ARTICLE IN PRESS Double magnetic transition and anomalous magnetoresistance in Er2Ni3Si5 Chandan Mazumdara,*, R. Nagarajanb, A.K. Nigamb, K. Ghoshb, S. Ramakrishnanb, L.C. Guptab, B.D. Padaliac a Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1/AF Bidhannagar, Calcutta 700 064, India b Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Colaba, Bombay 400 005, India c Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay 400 076, India Abstract Synthesis and magnetic properties of a new material, Er2 Ni3 Si5 ; are reported here. This compound exhibits a double magnetic transition (Tm B4 K and 3 K) as revealed by heat capacity measurement. The magnetic ground state in Er2 Ni3 Si5 is found to be a doublet. Magnetoresistance of Er2 Ni3 Si5 above Tm exhibits anomalous behaviour, suggesting occurrence of short range magnetic correlations above TN : Keywords: Rare-earth compounds; Effects of material synthesis; Magnetically ordered materials; Magnetic measurements 1. Introduction Chabot and Parthe [1] first reported the synthesis of single-phase compounds RE2 Ni3 Si5 (RE ¼ Ce; Dy and Y). These materials form in orthorhombic U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure (space group Ibam). This structure can be considered as intergrowth of well-known tetragonal REM2 X2 blocks and REMX3 (M = transition metals; X = Si, Ge, Sn, B, etc.) blocks of unknown structure [1]. Subsequently, we had succeeded in synthesizing several members of this rare-earth series and investigated their properties [2–11]. The compounds RE2 Ni3 Si5 (RE ¼ Ce–Ho) form in orthorhombic U2 Co3 Si5 -type of structure, whereas Lu2 Ni3 Si5 seems to form in a monoclinic structure [4]. It should be noted that in the RE2 Co3 Si5 series, while the lighter rare-earth analogues form in orthorhombic U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure, the heavier rare-earth analogues form in monoclinically distorted Lu2 Co3 Si5 -type structure (space group C2/c) [12]. A variety of physical phenomena have been observed in the members of RE2 Ni3 Si5 series: valence fluctuation behaviour in Ce2 Ni3 Si5 [2] and Eu2 Ni3 Si5 [3]; superconductivity in Lu2 Ni3 Si5 ðTc E2 KÞ [4]; antiferromagnetic ordering at low temperature in most of the members ARTICLE IN PRESS 217 with moment bearing RE-atoms [5–7]; double magnetic transition in Nd-, Gd-, Tb- and Dyanalogues [7,8]; positive giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in Tb-, Sm- and Nd-analogues (the largest observed in polycrystalline compound) [9,10]; anomalous magnetoresistance (MR) in Pr-, Dyand Ho-analogues [10,11], etc. Here, we report the synthesis of another member, Er2 Ni3 Si5 ; of the RE2 Ni3 Si5 series and report the results of magnetic, heat capacity and magnetoresistance measurements on this material. 2. Experimental Er2 Ni3 Si5 was prepared by arc melting together high-purity (Er > 99.9%, Ni > 99.9% and Si > 99.999%) constituent elements in a water-cooled copper hearth under flowing argon atmosphere. The total weight loss during the process of melting was less than 1%. The ascast button was then wrapped in a tantalum foil, sealed in a quartz capsule in vacuum and given heat treatment. A commercial energy dispersive analysis of X-ray (EDAX) equipment (KEVEX 8000 Microanalyzer, USA), attached with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipment (Jeol 840, Japan), was used to check for the homogeneity and chemical composition. Room temperature powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out in a commercial diffractometer (JDX 8030, Jeol, Japan). Magnetic measurements were carried out in a commercial SQUID magnetometer (Quantum Design Inc., USA), in the temperature range 2–300 K and in the magnetic field range 0–55 kG: The heat capacity measurement was performed in a home-built, fully automated adiabatic calorimeter [13] in the temperature range 1.5–15 K: Longitudinal magnetoresistance measurements were carried out in a home-built set-up in the temperature range 4.4–100 K and in the magnetic field range 0–45 kG [14]. 3. Results and discussions The XRD pattern of Er2 Ni3 Si5 sample (Fig. 1— bottom) prepared using the standard heat treat- Fig. 1. Room temperature powder X-ray diffraction pattern of Er2 Ni3 Si5 : Bottom: Sample prepared with the standard heat treatment 1100 C for 1 day and 1000 C for subsequent 7 days [1]. This pattern cannot be indexed on the basis of orthorhombic U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure (space group Ibam) Top: Sample prepared with the heat treatment 1100 C for 8 days. The points represent the experimental data points and solid line represents the fit using Rietveld refinement method, for the orthorhombic U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure (space group Ibam). The difference between the calculated and the experimental XRD patterns is also shown. The vertical bars denote the positions of the peak in the XRD pattern permitted by the space group Ibam. Note the good fit of the XRD pattern to orthorhombic