3 Albert S. Kobayashi, Satya N. Atluri In this chapter we consider certain useful fundamental topics from the vast panorama of the analytical mechanics of solids, which, by itself, has been the subject of several handbooks. The specific topics that are briefly summarized include: elementary theories of material response such as elasticity, dynamic elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, viscoplasticity, and creep; and some useful analytical results for boundary value problems in elasticity. 1.1 Elementary Theories of Material Responses ........................... 1.1.1 Elasticity ..................................... 1.1.2 Viscoelasticity .............................. 1.1.3 Plasticity ..................................... 1.1.4 Viscoplasticity and Creep ............... 7 9 Boundary Value Problems in Elasticity .... 1.2.1 Basic Field Equations .................... 1.2.2 Plane Theory of Elasticity............... 1.2.3 Basic Field Equations for the State of Plane Strain ............................. 1.2.4 Basic Field Equations for the State of Plane Stress ............................. 1.2.5 Infinite Plate with a Circular Hole... 1.2.6 Point Load on a Semi-Infinite Plate 11 11 12 Summary ............................................. 14 References .................................................. 14 1.2 4 4 6 1.3 12 12 13 13 Herein, we employ Cartesian coordinates exclusively. We use a fixed Cartesian system with base vectors ei (i = 1, 2, 3). The coordinates of a material particle before and after deformation are xi and yi , respectively. The deformation gradient, denoted as Fij , is defined to be ∂yi ≡ yi, j . (1.1) ∂x j A wide variety of other strain measures may be derived [1.1–4]. Let ( da) be a differential area in the deformed body, and let n i be direction cosines of a unit outward normal to ( da). If the differential force acting on this area is d f i , the true stress or Cauchy stress τij is defined from the relation The displacement components will be denoted by u i (= yi − xi ), such that Thus τij is the stress per unit area in the deformed body. The nominal stress (or the transpose of the so-called first Piola–Kirchhoff stress) tij and the second Piola– Kirchhoff stress Sij are defined through the relations Fij = δij + u i, j , (1.2) where δij is a Kronecker delta. The Green–Lagrange strain tensor εij is given by 1 1 εij = (Fki Fk j − δij ) ≡ (u i, j + u j,i + u k,i u k, j ) . 2 2 (1.3) When displacements and their gradients are infinitesimal, (1.3) may be approximated as 1 (1.4) εij = (u i, j + u j,i ) ≡ u (i, j) . 2 d f i = ( da)n j τij . d f i = ( da)N j t ji = ( dA)N j S jk yi,k , (1.5) (1.6) (1.7) where ( dA)N j is the image in the undeformed configuration, of the oriented vector area ( da)n j in the deformed configuration. Note that both t ji and S ji are stresses per unit area in the undeformed configuration, and t ji is unsymmetric, while S ji is, by definition, symmetric [1.3,4]. It should also be noted that a wide variety of other stress measures may be derived [1.3, 4]. Part A 1 Analytical Me 1. Analytical Mechanics of Solids 4 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 1.1 From the geometric theory of deformation [1.5], it follows that ∂xi (1.8) , ( da)n j = (J)( dA)Nk ∂y j where ρ0 dv (1.9) = . J= d∀ ρ In the above dv is a differential volume in the deformed body, and d∀ is its image in the undeformed body. From (1.5) through (1.9), it follows that ∂x j ∂xi ∂xi τm j and Sij = J τmn . (1.10) tij = J ∂ym ∂ym ∂yn Another useful stress tensor is the so-called Kirchhoff stress tensor, denoted by σij and defined as σij = Jτij . (1.11) When displacements and their gradients are infinitesimal, J ≈ 1, ∂xi /∂yk = δik and so on, and thus the distinction between all the stress measures largely disappears. Hence, in an infinitesimal deformation theory, one may speak of the stress tensor σij . For more on finite deformation mechanism of solids see [1.6, 7]. 1.1 Elementary Theories of Material Responses The mathematical characterization of the behavior of solids is one of the most complex aspects of solid mechanics. Most of the time, the general behavior of a material defies our mathematical ability to characterize it. The theories discussed below must be viewed simply as idealizations of regimes of material response under specific types of loading and/or environmental conditions. invariants of εij . These invariants may be defined as 1.1.1 Elasticity where eijk is equal to 1 if (ijk) take on values 1, 2, 3 in a cyclic order, and equal to −1 if in anticyclic order, and is zero if two of the indices take on identical values. Sometimes, invariants J1 , J2 , and J3 , defined as In this idealization, the underlying assumption is that stress is a single-valued function of strain and is independent of the history of straining. Also, for such materials, one may define a potential for stress in terms of strain, in the form of a strain-energy density function, denoted here by W. It is customary [1.4] to measure W per unit of the undeformed volume. In the general case of finite deformations, different stress measures are related to the derivative of W with respect to specific strain measures, labeled