A new trigger principle for pulsar observation at low energies E. Oña-Wilhelmi1,2, O.C. de Jager1 & V. Fonseca2 for the MAGIC collaboration 1 NWU, Potchefstroom, South Africa. 2 UCM, Madrid, Spain. 1 JENAM, Granada, 13-17 September 2004 Outlook Aim of this technique. Imaging vs. Pulsar Trigger. Simulations with MAGIC input parameters. Results E = 100 MeV - 20GeV. 7 pulsars in EGRET. E > 300 GeV. None Eradio More than 1500 pulsars Eoptical~5 Ground based Cerenkov Telescopes Effective threshold energy ~ 30 - 100 GeV (see V.Fonseca talk) Gamma satellites give a nice crowded picture of energies up to 10 GeV. 2 Searching for new γ-ray pulsars GLAST launch (or start of operations) Date: FEB 2007 Can we do overlapping work with GLAST in the 10 GeV range without having to construct new telescopes? Spectrum It is well known that GLAST will be the best instrument to search for PULSED emission. MAGIC 60 GeV Log(E) MeV 3 Pulsar Trigger With the standard “Image technique”, 3 or 4 Nearest Neighbour (NN) trigger reject small events (5 to 30 GeV). For the “Pulsar Trigger” we reject all the 3,4 coincident NN ⇒ NO EVENTS FROM ANY PRESENT TELESCOPE CONFIGURATION SURVIVES: too high energy & too much background Sum analog signal from all pixels in central 0.5o camera radius. MAGIC collaboration 4 Pulsar Trigger technique 1) Sum total analog signal in area to give total charge:Q=ΣRqi (R≤ 0.5º) 2) Trigger signal in 2 - 3 ns if Q > NSB + 7(NSB)1/2 3) Record timestamp and Q only if event was not seen by the normal NN (“Hillas mode”) 5 GeV γ-ray shower @ 2 km ANGULAR DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF CAMERA (DEGREES) 4) ⇒ Nearest Neighbour or Hillas Mode serves as an anti coincidence shield (high background/large energy events). Low energy showers develop high in the atmosphere 5 Monte Carlo Simulation Input Parameters: Altitude ~ 2 Km. Mirror Area (Reflectivity ~ 90%)= 234 m2 PM quantum efficiency ~ 0.3 Shower Photon Density @ 5 GeV ~ 0.2 ph m-2 Night of the Sky Background (NSB) (300-600 ns): 2 to 4 x 108 ph/cm2/s/sr 1 Hz NSB accidental trigger in 3 ns 6 Effective Area for 2 to 10 GeV Select a trigger threshold (TT) of ~ 7 sigma above the NSB to give an accidental rate 1 Hz. ⇒ TT = <NSB> + 7<NSB> We exploit the large fluctuations of low energy γ-rays (where rms ~ mean) to get above the TT Effective Area: Aeff = ∫ ε ( E , r ) dA , ε = trigger efficency 7 Effective Area for 2 to 10 GeV 8 Background (1): Cosmics Main contribution comes from protons. Rate ~260 Hz Rejecting all the 4 NN trigger events: Rate ~ 60 Hz Low energy events do not survive the 4NN condition: ⇒ The pulsar trigger efficiency above 20 GeV decreases while it holds up for lower energies. 9 Background (2): NSB Pulsar trigger is highly sensitive to the LONS level. Dark region of the sky 5 GeV Collection Area versus Night Sky Background Level for an accidental trigger rate of 0.1 Hz, which is much less than the proton rate of 60 Hz. Area used Crab for pulsed region sensitivity calculations. 10 Combine the low threshold capability derived from First Cerenkov Telescopes Generation with the noise rejection capabilities of the Third Generation. 1.9 E 2 m A(E, I dark region) = 69⋅ 1GeV E A( E , I bright region ) = 14 ⋅ 1 GeV 2 .4 m 2 Using EGRET spectra we can infer the expected rate and observation time. 11 Observation time for different sources detected by EGRET Pulsar spectra are characterised for a cutoff at a few GeVs Source Cutoff (GeV) Rate (Hz) Tobs (min) Crab 30 2.2 5 Vela 8 5.5 <1 Geminga 5 1.7 9 PSR B 1951+32 40 1.1 20 PSR B1706-44 40 2.3 5 3c279 --Good for AGNs 290 <0.112 Conclusions New trigger method yields large collection areas above 2 GeV (1000 to 4000 m2). It requires modification in the electronics without interfering with existing mode of operation. Sensitive to NSB - becomes unstable if NSB varies too much during source tracking. It applies too to AGNs and high redshift Blazar. Possible application to smaller sized telescopes (<17 m) to reduce the Energy threshold. 13 Thank you! 14
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