TMHP51 Servomechanisms (HT2012) Lecture 03 Numerics Model algorithm Model refinement Magnus Sethson 1 1 Numerics 2 2 Explicit Euler Method (Forward Euler) The explicit Euler method is a general method for integrating functions on a discreet grid. In simulation techniques the grid is often one-dimensional time. x[(n + 1) T ] = x[n T ] + T ẋ[n T ] 3 3 Implicit Euler Method (Backward Euler) The implicit Euler method is also a general method for integrating functions on a discreet grid. The numerical stability is far better than the implicit, but it often comes with a need of solving non-linear functions numerically in every time step. x[(n + 1) T ] = x[n T ] + T ẋ[(n + 1) T ] 4 4 Explicit Trapetzoidal Method The trapetzoidal method is a natural extension to the explicit Euler method. It has far better frequency performance. It also shares some characteristics with the transmission line modeling and is therefore a highly suitable numeric method for hydraulic systems simulation. T x[(n + 1) T ] = x[n T ] + (ẋ[(n + 1) T ] + ẋ[n T ]) 2 5 5 Model Simulation f t 6 6 Non-linear Model 8 p A B ẋ F = M ẍ > L p p p L t p > > < q = Ap ẋp + 41 Vet ṗL > q > > : q = Cq wxv 1 (Ps pL ) ⇢ xv : Input signal xp : Output signal FL : External disturbance xp , ẋp , pL : Internal states 7 7 Explicit Euler Method 8 8 Solving using Explicit Euler Method 0 1 0 1 xp [(n + 1) T ] xp [n T ] @ vp [(n + 1) T ] A = @ vp [n T ] A + pL [(n + 1) T ] pL [n T ] 0 1 0 ẋp B @ v̇p A = B B @ ṗL 0 ẋp [n T ] T @ v̇p [n T ] A ṗL [n T ] 1 vp 4 e Vt ⇣ p L Ap Bp v p F L Mt Cq wxv q 1 ⇢ (Ps pL ) 1 Ap v p C C C ⌘ A 9 9 Sort equations, find iterative algorithm q[(n + 1) T ] = Cq wxv [(n + 1) T ] ṗL [(n + 1) pL [(n + 1) ẍp [(n + 1) ẋp [(n + 1) xp [(n + 1) r 1 (Ps ⇢ pL [n T ]) 4 e T] = (q[(n + 1) T ] Ap ẋp [n T ]) Vt T ] = pL [n T ] + T ṗL [(n + 1) T ] 1 T] = (pL [(n + 1) T ]Ap Bp ẋp [n T ] Mt T ] = ẋp [n T ] + T ẍp [(n + 1) T ] T ] = xp [n T ] + T ẋp [(n + 1) T ] FL [(n + 1) T ]) t 10 10 From model, to algorithm, to code Unr ead able void servo_system(unsigned int nsamp) { /* parameters and variables */ double pL=0; /* load pressure, initially zero, system state */ double Ps=70e5; /* supply pressure, 70 [bar] */ double rho=790; /* oil density, 790 [kg/m^3] */ double xv=0; /* spool displacement, (system input), initially zero*/ double w=8e-3; /* area gradient, [-] */ double Cq=0.67; /* flow coefficient, standard value, 0.67 [-] */ double dT=0; /* numerical integration time step size */ double T=0; /* time [s] */ double q=0; /* flow, [m^3/s] */ double Ap=0.001963495408; /* piston area, [m^2] (value from 50mm piston diameter) */ double vp=0; /* piston velocity, initially zero, system state */ double betae=1.5e9; /* bulk modulus of oil, [N/m^2] */ double Vt=0.001570796327; /* total cylinder volume, [m^3] (value from 50mm piston and 0.8m cylinder length) */ double Bp=5e4; /* system damping, [Ns/m] */ double Mt=500; /* system mass load, [kg] */ double xp=0; /* piston position within cylinder, [m] (main output), system state */ double