as conjugate strain measures, i. e., strains conjugate to the appropriate form of stress. Thus it may be shown [1.3] that tij = ∂W , ∂F ji Sij = ∂W . ∂εij (1.12) Note that, for finite deformations, the Cauchy stress τij does not have a simple conjugate strain measure. When W does not depend on the location of the material particle (in the undeformed conjugation), the material is said to be homogeneous. A material is said to be isotropic if W depends on εij only through the basic I1 = 3 + 2εkk , I2 = 3 + 4εkk + 2(εkk εmm − εkm εkm ) , and I3 = det|δmn + 2εmn | ≡ 1 + 2εkk + 2(εkk εmm − εkm εkm ) , J1 = (I1 − 3), J2 = (I2 − 2I1 + 3) , J3 = (I3 − I2 + I1 − 1) (1.13) (1.14) are also used. When the material is isotropic, the Kirchhoff stress tensor may be shown to be the derivative of W with respect to a certain logarithmic strain measure [1.4]. Also, by decomposing the deformation gradient Fij into pure stretch and rigid rotation [1.4, 8], one may derive certain other useful stress measures, such as the Biot–Lure stress, Jaumann stress, and so on [1.4]. An isotropic nonlinearly elastic material may be characterized, in its behavior at finite deformations, by W= ∞ Crst (I1 − 3)r (I2 − 3)s (I3 − 1)t , r,s,t=0 C000 = 0 . (1.15) The ratio of volume change due to deformation, dv/ d∀, is given, for finite deformations, by I3 . Thus, for Analytical Mechanics of Solids W̄ = W(εij ) + p(I3 − 1) , (1.16) that is, tij = ∂W ∂I3 +p , ∂F ji ∂F ji Sij = ∂W ∂I3 +p . (1.17) ∂εij ∂εij For isotropic, incompressible, elastic materials, W(εij ) = W(I1 , I2 ) . (1.18) Thus (1.17) and (1.18) yield, for instance, ∂W ∂W δij + 4[δij (1 + εmm ) − δim δ jn εmn ] ∂I1 ∂I2 + p[δij (1 + 2εmm ) − 2δim δ jn εmn + 2eimn e jrs εmr εns ] . (1.19) Sij = 2 A well-known representation of (1.18) is due to Mooney [1.8], where W(I1 , I2 ) = C1 (I1 − 3) + C2 (I2 − 3) . (1.20) So far, we have discussed isotropic materials. In general, for a homogeneous solid, one may write W = E ij εij + 12 E ijmn εij εmn + 13 E ijmnrs εij εmn εrs + · · · . (1.21) We use, for convenience of presentation, Sij and εij as conjugate measures of stress and strain. Since Sij and εij are both symmetric, one must have E ij = E ji , E ijmn = E jinm = E ijnm = E mnij , E ijmnrs = E jimnrs = E ijnmrs = E ijmnsr = · · · = Ersijmn = · · · . (1.22) Thus Sij = E ij + E ijmn εmn + E ijmnrs εmn εrs + · · · . (1.23) Henceforth, we will consider the case when deformations are infinitesimal. Thus εij ≈ (1/2)(u i, j + u j,i ). Further, the differences in the definitions of various stress measures disappear, and one may speak of the stress σij . Thus (1.23) may be rewritten as σij = E ij + E ijmn εmn + E ijmnrs εmn εrs + · · · . (1.24) A material is said to be linearly elastic if a linear approximation of (1.24) is valid for the magnitude of strains under consideration. For such a material, σij = E ij + E ijmn εmn . (1.25) The stress at zero strain (i. e., E ij ) most commonly is due to temperature variation from a reference state. The simplest assumption in thermal problems is to set E ij = −βij ΔT where ΔT [= (T − T0 )] is the temperature increment from the reference value T0 . For an anisotropic linearly elastic solid, in view of the symmetries in (1.23), one has 21 independent elastic constants E ijkl and six constants βij . In the case of isotropic linearly elastic materials, an examination of (1.13) through (1.15) reveals that the number of independent elastic constants E ijkl is reduced to two, and the number of independent βs to one. Thus, for an isotropic elastic material, σij = λεkk δij + 2μεij − βΔT δij , (1.26a) where λ and μ are Lamé parameters, which are related to the Young’s modulus E and the Poisson’s ratio ν through E Eν , μ= . λ= (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) 2(1 + ν) The bulk modulus K is defined as 3λ + 2μ . K= 3 The inverse of (1.26a) is ν 1+ν (1.26b) σij + αΔT δij , εij = − σmn δij + E E where β and α are related through Eα β= (1.26c) 1 − 2ν and α is the linear coefficient of thermal expansion. The state of plane strain is characterized by the conditions that u r = u r (X s ), r, s = 1, 2, and u 3 = 0. Thus ε3i = 0, i = 1, 2, 3. In plane strain, 1 − ν2 ν σ11 − σ22 + α(1 + ν)ΔT , ε11 = E 1−ν ε22 = 1 − ν2 E σ22 − (1.27a) ν σ11 + α(1 + ν)ΔT , 1−ν (1.27b) 1+ν ε12 = σ12 , E σ33 = ν(σ11 + σ ) − αEΔT . (1.27c) (1.27d) 5 Part A 1.1 incompressible materials, I3 = 1. For incompressible materials, stress is determined from strain only to within a scalar quantity (function of material coordinates) called the hydrostatic pressure. For such materials, one may define a modified strain-energy function, say W̄, in which the incompressibility condition, I3 = 1, is introduced as a constraint through the Lagrange multiplier p. Thus 1.1 Elementary Theories of Material Responses 6 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 1.1 The state of plane stress is characterized by the conditions that σ3k = 0, k = 1, 2, 3. Here one has 1 (1.28a) ε11 = (σ11 − νσ22 ) + αΔT , E 1 ε22 = (σ22 − νσ11 ) + αΔT , (1.28b) E 1+ν ε12 = (1.28c) σ12 , E ν ε33 = − (σ11 + σ22 ) + αΔT . (1.28d) E Note that in (1.27c) and (1.28c), ε12 is the tensor component of strain. Sometimes it is customary