Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Thomas Shores April 8, 2016 Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs We’ve seen issues of stability pop up in preceding presentations. Let’s pin a name on a particular type of stability which revolves around a specific absurdly simple model IVP ′ y = λy , y (0) = 1. The solution is equally absurdly simple: y (t) = e λt . OK, if ℜ (λ) < 0 we expect iterates of a marching method to converge to zero. Let’s solve this ODE numerically via Euler, Trapezoidal and pencil and paper. Euler, stepsize h: yn+1 = yn + hλyn , so yn+1 = yn (1 + hλ) = y0 (1 + hλ)n+1 Trapezoidal, stepsize h: yn+1 = yn + h2 (λyn + λyn+1 ), so ! ! " "n+1 1 + 12 hλ 1 + 12 hλ = y0 yn+1 = yn 1 − 12 hλ 1 − 12 hλ Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs We’ve seen issues of stability pop up in preceding presentations. Let’s pin a name on a particular type of stability which revolves around a specific absurdly simple model IVP ′ y = λy , y (0) = 1. The solution is equally absurdly simple: y (t) = e λt . OK, if ℜ (λ) < 0 we expect iterates of a marching method to converge to zero. Let’s solve this ODE numerically via Euler, Trapezoidal and pencil and paper. Euler, stepsize h: yn+1 = yn + hλyn , so yn+1 = yn (1 + hλ) = y0 (1 + hλ)n+1 Trapezoidal, stepsize h: yn+1 = yn + h2 (λyn + λyn+1 ), so ! ! " "n+1 1 + 12 hλ 1 + 12 hλ = y0 yn+1 = yn 1 − 12 hλ 1 − 12 hλ Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs Conclusions: Clearly Euler iterates converge to zero only if |1 + z| < 1, where z = hλ is a complex number. Exercise: Trapezoidal iterates converge to zero for all z with ℜ (z) < 0. More generally, define the linear stability region of a marching method applied to the model problem to be the locus of z = hλ for which limn→∞ yn = 0. A method is A-stable if its stability region includes the entire left half-plane of complex numbers. Fact: No explicit multistep (this includes RK) method can be A-stable. Fact: No multistep method of order greater than 2 can be A-stable. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs Conclusions: Clearly Euler iterates converge to zero only if |1 + z| < 1, where z = hλ is a complex number. Exercise: Trapezoidal iterates converge to zero for all z with ℜ (z) < 0. More generally, define the linear stability region of a marching method applied to the model problem to be the locus of z = hλ for which limn→∞ yn = 0. A method is A-stable if its stability region includes the entire left half-plane of complex numbers. Fact: No explicit multistep (this includes RK) method can be A-stable. Fact: No multistep method of order greater than 2 can be A-stable. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs Conclusions: Clearly Euler iterates converge to zero only if |1 + z| < 1, where z = hλ is a complex number. Exercise: Trapezoidal iterates converge to zero for all z with ℜ (z) < 0. More generally, define the linear stability region of a marching method applied to the model problem to be the locus of z = hλ for which limn→∞ yn = 0. A method is A-stable if its stability region includes the entire left half-plane of complex numbers. Fact: No explicit multistep (this includes RK) method can be A-stable. Fact: No multistep method of order greater than 2 can be A-stable. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs Conclusions: Clearly Euler iterates converge to zero only if |1 + z| < 1, where z = hλ is a complex number. Exercise: Trapezoidal iterates converge to zero for all z with ℜ (z) < 0. More generally, define the linear stability region of a marching method applied to the model problem to be the locus of z = hλ for which limn→∞ yn = 0. A method is A-stable if its stability region includes the entire left half-plane of complex numbers. Fact: No explicit multistep (this includes RK) method can be A-stable. Fact: No multistep method of order greater than 2 can be A-stable. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs Conclusions: Clearly Euler iterates converge to zero only if |1 + z| < 1, where z = hλ is a complex number. Exercise: Trapezoidal iterates converge to zero for all z with ℜ (z) < 0. More generally, define the linear stability region of a marching method applied to the model problem to be the locus of z = hλ for which limn→∞ yn = 0. A method is A-stable if its stability region includes the entire left half-plane of complex numbers. Fact: No explicit multistep (this includes RK) method can be A-stable. Fact: No multistep method of order greater than 2 can be A-stable. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs This is not to say that every explicit multistep is severely limited in the face of stability. Some have larger stability regions than, say, Euler. The problem is with a choice of a fixed time step h. Enter variable step methods. TEXT: A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Arieh Iserles, Cambridge University Press, 1996. What is the point of variable step and how does it get done? Dynamic step size choice could be less expensive than choosing a fixed step size that accommodates the worst part of the problem as well as the easiest part of the problem. The key requirement for a variable step method is a way of estimating (not calculating, that would be an oxymoron!) error resulting from a given step. In addition, user must select maximum and minimum tolerable errors per unit stepsize, emax and emin , in addition to a minimum tolerable stepsize hmin . Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs This is not to say that every explicit multistep is severely limited in the face of stability. Some have larger stability regions than, say, Euler. The problem is with a choice of a fixed time step h. Enter variable step methods. TEXT: A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Arieh Iserles, Cambridge University Press, 1996. What is the point of variable step and how does it get done? Dynamic step size choice could be less expensive than choosing a fixed step size that accommodates the worst part of the problem as well as the easiest part of the problem. The key requirement for a variable step method is a way of estimating (not calculating, that would be an oxymoron!) error resulting from a given step. In addition, user must select maximum and minimum tolerable errors per unit stepsize, emax and emin , in addition to a minimum tolerable stepsize hmin . Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs This is not to say that every explicit multistep is severely limited in the face of stability. Some have larger stability regions than, say, Euler. The problem is with a choice of a fixed time step h. Enter variable step methods. TEXT: A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Arieh Iserles, Cambridge University Press, 1996. What is the point of variable step and how does it get done? Dynamic step size choice could be less expensive than choosing a fixed step size that accommodates the worst part of the problem as well as the easiest part of the problem. The key requirement for a variable step method is a way of estimating (not calculating, that would be an oxymoron!) error resulting from a given step. In addition, user must select maximum and minimum tolerable errors per unit stepsize, emax and emin , in addition to a minimum tolerable stepsize hmin . Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs The key question to be answered here is how we can estimate the error without knowing the solution. Runge Kutta methods, both implicit (IRK) or explicit (ERK), offer a nice solution: Starting at yn , which we assume to be acceptible, and using an RK method of order p, we have yn+1 = yn + chp+1 + O(hp+2 ) where the coefficient c is independent of h Now any method of order p + 1 would yield ỹ n+1 = yn + O(hp+2 ). Ignore the higher order terms and subtract to obtain an estimate of the local error κ to order p + 1, namely κ ≈ ∥yn+1 − ỹ n+1 ∥ which is exactly what we need. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs The key question to be answered here is how we can estimate the error without knowing the solution. Runge Kutta methods, both implicit (IRK) or explicit (ERK), offer a nice solution: Starting at yn , which we assume to be acceptible, and using an RK method of order p, we have yn+1 = yn + chp+1 + O(hp+2 ) where the coefficient c is independent of h Now any method of order p + 1 would yield ỹ n+1 = yn + O(hp+2 ). Ignore the higher order terms and subtract to obtain an estimate of the local error κ to order p + 1, namely κ ≈ ∥yn+1 − ỹ n+1 ∥ which is exactly what we need. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Detour into ODEs The key question to be answered here is how we can estimate the error without knowing the solution. Runge Kutta methods, both implicit (IRK) or explicit (ERK), offer a nice solution: Starting at yn , which we assume to be acceptible, and using an RK method of order p, we have yn+1 = yn + chp+1 + O(hp+2 ) where the coefficient c is independent of h Now any method of order p + 1 would yield ỹ n+1 = yn + O(hp+2 ). Ignore the higher order terms and subtract to obtain an estimate of the local error κ to order p + 1, namely κ ≈ ∥yn+1 − ỹ n+1 ∥ which is exactly what we need. