UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 Docket No. R2000-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE MOTION TO COMPEL RESPONSES TO OCAAJSPS-TS-27 TO WITNESS TAYMAN AND OCAIUSPS-81 TO THE POSTAL SERVICE (March 23, 2000) The Office of the Consumer Office of the Consumer Advocate Advocate (“OCA”) interrogatories witness Tayman and OCAIUSPS-81 the Commission’s hereby moves to compel responses OCA/USPS-TS-27 directed to the Postal Service. Rules 26(d) and 27(d), the interrogatories and March 6, 2000, respectively, are attached to the directed to In accordance filed February with 23, 2000 hereto together with the Postal Service objection filed March 10, 2000. THE REQUEST Interrogatory OCA/USPS-TS-27(a) current USPS FY 2000 Operating appropriation, requests investment a break-out requests from the Postal Service Plan by accounting periods for operating income, expenses and volumes. of operating for each of the thirteen accounting OCA/USPS-TS-27(b) the most revenues, further revenues by mail class and, subclass cost categories periods of that plan. OCA/USPSdl requests the full Docket No. RZOOO-1 2 detail of the Postal Service’s FY 2000 budget plan (i. e., by Accounting Period and mail class and subclass). The Postal Service objection does not distinguish interrogatories, although OCAfUSPS-81. The former interrogatory requests “full detail” additional volumes OCANSPS-TS-27 between is somewhat narrower is limited to operating such as appropriations, investment or any other detail for each class and subclass in scope than revenue and the latter of the plan by mail class and subclass, information the two different which income, would include expenses that may be covered and in the budget plan. The Postal Service objections of the information to the questions sought is (a) predecisional, are limited. (b) subject to change and (c) of no value or relevance with regard to issues in this case until finalized. that it has no objection to providing so, it says, in accordance available period plans for accounting change.” but will be made available by the Commission’s Service period parlance has ended (although apparently accounting periods 7-13 are not finalized on actual accounting when the financial rules, Although operating and the actual The Postal Service states period plans” and has done reporting period l-6 (now completed) It says the information reported “finalized with the Commission’s plans for accounting rules. perhaps subject to final audit). is not yet available statements not specifically are known accounting and subject to continuous information operating It has thus made but “preliminary required to be saying so, in the Postal plans are only “finalized” amounts It asserts that some after the accounting and finally accounted for Docket No. R2000-1 3 ARGUMENT I. OCA/USPS-T-S(a) The Postal Service’s The relevance three objections to OCAWSPS-T-S(a) of the budget plan to an omnibus several times in the previous rate proceeding, equally applicable FY 2000 broken down by into five specific areas. in Docket No. R97-1. asks for the current operating plan for OCA/USPS-120 at the hearing on March 19, 1998, during the by OCA, the Presiding Officer, and others. The plan was copied into the record. now requested is The Postal Service provided a similar middle of FY 98, that plan was the subject of a significant information was demonstrated in response to an OCA interrogatory Subsequently, merit. Docket No. R97-1, and its relevance in this case. The interrogatory plan for FY 98, without objection, rate proceeding are without amount of cross-examination See Docket No. R97-1, Tr. 33/18668-84. Tr. 33118661. That plan consisted by OCA in OCAWSPS-TS-27(a) of the for FY 2000 is essentially the same as that provided without objection in Docket No. R97-I. The Commission in its Docket No. R97-1 opinion even discussed plan, still not finalized at the time of the Commission’s utilized the plan in its decisional process. the operating Opinion on May 11, 1998, and See, for instance, PRC Op. at 39-41 and 49- 58. The availability of the full year’s plan was important even though part of the year was not completed. It assisted the OCA and the Commission profit expectations of the Postal Service. in determining This was plainly relevant to the issue raised by OCA and ANM as to the Postal Service’s need for the revenue requested as the Postal Service claims of profit shortfalls were proving to be inaccurate. the yearly The operating inasmuch and overall operating plan estimates plan was also important in determining Docket No. R2000-1 4 the likelihood of the Postal Service spending the amounts anticipated during the test year. If the spending were significantly the need for the revenue requirement now being requested less than originally planned, then was significantly was a key document for new programs diminished. The operating plan in resolving the issues raised by OCA and ANM. Similarly, requirement in this proceeding needs continues of the interrogatories the issue as to the Postal to be an important Service’s revenue issue for the same reasons. Several of ANM also indicate the operating the entire year is relevant. See ANM/USPS-TS-45a and b. The Postal Service also objects that the operating may involve a reallocation However, this objection of resources information units and programs. overall operating in response to ANMlUSPS plan is not subject to change. ’ Likewise, sought is predecisional budget process is flexible and organizational does not apply to the requested Postal Service has already indicated operating among plan of the Postal Service for plan. The T9-45 that the & the Postal Service claim that the and is still subject to change, i.e. the Postal Service has not decided finally on the plan, is not applicable to the overall plan. II. OCAIUSPS-TS-27(b) and