to use the engineering strain component γ12 = 2ε12 . Note also that, in the case of a linearly elastic material, the strainenergy density W is given by When the bulk modulus k → ∞ (or ν → 12 ), it is seen that εkk → 3αΔT and is independent of the mean stress. Note also from (1.26c) that β → ∞ as ν → 12 . For such materials, the mean stress is indeterminate from deformation alone. In this case, the relation (1.26a) is replaced by (1.31a) with the constraint (1.31b) where ρ is the hydrostatic pressure and εij is the deviator of the strain. Note that the strain-energy density of a linearly elastic incompressible material is W = μεij εij − p(εkk − 3αΔT ) , σij (t) = εkl (0 )E ijkl + E ijkl (t − τ) 0 ∂εkl dτ ∂τ (1.33a) = E kl (0+ )εijkl + t εijkl (t − τ) 0 (1.29) From (1.26b) it is seen that, for linearly elastic isotropic materials, 1 − 2ν σmm σmm + 3αΔT ≡ + 3αΔT . (1.30) εkk = E 3k εkk = 3αΔT , t ∂E kl dτ . ∂τ In the above, it has been assumed that σkl = εkl = 0 for t < 0 and that εij (t) and E ij (t) are piecewise continuous. E ijkl (t) is called the relaxation tensor for an anisotropic material. Conversely, one may write = 12 (σ11 ε11 + σ22 ε22 + σ33 ε33 + 2ε12 σ12 + 2ε13 σ13 + 2ε23 σ23 ) σij = −ρδij + 2μεij + (1.33b) W = 12 σij εij ≡ 12 (σ11 ε11 + σ22 ε22 + σ33 ε33 + γ12 σ12 + γ23 σ23 + γ13 σ13 ) . materials are those for which the current deformation is a function of the entire history of loading, and conversely, the current stress is a function of the entire history of straining. Linearly viscoelastic materials are those for which the hereditary relations are expressed in terms of linear superposition integrals, which, for infinitesimal strains, take the forms (1.32) wherein p acts as a Lagrange multiplier to enforce (1.31b). 1.1.2 Viscoelasticity A linearly elastic solid, by definition, is one that has the memory of only its unstrained state. Viscoelastic + t εij (t) = σkl (0 )Cijkl + Cijkl (t − τ) 0 ∂σkl dτ , ∂τ (1.34) where Cijkl (t) is called the creep compliance tensor. For isotropic linearly viscoelastic materials, E ijkl = μ(t)(δik δ jl + δlk δ jk ) + λ(t)δij δkl , (1.35) where μ(t) is the shear relaxation modulus and B(t) ≡ [3α(t) + 2μ(t)]/3 is the bulk relaxation modulus. It is often assumed that B(t) is a constant; so that the material is assumed to have purely elastic volumetric change. In viscoelasticity, a Poisson function corresponding to the strain ratio in elasticity does not exists. However, for every deformation history there is computable Poisson contraction or expansion behavior. For instance, in a uniaxial tension test, let the stress be σ11 , the longitudinal strain ε11 , and the lateral strain ε22 . For creep at constant stress, the ratio of lateral contraction, denoted by νc (t), is νc (t) = −ε22 (t)/ε11 (t). On the other hand, under relaxation at constant strain, ε11 , the lateral contraction ratio is ν R (t) = −ε22 (t)/ε11 . It is often convenient, though not physically correct, to assume that Poisson’s ratio is a constant, which renders B(t) proportional to μ(t). A constant bulk modulus provides a much better and simple approximation for the material behavior than a constant Poisson’s ratio when properties over the whole time range are needed. Analytical Mechanics of Solids σ ij ( p) = pE ijkl ( p)εkl ( p) (1.36a) and deformation is assumed to be insensitive to hydrostatic pressure, the yield function is assumed, in general, to depend on the stress deviator, σij = σij − 13 σmm δij . The commonly used yield functions are von Mises εij ( p) = pC ijkl ( p)σ kl ( p) , (1.36b) where (·) is the Laplace transform of (·) and p is the Laplace variable. From (1.36a) and (1.36b), it follows that p E ijkl C klmn = δim δn j . 2 M μm exp(−μm t) , m=1 M B(t) = B0 + Bm exp(−βm t) . m=1 1.1.3 Plasticity Most structural metals behave elastically for only very small values of strain, after which the materials yield. During yielding, the apparent instantaneous tangent modulus of the material is reduced from those in the prior elastic state. Removal of load causes the material to unload elastically with the initial elastic modulus. Such materials are usually labeled as elastic–plastic. Observed phenomena in the behavior of such materials include the so-called Bauschinger effect (a specimen initially loaded in tension often yields at a much reduced stress when reloaded in compression), cyclic hardening, and so on [1.9, 10]. (When a specimen a specimen is subjected to cyclic straining of amplitude −ε to +ε, the stress for the same value of tensile strain ε, prior to unloading, increases monotonically with the number of cycles and eventually saturates.) Various levels of sophistication of elastic-plastic constitutive theories are necessary to incorporate some or all of these observed phenomena. Here we give a rather cursory review of this still burgeoning literature. In most theories of metal plasticity, it is assumed that plastic deformations are entirely distortional in nature, and that volumetric strain is purely elastic. The elastic limit of the material is assumed to be specified by a yield function, which is a function of stress (or of strain, but most commonly of stress). Since plastic J2 = 12 σij σij , (1.38) Tresca f (σij ) = (σ1 − σ2 )2 − 4k2 (σ2 − σ3 )2 − 4k2 (1.39) × (σ1 − σ3 )2 − 4k2 = 0 . (1.37) It is also customary to represent the relaxation moduli, μ(t) and B(t), in series form, as μ(t) = μ0 + f (σij ) = J2 − k2 , In (1.38) and (1.39), k may be a function of the plastic strain. Both (1.38) and (1.39) represent a surface, which is defined as the yield surface, in the stress space. The two equations also imply the equality of the tensile and compressive yield stresses at all times – so-called isotropic hardening. The yield surface expands while its center remains fixed in the stress space.