service or cause the Postal Service to reduce of mail? of programs its current reduce the service standards -IO- Docket No. R2001-1 through the test year in this case (FY 2003) the year for which the rates are designed to reflect particular service standards? Your testimony OCANSPS-TG-56. the Postal Service estimated ECI (Employment exist.” at page 64, lines 26-28 states, “In this case labor costs using existing contracts Cost Index) and ECI-1 assumption To determine annual salary increases, J (Unit Cost Development), where they exist, and for wages where contracts do not Library reference LR-J-50, Chap. VII, sec. page 368, applies the ECI only for FY 2001 and ECI-1 for FY 2002 and FY 2003. (4 Does the ECI shown on page 368 apply to all employees non-bargaining) (b) for FY 2001? Page 368 assumes establishing (bargaining and If not, please explain. ECI-1 for FY 2002. the wage level increase Please state when contracts for FY 2002 for the employee categories listed on page 368 will be finalized. (4 Page 368 assumes establishing ECI-1 for FY 2003. the wage level increase listed on page 368 will be finalized. Please state when contracts for FY 2003 for the employee categories CERTIFICATE I hereby participants OF SERVICE certify that I have this date served the foregoing of record in this proceeding practice. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 November 19. 2001 in accordance document upon all with Rule 12 of the rules of
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