Development of A 3D Simulator for Metal Nanocrystal (NC) Flash Memories under NAND Operation A. Nainani, S. Palit, P. K. Singh, U. Ganguly*, N. Krishna*, J. Vasi and S. Mahapatra Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, India. *Applied Materials, USA. Email: Abstract A 3D simulator for metal Nanocrystal (NC) flash is developed and verified with published experimental data. The simulator is capable of extracting physical parameters and predicting their impact on cell performance. The simulator is used to optimize cell design and analyze performance with scaling, NC randomness and NC numberfluctuations. Introduction NC Flash with metal dots have recently received attention as a promising candidate to replace conventional FG Flash [1-2]. Metal dots offer higher density of states leading to better dot size scalability, also deeper quantum well for improved retention. Use of high-k materials (especially for control oxide) improves the program/erase (P/E) window. Discrete nature of charge storage (in isolated NCs) results in asymmetric enhancement of field near the NCs [3]; which in turn enhances the tunnel current during P/E. There exists a lot of literature on the materials and fabrication aspects of metal NC devices [4], but not much to understand electrostatics (in 3D) and explore cell design. In this work we report the development of a simulator for predicting device operation under NAND (FN) scheme, taking into account the 3D nature of NC flash. The simulator is capable of extracting physical parameters (effective mass, barrier height, NC work function) by matching experimental data and predicting their impact on device performance. Simulation results are verified with experimental data for a variety of stacks [2, 4]. Impact of cell design on write speed (Tp) and P/E window (AVT) is studied for variations in tunnel oxide (TO), control dielectric (CD), NC dot diameter ((p), and NC density (area coverage). Effect of channel length (L) and width (W) scaling is analyzed. Effect of randomness in NC placement andand NC number which have been perceived as C nuberfluctuations, challenges to scaling, is quantified. Simulator Flow I . 1- I II/ 1- 1-4244-0439-X/07/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE I Simulator Verification and Stack Optimization Experimental transients for Au dots in SiO2 [4] at different program voltages are predicted reasonably well by the simulator (Fig. 4a) using published values of physical parameters in SiO2. The saturation AVT's are matched for Au NCs (cp=5nm) in sio2 [4], Ag NCs (cp=6.6nm) in SiO2 [4] and W NCs (cp=5nm) in HfAlO [2] (Fig. 4b). Table-I compares 4 different gate stacks for Pt NCs (cp=5nm, TO=4nm, CD=l nm and area coverage= 25%). An all SiO2 stack gives small AVT and is slow to program. An all high-k (A1203) stack offers comparatively larger AVT (lower coulomb blockade) and faster programming (but reliability is a concern using high-k for TO). AVT can be optimized using SiO2 as TO and A1203 for CD. Embedding NCs in SiO2 as compared to A1203 (Table-1, row (3) vs. (4)) increases AVT as inter dot coupling reduces (Eq.1). Scaling TO thickness significantly impacts programming speed (Fig. 5). A thinner TO results in higher program current and more AVT for a given charge in NCs, though reliability concerns would likely put a lower limit of 4nm. Scaling CD keeping field constant pualoelitof4mScinCDkpngildosat decreases AVT slightly while the speed remains unaffected (Fig. 6). W, L and Dot NC dots are taken to be spherical in shape and a combination of dielectrics can be placed for TO and CD in the gate stack (Fig. 1). (1) Device structure is generated using specified parameters and dots are placed using Monte Carlo with a specified maximum 0/0 of randomness. (2) At any time step, charges on the NC dots can be related to dot potentials using the capacitances with gate, substrate, S/D, and inter-dot capacitances as per Eq.l [5]. FASTCAP [6] iS used to extract . the capacitances. (3) For a given NC potential, an analytical description of the potential distribution between two adjacent conductors (at a time) is made using Bispherical co-ordinates (described in detail in [7]). (4) This potential distribution is used to calculate the in/out and inter-dot (with neighboring dots only) tunneling currents as described in Fig. 2. Coulomb blockade is accounted for in calculating the currents while quantum confinement is ignored as NC dot size below 4nm is not considered. (5) NC dot charges are updated using the currents obtained in (4), and (2)-(4) are repeated till charge saturation or end of simulation time. (6) The charge transients are given as input to the device structure generated in SENTAURUS [8] to extract VT. Fig. 3 summarizes the flow. 1_\ .1 size, scaling Time evolution of NC dot charges ( 4Onmx4Onm device with Pt dots, cp=5nm) shows corner and edge dots both at the S/D and channel edges get charged more as compared to dots in center (Fig.7). This iS due to higher cou-pling of (acrnter!eg doths withthgeates andessebrs winter do couplngrdo ( etrdthsegtnaetnihoswieacre o ol a he)trsi q .ATicesssihl mr importantly does not degrade) with L and W scaling (Fig. 8). 