√ The relation of k to test data follows: in (1.38), k = σ̄ / 3, where σ̄ is the yield stress in uniaxial tension, which may be a function of plas√ tic strain for strain-hardening materials, or k = τ̄/ 2, where τ̄ is the yield stress in pure shear; or in (1.39), k = σ̄ /2 or τ̄. Experimental data appear to favor the use of the Mises condition [1.11, 12]. To account for the Bauschinger effect, one may use the representation of the yield surface f (σij − αij ) = 0 = 12 σij − αij σij − αij − 13 σ̄ 2 =0, (1.40) where αij represents the center of the yield surface in the deviatoric stress space. The evolution equations suggested for αij by Prager [1.13] and Ziegler [1.14], respectively, are that the incremental dαij is proporp tional to the incremental plastic strain dεij or dαij = c dεij (1.41) dαij = dμ(σij − αij ) . (1.42) p and In the above, (·) denotes the deviatoric part of the second-order tensor (·) where an additive decomposition of differential strain into elastic and plastic parts p (i. e., dεij = dεije + dεij ) was used. Elastic processes (with no increase in plastic strain) and plastic processes (with increase in plastic strain) are defined [1.12] as 7 Part A 1.1 The Laplace transforms of (1.33) and (1.34) may be written as 1.1 Elementary Theories of Material Responses 8 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 1.1 elastic process: f < 0 or f = 0 and ∂f dσij ≤ 0 , ∂σij (1.43) plastic process: ∂f dσij > 0 . (1.44) ∂σij The flow rule for strain-hardening materials, arising out of consideration of stress working in a cyclic process and stability of the process, often referred to as Drucker’s postulates [1.15], is given by f = 0 and p dεij ∂f = dλ . ∂σij (1.45) The scalar dλ is determined from the fact that d f = 0 during a plastic process, the so-called consistency condition. Using the isotropic-hardening (J2 flow) theory for which f is given in (1.38), this consistency condition leads to 9 σ dσmn p (1.46) dεij = σij mn 2 , 4 H σ̄ where H is the slope of the curve of stress versus plastic strain in uniaxial tension (or, more correctly, the slope of the curve of true stress versus logarithmic strain in pure tension). On the other hand, for Prager’s linearly kinematic hardening rules, given in (1.40) and (1.41), the consistency condition leads to 3 p σmn − αmn dσmn σij − αij . (1.47) dεij = 2 2cσ̄ For pressure-insensitive plasticity, the stress–strain laws may be written as dσmn = (3λ + 2μ) dεmn , p dσij = 2μ dεij − dεij . (1.48a) (1.48b) p Choosing a parameter ζ such that ζ = 1 when dεij = 0 p and α = 0 when dεij = 0, we have 9 σ dσmn dσij = 2μ dεij − σij mn 2 α (1.49) 4 H σ̄ for isotropic hardening, and 3 dσij = 2μ dεij − (σ − αmn ) 2cσ̄ 2 mn × dσmn (σij − αij )α (1.50) for Prager’s linearly kinematic hardening. Taking the tensor product of both sides of (1.49) with σij (and dσ noting that σmn dσmn = σmn mn by definition), we have 3α dσij σij = 2μ dεij σij − σ dσ (1.51a) 2H mn mn or 2μH dσij σij = dε σ , when α = 1 . (1.51b) H + 3μ ij ij Use of (1.51b) in (1.49) results in 9α dσij = 2μ dεij − 2μ σ σ dε . 4(H + 3μ)σ̄ 2 ij mn mn (1.52) Combining (1.48a) and (1.52), one may write the isotropic-hardening elastic-plastic constitutive law in differential form as dσij = 2μδim δ jn + λδij δmn 9αμ − 2μ σ σ (1.53) dεmn , (2H + 6μ)σ̄ 2 ij mn dε ≡ σ dε wherein σmn mn has been noted. Simimn mn larly, by taking the tensor product of (1.50) with (σij − αij ) and repeating steps analogous to those in (1.51) through (1.53), one may write the kinematic-hardening elastoplastic constitutive law as 3μ dσij = 2δim δ jn + λδij δmn − 2μ (c + 2μ)σ̄ 2 × (σij − αij )(σmn − αmn ) dεmn . (1.54) Note that all the developments above are restricted to the infinitesimal strain and small-deformation case. Discussion of finite-deformation plasticity is beyond the scope of this summary. (Even in small deformation plasticity, if the current tangent modulus of the stress–strain relation are of the same order of magnitude as the current stress, one must use an objective stress rate, instead of the material rate dσij , in (1.54).) Here the objectivity of the stress–strain relation plays an important role. We refer the reader to [1.4, 16, 17]. We now briefly examine the elastic-plastic stress– strain relations in the isotropic-hardening case, for plane strain and plane stress, leaving it to the reader to derive similar relations for kinematic hardening. In the planestrain case, dε3n = 0, n = 1, 2, 3. Using this in (1.53), we have dσαβ = 2μδαθ δβν + λδαβ δθν 9αμ − 2μ σ σ (1.55) dεθν (2H + 6μ)σ̄ 2 αβ θυ Analytical Mechanics of Solids 9αμ σ σ dεϑν , dσ33 = λ dεθθ − 2μ (2H + 6μ)σ̄ 2 33 θυ α, β, θ, ν = 1, 2 . (1.56) Note that, in the plane-strain case, σ33 , as integrated from (1.56), enters the yield condition. In the planestress case the stress–strain relation is somewhat tedious to derive. Noting that in the plane-stress case, dεαβ = dεeαβ + p dεαβ one may, using the elastic strain–stress relations as given in (1.33), write p dεαβ = dεeαβ + dεαβ 1 ν p = dσαβ − dσθθ δαβ + dεαβ (1.57) 2μ 1+ν 1 ν dσαβ − = dσθθ δαβ 2μ 1+ν 9 (σθυ dσθυ ) , (1.58) + σαβ 4H σ̄ 2 wherein (1.16) has been used. Equation (1.58) may be inverted to obtain dσαβ in terms of dεθν . This 3 × 3 matrix inversion may be carried out, leading to the result [1.18] 2 Q ) + 2P dε11 dσ11 = (σ22 E + (−σ11 σ22 + 2ν P) dε22 σ + νσ22 − 11 σ12 2 dε12 , 1+ν Q σ22 + 2ν P) dε11 dσ22 = (−σ11 E 2 + (σ11 ) + 2P dε22 σ + σ11 2 − 22 dε12 , σ12 1+ν σ + νσ22 Q dσ12 = − 11 σ12 dε11 E 1+ν + νσ σ22 11 − σ12 dε22 1 + ν R 2H + + (1 − ν)σ̄ dε12 , 2(1 + ν) 9E where σ2 2H 2 P= σ̄ + 12 , Q = R + 2(1 − ν2 )P , 9H 1+ν (1.59) and 2 + 2νσ11 σ22 + σ22 2. R = σ11 (1.60) As noted earlier, the classical plasticity theory has several limitations. Intense research is underway to im- prove constitutive modeling in cyclic plasticity, and so on, some notable avenues of current research being multisurface plasticity model, endochronic theories, and related internal variable theories (see, e.g., [1.19–21]). 1.1.4 Viscoplasticity and Creep A viscoplastic solid is similar to a viscous fluid, except that the former can resist shear stress even in a rest configuration; but when the stresses reach critical values as specified by a yield function, the material flows. Consider, for instance, the loading case of simple shear with the only applied stress being σ12 . Restricting ourselves to infinitesimal deformations and strains, let the shearstrain rate be ε̇12 = ( dε12 / dt). Then ε̇12 = 0 until the magnitude of σ12 reaches a value k, called the yield stress. When |σ12 | > k, ε̇12 , by definition for a simple viscoplastic material, is proportional to |σ12 | − k and has the same sign as σ12 . Thus, defining a function F 1 for this one-dimensional problem as |σ12 | (1.61) −1 , k the viscoplastic property may be characterized by the equation F1 = 2ηε̇12 = k(F 1 )σ12 , where F 1 must have the property ⎧ ⎨0 if F 1 < 0 , F 1 = ⎩ F 1 if F 1 ≥ 0 , (1.62) (1.63) and where η is the coefficient of viscosity. The above relation for simple shear is due to Bing2 for simple shear, ham [1.22]. Recognizing that J = σ12 a generalization of the above for three-dimensional case was given by Hohenemser and Prager [1.23] as νp ηε̇ij = 2k F 1 ∂F , ∂σij (1.64a) where 1/2 1/2 σij σij /2 J2 F= −1 = −1 , k k (1.64b) and the specific function F is defined similar to F 1 of (1.63). For an elasto-viscoplastic solid undergoing infinitesimal straining, one may use the additive decomposition p ε̇ij = ε̇ije + ε̇ij (1.65) 9 Part A 1.1 and 1.1 Elementary Theories of Material Responses 10 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 1.1 and the stress–strain rate relation ν p σ̇ij = E ijkl ε̇kl − ε̇kl , (1.66) where E ijkl are the instantaneous elastic moduli. Note that the viscoplastic strains in (1.64a) are purely deviatoric, since ∂F/∂σij = σij /2 is deviatoric. Thus, for an isotropic solid, (1.66) may be written as σ̇mn = (3λ + 2μ) ε̇mn and σ̇ij = 2μ ε̇ij − ε̇ij . n m (1.68) (1.69a) or, equivalently, ε̇c = g(σ, εc ) . (1.69b) The expression (1.69a) is often referred to as time hardening and (1.69b) as strain hardening. In as much as (1.68), (1.69a), and (1.69b), are valid for constant stress, (1.69a) and (1.69b), when integrated for variable stress histories, do not necessarily give the same results. Usually, strain hardening leads to better agreement with experimental findings for variable stresses. In the study of creep at a given temperature and for long times, called steady-state creep, the creep strain rate in uniaxial loading is usually expressed as ε̇c = f (σ, T ) , (1.70) where T is the temperature. Assuming that the effects of σ and T are separable, the relation ε̇ = f 1 (σ) f 2 (T ) = Aσ n f 2 (T ) = Bσ n 3 σ σ 2 ij ij and ε̇ceq = 2 ε̇ij ε̇ij 3 1/2 (1.73) (1.67b) where σ is the uniaxial stress and t is the time. The creep rate may be written as ε̇c = f (σ, t) , (1.72) where the subscript “eq” denotes an “equivalent” quantity, defined, analogous to the case of plasticity, as σ̇eq = ε̇ = Aσ t , c n , ε̇ceq = Bσeq (1.67a) On the other hand, for metals operating at elevated temperatures, the strain in uniaxial tension is known to be a function of time, for a constant stress of magnitude even below the conventional elastic limit. Most often, based on extensive experimental data [1.24], the creep strain under constant stress, in uniaxial tests, is expressed as c involve no volume change. Thus, in the multiaxial case, ε̇ijc is a deviatoric tensor. The relation (1.71) may be generalized to the multiaxial case as (1.71a) (1.71b) is usually employed, with B denoting a function of the temperature. The steady-state creep strains are associated largely with plastic deformations and are usually observed to such that σeq ε̇ceq = σij ε̇ijc . Thus (1.72) implies that ε̇ijc = 3 B(σeq )n−1 σij . 