Numerical {3+1} General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics L. A NT ÓN , O. Z ANOTTI , J.A. M IRALLES , J.M. M ART Í , J.M. I B Á ÑEZ , J.A. F ONT AND J.A. P ONS 1 1 2 1 ABSTRACT where g is the determinant of the metric g , ρW 0 (ρh + b2 )W 2 vj − αb bj U= (ρh + b2 )W 2 − p + 21 b2 − (αb0 )2 Bk µν S= 2 i ds = gµν dx dx = −(α −βi β )dt +2βi dx dt+γij dx dx where α (lapse function), β i (shift vector) and γij (spatial metric) are functions of the coordinates t, xi . Greek (Latin) indices run from 0 to 3 (1 to 3). Relation between the velocity measured by the Eulerian observer v i and the four-velocity: βi ui + . v = αut α i we define βi ṽ = v − α i i 2 0k The stationary solution of an ideal gas accreting onto a Schwarzschild black hole, derived by Michel [6], is not modified when adding a purely radial magnetic field. The figure shows a simulation with B r = 10−2 /r2 at t = 213.2M . We use a grid with 200 × 8 zones, CFL parameter 0.4, and a Roe-type Riemann solver. The solid lines indicate the analytic solution and the diamonds the numerical solution. Rs = 2GM/c2 is the Schwarzschild radius, M being the mass of the black hole. Note that only one point out of five are represented. 5 A torus around a black hole 5.1 Equilibrium torus without magnetic field As initial model we use a rotating torus in equilibrium around a Schwarzschild black hole of mass M . We run our numerical code during more than four orbital periods of the maximum density point (t=153 M ). A value of 1 for the tracer corresponds to the fluid which was initially in the torus. This simulation shows the capability of our code in maintaining a stable initial configuration without significant changes. Our numerical code is based on the following procedures: • Conservative form: To guarantee numerically the conservation of mass, momentum and energy. • Riemann solver: Two alternative strategies to obtain the fluxes across the numerical interfaces needed to integrate the evolution equations are used: – A local characteristic approach [2] where local Riemann problems are solved using a linearized Riemann solver, namely the HLLE solver. – An approach based on the equivalence principle [7] in which a coordinate transformation to a locally Minkowskian spacetime is made, which allows to solve the Riemann problems using any linearized Riemann solver for special relativistic MHD. • Induction equation and magnetic field constraint: i 1 3 Numerical approach The line element can be written as i 0 T µν ∂µ gνj − Γδµν gδj µ0 µν 0 α T ∂µ log α − T Γµν Γµνλ being the Christoffel symbols. • The {3 + 1} formalism 2 ρW ṽ i 1 2 i 2 2 i b δ − b bj (ρh + b )W v ṽ + p + j i j 2 F = 1 2 2 2 i 0 i i (ρh + b )W ṽ − αb b − p + 2 b β /α B k ṽ i − B i ṽ k 2 GRMHD equations ν i In many astrophysical scenarios, both magnetic and gravitational fields play an important role in determining the evolution of the fluid. Examples of these include: a) neutron stars formation and binary neutron star coalescence, most of which have intense magnetic fields of the order of 1012 − 1013 G; b) magnetars, in which the intense magnetic fields and stresses may have important effects on the internal structure of the star; c) relativistic jets, like those observed in AGNs, microquasars, and gamma-ray bursts, whose launching involves the hydromagnetic centrifugal acceleration of material from the accretion disk, or the extraction of rotational energy from the ergosphere of a Kerr black hole; d) accretion disks, whose magnetized plasma may undergo the magnetorotational instability, which plays an important role in the angular momentum transport throughout the disk. To study these interesting astrophysical objects it has become necessary to develop numerical codes which allow us to describe and to evolve the matter under such extreme conditions. Our goal in this poster is to present the evolution equations for the magnetic field and for the fluid within the {3+1} formalism, formulated in a suitable way to apply Godunovtype (or high-resolution shock-capturing; HRSC hereafter) schemes based on (approximate) Riemann solvers. µ 4.2 Magnetized Michel accretion √ √ 1 ∂ γU 1 ∂ −g Fi √ =S +√ i −g ∂t −g ∂x 1 Introduction 1 Departament d’Astronomia i Astrofı́sica, Universitat de València, Spain 2 Departament de Fı́sica Aplicada, Universitat d’Alacant, Spain • Conservation equations We describe the status of development of a numerical code to solve the equations of ideal general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD). The numerical code, based on high-resolution shock-capturing techniques, solves the equations written in conservation form and computes the numerical fluxes using a linearized Riemann solver. A special procedure is used to enforce the conservation of magnetic flux along the evolution. To show the capabilities of the code, we present results of various tests, including shock tubes in flat spacetime and magnetized fluid accretion onto a Schwarzschild black hole. 2 1 j The induction equation is evolved using the procedure developed by [4], which has been adapted for linearized Riemann solvers in the context of classical MHD [8]. This method guarantees the divergence free condition along the evolution. 5.2 Magnetized torus 4.3 Takahashi-Gammie accretion Stationary solution of an ideal cold gas on the equatorial plane accreting onto a Kerr black hole [9, 5, 3]. We use a grid with 2000 radial cells and 5 angular cells subtending a small angle of 10−4 π around the equatorial plane. The Riemann solver used is HLLE and the figure shows a snapshot after 10000 time steps. Note that only one point out of five are represented. Now we add weak poloidal magnetic field loops on top of the previous purely hydrodynamical equilibrium model. Contrary to the non-magnetized case, this torus becomes unstable due to the magneto-rotational instability. The figure shows a snapshot at the same time as the previous model. By that time an important accretion flow has been developed. The expansion and distortion of the initial torus is apparent from the tracer panel. • Time advancing: We use a second/third order Runge-Kutta Scheme. • Cell reconstruction: In order to improve the spatial accuracy we use a linear reconstruction method, namely the MINMOD method, to obtain the values of the variables at the interfaces. Lorentz factor p t W = αu = 1/ (1 − v 2 ) with v = v · v = γij v v . 2 i j • The Magnetic field For ideal MHD the electromagnetic tensor is F µν = −η µνλδ uλ bδ where bα is the magnetic field measured by the comoving observer and η µνλδ is the volume element tensor. Magnetic field measured by the Eulerian observer: B i = α(bi u0 − b0 ui ) . 4 Numerical tests 4.1 Shock tube problem Relativistic Brio & Wu problem [1] The test was performed using a Cartesian grid of 1600 cells, CFL parameter 0.5 and the HLLE Riemann solver in the local characteristic approach. Solid line corresponds to Minkowski spacetime at t = 0.4. The triangles indicate the solution obtained with α = 1, βx = 0.4 at t = 0.4. As we can observe, this solution is shifted to the left a distance equal to βx × t in complete accordance to the expected shift. The diamonds correspond to the solution with α = 2.0, βx = 0 at t = 0.2. Again, this solution is in complete agreement with the solution for the Minkowski spacetime at t = 0.4. References [1] Balsara, 2001, ApJ, 132,83. 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