UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMlSSlON WASHINGTON, D.C. 202680001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2001 POSTAL i?,h,~t, ;o#MISS!ON OFF,CEOFTHE SECRETARY Docket No. R2001-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS LINDA A. KINGSLEY (OCAAJSPS-T39-13-14) November 28.2001 Pursuant Commission, requests to Rules 25 through 28 of the Rules of Practice the Office of the Consumer for production OCA/USPS-1-21 of documents. dated September Advocate Instructions hereby submits interrogatories and included with OCA interrogatories 28, 2001, are hereby incorporated /cLAr& SHELLEY S. DREIFUSS Acting Director Office of the Consumer Advocate EMMETT RAND COSTICH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 of the Postal Rate by reference. -2- Docket No. RZOOI-1 OCNUSPS-T39-13. a. Please refer to the response to OCANSPS-145. Refer to the response to part a., where it states that “First-Class involve the use of more stackers.” stackers” for automation Please explain how the “use of more compatible, barcoded First-Class pieces weighing one ounce as compared to automation Standard productivity b. Mail letter-shaped Mail letter-shaped compatible, Mail letter-shaped processed on different sort plans” (emphasis assume First-Class and Standard Mail are processed and Standard added). Please on the same sort plans. Holding all other factors constant, please confirm that automation compatible, barcoded First-Class Mail and Standard Mail letter-shaped pieces weighing one ounce would have the same throughput productivity and when processed on the Delivery Bar Code Sorter (DBCS), Mail Processing Bar Code Sorter (MPBCS), Code Sorter (CSBCS). ii. and pieces. Refer to the response to part a., where it states that “First-Class i. barcoded pieces weighing one ounce affects throughput for First-Class and Standard Mail are sometimes sort plans likely and Carrier Sequence Bar If you do not confirm, please explain. Holding all other factors constant, please confirm that automation compatible, barcoded First-Class Mail and Standard Mail letter-shaped pieces that weigh two and three ounces would have the same throughput and productivity when processed on the DBCS, MPBCS, and CSBCS. If you do not confirm, please explain. C. Refer to the response to part a., where it states that “First-Class Mail are sometimes processed on different sort plans” (emphasis and Standard added). Please -3 Docket No. R2001-1 assume First-Class and Standard Mail are processed on the same sort plans. Holding all other factors constant, please confirm that automation barcoded First-Class Mail and Standard Mail letter-shaped thickness would have the same throughput the DBCS, MPBCS, and CSBCS. d. pieces of the same and productivity when processed assume First-Class and Standard on different sort plans” (emphasis and Standard Mail are processed First-Class Mail and Standard length would have the same throughput DBCS, MPBCS, and CSBCS. e. added). Please on the same sort plans. Holding all other factors constant, please confirm that automation barcoded on If you do not confirm, please explain. Refer to the response to part a., where it states that “First-Class Mail are sometimes processed compatible, Mail letter-shaped and productivity compatible, pieces of the same when processed on the If you do not confirm, please explain. Refer to the response to part b., where it states “These differences would likely impact productivity.” i. Please define the term “productivity’ ii. Please provide a numeric example showing the calculation If there are alternative alternative III. for productivity, of productivity. please show these calculations. Please identify the calculation predominately, iv. calculations as used in the response. of productivity from subpart ii. used, or used by the Postal Service. Does the calculation of productivity differ based upon the type of automated mail processing equipment? productivity for each type of automated If yes, show the calculation mail processing equipment of -4- Docket No. R2001-1 f. Refer to the response to part h., where reference is made to “mail pieces that are rejected on the first pass.” To what extent are automation First-Class Mail and Standard Mail letter-shaped compatible, pieces weighing one ounce “rejected on the first pass” on the DBCS, MPBCS, and CSBCS? the frequency, or an estimate of the frequency, barcoded Please provide with which ihis occurs for DBCS, MPBCS, and CSBCS processing. 9. Refer to the response to part h., where reference is made to “mail pieces that are rejected on the first pass.” To what extent are First-Class compatible, barcoded letter-shaped automation pieces weighing one ounce “rejected on the first pass” as compared to automation compatible, shaped pieces weighing one ounce? Please provide the frequency, estimate of the frequency, barcoded Standard Mail letteror an with which this occurs for DBCS, MPBCS, and CSBCS p.rocessing. h. Refer to the response to part h., where reference is made to “mail pieces that are rejected on the first pass.” To the extent there are different reject rates on the first pass for automation compatible, weighing one ounce vs. automation barcoded First-Class compatible, letter-shaped barcoded Standard pieces Mail letter- shaped pieces weighing one ounce, would the different reject rates produce a small or large impact on the throughput and productivity pieces on the DBCS, MPBCS, and CSBCS? of any studies, reports, other documents, explanation. of such letter-shaped Please explain and provide copies or communications that support the -5- Docket No. R2001-1 OCANSPS-T39-14. a. Please refer to the response to OCAAJSPS-168. Refer to the response to part a., which references states that “First-Class OCANSPS-145(a) where it sort plans likely involve the use of more stackers,” explain how the “use of more stackers” for automation First-Class Mail flat-shaped automation compatible, barcoded pieces weighing two ounces as compared to barcoded Standard ounces affects throughput compatible, Please and productivity Mail flat-shaped pieces weighing two for First-Class and Standard Mail flat- shaped pieces. b. Refer to the response to part a., which references states that “First-Class sort plans” (emphasis processed i. and Standard added). OCANSPS-145(a) Mail are sometimes processed where it on different Please assume First-Class and Standard Mail are on the same sort plans. Holding all other factors constant, please confirm that automation compatible, barcoded First-Class Mail and Standard Mail flat-shaped pieces weighing two ounces would have the same throughput productivity when processed on the Advanced and Flat Sorting Machine (AFSM) 100, the Flat Sorting Machine (FSM) 881, and the Flat Sorting Machine (FSM) 1000. If you do not confirm, please explain. ii. Holding all other factors constant, please confirm that automation compatible, barcoded First-Class Mail and Standard Mail flat-shaped pieces that weigh three and four ounces would have the same throughput and productivity when processed on the AFSM 100, FSM 881, and FSM 1000. If you do not confirm, please explain. -6- Docket No. R2001-1 C. Refer to the response to part a., which references states that “First-Class sort plans” (emphasis processed and Standard added). Mail are sometimes processed where it on different Please assume First-Class and Standard on the same sort plans. confirm that automation OCANSPS-145(a) compatible, Mail are Holding all other factors constant, please barcoded First-Class Mail and Standard flat-shaped pieces of the same thickness would have the same throughput productivity when processed Mail and on the AFSM 100, FSM 881, and FSM 1000. If you do not confirm, please explain. d. Refer to the response to part a., which references states that “First-Class sort plans” (emphasis processed and Standard added). Mail are sometimes processed where it on different Please assume First-Class and Standard Mail are on the same sort plans. confirm that automation OCALJSPS-145(a) compatible, Holding all other factors constant, please barcoded First-Class Mail and Standard flat-shaped pieces of the same length would have the same throughput productivity when processed Mail and on the AFSM 100, FSM 881, and FSM 1000. If you do not confirm, please explain. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing participants of record in this proceeding practice. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 November 28,200l in accordance document upon all with Rule 12 of the rules of
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