2 (1.74) For the elastic-creeping solid, one may again write ε̇ij = ε̇ije + ε̇ijc (1.75) and once again, the stress–strain rate relation may be written as (1.76) σ̇ij = E ijkl ε̇kl − ε̇ckl . In the above, the applied stress level has been assumed to be such that the material remains within the elastic limit. If the applied loads are of such a magnitude as to cause the material to exceed its yield limit, one must account for plastic or viscoplastic strains. An interesting unified viscoplastic/plastic/creep constitutive law has been proposed by Perzyna [1.25]. Under multiaxial conditions, the relation for inelastic strain rate suggested in [1.26] is ε̇ija = Aψ( f ) ∂q , ∂σij (1.77) where A is the fluidity parameter, the superscript “a” denotes an elastic strain rate, and f is a loading function, expressed, analogous to the plasticity case, as f (σij , k) = ϕ(σij ) − k = 0 , (1.78) q is a viscoplastic potential defined as q = q(σij ) , and ψ( f ) is a specific function such that ⎧ ⎨0 if f < 0 ψ( f ) = ⎩ψ( f ) if f ≥ 0 . (1.79) (1.80) Analytical Mechanics of Solids ψ( f ) = f n and f = 3 σ σ 2 ij ij (1.81a) 1/2 − σ̄ = σeq − σ̄ . (1.81b) By letting σ̄ = 0 and q = f , one may easily verify that ε̇ija of (1.77) tends to the creep strain rate ε̇ijc of (1.74). Letting σ̄ be a specified constant value and q = f , we obtain, using (1.81b) in (1.77), that ε̇ija = σij 3 A(σeq − σ̄)n 2 σeq for f > 0 (i. e., σeq > σ̄) . (1.82) The equivalent inelastic strain may be written as 2 a a 1/2 = A(σeq − σ̄)n (1.83a) ε̇ij ε̇ij ε̇aeq = 3 or 1 a 1/2 σeq − σ̄ = . (1.83b) ε̇eq A Thus, if a stationary solution of the present inelastic model (i. e., when ε̇aeq → 0) is obtained, it is seen that σeq → σ̄ . Thus a classical inviscid plasticity solution is obtained. This fact has been utilized in obtaining classical rate-independent plasticity solutions from the general model of (1.77), by Zienkiewicz and Corneau [1.26]. An alternative way of obtaining an inviscid plastic solution from Perzyna’s model is to let A → ∞. This concept has been implemented numerically by Argyris and Kleiber [1.27]. Also, as seen from (1.83b), σeq or equivalently the size of the yield surface is governed by isotropic work-hardening effects as characterized by the dependence on viscoplastic work, and the strain-rate effect as q characterized by the term (ε̇eq )1/n . Thus rate-sensitive plastic problems may also be treated by Perzyna’s model [1.25]. Thus, by appropriate modifications, the general relation (1.77) may be used to model creep, rate-sensitive plasticity, and rate-insensitive plasticity. By a linear combination of strain rates resulting from these individual types of behavior, combined creep, plasticity, and viscoplasticity may be modeled. However, such a model is more or less formalistic and does not lead to any physical insights into the problem of interactive effects between creep, plasticity, and viscoplasticity. Modeling of such interactions is the subject of a large number of current research studies. 1.2 Boundary Value Problems in Elasticity 1.2.1 Basic Field Equations When deformations are finite and the material is nonlinear, the field equations governing the motion of a solid may become quite complicated. When the constitutive equation is of a differential form, such as in plasticity, viscoplasticity, and so on, it is often convenient to express the field equations in rate form as well. On the other hand, when stress is a single-valued function of strain as in nonlinear elasticity, the field equations may be written in a total form. In general, when numerical procedures are employed to solve boundary/initial value problems for arbitrary-shaped bodies, it is often convenient to write the field equations in rate form, for arbitrary deformations and general constitutive laws. A wide variety of equivalent but alternative forms of these equations is possible, since one may use a wide variety of stress and strain measures, a wide variety of rates of stress and strain, and a variety of coordinate systems, such as those in the initial undeformed configuration (total Lagrangian), the currently deformed configuration (updated Lagrangian), or any other known intermediate configuration. For a detailed discussion see [1.3, 4]. Each of the alternative forms may offer advantages in specific applications. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss the foregoing alternative forms. Here we state, for a finitely deformed nonlinearly elastic solid, the relevant field equations governing stress, strain, and deformation when the solid undergoes dynamic motion. For this purpose, let x j denote the Cartesian coordinates of a material particle in the undeformed solid. Let u k (xi ) be the arbitrary displacement of a material particle from the undeformed to the deformed configuration. Let Sij be the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress in the finitely deformed solid. Note that S jj is measured per unit area in the undeformed configuration. Let the Green–Lagrange strain tensor, which is work-conjugate to Sij [1.3], 11 Part A 1.2 If q ≡ f , one has the so-called associative law, and if q = f , one has a nonassociative law. Perzyna [1.25] suggests a