947 This can be attributed to the increase in percentage of edge NC dots with scaling, which store more charge as compared to dots in the center. This trend was observed experimentally as reported in [5]. Scaling dot size from 6.6nm to 4nm while keeping area coverage constant (at 25%) does not impact AVT as reduction in charge per dot is compensated by increase in the number of dots (Fig. 9). Randomness in dot placement Fig. 10 shows Monte Carlo placement of NC dots (cp=5nm) with 20% and 3000 randomness (maximum allowed 2D variation in dot placement as compared to average interdot distance) in a W/L=40nmx40nm cell. The spread of AVT increases slightly with increasing randomness from 20% to 400/ across 100 samples, but remains within 0.3V for a high 400/ randomness (Fig. 11). This immunity to randomness in NC placement can be explained by the self consistent nature of the device. As NC dots move away from each other the inter dot coupling reduces and gate coupling increases, which increase the charge on the dots. Similarly if NC dots come close the inter dot coupling increases and gate coupling decreases, resulting in lower charge on the dots. Overall there is little effect on the AVT and programming transient (not shown). We observe that for a fixed randomness (300/O) increasing the number of simulations from 10 to 103 has little effect on the spread of AVT (Fig. 12), extrapolating to 106 samples we still expect spread to be contained within a small window. Area Coverage and retention after Hard Breakdown Missing dots Effect of a dot missing is studied on systems having a few (9-16) NCs (Fig. 15). A NC missing from the S/D end and corner is worse than NC missing from the channel edge or center (Fig. 16). For a 30nmx30nm (9NCs) system, worst case fall in AVT is 6.9% when an edge dot is missing, which is less than the expected 11% (1 in 9 dots). This can be explained again from the self consistent nature of NC Flash. The neighboring dots of a missing NC get charged more as they now see lower inter dot coupling and higher coupling to the gate. Further improvement can be obtained by scaling the dot size (increasing the no of dots from 9 to 16) as shown in Fig. 16, as AVT window remains unaffected by dot size scaling (Fig. 8). Summary and Conclusion To summarize a 3D simulator is developed and used to explore the performance optimization of NC flash cells. We observe that large AVT with fast programming is possible using an optimized cell design. NC Flash is predicted to scale well with W/L due to fractional increase in the percentage of edge dots which store more charge. NC flash is shown to posses an inherent immunity to randomness in the dot placement and missing dots making it an excellent candidate for NAND MLC application. Acknowledgements G. Mukhopadhyay (Dept. of Physics, IIT-Bombay) for help in formulation of electrostatics. Synopsis for donating SENTAURUS licenses to IIT-Bombay. Programming becomes faster on reducing the area coverage (NC density) as sparser dot couple more with the References gate (Fig. 13). Saturation AVT (inset, Fig.13) first increases (as no. of dots in a given area increases), then saturates (dot crowding reduces the coupling with the gate while inter-dot [1] Z. Liu, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 49, coupling increases) and finally falls (as the device approaches pp. 1606-1613, September 2002. [2] Samanta et al., IEEE International Electron Device FG) on increasing the area coverage. The impact of charge loss from a set of NCs due to Meeting 2005, pp. 170-173, December 2005. inter-dot tunneling to a particular NC on a breakdown path [3] C. Lee et al., IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 26, pp. (see Fig. 15), increases on increasing the area coverage (Fig. 879-881, December 2005. 