2004 International Conference on Signal Processing & Communications (SPCOM) DATA ASSOCIATION FOR MULTI TARGET - MULTI MODEL PARTICLE FILTERING: IMPLICIT ASSIGNMENT TO WEIGHTED ASSIGNMENT Mukesh A. Znveri Udny B. Desni S.N. Merchant SPA" Lab, Electrical Engineering Dept., IIT Bombay - 400076. Email address : [mazaveri,ubdesai,merchant] @ee.iitb.ac.in ABSTRACT In multiple target tracking the data association, i.e. observation to track assignment, and the model selection to track arbitrary trajectory play an important role for success of any tracking algorithm. In this paper we propose various methods for data association in the presence of multiple targets and dense clutter along with the tracking algorithm using multiple model based particle filtering. Particle filtering allows one to use non-lineadnon-Gaussian state space model for target tracking. Data association problem is solved using (a) an implicit observation, (h) a centroid of observations (c) Markov random field (MRF) for observation to track assignment. 1. INTRODUCTION The standard Kalman filter assumes a linear model for target dynamics. Morcover, the process and observation noises are modelled as Gaussian distributed [I]. In real world applications, thesc assumptions do not hold. For nonlinear case, one typically uscs thc extended Kalman filter (EKF) [I]. EKF requires Hcssian and Jacohian matrices to he evaluated and it may lead to divergence. Particle filtering is being investigated extensively due to iw important feature of target tracking based on nonlinear and non-Gaussian model [2, 3, 4, 5 , 61. Basic philosophy behind-the tracking using Bayesian approach is to propagate and update the probabilistic density funclion (pdo of the state to be trackcd. In particlc filter a pdf of the state is represented by a set of random samples, called particles [7, 8, 91. Each particle is assigned a weight, known as importance weight. As the number of particlc is very large, it cepresents true pdf of the state. Using these particles and weights, it is possible to cstimate any moment of pdf of il state vector. Comparison of particle fiIter with other nonlinear filters can be found in [IO, 1I]. Particle filtering has been extended to multiple target tracking and different methods have been proposed for this problem [12, 13, 14, 151. In [I31 particles are sampled from the pdf representing the combined state of all the targets. In multiple target scenario the number of state parameters varies from target to target. Morcover the computational complexity of this method increases exponentially as number of observations increase, and number of targets to be tracked increase. Estimating the joint probability distribution of the state of all targets makes the problem intractable in practice. Particle filter, of course, needs the knowledge of the model to track a target: but more importantly it needs to know the time instant when trajectory switches from one mode1 to another model. Now, if the target movement is random, then the trajectory formed 0-7803-8674-4/04/$20.00 02004 IEE€ by the target is arbitrary and there is no apriori knowledge about which model to use at a given time and when to switch. In such a situation, panicle filter suffers from the degeneracy problem, and the pdf of the state coIlapses. To track an arbitrary trajectory, it is incumbent to use a multiple model based approach. In this paper we propose the multiple model based particle filtering algorithm which overcomes the above problems. In a proposed method different models for target dynamics are incorporated along with particle filtering, which automates the model selection process for tracking an arbitrary trajectory. The proposed method is able to track multiple trajectories in the presence of dense clutter, and does not require the apriori knowledge of the time when the trajectory switches form one model to another. It is important to note that the proposed approach does not require any apriori information about the exact models which targets may follow for particle filtering. We performed the simulations where trajectories are generated using E-spline function and tracked successfully using the proposed mcthod. Another problem with multiple trajectories tracking wing particle filter is the data association, i.e. observation to track fusion. Various methods €or data association are described i n literature [ 1, 161. For data association three methods arc used. In first case an implicit observation to track assignment is performed using neighbor neighbor (NN) method for data association, which is fast and easy to implement. In second method the uncertainty about the origin of an observalion is overcome by using a centroid of observations to evaluate weights for particles 3s well as to calculate likelihood of a model. In third method MRF based method has been utilized. It allows us to exploit the neighborhood concept for data association, i.e. the association of an observation innuences an association of its neighbor Observation. 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION I n this section, the problem is described in multimodel framework to track both maneuvering and non-maneuvering targets. Let, J j and rP denote the observation process and the state process respectively. Y t is a set of all observation set for time t 2 I, where t is currcnt time. Yt and at represent thc realization of observation process and state process. At time t , a vector of observations Y t is received Yt = ( y t ( l ) ,. . . , Y t ( N e ) ) where No represents the number of observations received. Similarly, *t = (@t(l),. . . , @ t ( N t ) ) Here, N t is the total number of targets at time instant t and @*(s) (1 5 s 5 N t ) represents the combined state vector for target 3. 