On the viewing angle effect on Hα-line impact polarization in solar flaring phenomena 1 V.V Zharkova and L.K. Kashapova 2 1 2 Bradford University, Bradford BD7 1DP, UK v.v.zharkova@brad.ac.uk Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, P.O. Box 4026, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia lkk@iszf.irk.ru Abstract The authors compare the observation of Hα-line linear polarization in moustaches or Ellerman bombs, located in different positions on a solar disk, with the theoretical predictions of impact polarization caused by beams of electrons. According to the results of theoretical calculations, within the viewing angles 50–60◦ the observed impact polarization should approaches zero values despite the electron beam presence. The number distribution of moustaches with different polarization degree and located at the different distances from the solar disk center, showed that the rate of moustaches with polarization more then 2% was the minimum at the viewing angle about 50–60◦. We discuss role of the revealed viewing angle effect on impact polarization observation conditions in more large-scale emission phenomena – solar flares. Conclusions Introduction Observations of linear polarisation in spectral lines from solar flares provide a unique information on the directions of energy transport from the corona to deeper layers during these highly dynamic events. The Hα-line is the most observable line in solar flares with the ground-based instruments, and significant properties of energy transfer process can be derived from the measurements of its polarisation vector.The linear Hα polarisation is not very often observed in large solar flares but more regular in the flaring events of much smaller scales called moustaches, or Ellerman bomb (EB) with the extended wings in the Hα line profile. These events have sizes from 500 down to the size the diffraction limit of modern (1-meter class) solar telescopes. Their resemblance in many spectral aspects with the type II white-light flares assumed the Hα line moustaches to be the small-scale appearances of the impulsive heating similar to larger solar flares caused by electron beam precipitation and non-thermal excitation of a hydrogen atom. Theoretical predictions In the current contribution the effect of a viewing angle is investigated for the hydroden Hα-line impact polarisation caused by precipitating beam electrons injected with energy power-law spectra into flaring atmospehers. The polarisation is considered for a 3 level plus continuum hydrogen atom affected by Zeeman’s splitting in a moderate magnetic field while the depolarising effects of diffusive radiation and collisions with thermal electrons are also taken into account (Zharkova and Syniavskii, 2000). The resulting polarisation plane is defined by the orts nk and n⊥ with the former being parallel to the vector BxK and the latter is perpendicular to BxK, where B is a magnetic field vector and K is a direction of the emitted photon. This polarisation plane is projected onto a viewing angle ψ being a superposition of the flare location on a solar disk and the magnetic field deviation from a local vertical position. In detail the method of simulation described in Zharkova & Kashapova (2005). • Hα-line linear polarisation, caused by moderate electron beams, varies in the range of 2−15% and can be either negative or positive depending on the position of a flaring loop on the solar disk, i.e. its heliolongitude. For viewing angles less then 50o the Hα-line impact polarisation is negative increasing up to −10% towards the smaller angles of 20o. • For viewing angles bigger than 60o the measured impact polarisation becomes positive sharply increasing up to 15% towards the limb and beyond. In the zone 50 − 60o the observed polarisation degree crosses a zero point despite the actual presence of beam electrons in a flaring atmosphere. Figure 3: The Hα linear polarisation as a function of a position angle ψ caused by electron beams with a spectral index γ = 7, F0 = 1010 erg/cm2/s (dashed line with triangles ), γ = 7, F0 = 1012 (dashed line with circles ), γ = 4, F0 = 1011 erg/cm2/s (solid line with squares). The crosses, diamonds and triangles are the observations of different moustaches by Kashapova (2003). The integrated Hα-line linear impact polarisation caused by intense electron beams with soft (γ = 6) and hard (γ = 3) energy spectra calculated taking into account its projection onto the direction to the observer, or a viewing