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Embedded RK method Recall the Butcher tableau for an RK method of order p: c A bT Here A = [aij ] is p × p and vectors c = [ci ], b = [bi ] are p × 1. The resulting method is given by f˜i = f (tn + ci h, yn + h p # aij f˜j ), i = 1, . . . p j=1 and yn+1 = yn + h p # bi f˜i . i =1 In the case of an explicit method, A is strictly lower triangular, so the sum in the equation defining the f˜i has an upper limit of i − 1 with the understanding that the empty sum results in f˜1 = f (tn , yn ). Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Simple Example Consider these ERK tableaux 2 3 0 0 0 2 3 1 4 3 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 0 1 4 2 3 3 8 2 3 2 3 3 8 2 3 0 1 4 1 4 2 3 3 4 3 8 3 8 The first tableau is embedded in the second and they are combined in the third. The resulting formulas for both the second (yn+1 ) and third y$n+1 order: f˜1 = f (tn , yn ) % & f˜2 = f tn + 23 h, yn + 23 hf˜1 % & f˜3 = f tn + 23 h, yn + 23 hf˜2 % & yn+1 = yn + h 41 f˜1 + 43 f˜2 & % y$n+1 = yn + h 41 f˜1 + 38 f˜2 + 83 f˜3 Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Conclusions The resulting error estimate for the second order method is ' 3 ' '˜ ˜' κ = ∥yn+1 − ỹ n+1 ∥ = h 'f2 − f3 ' . 8 This error estimate only required one extra function evaluation.Embedded RK methods can significantly reduce function evaluations and achieve acceptible results. However variable step methods are not a panacea for all problems, and in particular, not necessarily the best solution for stiffness issues. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Conclusions The resulting error estimate for the second order method is ' 3 ' '˜ ˜' κ = ∥yn+1 − ỹ n+1 ∥ = h 'f2 − f3 ' . 8 This error estimate only required one extra function evaluation.Embedded RK methods can significantly reduce function evaluations and achieve acceptible results. However variable step methods are not a panacea for all problems, and in particular, not necessarily the best solution for stiffness issues. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Conclusions The resulting error estimate for the second order method is ' 3 ' '˜ ˜' κ = ∥yn+1 − ỹ n+1 ∥ = h 'f2 − f3 ' . 8 This error estimate only required one extra function evaluation.Embedded RK methods can significantly reduce function evaluations and achieve acceptible results. However variable step methods are not a panacea for all problems, and in particular, not necessarily the best solution for stiffness issues. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Simple Examples Consult the flow chart for an outline of algorithm construction. Let’s finish the detour with a few examples, Exercise 1 of this NA seminar and its solution ′ y = −ty 2 , y (0) = 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ 6, ( ) y (t) = 2/ t 2 + 2 . and the Curtiss-Hirschfelder equation, along with its solution: ′ y = −50 (1 − cos (t)) y , y (0) = 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ 6, 2500 50 1 −50t cos (t) + sin (t) + e . 2501 2501 2501 To test these examples, examine scripts exerVarRHS.m, exerVarSoln.m and exerVarTest.m, and run the script VarStepTest. y (t) = Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Solution Looking for a Problem Without further ado, here is the solution: u (x, t) = sin (x) e t cos(x) , 0 ≤ x ≤ π, t ≥ 0. To see some profiles running out to t = 6, execute the file plotMarchSoln8.m. So what kind of problem are we looking for? It should: Give an opportunity to explore stiffness issues. Allow for diffusion, so that some of the methods of this seminar are applicable. Be sufficiently nontrivial that we don’t get bored solving it, but not so hard that we can’t. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Solution Looking for a Problem Without further ado, here is the solution: u (x, t) = sin (x) e t cos(x) , 0 ≤ x ≤ π, t ≥ 0. To see some profiles running out to t = 6, execute the file plotMarchSoln8.m. So what kind of problem are we looking for? It should: Give an opportunity to explore stiffness issues. Allow for diffusion, so that some of the methods of this seminar are applicable. Be sufficiently nontrivial that we don’t get bored solving it, but not so hard that we can’t. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Solution Looking for a Problem Without further ado, here is the solution: u (x, t) = sin (x) e t cos(x) , 0 ≤ x ≤ π, t ≥ 0. To see some profiles running out to t = 6, execute the file plotMarchSoln8.m. So what kind of problem are we looking for? It should: Give an opportunity to explore stiffness issues. Allow for diffusion, so that some of the methods of this seminar are applicable. Be sufficiently nontrivial that we don’t get bored solving it, but not so hard that we can’t. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) A Problem Looking for a Solution And here it is: ut = Duxx + c (x, t) u This is a simple diffusion problem with a not so simple linear transport term whose coefficient is time and space dependent: ( ) c (x, t) = cos (x) + D 1 + 3t cos (x) − t 2 sin2 (x) Since our solution doesn’t satisfy a pure diffusion equation, some sort of additional term like linear transport or forcing term is mandatory, and it should give us the result of piping our solution through the linear operator ut − Duxx . Of course we’ll have to supply initial and boundary conditions as well. But first, let’s pause and have a look at a few profiles of our solution, to see what’s so interesting about it. Here are sample parameters that we might use: T = 6; numProfiles = 10. It’s automated in plotMarchSoln8.m. Grab a copy of VarStepLecture from DropBox, fire up Matlab or Octave and cd to that directory. Now run it. Interesting... Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Marching Methods of Solution for the Model PDE If you plan to program along, start by opening the files marchRHS8.m and marchTest8.m and move them to a corner. Since we’re comparing methods as well as solutions, let’s do the simplest explicit method (Euler) followed by the more sophisticated explicit method (ERK4) and the variable step method (ERK23) on each run. The parameters: Following professor Larios’ lead, Let’s select a small diffusive influence, D = 0.006, and we will run the time out to T = 6 (examine the solution and you see that quite a large change occurs in that time interval.) Try N = 64, numSteps = 100, numProfiles = 8. Double numSteps. Then double N. Comments? Could diffusion be the problem? Let’s eliminate it entirely. Reset D to 0.0 in the file marchRHS8. Take note of the function evaluations in our experiments. It gets expensive to improve things. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Marching Methods of Solution for the Model PDE If you plan to program along, start by opening the files marchRHS8.m and marchTest8.m and move them to a corner. Since we’re comparing methods as well as solutions, let’s do the simplest explicit method (Euler) followed by the more sophisticated explicit method (ERK4) and the variable step method (ERK23) on each run. The parameters: Following professor Larios’ lead, Let’s select a small diffusive influence, D = 0.006, and we will run the time out to T = 6 (examine the solution and you see that quite a large change occurs in that time interval.) Try N = 64, numSteps = 100, numProfiles = 8. Double numSteps. Then double N. Comments? Could diffusion be the problem? Let’s eliminate it entirely. Reset D to 0.0 in the file marchRHS8. Take note of the function evaluations in our experiments. It gets expensive to improve things. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Marching Methods of Solution for the Model PDE If you plan to program along, start by opening the files marchRHS8.m and marchTest8.m and move them to a corner. Since we’re comparing methods as well as solutions, let’s do the simplest explicit method (Euler) followed by the more sophisticated explicit method (ERK4) and the variable step method (ERK23) on each run. The parameters: Following professor Larios’ lead, Let’s select a small diffusive influence, D = 0.006, and we will run the time out to T = 6 (examine the solution and you see that quite a large change occurs in that time interval.) Try N = 64, numSteps = 100, numProfiles = 8. Double numSteps. Then double N. Comments? Could diffusion be the problem? Let’s eliminate it entirely. Reset D to 0.0 in the file marchRHS8. Take note of the function evaluations in our experiments. It gets expensive to improve things. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?) Marching Methods of Solution for the Model PDE If you plan to program along, start by opening the files marchRHS8.m and marchTest8.m and move them to a corner. Since we’re comparing methods as well as solutions, let’s do the simplest explicit method (Euler) followed by the more sophisticated explicit method (ERK4) and the variable step method (ERK23) on each run. The parameters: Following professor Larios’ lead, Let’s select a small diffusive influence, D = 0.006, and we will run the time out to T = 6 (examine the solution and you see that quite a large change occurs in that time interval.) Try N = 64, numSteps = 100, numProfiles = 8. Double numSteps. Then double N. Comments? Could diffusion be the problem? Let’s eliminate it entirely. Reset D to 0.0 in the file marchRHS8. Take note of the function evaluations in our experiments. It gets expensive to improve things. Thomas Shores Variable Step Marching Method (and PDEs?)
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