UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 Docket No. R2000-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS: VIRGINIA J. MAYES (OCAAJSPS-T32-11-12) February 28,200O Pursuant Commission, requests to sections 25 and 26 of the Rules of Practice the Office of the Consumer for production OCAKISPS-1-14 of documents. Advocate Instructions hereby submits interrogatories submitted, TED P. GERARDEN Director Office of the Consumer Advocate EMMETT RAND COSTICH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 and included with OCA interrogatories dated January 24, 2000, are hereby incorporated Respectfully of the Postal Rate by reference. -2- Docket No. R2000-1 Please confirm the following statements. OCANSPS-TM-II. statement, please explain why. If you cannot confirm a If you disagree with any definitions, please provide your definition. (a) The markup for subclass I is defined as the difference subclass I and total attributable cost of subclass 1. A4Uf = (b) The difference The systemwide total revenue of costs of subclass I all divided by total attributable TRi - TAG TAG between total revenue and total attributable defined as the contribution Cc) between to institutional cost for subclass I is costs of subclass i. CL = TRi -TAG markup is defined as the sum of all contributions divided by the CCIi sum of all attributable (d) MU = The relative portion of institutional the contribution contributions. (e) costs. to institutional costs contributed costs of subclass by subclass I divided I is defined as by the sum of all CIi POIG = CCr, The relative portion of attributable total attributable POAC; = STAG I TAG TAC/ costs of subclass costs attributed to subclass I is defined as the I divided by the sum of all attributable costs. -3- Docket No. R2000-1 (9 A markup index for subclass I is defined as the markup for subclass the systemwide MU X = Mu = markup. Cli TAG 7”” C-Ii Ccl, CIixCTACj I =TAC;x~CJ= i ;Aci TAG I c c TACj (9) I divided by POIC! =-’POACi Thus, a markup index for subclass I is equal to the relative portion of institutional costs contributed by subclass i divided by the relative portion of attributable costs attributed to subclass i. X = E. (h) By the definition of proportionality, proportional a markup index for subclass I is directly to the relative portion of institutional X cc POIG , and inversely proportional costs contributed by subclass I, to the relative portion of attributable costs 1 attributed to subclass /, X 0~~ POACi 0) Simultaneously increasing the institutional share and decreasing share of costs borne by subclass I will unambiguously the attributable cause the markup index for subclass I to increase. OCANSPS-T32-12. OCANSPS-T32-6. Please refer to the attachment Please confirm that column column (5). If you do not confirm, please explain. to your response to interrogatory (6) divided by column (8) equals -A- Docket No. R2000-1 CERTIFICATE I hereby participants OF SERVICE certify that I have this date served the foregoing of record in this proceeding practice. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 February 28,200O in accordance with section document upon all 12 of the rules of
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