fairly general form for ψ as 1.2 Boundary Value Problems in Elasticity 12 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 1.2 be εij . Let ρ0 be the mass density in the undeformed solid; b j be body forces per unit mass; ti be tractions measured per unit area in the undeformed solid, prescribed at surface St , of the undeformed solid; and let u i be prescribed displacements at Su . The field equations are [1.4]: linear momentum balance Sik (δ jk + u j,k ) + ρ0 b j = ρ0 ü j , (1.84) angular momentum balance Sij = S ji , (1.85) strain displacement relation εij = 12 (u i, j + u j,i + u k,i u k, j ) , constitutive law (1.86) ∂W , ∂εij (1.87) at Si , (1.88) Sij = traction boundary condition n j Sik (δ jk + u j,k ) = t j displacement boundary condition u j = ū i at Su . (1.89) 2 In the above, (·)k denotes ∂(·)/∂xk ; (¨·) denotes ∂ (·)/∂t 2 ; n i are components of a unit normal to St ; and W is the strain-energy density, measured per unit volume in the undeformed body. When the deformations and strains are infinitesimal, the differences in the alternate stress and strain measures disappear. Further, considering only an isothermal linearly elastic solid, the equations above simplify as σij,i + ρ0 b j = ρ0 ü j , σij = σ ji , 1 εij = (u i, j + u j,i ) , 2 σij = E ijkl εkl , n i σij = t¯i at St , u i = ū i at Su , (1.90) (1.91) (1.92) (1.93) (1.94) (1.95) and the initial condition, u i (xk , 0) = u ∗ (xk ), u̇ i (xk , 0) = u̇ i∗ (xk , 0) at t = 0 . (1.96) problems, unfortunately, are few and are limited to semifinite or finite domains; homogeneous and isotropic materials; and often relatively simple boundary conditions. In practice, however, it is common to encounter problems with finite but complex shape in which the material is neither homogeneous nor homogeneous and the boundary conditions are complex. The rapid development and easy accessibility of large-scale numerical codes in recent years are now providing engineers with numerical tools to analyze these practical problems, which are mostly three dimensional in nature and that commonly occur in engineering. Often, however, some three-dimensional problems can be reduced, as a first approximation, to two-dimensional problems for which analytical solutions exist. The utility of such twodimensional solutions lies not in their elegant analysis but in their use for physically understanding certain classes of problems and, more recently, as benchmarks for validating numerical modeling and computational procedures. In the following, we will reformulate the basic equations in two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates and provide analytical example solutions to two simple problems in terms of a polar coordinate system. 1.2.3 Basic Field Equations for the State of Plane Strain A plane state of strain is defined as the situation with zero displacement, say u 3 = 0. Equation (1.90) through (1.96) recast with this definition are σ11,1 + σ21,2 + ρ0 b1 = ρ0 ü 1 σ12,1 + σ22,2 + ρ0 b2 = ρ0 ü 2 , σ1,2 = σ2,1 , ε11 = u 1,1 , ε22 = u 2,2 , 1 − ν2 (1.97) (1.98) ε12 = 1 2 (u 1,2 + u 2,1 ) , ν σ11 − σ22 , E 1−ν 1 − ν2 ν ε22 = σ22 − σ11 , E 1−ν 1+ν ε12 = σ12 , E σ33 = ν(σ11 + σ22 ) . ε11 = (1.99) (1.100a) (1.100b) (1.100c) (1.100d) 1.2.2 Plane Theory of Elasticity The basic field equations and boundary conditions for a three-dimensional boundary/initial value problem in linear elasticity are given in (1.90) through (1.96). Analytical (exact) solutions to idealized three-dimensional 1.2.4 Basic Field Equations for the State of Plane Stress The plane state of stress is defined with zero surface traction, say σ33 = σ31 = σ32 = 0, parallel to the Analytical Mechanics of Solids 1 (1.101a) (σ11 − νσ22 ) , E 1 ε22 = (σ22 − νσ11 ) , (1.101b) E 1+ν ε12 = (1.101c) σ12 , E ν ε33 = − (σ11 + σ22 ) . (1.102) E In the following, we cite three classical analytical solutions to the linear boundary value problem in Eqs. (1.97) through (1.102) for specific cases that are often of interest. ε11 = 1.2.5 Infinite Plate with a Circular Hole Consider a plane problem of an infinite linearly elastic isotropic body containing a hole of radius a. Let the body be subjected to uniaxial tension, say o∞ 11 , along the x1 axis. Let the Cartesian coordinate system be located at the center of the hole and let r and θ be the corresponding polar coordinates with θ being the angle measured from the x1 axis. The state of stress near the hole is given by [1.28] σ∞ a2 σrr = 11 1 − 2 2 r ∞ σ11 a4 a2 + (1.103a) 1 − 4 2 + 3 4 cos 2θ , 2 r r σ∞ σ∞ a2 a4 σθθ = 11 1 + 2 − 11 1 + 3 4 cos 2θ , 2 2 r r σrθ = − ∞ σ11 2 1+2 a2 r2 −3 a4 r4 (1.103b) sin 2θ . (1.103c) The solution for a biaxial stress state may be obtained by superposition. For a compendium of solutions of holes in isotropic and anisotropic bodies, and for shapes of holes other than circular, such as elliptical holes, see Savin [1.28]. A basic problem for a heterogeneous medium such as a composite, is that of an inclusion (or inclusions). Consider then a rigid inclusion of radius a and assume a perfect bonding between the medium and the inclusion. The solution for stresses near the inclusion due to a far-field uniaxial tension, say o∞ 11 , are σ∞ a2 σrr = 11 1 − ν 2 2 r ∞ σ11 a4 a2 + 1 − 2β 2 − 3δ 4 cos 2θ , (1.104a) 2 r r ∞ ∞ σ11 σ11 a2 a4 σθθ = 1+ν 2 − 1 − 3δ 4 cos 2θ , 2 2 r r σrθ = − ∞ σ11 a2 a4 (1.104b) (1.104c) 1 + β 2 + 3δ 4 sin 2θ , 2 r r 2(λ + μ) μ λ+μ β=− ν=− δ= , λ + 3μ λ+μ λ + 3μ (1.104d) where λ and μ are Lamé constants. 