Lateness Models Contents 1. Lawler’s algorithm which gives an optimal schedule with the minimum cost hmax when the jobs are subject to precedence relationship 1 | prec | hmax 2. A branch-and-bound algorithm for the scheduling problems with the objective to minimise lateness 1 | rj | Lmax Literature: • Scheduling, Theory, Algorithms, and Systems, Michael Pinedo, Prentice Hall, 1995, Chapter 3.2 1 or new: Second Addition, 2002, Chapter 3. Lawler’s Algorithm • Backward algorithm which gives an optimal schedule for 1 | prec | hmaxhmax = max ( h1(C1), ... ,hn(Cn) ) hj are nondecreasing cost functions Notation makespan Cmax = pj completion of the last job J set of jobs already scheduled C p , C j max they have to be processed during the time interval max j J JC J' JC complement of set J, set of jobs still to be scheduled set of jobs that can be scheduled immediately before set J (schedulable jobs) 2 Lawler’s Algorithm for 1 | | hmax Step 1. J= JC = {1,...,n} k=n Step 2. Let j* be such that h j* p j minC h j p j jJ C jJ jJ C Place j* in J in the k-th order position Delete j* from JC Step 3. If JC = then Stop else k = k - 1 go to Step 2 3 Example (no precedence relationships between jobs) jobs pj hj(Cj) 1 2 1+C1 2 3 1.2C2 3 5 10 J= JC={1, 2, 3} jobs still to be scheduled Cmax = 10 h1(10) = 11 h2(10) =12 h3(10) =10 Job 3 is scheduled last and has to be processed in [5, 10]. ... 3 5 10 4 J = {3} JC={1, 2} jobs still to be scheduled Cmax = 5 h1(5) = 6 h2(5) = 6 Either job 1 or job 2 may be processed before job 3. 1 2 5 or 2 3 1 10 3 5 10 Two schedules are optimal: 1, 2, 3 and 2, 1, 3 5 Lawler’s Algorithm for 1 | prec | hmax Step 1. J = , JC = {1,...,n} J' the set of all jobs with no successors k=n Step 2. Let j* be such that h j* p j min h j p j jJ C jJ ' jJ C Place j* in J in the k-th order position Delete j* from JC Modify J' to represent the set of jobs which can be scheduled immediately before set J. Step 3. If JC = then Stop else k = k - 1 go to Step 2 6 Example. What will happen in the previous example if the precedence 1 2 has to be taken into account? J= JC={1, 2, 3} still to be scheduled J'={2, 3} have no successors Cmax = 10 h2(10) = 12 h3(10) = 10 ... 5 J = {3} JC={1, 2} still to be scheduled J'={2} can be scheduled immediately before J Cmax = 5 h2(5) = 6 J = {3, 2} JC={1} h1(2) = 3 Optimal schedule: 1, 2, 3, h = 10 J'={1} 3 2 2 1 3 5 2 2 10 10 3 5 10 7 1 || Lmax is the special case of the 1 | prec | hmax where hj = Cj - dj algorithm results in the schedule that orders jobs in increasing order of their due dates - earliest due date first rule (EDD) 1 | rj | Lmax is NP hard , branch-and-bound is used 1 | rj , prec | Lmax similar branch-and-bound 8 Branch-and-bound algorithm • Search space can grow very large as the number of variables in the problem increases! • Branch-and-bound is a heuristic that works on the idea of successive partitioning of the search space. S S1 S12 S2 S13 ... Sn S = S1 S2... Sn S1 S2... Sn = ... ... 9 • We need some means for obtaining a lower bound on the cost for any particular solution (the task is to minimise the cost). S fbound f(x), xS1 S1 S12 S2 S13 ... ... Sn fbound f(x), xS2 there is no need to explore S2 10 Branch-and-bound algorithm Step 1 Initialise P = Si (determine the partitions) Initialise fbound Step 2 Remove best partition Si from P Reduce or subdivide Si into Sij Update fbound P = P Sij For all SijP do if lower bound of f(Sij) > fbound then remove Sij from P Step 3 If not termination condition then go to Step 2 11 Branch-and-bound algorithm for 1 | rj | Lmax Solution space contains n! schedules (n is number of jobs). Total enumeration is not viable ! *,*,*,* 1,*,*,* 1,2,*,* 1,3,*,* 2,*,*,* ... n,*,*,* ... ... 12 *,*,*,* 1,*,*,* 1,2,*,* 1,3,*,* 2,*,*,* ... ... n,*,*,* 1st level 2nd level ... Branching rule: k-1 level, j1, ... , jk-1 are scheduled, jk need to be considered if no job still to be scheduled can not be processed before the release time of jk that is: r jk min (max(t , rl ) pl ) lJ J set of jobs not yet scheduled t is time when jk-1 is completed 13 Lower bound: • Preemptive earliest due date (EDD) rule is optimal for 1 | rj prmp | Lmax A preemptive schedule will have a maximum lateness not greater than a non-preemtive schedule. • If a preemptive EDD rule gives a nonpreemptive schedule then all nodes with a larger lower bound can be disregarded. 14 Example. jobs pj rj dj 1 4 3 4 2 5 0 6 • Non-preemptive schedules 1 2 3 0 2 0 12 7 1 5 9 L1=3 L2=6 Lmax=6 L1=5 L2=-1 Lmax=5 • Preemptive schedule obtained using EDD L1=3 2 1 2 the lowest Lmax ! L =3 2 15 0 3 7 9 Lmax=3 Example jobs pj rj dj 1 4 0 8 2 2 1 12 4 5 5 10 3,*,*,* 4,*,*,* *,*,*,* L.B. = 7 L.B. = 5 1,*,*,* 1,2,*,* 3 6 3 11 2,*,*,* 1,3,*,* L.B. = 5 L.B. = 6 job 1 could be processed before job 4 job 2 could be processed before job 3 1,3,4,2 16 *, *, *, * 1,*,*,* 1 [0, 4] 3 [4, 5] 4 [5, 10] 3 [10, 15] 2 [15, 17] 1,2,*,* 1 [0, 4] 2 [4, 6] 4 [6, 11] 3 [11, 17] L1=-4 L4=0 L3=4 L2=5 L1=-4 L2=-6 L4=1 L3=6 2,*,*,* 2 [1, 3] 1 [3, 7] 4 [7, 12] 3 [12, 18] L2=-9 L1=-1 L4=2 L3=7 1,3,*,* 1 [0, 4] 3 [4, 10] 4 [10, 15] 2 [15, 17] L1=-4 L3=-1 L4=5 L3=5 4,*,*,* either job 1 or 2 can be processed before 4 ! 3,*,*,* job 2 can be processed before 3 ! Schedule: 1, 3, 4, 2, 17 Summary 1 | prec | hmax , hmax=max( h1(C1), ... ,hn(Cn) ), Lawler’s algorithm 1 || Lmax EDD rule 1 | rj | Lmax is NP hard , branch-and-bound is used 1 | rj , prec | Lmax similar branch-and-bound 1 | rj, prmp | Lmax preemptive EDD rule 18
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