NATURE OF THE X-RAY EMISSION IN LINERS Omaira González Martín, Josefa Masegosa, Isabel Márquez, *Deborah Dultzin-Hacyan, Martín A. Guerrero Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (C.S.I.C.), Granada (SPAIN) * Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, México D.F. (MEXICO) MOTIVATION There is an ongoing strong debate on the origin of the energy source in LINERs. Two alternatives have been explored: that the ionizing energy source is a low luminosity AGN, or that this energy is of thermal origin from massive star formation and/or from shock heating mechanisms resulting from the massive stars evolution. The search of a compact X ray nucleus in LINERs is indeed one of the most convincing evidences about their AGN nature. Chandra's excellent resolution allows an investigation of the X-ray nuclear properties of these galaxies. Figure 1. Composite Figure 11. Composite colourmaps mapsof of the the hard hard colour and soft bands forgalaxies galaxies and soft bands for representativesof of the the four four representatives cathegories: cathegories: NGC4203 (top (top left), left), NGC4203 NGC4374 (top (top right), right), NGC4374 NGC3077 (bottom left)and and NGC3077 (bottom left) NGC4696 (bottom right). NGC4696 (bottom right). THE SAMPLE We have searched in the Chandra Archive for all the galaxies from the compilation by Carrillo et al (1999). This amounts to 65 out of 476 LINERs for which ACIS-S imaging data are available. In this paper we report the preliminary results obtained for 52 of them. Previous detailed investigations have been reported for 21 galaxies included in our sample. 12 of them present a compact nucleus and a hard (2-8 kev) power law X-ray spectrum, which seems to be a clear hint on the AGN nature of these galaxies. For the remaining objects no clear nucleus can be identified and they harbor instead a fair amount of discrete X-ray sources in and around the X-ray diffuse emission. Here we report on the soft (0.3-2 kev) and hard (2-6 kev) data for the 52 systems paying special attention to their morphologies and the contrast between the nuclear and the surrounding nebulosities. 1.Nuclear Morphology We have investigated the nuclear morphology in the 2-6 kev band and have divided the sample into 4 categories (see Fig1): -A clearly identified nuclear source embedded in a very extended diffuse nebulosity . In this class we have classified 30 out of the 52 galaxies, objects. galaxies, which represents 58% of the objects. - Multinuclear objects have been found in 6 galaxies. galaxies. - An irregular gas distribution with quite a few number of compact discrete sources has been identified in 9 objects. objects. - Finally the remaining galaxies show mainly a large diffuse nebulosity. nebulosity. In some cases the reality of this pure diffuse nebulosities can be atributed to the small exposure times. 2.Haloes We found that the contribution of the diffuse radiation to the total luminosities is larger than 40% in most of the objects (39 for the high energies and 43 for the soft band). An investigation of the main contribution to the diffuse radiation leads to the conclussion that such contribution is not larger than 20%. Larger values come mainly from the discrete compact sources in the surroundings of the nuclear region. Figure 2. Figure 22. Histogramsof of the the percentage percentage of of diffuse diffuse radiation radiation to to the the soft soft Histograms and hard X-ray bands. bands. and hard X-ray The nature of such sources needs to be investigated. Previous studies (e.g. Eracleous et al 2003) point to Xray binaries and SNR in NGC 4736 and NGC 4579. 3. Computation of the X-Rays Luminosity, LX In a first step, X-ray luminosities in the hard band have been calculated following Ho et al(2001), who assume a power law with a spectral index of 1.8 for the spectral energy distribution. Since most of our objects show a clear compact nuclear source, large departures from a power law index of 1.8 are not expected (see Terashima 1999). Nevertheless, this approach has been shown to be too simplistic in some cases ( i.e. NGC 3077, Ott et al 2003). Therefore a carefull analysis of the SED has been performed in order to get better estimations of the luminosities. A two component model has been formally fit to each spectrum, using an absorbed Raymond-Smith model (to include a possible thermal contribution) added to an absorbed Power-Law model. In Table 1 the resulting parameters of the two models are given. Notice that too low values for the spectral index are found for four galaxies (namely, NGC1808, NGC 2681, NGC4261 and NGC6240); nevertheless these cases have been shown to need the inclusion of additional components. For 11 galaxies, no suitable fit is obtained including the power-law component. For the remaining 19 galaxies, the spectral indices obtained range from 1.5 to 2.5, well within the range shown by active galaxies. Our results indicate that Ho et al’s approximation to estimate X-Ray luminosities cannot be applied for most of the LINERs. In fact, overestimations as large as 4 orders of magnitude are obtained. Figure 3. Chandra spectrum of NGC 4594. (Up) Spectral fitting (Down) Residuals Conclusions AGN activity has been detected in 50-60% of the LINERs, as obtained from the morphology (compact sources) and the spectral analysis.
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