27 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 00:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. $;"(s) is the state vector of target .s due to model m at time t , where 1 5 m 5 h.f and h.1 is the total number of models used to track a particular target. For each model the probability density function is approximated by a set of samples, called particles. Each particle is assigned a weight, known as importance weight. For every model, particle weights [17, 7, S] are evaluated at each time instant independently. If the lrajectory does not follow any model at a given time instant its probability density function may collapse, or all importance weights may have negligible value for respective particles. At this time instant, particles are initialized using mix state vector given by the interacting multiple model (IMM) filtering method and hence, it is possible to follow an arbitrary trajectory. IMM filtering mixes the state vector from different models using model probabilities. Mix state vector takes care of the likelihood of a model for a given trajectory. Inclusion of IMM based approach allows us to track an arbitrary trajectory with different models. 3. DATA ASSOCIATION FOR PARTICLE FILTERING It is assumed that one observation originates from one target or clutter, which leads to following constraint on assignment probabilities, NI s--1 3.3. Method-111: Markov random field based approach This method also uses a centroid of observations similar to Method11, but it uses the MRF approach for characterizing the concept of neighborhood. The association of an observation influences the association of its neighbor observation. Here too, the model probability is catculated using a centroid of observations. This centroid of observations is calculated using the assignment weights and assignment probabilities. To assign observations to targets an association process, defined by 2, is formed. It is used to represent the true but unknown origin of observations. Zi is a realization of an association For IMM, we rcpresent Zt as combined (logically OR operation) realization of 2 and is defined as, Zt In the multiple model approach, it needs to assign an observation to a track for evaluating model probability for each model. For data association we considered three different methods. 3.1. Method-I: Implicit observation assignment An implicit observation to track is assigned using the nearest neigh- bor (NN)method. The model probability is calculated using an observation assigned by the NN method. The reason behind using the NN method is that it is easy to implement and computationally efficient. NN method is based on minimum statistical distance. For our proposed algorithm, innovation error is used as a statistical distance, NN method is implemented using Munkres' optimal data assignmen1 algorithm [lS]. e Zt.1 + Zt,2 + .. + ' Zt,Al where z ~is the , association ~ matrix at time instant t for model m. Each zt,mis (Nt 1) x ( N o 1) matrix; the ( s , j ) th element of the association matrix is z L , , , , ( s , j = ) 1 it' observation y t ( j ) falls within a validation gate formed using thc predicred position from model m for the sth target, otherwise it i s set to zero. The idea behind using M R F based modeling for data association is that if the observations y t ( i ) and yt($ are within the validation region of targel s, then the association of observation yt(i) to target s must influence the association of observation yt(j) where i # j. For MRF hascd data association, the association is modeled as + + 1 ~ ( Z t l G t= ) 2 exp [-V(Ztl*t)l (3) where V(Ztl@t)is a potential function. In our case it is written using the first and second order cliques, 3.2. Method-11: Centroid based data association In the presence of multiple targets and clutter, there is uncertainty about an origin of an observation. To avoid the uncertainty about an observation origin, thc ccntroid of observations is used for data association. The model probability is calculated using this centroid of observations. For observation to track association, PMHT based approach is used [19]. To overcome the uncertainty about the observation origin, an assignment process K is used and K' is a set of all its realization for time t 2 1. its realization at time t is denoted by, Kt = (kt(1) ,..., kt(N0)) wh$reVl(iiPt) is avectorwitheachelementequal toIogp(zt(i) = for s = 1,. . . , N L and V z ( 0 , ) is a matrix of dimension Nt x Nt with ( s , ~ L element ) cqual to l o g p ( z t ( i ) = e , , z t ( j ) = e,l@t). Here zt,* represents the ith column of the combined association matrix z t . For simplicity, the normalizing term Z is neglected, It can be shown that using this model the assignment weight, i ? ) ( s , i ) , is given by 1201 kt ( j ) = s indicates that target s produces observation j at time t . The elements of assignment vector K t are assumed to be independent of each other. The observation to track assignment probability n at time 1 is given by, and the assignment probability is given by ,(PI t Here, rt(s) indicates the probability that an observation originates from target s, and is independent of the observation, namely, 7rt(S) = p ( k * ( j ) = s), v j = 1,.. . , N o (1) WEC 1 * I (.,4= exp ( - v 1 z t ( i ) = esl&P)]) E ,:: (6) exp ( - ~ [ z t ( i )= e, I&,~)I) Here p;"(s) represents the model probability of a model m used for tracking with IMM filtering for target s. Here, e, is a vector 28 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 00:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. of length Nt with zero value at all index i (z # s) and 1 at index s. n?)(,~, i) is modeled as MRF-Gibbs distribution. These assignment weights and assignment probabilities are evaluated iteratively till the predefined error convergence criterion is satisfied. p indicates an iteration number. It shows that assignment probability for an observation associated to a target s is not the same for all'observations but it varies from observation to observation and depends on its neighborhood association. For simulation, we used an approximation to (6) as in [20], namely KjP)(S,i) 25 p [ z t ( i )= e * p ( S , j ) , j f 9 . L ( i ) t & I P ) ] I exp( - V [ . t ( i ) = e , lz:%,m€7fzL(') E Nn ~ (.