U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure (space group Ibam) after annealing at 1100 C for 8 days. ment process (1100 C for 1 day and 1000 C for subsequent 7 days [1]), employed for the other members of the series, showed that the sample is not of U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure. We could succeed in obtaining an essentially single-phase sample with the expected U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure (Fig. 1—top) with heat treatment of 1100 C for 8 days. EDAX analysis confirmed the homogeneous nature of the sample, with a composition close to the ideal stoichiometric composition. All the measurements were performed on this sample. Powder XRD pattern of the sample could be satisfactorily fit to orthorhombic U2 Co3 Si5 -type structure (space group Ibam) through the Rietveld procedure (Fig. 1—top), except for a few peaks of small intensity (less than 5% of most intense peak). The lattice parameters, derived from the ARTICLE IN PRESS 218 ( b¼ analysis was found to be: a ¼ 9:544 A; ( ( 11:054 A and c ¼ 5:607 A: These values fit well in the systematics of lattice parameters of other members of this rare-earth series [1,2,5–7]. Magnetic susceptibility, ðMðTÞÞ=H; and isothermal magnetization, MðHÞ; measurements on our sample of Er2 Ni3 Si5 are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The magnetic susceptibility measurements show that in the high-temperature region (5–300 K), ðMðTÞÞ=H follows the Curie–Weiss law, ðMðTÞÞ=H ¼ C=ðT Yp Þ þ w0 ; where C is the Curie constant, Yp is the paramagnetic Curie temperature and w0 is the temperature-independent contribution. In the fitting, the value of w0 obtained from the susceptibility data of Gd2 Ni3 Si5 ; where Gd-compounds is not expected to have any crystalline electric field (CEF) effect, has been used. The fit yields the values, Yp B1 K and effective paramagnetic moment, meff ¼ 9:0mB =Er-ion, which is slightly less than that of free trivalent Er3þ ion ð¼ 9:6mB Þ: We note that in this series of materials, Ni ion does not seem to carry any significant magnetic moment. We believe that CEF effect may be responsible for observed reduction in the magnetic moment. Below 4 K; ðMðTÞÞ=H shows a tendency to saturate (Fig. 2) indicating the possibility of the existence of magnetic order in this compound below 4 K: The positive value of Yp and the tendency of ðMðTÞÞ=H to saturate suggests the magnetic order to be ferromagnetic. Since the lower limit of our observation is 2 K; the conclu- Fig. 2. Magnetic susceptibility (measured in 4 kG field) and its inverse in Er2 Ni3 Si5 : The solid line is a fit to the Curie–Weiss law. The inset shows the expanded region near the magnetic transition temperature ðB4 KÞ: Fig. 3. Low-temperature isothermal magnetization (as a function of magnetic field) for Er2 Ni3 Si5 measured at different temperatures above the magnetic transition temperature. Data were recorded both while increasing and decreasing the field. It should be noted that the magnetization shows a tendency to saturate at H > 20 kG field at 6 K (TN B4 K; see Fig. 4). The solid lines are guides to the eye. sion on the nature of magnetic order is not definite. The other magnetic members of this rare-earth ternary series (RE ¼ Pr; Nd, Sm and Gd–Ho) order antiferromagnetically [5–7]. We may note that the expected magnetic ordering temperature in Er2 Ni3 Si5 ; as calculated using the deGennes scaling w.r.t. TN of Gd2 Ni3 Si5 ; is about 2:4 K: Heat capacity measurements (see below) show that in fact this material has complex magnetic ordering with two ordering temperatures (TN B4:2 and 2:9 K). The isothermal magnetization, MðHÞ; was measured at low temperatures (Fig. 3). Because of our instrument’s limitation, MðHÞ measurements could be performed only above 5 K; i.e., above the magnetic ordering temperature ðB4 KÞ: While the data taken at 40 and 25 K depend linearly on field, as it should be in the paramagnetic region, those taken at 12 and 6 K; are nonlinear with respect to field and show a tendency to saturate, although these temperatures are above the magnetic ordering temperature. This shows that strong magnetic correlations are present right from 12 K and below. MR measurements confirm this (see below). Heat capacity measurements, CðTÞ; at low temperature, were performed in Er2 Ni3 Si5 to establish the bulk magnetic ordering, and it show ARTICLE IN PRESS 219 two peaks, at TN1 ¼ 4:2 K and TN2 ¼ 2:9 K; with large heat capacity values, 1 and 1:5 R=Er mol (R is the universal gas constant), respectively, indicating the existence of double magnetic transition in a short interval of temperature (Fig. 4). In this context, it may be mentioned that many members of this series, RE2 Ni3 Si5 exhibit double magnetic transition (RE ¼ Nd; Gd, Tb and Dy) [7,8]. The peak at the higher temperature, is more l-like, whereas the peak at lower transition temperature, is quite sharp. The shape of the heat capacity peaks of Er2 Ni3 Si5 resembles well to those