OCA/USPS-81 OCAWSPS-TS-27(b) requests “the most current USPS FY 2000 Operating with operating I revenues broken out by mail class and subclass cost categories. Plan More Postal Service March 14, 2000 response to ANMIUSPS-T9-45a, in part, “The Total Revenue plan has not changed since the beginning of the year and it will remain constant throughout the year.” Postal Service response to ANMIUSPS-T9-45b, in part, “The Total Expense plan has not changed since the beginning of the year and it will remain constant throughout the year. Docket No. R2000-1 5 broadly, and inclusive of OCAIUSPS-TS-27(b), the OCA also requests 81 the “FY 2000 budget plan in full detail (i.e., by Accounting in OCALJSPS- Period and mail class and subclass).” Initially, it should be emphasized nor should compliance that these requests are not onerous require an inordinate amount of Postal Service resources, the Postal Service does not claim otherwise. The Postal Service is currently commercially make any claims that the material sensitive prevents disclosure material nor does it seriously is exempted predecisional The documents for potential litigation. data requested rates. from disclosure as contend that any other privilege argument is specious. claim is normally a claim of privilege that relates to documents litigation. in the of its budget plans. The Postal Service’s possible and Nor does the middle of FY 2000 and the current budget plan must be readily available. Postal Service or difficult requested The predecisional prepared in the course of here do not relate to material prepared Also, the Postal Service is not the party to determine whether the will be useful in reaching a recommended decision on Postal Service It is beyond dispute that the Postal Services budget is a significant and important aspect in weighing the intentions of the management against which a comparison assist in determining for the remainder of this year and can be made with the rate application. the reasonableness This, in turn, will of the FY 2001 test year data. The Postal Service is, in effect, stating that the budget for the year is not final because the time period for which it was prepared subject to change. of planning This ignores the fundamental for revenues and expenses has not yet passed and that it is purpose of an operating for the immediate future. budget, that Under the Postal 6 Docket No. R2000-1 Service logic, the only financial information audited financial statements the Postal Service would provide would be for past periods, Much of the Postal Service’s rate application rollforward data for the interim year and certainly for the test year are not yet “finalized,” inasmuch as the time period for which they are prepared has not yet passed. Any labor costs subject to contract the cost of fuel are all not “finalized” Postal Service adjustments future capital expenditures and could be considered makes no claim that the individual pursuant relevant timeframe. includes negotiations, programs to management initiatives estimates also is adjusted at the discretion Service readily provides these “predecisional” class and subclass that the Commission introduced calculation during to the of witness Tayman flux and, in those cases, not only are funds moved around within the overall planned investment investment in that the may not be subject or programs Indeed, the entire “other programs” that are in constant predecisional and even program, of management. estimates but the total amount of Nevertheless, the Postal of revenues and expenses relies upon in reaching its decision by in all rate proceedings. Of course, the OCA recognizes “final” figures. The OCA is concerned in order to compare the information between are projections, not with the Postal Service’s current and future plans them with the documentation futile exercise in the previous proceeding, dichotomy requested the Postal Service in the application. but led to important revelations claims in its application This was not a regarding the and Postal Service 7 Docket No. R2000-1 managements approved plans and intentions the Postal Service budget represents revenues plans of management. information that portion prepared that participants Operating estimate of the details of budgets management the Commission The information the budget nor the Commission to the ignore the its expectations must act as though proved useful in the last proceeding. numbers and has an Alice in Wonderland now will again be useful to the participants. because are fundamental defining The Postal Service objection an expectation did not exist. detail requested and costs. by Postal Service as it indicates information another management Yet the Postal Service would have the Commission current plans for FY 2000. suggest future, particularly by the Board.’ The operating aspect for the immediate are subject It is, therefore, to change, this The absurd to neither the should have access to the details of the total budget plan. Finally, the Commission’s relevant to the subject matter “reasonably calculated 3001.26(a). The information Rule 26 permits in the proceeding, to lead to the discovery approved 2 not only of information but also discovery of admissible evidence.” of information 39 C.F.R. § in the plan may well indicate areas of the Postal Service plans that differ from the application Also significant discovery and for which an explanation is necessary. are changes that have been made to the budget since originally by the Board of Governors and particularly since the rate application was The interrogatories ask only for the “current” estimates rather than the original estimate and all adjustments made to date in the FY 2000 budget plan even though arguably that information too would be relevant to determining the magnitude of adjustments that have been made to date in planned other programs expenses. Docket No. R2000-1 prepared. areas 8 The full detail of the budget is necessary have been modified and what, application to the Commission. The information that can assist in this regard. to determine if any adjustments Commission should must have It is also necessary provide updates to the budget material as they are made. which of the budget be made available in the relevant that the Postal Service This is not an onerous task and clearly within the realm of relevance.