-eo ,+?I) - W Z ~ ( * ) = e l l I ~ $ ~ ) ( ~ . J ) , J Ev*+~! p~ ',~~) ) vztzt(,)represents the neighbor for z t ( i ) . For target s, it is defined as a sct of all columns of the association matrix Zt, z t ( j ) , ( j# i and 1 5 j 5 m t )which has z t ( s , j ) = 1. With this problem formulation, the proposed algorithm, multiple model based tracking using particle filter is described in the following scction. to 47 and (iii) 12C'rcper second from frame 58 to 68. Then target has acceleration of (0.02,O.OZ) in X-Y.The true trajectory plot is shown in Figure 2. TOdetermine consistency of the filter, the normalized state estimation error squared (NEES) is evaluated [22]. In our simulations, for each state parameter two sided Normal test statistic is performed with a = 0.01. With normal test statistic, the upper and lower critical values are (2.58, -2.58) for two sided test. For comparison among various algorithms NEES for each state parameter is shown in Figure 3. T h i s confidence interval is marked with black line in the Figure. Similarly, the Root Mean Square (RMS) error for position, velocity and acceleration is compared and plotted in Figure 4. From Monte-Carlo simulations it is found that with all the three methods, NEES errors in position, velocity and acceleration are within the confidence interval for the trajectories depicted in Figure 2. In Figure 3, at some points NEES error crosses the confidcnce interval. The reason bcing that the third trajectory is of "MIX' type, Le., the trajectory is generated using constant velocity and coordinated turn model but it is tracked using constant acceleration and Singer model. 4. MULTIPLE MODEL BASE PARTICLE FILTERING 6. CONCLUSION The algorithm consists of three steps: (a) observation to track assignment (data association) (b) update particle weight using assigned observation, and (c) propagate particle. These three steps are repeated at each time instant when the current set of observations is available. The algorithmic flow chart of the proposed algorithm is depicted in a Figure 1, anddescribed by the following steps. Detail mathematical steps for tracking algorithm are not described hew due to space limitation. These steps can be found in [19,211. It is important to note that the proposcd method does not need to have any apriori information about thc exact dynamic models that targets may follow at a given time instant. This approach is different compared to conveniional panicle filtering. The convcntional particle filteIs nceds the exact knowledge of thc dynamic modcl at every time instant to track a target. 5. SIMULATION RESULTS The Monte-Carlo simulations have heen performed with different set of trajectory sets to evaluate the performance of the proposed tracking aIgorithm. All the trajectory parameters are specified using pixel as units. Fifty simulations are performed for a given set of trajectories. The process noise covariance and observation noise covarinace are set to 0.2 and 2.0 respectively for trajcctory generation. The number of clutter is assumed to Poisson distributed. The size of clutter window is chosen 10 x 10 s o u n d the actual observed target position. The average number of clutter falls in side the clutter window is set to 1. For one of the trajectory set the details are depicted as follows. The trajectory set consists of three trajectories, namely. (a) First is a constant acceleration trajectory with initial position, velocity and acceleration are set to (70,701, (20,3) and (0.5,0.5). The trdjectory exists for 22 frames. (b) Second trajectory is generated using constant velocity model. The trajectory exist for 30 frames and it is generated using constant velocity model. The initial X-Y position and vetocity are set to (70,200) and (20,-3). (c) The third trajectory is of "MIX" type. It exists for 70 frames. The initial position and velocity are set to (30,30) and (10,l). The target travels with constant velocity from frame 1 to 15. It takes three turns (i) 15""" per second from frame 16 to 27 (ii) -1SCi" per second from frame 36 From Monte-Carlo simulations it is found that interacting multiple model based particle filtering using three different methods for data association, namely, Method-I: using implicit observation assignment based on nearest neighbor method, Method-I1 and Method-HI: using assignment weights and assignment probabilities, perform equaIly well. The advantage of Method41 and Method III is that both these methods avoid an uncertainty about the origin of an observation. Moreover, Method411 exploits neighborhood property using MKF for data association. From simulation results it is concluded that i n absence of any apriori knowledge about transition time instant from one model to anothcr model, using the proposed method it is possible to track multiple arbitrary target trajectories using known nonlinear/nonGaussian state space models. This is also true i n the case where thcre is no apriori information about the exact dynamic models which targets may follow at a givcn time. In a case of degeneracy re-initialization of the particles using the mix state allows us to track random movement of the t q c t . Our proposed method is able to track multiple arbitrary target trajectories in the presence of dense clutter. Only two filters, namely, CA and SMM filters were used in IMM mode to track random movement of targets. 7. REFERENCES Y. Sar-shalom and T. E. Fortmann, Tracking and Data Association, Academic Press, 1989. N.J. Gordon, D.J. Salmond and A.F.M. Smith, "Novel approach to nonlinearhon-Gaussian Bayesian stale cstimation," IEEProceedings-F, vol. 140, no. 2, pp, 107-1 13, April 1993. Neil Gordon, "A Hybrid Bootstrap Filter for Target Tracking in Clutter," IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Etecrronics Sysrems, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 353-358, Jan. 1997. 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