FL=0; /* external load */ /* iteration variable */ unsigned long int n=0; /* iteration counter */ /* set up time step */ dT=0.2/nsamp; /* write first line for T=0 */ printf("\"Te%u\",\"XVe%u\",\"PLe%u\",\"VPe%u\",\"XPe%u\"\n",nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp); printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); /* iterate and write result for nsamp time steps */ for(n=1;n<nsamp;n++) { if(0.01<=T) xv=0.0001; /* on step T=0.01 the input is set to 0.1mm valve displacement */ if(0.08<=T) xv=0; /* on step T=0.08 the input is reset and valve is closed */ q=Cq*w*xv*sqrt((Ps-pL)/rho); pL=pL+(q-Ap*vp)*4*betae/Vt*dT; vp=vp+(pL*Ap-Bp*vp-FL)/Mt*dT; xp=xp+vp*dT; T=T+dT; /* increment time */ printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); } } 11 11 DEMO: Solving the model in plain C Unr ead able #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> void servo_system(unsigned int nsamp) { DEMO DEMO DEMO /* parameters and variables */ double pL=0; /* load pressure, initially zero, system state */ double Ps=70e5; /* supply pressure, 70 [bar] */ double rho=790; /* oil density, 790 [kg/m^3] */ double xv=0; /* spool displacement, (system input), initially zero*/ double w=8e-3; /* area gradient, [-] */ double Cq=0.67; /* flow coefficient, standard value, 0.67 [-] */ double dT=0; /* numerical integration time step size */ double T=0; /* time [s] */ double q=0; /* flow, [m^3/s] */ double Ap=0.001963495408; /* piston area, [m^2] (value from 50mm piston diameter) */ double vp=0; /* piston velocity, initially zero, system state */ double betae=1.5e9; /* bulk modulus of oil, [N/m^2] */ double Vt=0.001570796327; /* total cylinder volume, [m^3] (value from 50mm piston and 0.8m cylinder length) */ double Bp=5e4; /* system damping, [Ns/m] */ double Mt=500; /* system mass load, [kg] */ double xp=0; /* piston position within cylinder, [m] (main output), system state */ double FL=0; /* external load */ /* iteration variable */ unsigned long int n=0; /* iteration counter */ /* set up time step */ dT=0.2/nsamp; /* write first line for T=0 */ printf("\"Te%u\",\"XVe%u\",\"PLe%u\",\"VPe%u\",\"XPe%u\"\n",nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp); printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); /* iterate and write result for nsamp time steps */ for(n=1;n<nsamp;n++) { if(0.01<=T) xv=0.0001; /* on step T=0.01 the input is set to 0.1mm valve displacement */ if(0.08<=T) xv=0; /* on step T=0.08 the input is reset and valve is closed */ q=Cq*w*xv*sqrt((Ps-pL)/rho); pL=pL+(q-Ap*vp)*4*betae/Vt*dT; vp=vp+(pL*Ap-Bp*vp-FL)/Mt*dT; xp=xp+vp*dT; T=T+dT; /* increment time */ printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); } } int main(int argc,char** argv) { unsigned int nsamp=2000; if(2==argc) sscanf(argv[1],"%u",&nsamp); servo_system(nsamp); return 0; } gcc -Wall -pedantic -o servo_explicit_euler servo_explicit_euler.c -lm ./servo_explicit_euler > servo_explicit_euler.csv 12 12 Results Explicit Euler Method Simulation Example, Explicit