JEEVES UNIVERSAL – BUSINESS PROCESS FLOW The following case study is designed to provide a holistic overview of how a full business process flow is supported in Jeeves Universal. For more information on how to access the system, see ’AES Access Instructions.pdf’. BACKGROUND As a newly hired employee, it is vital to quickly get an understanding of your company’s business processes. Your new employer sells various bike models to retailers and has recently adopted the lean concept in both manufacturing and administrative processes. In an effort to apply the concept successfully, and promote work rotation, your superiors have ordered you to learn the basic routines in sales, inventory management as well as invoicing. You will therefore follow the process flow from manual order entry to creating a warehouse picking list and finally invoice the order with integration into the General Ledger. Try to gain an understanding of every step in the process using the manuals below to fully understand the meaning of process integration in modern enterprise systems. Good luck! INDEX Da2.1 ENTER ORDER....................................................................................... 3 Da4.1 CREATE PICK LIST .................................................................................. 7 Da4.2 REPORT PICKING .................................................................................. 9 Da4.3 CLOSE ORDER ......................................................................................11 Da5.1 CREATE INVOICE ..................................................................................14 Da5.2 POST INVOICE .....................................................................................16 Da2.1 ENTER ORDER You just got a phone call from your customer COOP (customer id 10004). They want to order some bicycles, namely 2 pieces each of item numbers 1000 and 1010. The sub process Enter Order is initiated by a customer wanting to buy something. That can be by accepting a previously created quotation or by a phone call. PROCESS Input: A quotation accepted by a customer or A customer demand via a customer call, email or any other form of communication method. Output: A preliminary customer order, which could be an order in status “Entry in Progress” or an order with status “Entered” but an Order Acknowledgement is not printed. Activities: Create Order CREATE ORDER This sub process includes only one activity, which is the actual creation of the customer order. There are two documented ways to create an order depending on the input into the process. If the input is an accepted quotation, the creation is done differently compared to if there is no accepted quotation. CREATE ORDER MANUALLY Instructions Your customer COOP called and ordered small quantities of item no. 1000 and 1010. You need to enter the order. When you have saved your order rows and return to the order header you will be asked whether you want to Finish by setting status = ENTERED. Answer this question with a yes if you are sure that your order contains all the relevant information. Do not forget to set Print to screen under the Reports menu at the top before you print the order acknowledgement. This case describes the manual (normal) entry of customer orders into the system. Open the program Order processing, standard (order1), and add a new record by pressing Ctrl+A or clicking Add: Create a new record and fill out the required information in the order header section of the program. Press Enter. As the order head record is saved, the customer order row node program will automatically open up. As an order row record is saved, the user will be prompted to fill out the next order row. Fill out as many order rows as necessary, and then escape from the order row entry node. As the last order row is entered and the user leaves the order row program, the user will be prompted to set the status of the order to Entered. If the user does not want to set the status to Entered, the order status stays in status Entering in progress. If the order requires a purchase or a manufacturing order to be created, another pop up message will ask the user if a purchase/manufacturing order should be created. (This is the case in most order types, not sourcing from inventory, such as Drop Shipment, Order Specific etc) The order is completely created and set in status Entered or Entry in Progress, depending on the user’s choice above If you want to see your Order Acknowledgement report go to Reportsa Order acknowledgementje order acknowledgement. Make sure you have set the reports to be printed on the screen as described above. Press OK in the Print dialog window, you will now see your report. Mandatory Fields Order Header Order no. (oh.ordernr) Company ID (oh.ftgnr) Est disp date (ordberlevdat) Order Row Order row no (orp.ordradnr) Item no. (orp.artnr) Order row qty (orp.ordantal) Important fields Order Header Order no. (ordernr) An order no. is