$ Finally, Commission with respect know not only the Service’s financial condition offices. The inconsistencies to all of the fully rate departments operating plan it is important claims but also the anticipated detailed and errors. interrogatories, concerning accomplishments serves as a means It will also enable the Commission that the the Postal of the operating to check for to better measure the current plans of the Postal Service to ensure the right hand and left hand are working together. In this regard, consider require requiring operating the OCA further suggests that the Commission the Postal Service to report this information plans, together with all updates, seriously routinely or at least to to be filed with all omnibus rate applications. For all of the above reasons, the Commission Service to respond OCANSPS 3 fully, with updates should therefore compel the Postal as they occur, to the OCA interrogatories T9-27 and OCANSPS-81. Rule 26(f) requires supplemental answers to update responses whenever response is no longer true and to make it current. necessary if the 9 Docket No. R2000-1 Respectfully submitted, OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE Director Ofice of the Consumer Advocate KENNETH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6859; Fax (202) 789-6819 E. RICHARDSON Attachment A Docket No. R2000-1 OCANSPS-TS-27. (a) Please The following refers to the USPS FY 2000 Operating provide the most current periods for Postal Service operating expenses of the interrogatory, OCANSPS-81. by Accounting revenues, appropriations, Plan by accounting investment income, and volumes. (b) For each operating USPS FY 2000 Operating Plan. thirteen accounting periods presented in part “a” of this please provide the most current USPS FY 2000 Operating Plan with revenues broken out by mail class and subclass cost categories. Provide the Postal Service’s FY2000 budget plan in full detail (i.e., Period and mail class and subclass). Attachment B BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2000 Docket No. R2000-1 PARTIAL OBJECTION OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO INTERROGATORIES OF THE OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE (OCAAJSPS-TS-27 AND OCAAISPS-81) (March 10,200O) The United States Postal Service hereby objects to interrogatory 27, filed on February 23, 2000, and OCA/USPSdl, for late acceptance filed today. filed on March 6, 2000. A motion of the objection with respect to the former interrogatory The two interrogatories Interrogatory OCA/USPS-TS- is also being seek the same thing. OCAIUSPS-TS-27 asks: The following refers to the USPS FY 2000 Operating Plan. Please provide the most current USPS FY 2000 Operating Plan by (4 accounting periods for Postal Service operating revenues, appropriations, investment income, expenses and volumes. For each of the thirteen accounting periods presented in part “a” of lb) this interrogatory, please provide the most current USPS FY 2000 Operating Plan with operating revenues broken out by mail class and subclass cost categories. Interrogatory OCAIUSPS-81 asks: Provide the Postal Service’s FY 2000 budget plan in full detail (i.e., by Accounting Period and mail class and subclass). The Postal Service objects on the grounds that some of the information predecisional, sought is is subject to change, and would be of no value or relevance with regard Attachment to this issues in this case until finalized. providing finalized accounting accordance response B The Postal Service does not object to period plans; indeed it has already done so in with the Commission’s periodic reporting rules. Accordingly, is required for those accounting periods since the documents no separate are already on file with the Commission. The Postal Service’s operating volumes, and expenses budgetary budget involves the allocation of revenues, by accounting period. It also involves the establishment targets and the allocation of resources by organizational budget targets involve negotiation, operating goals. allocation of resources judgment, Because the operating process accounting and the linkage to and support of units and programs occurs continuously operating trends, and other priorities. period allocations are continuously the budget’s bottom line. The accounting unit. Operating budget process is flexible, a tactical re- among organizational reflect changing workload, of As a result of this being revised within the limits of period spreads are subject to change up until they are finalized in the Financial and Operating Statement (FOS) for each accounting period. The accounting period plans have already been made available for accounting periods 1-6 in the Financial and Operating Statements. period plans for accounting change. to The preliminary accounting periods 7-13 are not finalized and are subject to continuous They will be provided when finalized and printed as the FOSS. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking Attachment 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-I 137 (202) 268-2999; Fax -5402 March 10, 2000 Scott L. Reiter B CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section practice. ~,f+P--STEPHANIE Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 March 23, 2000 S. WALLACE document upon all 12 of the rules of
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