Euler Method 0.10 35 2.0 30 1.8 10 1.6 25 0.08 1.4 20 1.2 10 1.0 Xp [mm] 15 Vp [mm/s] 0.06 PL [bar] Xv [mm] 5 0.8 0.04 0 5 0 0.02 Variables Xv vs Time PL vs Time 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 −5 Vp vs Time Xp vs Time 0.20 0.22 0.6 0.4 −5 0.2 −10 0 Time [s] 13 13 Results, Step Comparison Simulation example, Euler's explicit method 2.0 Position Xp [mm] 1.5 1.0 0.5 Timesteps ΔT=0.0167 (NaN) ΔT=0.0111 (NaN) ΔT=0.0091 (NaN) ΔT=0.0080 ΔT=0.0040 ΔT=0.0020 ΔT=0.0010 ΔT=0.0001 0 −0.5 −1.0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 Time [s] 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 14 14 Implicit Euler Method 15 15 Solving using Implicit Euler Method 0 1 0 1 xp [(n + 1) T ] xp [n T ] @ vp [(n + 1) T ] A = @ vp [n T ] A + pL [(n + 1) T ] pL [n T ] 0 1 0 ẋp [(n + 1) T ] B @ v̇p [(n + 1) T ] A = B B @ ṗL [(n + 1) T ] 0 1 ẋp [(n + 1) T ] T @ v̇p [(n + 1) T ] A ṗL [(n + 1) T ] vp [(n + 1) T ] 4 e Vt ⇣ pL [(n+1) T ]Ap Bp vp [(n+1) T ] FL [(n+1) T ] Mt Cq wxv [(n + 1) T ] q 1 ⇢ (Ps pL [(n + 1) T ]) Ap vp [(n + 1) T ] 1 C C C ⌘ A 16 16 Solving using Implicit Euler Method (cont.) 0 0 B B B @ vp [(n + 1) T ] 4 e Vt ⇣ ẋp [(n + 1) T ] @ v̇p [(n + 1) T ] A = ṗL [(n + 1) T ] 1 pL [(n+1) T ]Ap Bp vp [(n+1) T ] FL [(n+1) T ] Mt Cq wxv [(n + 1) T ] q 1 ⇢ (Ps pL [(n + 1) T ]) 1 Ap vp [(n + 1) T ] C C C ⌘ A 17 17 Newton-Raphson Method The Newton-Raphson method for solving non-linear equations numerically is widely adopted in many applications. Even if originally defined in one dimension it is available in multidimensional versions also. It iterates and moves an initial guess towards a near-by root-locus. f (xk ) f 0 (xk ) xk+1 = xk xk+1 = xk J 1 f (xk ) One-dimensional Multi-dimensional @fi (x1...N ) Jij = @xj Hint: f (xk+1 ) xk+1 f (xk ) ⇡ f 0 (xk ) xk 18 18 The Jacobian 0 B B TB @ 4 e Vt f (xp [(n + 1) T ], vp [(n + 1) T ], pL [(n + 1) T ]) = 0 1 0 1 xp [(n + 1) T ] xp [n T ] @ vp [(n + 1) T ] A @ vp [n T ] A pL [(n + 1) T ] pL [n T ] 1 vp [(n + 1) T ] C pL [(n+1) T ]Ap Bp vp [(n+1) T ] FL [(n+1) T ] C C Mt ⇣ ⌘ A q Cq wxv [(n + 1) T ] ⇢1 (Ps pL [(n + 1) T ]) Ap vp [(n + 1) T ] 19 19 The Jacobian (cont.) xk+1 J11 = 1 J12 = xk = J 1 f (xk ) T The Newton-Raphson method is often solved like a linear set of equations, avoiding the full Jacobian inverse. J13 = 0 J21 = 0 (No spring involved!) Bp J22 = 1 + T Mt Ap J23 = T Mt J31 = 0 4 e Ap J32 = T Vt 4 e ⇢Cq wxv [(n + 1) T ][k] p J33 = 1 + T Vt 2 Ps pL [(n + 1) T ][k] J(xk ) dk+1 = J(xk )[xk+1 xk ] = f (xk ) 20 20 From model, to algorithm, to code Unr ead able void servo_system(unsigned int nsamp) { /* parameters and variables */ double pL=0; /* load pressure, initially zero, system state */ double Ps=70e5; /* supply pressure, 70 [bar] */ double rho=790; /* oil density, 790 [kg/m^3] */ double xv=0; /* spool displacement, (system input), initially zero*/ double w=8e-3; /* area gradient, [-] */ double Cq=0.67; /* flow coefficient, standard value, 0.67 [-] */ double dT=0; /* numerical integration time step size */ double T=0; /* time [s] */ double Ap=0.001963495408; /* piston area, [m^2] (value from 50mm piston diameter) */ double vp=0; /* piston velocity, initially zero, system state */ double betae=1.5e9; /* bulk modulus of oil, [N/m^2] */ double Vt=0.001570796327; /* total cylinder volume, [m^3] (value from 50mm piston and 0.8m cylinder length) */ double Bp=5e4; /* system damping, [Ns/m] */ double Mt=500; /* system mass load, [kg] */ double xp=0; /* piston position within cylinder, [m] (main output), system state */ double FL=0; /* external load */ gsl_vector_set(b,0,(xpk-xp-dT*vpk)); gsl_vector_set(b,1,(vpk-vp-dT*(pLk*Ap-Bp*vpk-FL)/Mt)); gsl_vector_set(b,2,(pLk-pL-dT*4*betae/Vt*(Cq*w*xv*sqrt((Ps-pL)/rho)-Ap*vpk))); gsl_matrix_set(J,0,0,1.0); gsl_matrix_set(J,0,1,-dT); gsl_matrix_set(J,0,2,0.0); gsl_matrix_set(J,1,0,0.0); gsl_matrix_set(J,1,1,1+Bp/Mt*dT); gsl_matrix_set(J,1,2,-Ap/Mt*dT); gsl_matrix_set(J,2,0,1.0); gsl_matrix_set(J,2,1,-4*betae*Ap/Vt*dT); gsl_matrix_set(J,2,2,1.0+2*betae/Vt*rho*Cq*w*xv/sqrt(Ps-pLk)*dT); gsl_matrix_memcpy(A,J); gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, J, xk, -1.0, b); gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(J,p,&s); gsl_linalg_LU_solve(J,p,b,x); gsl_linalg_LU_refine(A,J,p,b,x,xk); xpk=gsl_vector_get(x,0); vpk=gsl_vector_get(x,1); pLk=gsl_vector_get(x,2); k++; } while(k<20 && (abs(gsl_vector_get(x,0)/(xp+EPS))>RAC || abs(gsl_vector_get(x,1)/(vp +EPS))>RAC || abs(gsl_vector_get(x,2)/(pL+EPS))>RAC)); /* GSL related structures */ gsl_matrix* J=NULL; gsl_matrix* A=NULL; gsl_vector* b=NULL; gsl_vector* x=NULL; gsl_vector* xk=NULL; int s=0; gsl_permutation* p=NULL; double xpk=0; double vpk=0; double pLk=0; /* iteration variable */ unsigned long int n=0; /* iteration counter */ unsigned long int k=0; /* numerical counter */ /* set up time step */ dT=0.2/nsamp; xp=xpk; vp=vpk; pL=pLk; /* set up GSL parts */ J=gsl_matrix_alloc(3,3); A=gsl_matrix_alloc(3,3); b=gsl_vector_alloc(3); x=gsl_vector_alloc(3); xk=gsl_vector_alloc(3); p=gsl_permutation_alloc(3); } /* write first line for T=0 */ printf("\"Ti%u\",\"XVi%u\",\"PLi%u\",\"VPi%u\",\"XPi%u\"\n",nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp); printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); /* iterate and write result for nsamp time steps */ for(n=1;n<nsamp;n++) { if(T>=0.01) xv=0.0001; /* on step T=0.01 the input is set to 0.1mm valve displacement */ if(T>=0.08) xv=0; /* on step T=0.08 the input is reset and valve is closed */ } T=T+dT; /* increment time */ printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); /* clean up GSL */ gsl_permutation_free(p); gsl_vector_free(xk); gsl_vector_free(x); gsl_vector_free(b); gsl_matrix_free(A); gsl_matrix_free(J); /* implicit iteration loop */ k=0; xpk=xp; vpk=vp; pLk=pL; do { gsl_vector_set(xk, 0, xpk); gsl_vector_set(xk, 1, vpk); gsl_vector_set(xk, 2, pLk); 21 21 Results Implicit Euler Method Simulation Example, Implicit Euler Method 0.10 35 2.0 30 1.8 10 1.6 25 0.08 1.4 20 1.2 10 1.0 Xp [mm] 15 Vp [mm/s] 0.06 PL [bar] Xv [mm] 5 0.8 0.04 0 5 0 0.02 Variables Xv vs Time PL vs Time 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 −5 Vp vs Time Xp vs Time 0.20 0.22 0.6 0.4 −5 0.2 −10 0 Time [s] 22 22 Explicit Trapetzoid Method 23 23 From model, to algorithm, to code void servo_system(unsigned int nsamp) { /* parameters and variables */ double pL=0; /* load pressure, initially zero, system state */ double Ps=70e5; /* supply pressure, 70 [bar] */ double rho=790; /* oil density, 790 [kg/m^3] */ double xv=0; /* spool displacement, (system input), initially zero*/ double w=8e-3; /* area gradient, [-] */ double Cq=0.67; /* flow coefficient, standard value, 0.67 [-] */ double dT=0; /* numerical integration time step size */ double T=0; /* time [s] */ double q=0; /* flow, [m^3/s] */ double Ap=0.001963495408; /* piston area, [m^2] (value from 50mm piston diameter) */ double vp=0; /* piston velocity, initially zero, system state */ double betae=1.5e9; /* bulk modulus of oil, [N/m^2] */ double Vt=0.001570796327; /* total cylinder volume, [m^3] (value from 50mm piston and 0.8m cylinder length) */ double Bp=5e4; /* system damping, [Ns/m] */ double Mt=500; /* system mass load, [kg] */ double xp=0; /* piston position within cylinder, [m] (main output), system state */ double FL=0; /* external load */ Unr ead able /* trapetzoid related storage */ double npL=0; double nvp=0; double nxp=0; double spL=0; double svp=0; double sxp=0; /* iteration variable */ unsigned long int n=0; /* iteration counter */ /* set up time step */ dT=0.2/nsamp; /* write first line for T=0 */ printf("\"Te%u\",\"XVe%u\",\"PLe%u\",\"VPe%u\",\"XPe%u\"\n",nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp,nsamp); printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); /* iterate and write result for nsamp time steps */ for(n=1;n<nsamp;n++) { if(0.01<=T) xv=0.0001; /* on step T=0.01 the input is set to 0.1mm valve displacement */ if(0.08<=T) xv=0; /* on step T=0.08 the input is reset and valve is closed */ spL=npL; svp=nvp; sxp=nxp; q=Cq*w*xv*sqrt((Ps-pL)/rho); npL=(q-Ap*vp)*4*betae/Vt; pL=pL+0.5*(npL+spL)*dT; nvp=(pL*Ap-Bp*vp-FL)/Mt; vp=vp+0.5*(nvp+svp)*dT; nxp=vp; xp=xp+0.5*(nxp+sxp)*dT; T=T+dT; /* increment time */ printf("%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f,%.16f\n",T,xv,pL,vp,xp); } } 24 24 Results Explicit Trapetzoid Method Simulation Example, Explicit Trapetzoid Method 0.10 35 2.0 30 1.8 10 1.6 25 0.08 1.4 20 1.2 10 1.0 Xp [mm] 15 Vp [mm/s] 0.06 PL [bar] Xv [mm] 5 0.8 0.04 0 5 0 0.02 Variables Xv vs Time PL vs Time 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 −5 Vp vs Time Xp vs Time 0.20 0.22 0.6 0.4 −5 0.2 −10 0 Time [s] 25 25 Results, Method Comparison Simulation Example, Method Comparison (ΔT=20μs) 2.0 0.10 1.8 10 1.6 1.80 0.08 1.4 0.091 0.092 1.76 4.8 0.8 0.04 0 4.6 Variables Xv vs Time PL,implicit vs Time PL,trapetz vs Time PL,explicit vs Time Xp,implicit vs Time Xp,trapetz vs Time Xp,explicit vs Time 4.4 0.02 0.038 0 1.0 Xp [mm] 0.06 0.090 1.2 5 PL [bar] Xv [mm] 1.78 0 0.02 