created automatically when you save the entry. You can have various number series per order type. Est disp date (ordberlevdat) State or search for estimated dispatch date. The date can also be entered per row. The date entered in the header will then be the default value for all rows as they are created. Company ID (ftgnr) This represents the customer who is ordering. If the company is not registered as a customer it is not possible to create an order. Customer order no. (kundbestnr) This field should be filled out if the customer is referring to his own PO-number Order status (ordstat) Is entered and updated automatically. When you enter a new order the status is:”Entry in progress”. You cannot print an order acknowledgement with status “Entry in Progress”. Inventory location (lagstalle) The field represents the inventory location from which the order rows will be picked/manufactured, or via which the items will be delivered for a transit order. Point of delivery, co. ID (ordlevplats1) IF the customer has several registered delivery addresses this allows the user to pick one of those addresses to be the delivery address for the order. Order type (ordtyp) This is a very important field, indicating how the further processing of the order shall be accomplished. Normal: means that it is an inventory order that is intended to be picked from your inventory balance. Order Specific: goods are bought towards a customer order, but at delivery the goods is put in a order specific inventory instead of the normal inventory, from which the order then is dispatched. Drop Shipment: products will be delivered directly from your supplier to your customer without passing the own inventory Transit: a variant of drop shipment, the purchase is always done from supplier against a customer order, but the products go via own inventory Credit Order: is used to create a credit order with impact on inventory Price Adjustment: a credit order without inventory impact. It will only result in an economic transaction unlike a credit order where also the inventory is affected Request disp date (ordbeglevdat) The date that that the customer has requested delivery. The field is used mainly in order to follow up delivery assurance against the customer. Promised disp date (ordlovlevdat) The date that the customer originally was assured delivery. At first entry the same date as estimated disp date. The field is used mainly to follow up delivery assurance against the customer. Season (pvmseasonid) If the order is a seasonal order you enter the season ID here. This means that the order rows can only contain items with this specific season or non-seasonal items. Order Row Order row no. (ordradnr) Order row number is generated automatically, but can also be manually entered. Once saved the order row no can’t be changed. Item no. (artnr) Enter or search for the item number that the customer wants to order Order type (ordtyp) Is retrieved automatically from the order header (see above) but can be specified on individual order rows. Order row qty (ordantal): The quantity of the item which the customer wants to order. Price, curr (vb_pris) Current sales price in the customer’s currency, which is also specified on the order row. Inventory location (lagstalle): Is retrieved automatically from the order header (see above), but can be changed for the different rows. Est disp date (orderberlevdat Is retrieved automatically from the order header, but can be changed for the different rows. The field Est disp date represents the date when delivering from inventory, i.e. the date that the inventory balance is decreased. Da4.1 CREATE PICK LIST All items for the customer order from COOP are now in-house. You need to print a pick list to take with you so you know exactly what to pick for the order. The process Deliver order starts with creating a pick list. You search for orders to be picked and you select which orders and order rows that will be picked and you print a pick list for these. PROCESS Input: An order that is ready to be picked Output: An order in delivery a printed pick list Activities: Print pick list PRINT PICK LIST Normally, before picking is done, it is necessary to print Pick List. PRINT PICK LIST FOR DISPATCH ORDER(S) Instructions Do not forget to set Print to screen under the reports menu before you print the pick list. Note that only your stocked items will appear in the program left hand window and on the pick list. The items that were ordered specifically for this customer order are already placed in a special part of your warehouse and therefore show up on the right-hand side from the beginning. You create a pick list in the Dispatch order picking (olhutpl) program. Here you search for dispatch orders that will be picked, but also to register that picking has been done. Start the program Dispatch order picking (olhutpl). Search for orders to be picked by using: E.g search by choosing an order number, an inventory