angle, is presented in Figure 3 (the solid and dashed lines) for the time of 6 seconds after the injection when the impact effect is maximal. The results of observations For a comparison with the theoretical predicitions above the profiles of Stokes parameters Q/I and U/I of moustaches in the Hα hydrogen line obtained in the summer 1999 from the Large Solar Vacuum Telescope (Fig 4).This data was previously analyzed by Kashapova (2003) without consideration of the moustache locations on a solar disk. From Table 1 one can see that the number of moustaches with a noticeable polarization degree varies significantly with the distance from a solar disk centre (or on the moustaches position on the solar sphere). The Stokes parameters Q/I are converted from the slit coordinate system to the coordinate system related the object-to-observer direction according to the layout shown in Figure 2. It can be seen from the plot 0 b in Figure 2 that the angles β0 and β are related to a viewing angle ψ and latitude angle ϕ as: 0 ψ = β0 + β − (90◦ − ϕ) Figure 1: A position of the polarisation plane of a photon emitted in the vertical magnetic loop at pitch angle of ξ and azimuthal angle η. A viewing angle ψ is the angle between the local Cartesian system XYZ and the system X’Y’Z’ associated with the solar sphere centre. The viewing angle along with the loop position on a solar disk, i.e the angle δ in Figure 2, define the projection of the polarisation plane in XYZ system onto the observational plane OX’Z’ occuring in the point O of the axis X’ for an arbitrary electron momentum P and photon momentum K vectors. (1) Here ψ 0 is an angle from the north-south vertical towards the slit on a flat solar image, under which the angle arch CS with a length ψ is seen on the spherical solar surface. This is close to a viewing angle ψ presented in Figure 1 within the applicability of flat disk coordinates instead of the spherical ones, because of the triangles C’OS’ and C’O’S’ similarity in the planes ZX and ZY (compare the plots a and b in Figure 2. The angle ϕ is a polar angle on the solar disk that corresponds to a heliolatitude with its sign in the relevant hemispheres. Figure 4: The two examples of Stokes parameters I (intensity, the left panels) and Q/I (linear polarisation, the right panels) measured in moustaches with insignificant polarization (the top panel) and the noticeable polarization (the bottom panel). Table 1. A relative number of moustaches with the polarization less than 2%. Figure 2: The layout of a slit position during the observations in the planes Z’X’ (see Figure 1) where the observer is located and Z’Y’ (the observing plane with a flat solar image) where β0 is an angle between the slit and the object-to-disk center direction, β 0 is an angle between the slit and the object-to-limb direction and ψ is a viewing angle. Distance f rom the solar centre, Rust&Keil present paper (1992) 10◦ ± 10◦ 30◦ ± 10◦ 50◦ ± 10◦ 70◦ ± 10◦ Rate,% 69 57 85 59 87 • This allows to produce the constraints onto the slit and moustache locations that allows to observe the measurable impact polarisation signatures if they occur in these events, i.e. the slit positioning angles β0 and β 0 are to be restricted to β0 + β 0 + ϕ ≥ 150◦ or β0 + β 0 + ϕ ≤ 140◦, where β0 and β 0 are the slit angles towards the solar center and limb, respectively, and ϕ is a heliolatitude. • The theoretical predictions fit remarkably well the available observations of the Hα-line linear polarisation in moustaches, or Ellerman bombs, located in different positions on a solar disk. This fit allows the observers to estimate the parameters of an electron beam causing this polarisation and compare them with those derived from hard Xray bremsstrahlung emission(Zharkova et al., 1995) that can provide important information on the energy transport mechanisms in flaring events on the Sun. Acknowledgments This work was supported by grant GR/R/53449/01 of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (VZ), grant NSh-733.2003.2 and Federal Scientific and Technical Program ”Astronomy - 1104” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (LK). Dr. L.K. Kashapova acknowledges European Astronomical Society for the supporting of participation in JENAM-2004 and the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (the travel grant 04-02-27018). References Kashapova, L.K. 2003, Solar polarization 3 ASP Conference Series, 307, 474 Rust, D.M. & Keil, S.L. 1992, Sol. 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