, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2001 Docket No. R2001-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO WILLIAM P. TAYMAN, JR. (OCA/USPS-T6-22-32) October 19.2001 Pursuant Commission, requests to Rules 25 through 28 of the Rules of Practice the Office of the Consumer for production OCAAJSPS-1-21 of documents. dated September Advocate Instructions hereby submits interrogatories included submitted, Acting Director Office of the Consumer Advocate KENNETH E. RICHARDSON Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 and with OCA interrogatories 28, 2001, are hereby incorporated Respectfully of the Postal Rate by reference. -2- Docket No. R2001-1 Please OCANSPS-TG-22. wherein at page 46, lines 23-24, you state that the annual capital need for network growth associated provision of additional is approximately (a) turn to your testimony service to approximately with the 1.7 million new delivery points per year $400 million. Please provide the additions to annual revenues based on current and proposed rates from the additional provision of mail service to the approximately new delivery approximately points each year, assuming that the capital $400 million is invested (which was apparently 1.7 million investment of not the case in FY 2001 due to the budget freeze). (b) Please provide the addition to annual operating 2003 that would be associated (4 costs for FY 2001 through with the $400 million of capital investment to serve the approximately 1.7 million new delivery points every year. For the additional costs referenced between annual amortization, annual costs resulting depreciation, income statement) in (b), please from the investment and possibly other provide of capital costs flowing and direct costs (e.g., typically wages, FY needed a breakout (e.g., typically through supplres, to the etc., again flowing through to the income statement). OCANSPS-TG-23. wherein Please turn to your testimony you state that the investment projects associated at page 46, lines 24-25, with the addition of the 1.7 million new delivery points have not been funded due to the capital freeze. (4 How has the Postal Service been able to deliver mail (assuming case) to the additional investment 1.7 million new delivery points, projects were in fact needed but not made? that such is the assuming that the Docket No. RZOOl-1 (b) that the mail to the 1.7 million new delivery points was delivered Assuming 2001 -3- without additional incurring the $400 million investment, how much annual cost was incurred to make those deliveries that would not have been incurred had the additional investment (4 of needed in FY been made? Please explain how the annual cost incurred in providing the additional to the 1.7 million new delivery points (but absent capital from what would investment) is different capital projects been implemented. the addition service of the desired have been incurred Please provide quantification had the in your answer in addition to explanations. (4 Assuming without that mail to the 1.7 million the addition increased efficiency sometimes 6-3 of capital projects, new delivery can it be assumed by the Postal Service? referenced points is being delivered that this is the result of In the management literature this is as “Doing more with less.” If you agree that the Postal Service delivery of mail to 1.7 new delivery points without the addition of needed capital investment Service efficiency, is such increased is the result of increased Postal Postal Service efficiency probably likely to occur in future years? OCAIUSPS-TG-24. associated (a) You have delineated $400 million of capital projects capital costs that would be associated with the with the addition of 1.7 million new delivery points. Are there any other additional addition million? of the new delivery Such costs points exclusive might, for example, of the already be associated mentioned $400 with the need for Docket No. R2001-1 additional -4- mail processing additional capital costs. (b) equipment. If you agree, please quantify the If you disagree, please explain. If there are any additional costs, please break out the additional annual direct costs similar to the request in OCANSPS-TG-22(c). (c) How many of the 1.7 million new delivery points, if any, represent existing mail service to a new location concurrent a transfer of with the elimination of the old location? (4 How much are annual OCANSPS-TG-22(c), capital investment decreased and direct costs, as delineated in when the delivery point of mail is transferred to a new delivery point and the previ.ous delivery point eliminated? may be aggregated in terms of a specific quantity The number of sites rather than site specific. OCANSPS-TG-25. Please turn to your testimony at 49, lines 21-26, wherein you state that the Postal Service’s overall revenue and expense projections must be at least 99.5 percent not to be fully consumed accurate by adverse reasoning in order variances. and computations appropriate, for the three Please including Please the underlying mathematical references to specific exhibit pages and lines, if turn to your testimony wherein you state that the break-even common provide contingency that lead to this conclusion. OCANSPS-TG-26. through percent the contingency knowledge provision. that companies requirement 51, lines 13-19, allows no margin of safety other than Based on information frequently at page announce in the financial press, it is major and substantial cuts in order to achieve lower costs during times of financial difficulty. budget -5. Docket No. R2001-1 (4 Is it your testimony that such an approach W If your answer is inapplicable to the Postal Service? is “yes”, please explain the unique characteristics that produce such a situation for the Postal Service. (4 If your answer is “no”, please explain how much of the currently projected costs could be cut in the interim years and test year during economic adversities. Please turn in your testimony OCANSPS-TG-27. state that inflation can accelerate Service’s labor. costs. It is understood It is further understood beyond projections at 53, lines 20-21, wherein you and negatively affect the Postal that over 76 percent of the Postal Service’s that these costs are set by contract or by management policy and are not subject to inflation except to the degree that economic such as inflation impact the terms of the contract or management (4 Assuming that accelerated aforementioned management costs are inflation is an important conditions policy. issue to consider, would the 76 percent of costs be subject to inflation once the contracts policies had been determined? If your answer or is other than no, please explain. lb) Assuming that accelerated inflation is an important issue to consider, interim year and test year revenue and cost projections have the taken this possibility into account? (c) Have you quantified the potential levels of accelerated impacts? inflation and their potential Is so, please furnish the studies. OCANSPS-TG-28. You state at page 53, lines 27-29,‘that WEFA scenarios have less economic growth through the test year. two alternate DRI- Docket No. R2001-1 (4 -6- Does this mean that you have used a forecast that is optimistic but has only a 55% chance of occurring as a probability? @I Does correct budgeting all reasonably (c) Was there downside W and planning suggest that you should take into account prudent possibilities? any consideration implications and more realistic numbers, allowing for in preparing the revenue and cost projections? What part of the requested inflation of using adverse three percent economic contingency conditions, is expected and what percent to cover is for other contingencies? OCA/USPS-TG-29. Please turn to your testimony on page 54, lines 1-2, Is it your testimony that a more pessimistic economic discussing the economic outlook. possibility is appropriate, suggesting that the use of the June estimate of the economy was incorrect? OCAIUSPS-TG-30. Please turn to your testimony page 61, line 15. Are there any potential situations at page 58, line 1 through under which costs could be lower than expected? OCAIUSPS-TG-31. Please turn to your testimony page 62, line 2. You have discussed potential revenue variances Please indicate the types of changes in each of the variables forecasts downwards. of one percent and . three percent. (a) at page 61 line 18 through that would result in a one percent revenue in the DRI-WEFA variation, upwards or -7. Docket No. R2001-1 lb) Please indicate the types of changes forecasts that would in each of the variables result in a three percent revenue in the DRI-WEFA variation, upwards or downwards. OCANSPS-TG-32. (4 You testify past and expected Productivity (TFP) of 2.5 percent accounting period 12, 1.1 percent lower than assumption (b) Please turn to your testimony on page 62, lines 7-26. assumed in Postal Service in FY 2000, 2.0 percent Total Factor in FY 2001 through in FY 2002, and at least 0.5 to 1.0 percent in the test year after rates. Please state the TFP for the test year. In many cases, programs dollars or percentages relates increases to lower costs are stated in terms of cutting specific of costs. to the TFP projections Please indicate how a percentage you present. For example, cut in costs assuming overall level of cost is cut by one percent, how much does TFP increase? state all assumptions. that the Please CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing participants of record in this proceeding practice. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 October 19.2001 in accordance document upon all with Rule 12 of the rules of
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