observed in Tb2 Ni3 Si5 [8], suggesting similar magnetic structures in both the materials. In the case of Tb2 Ni3 Si5 ; neutron diffraction measurements have shown that first the material undergoes (a transition form) paramagnetic to an incommensurate magnetic structure, which becomes commensurate below TN2 [16]. The magnetic entropy in Er2 Ni3 Si5 was calculated using Lu2 Ni3 Si5 [4] as a reference material. For this purpose, the heat capacity data of both the materials were extrapolated to 0 K (in the case of Lu2 Ni3 Si5 ; the measured heat capacity data were considered down to 3 K only, as Lu2 Ni3 Si5 exhibits a superconducting transition below 2 K [4], and then extrapolated to 0 K). The estimated magnetic entropy at TN2 is 0:43 R=Er-ion and at Fig. 4. Low-temperature specific heat data ðC=RÞ of Er2 Ni3 Si5 ð3Þ: The data indicate two magnetic transitions (at B4:3 and B2:9 K). The dashed line is a guide to the eye. The solid line denotes the magnetic entropy as a function of temperature. The magnetic entropy at the higher magnetic ordering temperature is 0:7 RBR ln 2; which indicates a doublet magnetic ground state in this compound. TN1 is 0:70 R=Er-ion. The latter value is very nearly equal to R ln 2 which indicates that the magnetic ground state of the material is a doublet. We note that the ground state is a doublet in other members viz., Pr-, Nd, Sm-, Dy- and Ho- of the RE2 Ni3 Si5 ; series too [8,15]. Fig. 5 shows the MR ð¼ Dr=r; where Dr ¼ r r0 ; r0 is the resistivity in the absence of external magnetic field), of Er2 Ni3 Si5 as a function of magnetic field. Since the lower limit of our MR measurements is 4:4 K; the investigations were limited to the paramagnetic region only. The observed MR behaviour is anomalous and similar to those observed in RE2 Ni3 Si5 (RE ¼ Pr; Dy and Ho) [10,11]. Just above the magnetic ordering temperature, Dr=r initially decreases with field, exhibits a minimum at a field Hmin ðB15 kGÞ; and Fig. 5. Field dependence of magnetoresistance for Er2 Ni3 Si5 at a few selected temperatures. The inset shows the anomalous Dr=r vs. T behaviour at 43 kG field. The lines drawn through the data points are guides to the eye. ARTICLE IN PRESS 220 then starts increasing again. At higher temperatures, Hmin does not change significantly, but MR at Hmin reduces. At T > 10 K; the minimum disappears and the MR exhibits monotonic behaviour with H: For T > 25 K; MR starts decreasing again. The MR at high field ð43 kGÞ; when plotted as a function of temperature (Fig. 5—inset), exhibits a maximum around 25 K and then decreases again with the increase in temperature. This is also an anomalous behaviour and is not expected in a material in the paramagnetic state. We attribute this behaviour to the existence of short-range ferromagnetic correlations among Er-magnetic spins even above the magnetic ordering temperature, as found in the cases of Pr-, Dyand Ho-analogues [10,11]. As pointed out above, there is a tendency of MðHÞ curve towards saturation at 6 K ð> Tm Þ; which supports the suggestion of the presence of short-range ferromagnetic correlations in this material. Neutron scattering study, both elastic and inelastic, will be rewarding to understand the details of magnetic structure in this compound. 4. Conclusion In conclusion, we have synthesized and studied the physical properties of a new compound, Er2 Ni3 Si5 : Unlike most of the members of this rare-earth series, formation of this compound in single phase with U2 Co3 Si5 structure requires different heat treatment. Heat capacity measurements of the material reveal the existence of a double magnetic transition in this compound and also show that the magnetic ground state is a doublet. Magnetization with respect to field is non-linear even above the magnetic ordering temperature. MR as a function of temperature exhibits a broad hump (at B25 K) above Tm in this compound. The MR behaviour is very anomalous and suggests the presence of shortrange magnetic correlations well above the magnetic ordering temperature. References [1] B. Chabot, E. Parthe, J. Less Common Met. 97 (1984) 285. [2] Chandan Mazumdar, R. Nagarajan, S.K. Dhar, L.C. Gupta, R. Vijayaraghavan, B.D. Padalia, Phys. Rev. B 46 (1992) 9009. [3] Sujata Patil, R. Nagarajan, L.C. Gupta, C. Godart, R. Vijayaraghavan, B.D. Padalia, Phys. Rev. B 37 (1988) 7708. [4] Chandan Mazumdar, K. Ghosh, S. Ramakrishnan, R. Nagarajan, L.C. Gupta, G. Chandra, B.D. Padalia, R. Vijayaraghavan, Phys. Rev. B 50 (1994) 13879. [5] Chandan Mazumdar, R. Nagarajan, L.C. Gupta, R. Vijayaraghavan, C. Godart, B.D. Padalia, J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1994) 7155. [6] Chandan Mazumdar, R. Nagarajan, L.C. Gupta, R. Vijayaraghavan, C. Godart, B.D. Padalia, IEEE Trans. Magn. 30 (1994) 4960. [7] Chandan Mazumdar, R. Nagarajan, L.C. Gupta, B.D. Padalia, R. Vijayaraghavan, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 140–144 (1995) 917. [8] Chandan Mazumdar, K. 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