0.04 0.039 0.06 0.040 4.2 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.6 0.4 −5 0.2 0.22 0 Time [s] 26 26 Model Extensions 27 27 Add Physics!!! • • • • • • • • • • • • Internal leakage External springs Asymmetric cylinder End-of-Stroke conditions Laminar flow Valve dynamics Supply system dynamics Asymmetric valve orifice Separate meter-in and meter-out Piston friction Long lines between cylinder and valve Wave propagation in lines 28 28 Dynamic Mathematical Model Principles Orifice r 2 q = Cq wxv (Pa ⇢ Pb ) Continuity qin qout dV V dp = + dt e dt Force Balance p 1 A1 P2 A 2 FL BL ẋp = Mt ẍp 29 29 Textual Simulation Computer Languages C Matlab VHDL-AMS Haskell C++ Modelica Fortran 77 Haskell Phyton 30 30 DEMO: Simple hydraulic servo system in plain C /* An example of a simulation program for a very simple hydraulic servo system */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> DEMO DEMO DEMO #define PI 3.141592653589793 void warning(const char* msg,const char* fn,const int line) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! %s(%d) : %s\n",fn,line,msg); } void cavitation(double p,const char* comp,const char* fn,const int line) { if(p<0.7e5) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! %s(%d) : CAVITATION in %s (p=%.16f) \n",fn,line,comp,p); } } double orifice(double Cq,double w,double xv,double rho,double p1,double p2) { double q=0; if(xv<0) return 0; if(Cq<0) return 0; if(w<0) return 0; if(rho<0) return 0; if(p1<0) return 0; if(p2<0) return 0; cavitation(p1, "orifice p1",__FILE__,__LINE__); cavitation(p2, "orifice p2",__FILE__,__LINE__); if((p1-p2)>0) { q=+Cq*w*xv*sqrt(2/rho*(p1-p2)); } else { q=-Cq*w*xv*sqrt(2/rho*(p2-p1)); } return q; } double area(double Dp,double Dr) { double A; if(Dp<0) warning("Negative diameter in area()",__FILE__,__LINE__); if(Dr<0) warning("Negative diameter in area()",__FILE__,__LINE__); A=PI*(Dp*Dp-Dr*Dr)*0.25; return A; } double volume(double Dp,double D,double L) { double V=0; if(L<0) warning("Negative length in volume()",__FILE__,__LINE__); if(L>=0) V=area(Dp,D)*L; return V; } double compression(double q,double V,double dV,double betae) { double dp=0; if(V<0) warning("Negative volume in compression()",__FILE__,__LINE__); if(V>0) dp=(q-dV)*betae/V; return dp; } double piston(double p1,double p2,double Dp,double d1,double d2) { double Fc=0; double A1=0; double A2=0; A1=area(Dp,d1); A2=area(Dp,d2); Fc=p1*A1-p2*A2; return Fc; Unr ead able double dp2=0; double dV1=0; double dV2=0; } /* trapetzoid numerical integration */ void trapetz(double dx,double state[3],double dT) { state[2]=state[1]; state[1]=dx; state[0]+=0.5*(state[1]+state[2])*dT; } double value(double state[3]) { return state[0]; } void initialize(double state[3],double x0) { state[0]=x0; state[1]=0; state[2]=0; } double spring(double k,double L0,double x) { double Fs=0; if(k<0) warning("Negative spring coefficient in spring()",__FILE__,__LINE__); Fs=k*(x-L0); return Fs; } void servo_system(unsigned int nsamp,double Tmax) { /* system states */ double