1.2.6 Point Load on a Semi-Infinite Plate Consider a concentrated vertical force P acting on a horizontal straight edge of a semi-infinitely large plate. The origin of a Cartesian coordinate is at the location of load application with x1 in the direction of the force. Consider again a polar coordinate of r and θ with θ being the angle measured from the x1 axis, positive in the counterclockwise direction. The state of stress is a very simple one given by 2P cos θ π r σθθ = σrθ = 0 . σrr = − (1.105a) (1.105b) This state of stress satisfies the natural boundary conditions as all three stress components vanish on the straight boundary, i. e., θ = π/2, except at the origin, where σrr → ∞ as r → 0. A contour integration of the vertical component of σrr over a semicircular arc from the origin yields the statically equivalent applied force P and thus all boundary conditions are satisfied. By using stress equations of transformations, which can be found in textbooks on solid mechanics, the stresses in polar coordinates can be converted into Cartesian coordinates as 2P (1.106a) cos4 θ , σ11 = σrr cos2 θ = − πa 13 Part A 1.2 x1 –x2 plane. This state shares the same stress equations of equilibrium and strain-displacement relations with the state of plane strain, i. e. (1.97) through (1.99). Equations (1.97) and (1.98) are necessary and sufficient to solve a two-dimensional elastostatic boundary value problem when only tractions are prescribed on the boundary. Thus the stresses of the plane-stress and plane-strain solutions coincide while the strains differ. The stress–strain relations for the state of plane stress are 1.2 Boundary Value Problems in Elasticity 14 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 1 2P (1.106b) sin2 θ cos2 θ , πa 2P σ12 = σrr sin θ cos θ = − sin θ cos3 θ . (1.106c) πa σ22 = σrr sin2 θ = − Since strain is what is actually being measured, the corresponding strains can be computed by (1.100) for the plane-strain state or by (1.101) for the plane-stress state. 1.3 Summary It is obviously impossible in this extremely brief review even to mention all of the important subjects and recent developments in the theories of elasticity, plasticity, viscoelasticity, and viscoplasticity. For further details, readers are referred to the many excellent books and survey articles (see for example [1.29] and [1.30]), many of which are referenced in the succeeding chapters, in each of the disciplines. References 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 C. Truesdell (Ed.): Mechanics of Solids. In: Encyclopedia of Physics, Vol. VIa/2 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1972) C. Truesdell, W. Noll: The Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics. In: Encyclopedia of Physics, Vol. III/3, ed. by S. Flügge (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1965) S.N. 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Appl. Mech. Eng. 43, 137–171 (1984) Y. Yamada, N. Yoshimura, T. Sakurai: Plastic stressstrain matrix and its application to the solution of elastic-plastic problems by the finite element method, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 10, 343–354 (1968) K. Valanis: Fundamental consequences of a new intrinsic tune measure plasticity as a limit of the endochronic theory, Arch. Mech. 32(2), 171–191 (1980) Z. Mroz: An attempt to describe the behavior of metals under cyclic loads using a more general workhardening model, Acta Mech. 7, 199–212 (1969) O. Watanabe, S.N. Atluri: Constitutive modeling of cyclic plasticity and creep using an internal time concept, Int. J. Plast. 2(2), 107–134 (1986) E.C. Bingham: Fluidity and Plasticity (McGraw-Hill, New York 1922) K. Hohenemser, W. Prager: Über die Ansätze der Mechanik isotroper Kontinua, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 12, 216–226 (1932) I. Finnie, W.R. Heller: Creep of Engineering Materials (McGraw-Hill, New York 1959) P. Perzyna: The constitutive equations for rate sensitive plastic materials, Quart. Appl. Mech. XX(4), 321–332 (1963) Analytical Mechanics of Solids 1.27 O.C. Zienkiewicz, C. Corneau: Visco-plasticity, plasticity and creep in elastic solids – a unified numerical solution approach, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 8, 821–845 (1974) J.H. Argyris, M. Keibler: Incremental formulation in nonlinear mechanics and large strain elastoplasticity – natural approach – Part I, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 11, 215–247 (1977) 1.28 1.29 1.30 G.N. Savin: Stress Concentration Around Holes (Pergamon, Elmsford, 1961) A.S. Argon: Constitutive Equations in Plasticity (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1975) A.L. Anand: Constitutive equations for rate independent, isotropicelastic-plastic solid exhibitive pressure sensitive yielding and plastic dilatancy, J. Appl. Mech. 47, 439–441 (1980) 15 Part A 1 1.26 References
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