location, a specific dispatch date (Est disp date) and a Order status less than Dispatch started. Your order will usually be somewhere in the end of the search list (sorted by date). To print the orders to be picked, select the report: Disp ord picking list (not printed). If orders should be printed at once, make sure the list window is on top of the form window. If you only want to print a pick list for an individual order, show the order in the form window and select the report Disp ord picking list (not printed). A pick list is now printed Tips See if a Pick List has been printed It is possible to see if a specific order already has a printed pick list. If there is a value in the field Picking list date (olh.plutskrdat) has a value. If there is a value in this field, the report Reprint Disp Ord Picking List. Da4.2 REPORT PICKING Now that you have picked the COOP order you need to report the picking. The report picking sub process inputs the pick information into the system PROCESS Input: An order in delivery A delivery note Picking assignments in WMS Shipment plan in delivery Output: A picked Order Activities: Report Picking REPORT PICKING To report picking means that you in the system enter the items that you have picked from the inventory in order to deliver them to customer. PICK DISPATCH ORDER To report picking on a customer order the following steps can be followed. Open the same program as before: Dispatch order picking (olhutpl) Search for the dispatch order that is about to be picked. Order rows possible to report picking for, will show up in the left side embedded list. Press to select all rows in the left field and press to move them to the right picking field. You have now successfully reported the items as picked. If necessary adjust the default value for Dispatched quantity (oru.ordlevantal), so it corresponds to the actual quantity picked. Save your entry of the picking. The inventory balance is now reduced with the picked quantity and a picked order is now created. Tips Search for orders to pick Search directly on for example order numbers or inventory location or do more sophisticated searches. It is recommended to do the same search that you did when you printed the picking list (see Da4.1 Create Pick List) and then handle all dispatch orders in the list, one by one. Da4.3 CLOSE ORDER The COOP order has been picked and the only thing left for you in the warehouse is to close the order and print a delivery note. The items will then be loaded on the truck and you can hand over to the Finance department where the order will be invoiced. The close order process finalizes the freight details of the orders/delivery notes and includes printing of a delivery note and releasing to invoice. PROCESS Input: A picked Order Output: Order Released for invoicing Printed delivery note Activities: Close Order and Print Delivery Note CLOSE ORDER AND PRINT DELIVERY NOTE When closing a dispatch order it is possible to enter information for freight and insurance. The information is then printed on the delivery note and the freight bill CLOSE DISPATCH ORDER Instructions Do not forget to set Print to screen under the reports menu before you print the delivery note. To report close information on a dispatch order perform the following steps. Open the program Dispatch order picking (olhutpl) Search for the dispatch order to be processed. Go into the node at the bottom Close order, freight etc (olhavsl). Press Run the report g Delivery note, disp order (not printed) in order to print out a delivery note for the dispatch order. To release the record for invoicing, press the button Release Invoice. Press Yes at the following pop-up windows. The dispatch order is now closed and released for invoice. or Ctrl+M and fill out the close information as required. Save the record. Important Fields Freight documents (olh.frakthandlkod) If this field is flagged it means that the print out of freight documents will be done from Jeeves. Freight bill type (olh.Fraktsedeltyp) Enter type of freight bill for example. SIS freight bill/regular goods (1) or SIS freight bill/dangerous goods (2). (Used if you use Jeeves standard solution for freight bills). Text on freight bill (olh.textkod) Enter a general text for the freight bill that is linked to the document. You can also add text if it is missing. Freight payer (olh.kundfraktbetalarenr) Enter if someone else than the customer will pay the freight on the delivery order. The company must exist as a customer record in order to be payer of the freight. No of packages/EUR pallets/other pallets (olh.antalkolli)/(olh.antaleurpall)/(olh.antalovrpall) Enter the number of packages/EUR pallets/other pallets in the delivery. Packages can be boxes, parcels, etc. but not pallets. Length (cm) (olh.vollength)/ Width (cm) (olh.volwidth)/Height (cm) (olh.volheight) Enter the length/width/height in centimetres. Delivery notice 1 (ordlevanvisnrad1)/ Delivery notice 2 (olh.ordlevanvisnrad2) Enter optional delivery instruction for the delivery. The text is printed on delivery documents. Handling charge, BCU (olh.expeditionkostnad) Enter service charges for the delivery in base currency on the customer order or supplier’s invoice. Insurance , curr (olh.vb_forsakringskostnad)/ Insurance, BCU (olh.forsakringskostnad) Enter insurance cost in foreign currency/base currency for customer order or supplier invoice (alternatively insurance cost upon import of invoices). Man calc freight, curr (olh.vb_fraktkostnman)/ Man calc freight BCU (olh.fraktkostnman) Enter freight cost in foreign currency./base currency. If a cost is entered here, it is automatically totalled to the field Freight (FraktKostnDeb) which shows the total freight amount to be charged to the customer. Tips Close entire order (instead of dispatch order) If the entire order is going to be closed (e.g working with no partial deliveries), the program Pick Order (utpl) can be used instead of Pick dispatch order (olhutpl), then go into the node Close order freight, etc (ohavsl). However the delivery note must be printed via a dispatch order program. Da5.1 CREATE INVOICE The team in the warehouse has dispatched and closed the order for COOP. It is now your turn to take over and invoice COOP for the products they have ordered. The create Invoice process will handle orders or delivery notes which are released for invoicing, and process them and produce an invoice to be sent to the customer. PROCESS Input: A released order Output: An invoiced order An invoice Activities: Create Invoice CREATE INVOICE INSTRUCTIONS Do not forget to set Print to screen under the reports menu before you print the invoice. This activity includes reviewing a preliminary invoice and then proceed with printing the real invoice. As this activity is finished, the order/delivery note status have changed from Released for invoicing to Invoiced. CREATE AN ORDER INVOICE This section is about creating an order invoice, one invoice per dispatch order. Open the program Invoicing, normal invoice (orderfakt) Search for the order to be invoiced After review of the preliminary invoice, the real invoice can be printed via the report d Invoicingje invoice. The report requires the user to either confirm today’s date as invoice date, or manually input another invoice date. Now there is an invoiced order, and also an invoice created in the system. Important fields Collective Invoicing (oh.samfaktutskr) This program will only show orders that have not checked this field. How to process orders where this field is checked, please see the section Create a collective invoice below. Tips Reprint invoice It is not possible to reprint an invoice in this program. However, if necessary, the user can open the program Reprint invoice (orderfu) or Reprint invoice (dispatch orders). From both there is a reprint invoice-report. Which program to use depends if it the invoice originates from an entire order, or a dispatch order. In Jeeves Selected the program Customer invoice (fh) should be used for reprinting invoices. Da5.2 POST INVOICE You have invoiced the COOP order and the only thing left now is to post the invoice transaction to the general ledger and wait for payment from the customer. As an invoice is created, an entry in the accounts receivable with the invoice transactions is also created. This process takes these transactions and integrates them into the general ledger. Posting of the invoice can be run once per day or any other appropriate time period in order to collect all invoicing to an invoice journal and associated voucher PROCESS Input: An invoice A credit invoice Output: A posted invoice Invoice journal/voucher(report) Invoice Journal integration (report) Activities: Create Journal /Voucher Post to general ledger CREATE JOURNAL / VOUCHER This section describes how to create the journal/voucher which later will be posted to the general ledger Open the program Customer Invoices (fh) Search for an invoice that has no journal / voucher yet created. Run the report j Invoicing journal and voucherje create invoice jrnl/voucher A journal and voucher is now created for the invoice Important fields Invoice Journal no. (fh.faktjournal) When searching for invoices to be processed, make sure this field is blank. If not blank, the invoice already has a journal. Voucher No (fh vernr) When searching for invoices to be processed, make sure this field is blank. If not blank, the invoice already has a voucher no. POST TO GENERAL LEDGER As the voucher is created, it has to be sent to the general ledger. The following steps accomplish that. Open the program Invoicing journal(xjf) Search for the journals to be sent to the general ledger Run the report c Invoicing journal, integrationje inv journal posting rep Now the journal has been sent to the general ledger. You have now finished a brief exercise in Jeeves Universal!
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