p1[3]; /* positive cylinder chamber pressure */ double p2[3]; /* positive cylinder chamber pressure */ double vp[3]; /* piston velocity */ double xp[3]; /* piston position */ /* parmeters and variables */ double Ps=70e5; /* supply pressure, 70 [bar] */ double Pt=1e5; /* tank pressure, 70 [bar] */ double rho=790; /* oil density, 790 [kg/m^3] */ double xv=0; /* spool displacement, (system input), initially zero*/ double w=8e-3; /* area gradient, [-] */ double Cq=0.67; /* flow coefficient, standard value, 0.67 [-] */ double dT=0; /* numerical integration time step size */ double Dp=0.050; /* piston diameter [m] */ double Dr1=0.020; /* rod diameter in chamber 1 [m] */ double Dr2=0.020; /* rod diameter in chamber 2 [m] */ double V01=0.0001; /* dead volume chamber 1 [m^3] */ double V02=0.0001; /* dead volume chamber 2 [m^3] */ double V1=0; /* total volume in chamber 1 */ double V2=0; /* total volume in chamber 2 */ double L=0.8; /* cylinder length */ double Fc=0; /* total applied force on piston */ double FL=0; /* external load force */ double T=0; /* time [s] */ double q1=0; /* flow into chamber 1, [m^3/s] */ double q2=0; /* flow into chamber 2, [m^3/s] */ double betae=1.5e9; /* bulk modulus of oil, [N/m^2] */ double Bp=5e4; /* system damping, [Ns/m] */ double Mt=500; /* system mass load, [kg] */ unsigned long int n=0; /* iteration counter */ /* temporaries */ double dp1=0; initialize(p1, initialize(p2, initialize(vp, initialize(xp, Pt); Pt); 0); 0); dT=Tmax/nsamp; printf("\"T\",\"x_v\",\"p_1\",\"p_2\",\"v_p\",\"x_p\",\"q_1\", \"q_2\"\n"); n=0; do { T=n*dT; if(0.01<=T) xv=0.0001; /* open valve */ if(0.08<=T) xv=0; /* close valve */ if(xv>=0) { q1=orifice(Cq, w, xv, rho, Ps, value(p1)); q2=orifice(Cq, w, xv, rho, Pt, value(p2)); } else { q1=orifice(Cq, w, -xv, rho, Pt, value(p1)); q2=orifice(Cq, w, -xv, rho, Ps, value(p2)); } if(value(xp)<-0.5*L) { initialize(xp, -0.5*L); initialize(vp, 0); } if(value(xp)>+0.5*L) { initialize(xp, +0.5*L); initialize(vp, 0); } dV1=+value(vp)*area(Dp, Dr1); dV2=-value(vp)*area(Dp, Dr2); V1=volume(Dp, Dr1, 0.5*L+value(xp))+V01; V2=volume(Dp, Dr2, 0.5*L-value(xp))+V02; dp1=compression(q1, V1, dV1, betae); dp2=compression(q2, V2, dV2, betae); trapetz(dp1, p1, dT); trapetz(dp2, p2, dT); Fc=piston(value(p1), value(p2), Dp, Dr1, Dr2)-FL-Bp*value(vp); trapetz(Fc/Mt, vp, dT); trapetz(value(vp), xp, dT); printf("%.12f,%.12f,%.12f,%.12f,%.12f,%.12f,%.12f,%.12f \n",T,xv,value(p1),value(p2),value(vp),value(xp),q1,q2); n++; } while(n<nsamp); } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { unsigned int nsamp=2000; double Tmax=0.2; if(2<=argc) sscanf(argv[1],"%u",&nsamp); if(3==argc) sscanf(argv[2],"%lg",&Tmax); servo_system(nsamp,Tmax); return 0; } 31 31 Simulation Programs HOPSAN NG (FluMeS, LiU) Dymola (Dassault Systems) Amesim (LMS Intl.) Easy5 (MSC Software) Flowmaster (Flowmaster Inc.) Matlab/Simulink (Mathworks Inc) 32 32 33 33 Examples 34 34 Next Lecture: 08:15, 2012-11-08, P34 Magnus Sethson 35 35
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