14). A 25 00 area coverage (cp=5nm Pt NC dots, embedded in [4] C. Lee, PhD Thesis, Department of Electrical A1203 CD with SiO2 as TO) results in 10% AVT closure in 10 Engineering, Cornell University (2004). years after the breakdown occurs. However, embedding the [5] P.K. Singh et al., IEEE International Conference on NCs in SiO2 results in higher barrier for inter dot tunneling Physical and Failure Analysis 2007, pp. 197-20 1, July 2007. and reduces the inter dot coupling. For Pt NCs (cp=5nm) [6] FASTCAP embedded in SiO2 with A1203 as CD, 10% AVT closure in 10 years after the breakdown occurs can be met with area [7] A. Nainani et al., IEEE International Conference on . . . . O Meoy Technology T aand Design 2007, pp. 25 1-254, May coverage of 3600. As seen previously embedding dots in Si02 ~~~~~~Memory 2007 (Table-1, row (3) vs. (4)) increases the overall AVT window. [8] TCAD tool chain from Synopsis. [9] Z.H. Huang et al., Physical Review Letters, vol. 41, pp. 3 1-41, January 1990. "". 948 ~ ~> -C13 ....Cln VI') CTI Cl- C12 I -Cl2-Cl3 -Cln) (VI C2n V2 -C21 CT2 -C23 -C31 - WCnI C32 Cn2 CT3 - C3n C3. Where, CT Q + QFI (I+Qfit Q2 + QF2 |NCCFRWIH1 FOR WICH V3 = Q3 + QF3 Vn I= GATE A CAPACIATNCES f(fT(E, x)2mdx)S(E)dEt 0 )/ OUTx| T(E, x) = Tun. Probablity EXTRACTED S(E) = Supply Function Qn +QFn i CTI=L C l+CG i+CBi +CD + CS, QFi = INTER-DOT CGi VGi + CBi VBi + CDi VDi + Cs, Vs, Random placement of _ FASTCAP [6] to extract capacitances - inter-dot, ith gate, src, drain, bulk < Sat./ 5 | (a) (a) 2nmn CD = 27nm SiO2 30 3.0L TO 2.5 Use 3D Electrostatics [7] and WKB [9] to calculate the tunneling currents - in / out/ inter-dot. Update charges and time elapsed 1 .5 - --VG=8Vsim * VG=8V exp VG=12VSm < v*G=12VAexp , tG=o o L 4~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.5 A V 0.0 10-7 104-6 1-5 10-4 10-3 time (s) 1o-2 no-1 S 2 Simulation IExperiment Au in Sio2 Ag in SiO2 7 8 1.2 0.8L 0 l 0.4 0.4 1 00 pI 8 12 16 9 8 Programming Voltage 12 Fig. 4. (a) Simulated and experimental transients for Au NCs [4] (dot size=5nm, density=4x1 011/cm2). (b) Saturation AVT's are matched with simulation for various stacks of [2,4]. 8 6 CD-I Im Al02 5nm Pt NCs V20V 23 nm3' G TO=4nm SiO~~~7- 5n t C 5 --l- TO =4nm -0--TO =5nm 4 6 TO =6nm 5- >43E 4 2 1 2 CD L- 1 0° 0 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 0- 1 100 Fig. 3. Description of Simulator Flow. > G G1 6V sim 3- Charge transients for> 2 NCs. VT extracted using SENTAURUS . . 'TO =SiO _j (b) (b 24 2.0 < 1.0 05 end of 3.2 W in HfAIO SiO2 = > Compute Dot Potentials using Capacitance matrix & Charges I t on the dots [Eq. 1] x Fig. 2. WKB is used to obtain tunneling currents integrating for all electron energies and tunneling paths obtained from Newton's laws of motion [9]. Fig. 1. Structure used for simulations. Eq. 1. Relating dot charges with potentials on the dots. FASTCAP [6] is used for capacitance extraction. ~~~~~~~~~~~IN SUBS. SID time(s) 10-8 io-7 CD = A 3 15nmV =24V CD=11nmrVG20V 10-6 io-5 io-4 io-3 time(s) 10-2 10-1 Table 1. Comparison of different gate Fig.5. Changing tunnel oxide thickness effects the Fig.6. Scaling control oxide keeping fields stacks with Pt (5nm) NC's, and fixed program speed greatly. AVT of 5.7V in less then constant, reduces AVT slightly, but has little tunnel (4nm) and control oxide (11 nm) .1 ms possible using 4nm Si02 as tunnel material. effect on programming speed. C/CQ physical thicknesses and area coverage (25%). (3) dots embedded in A1203 (4)rQ( dots embedded inSiO2 t=180.5ms Tunnel Control AVT( 4xn (1 4x11 4xFo Tp ) 3x a o (4nm) (1 r (is) VG=20V. V V nE x118 2x1018 T 2 SiO2 SiO2 )Isg(NC) A1203 A1203 4.3 1.2 o 6.1 0.08 * * 1X10-18 1X10188 o 7 * t A 6 . AvA A _ U-- Ers --M-- ErsVT W > 4 L Scaling WScaling H W=4Onm ~~~-W-Program VTL4n0 <13 t 2L . . * l 1 6.0 W/L=40nm/40nm [TO= 4nm SiO2, CD= 1 1 nm Al23 5.8 _ . 0 AVT * . _ * * 6x10*18 9 ots 80 -565xl01 a)Xx VT >Erase Program VT * 7x108 t * VT shift 52 F . * 5.2 * 4x100 <5 0 16 dots -u-Charge /dot 3118 x T / 25dots 60 70 80 90 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 5.0 4 5 2x10-18 6 W (nm) dot size (nm) L (nm) Fig.8. AVT increases with L & W scaling, as % of edge dots which store more charge than Fig.9. AVT remains constant scaling the dot size dots in center increases with scaling. keeping area coverage constant (25%). 30 40 50 20 % Randomness 25 @10* 0 *@M . (a) 20% (#>20 * 4, Fig.10. Placement of dots in a 40nmx40nm device with different % of randomness W/L;=40nm/40nm 101 GDO=1nmAl2O2.~m 0n 14 30%nO 2 o10 | 5.4 5.6 5. AVT(V) 6 4 6.2 Fig.12. For fixed randomness (30%) increasing number of simulations from 10 to 1 03 does not effect the spread of AVT . .05.556 .5 .557 AVT (V) 5.8 5.8 AVT (V) randomness the tail bits are contained in a 0.3V window. 2 / *.C0 E 20 30 40 50 60 70 () 38%5 & 80 31% - raCvrg 25%/- F8 nmA % are coverag t;$4 n 6.0 .057 AVT (V) |___ ,,3 TO,,nm/pSiO2,, 3 10 5.2 0~) 0 Figli . The AVT spread increases slightly with increasing randomness. Even for 40% Randomness = 20- .0w.558W.556Z56 ~~~~~.056 40 % Randomness 25 20 0 (b) 30% 30 % Randomness 25 0-8 10 07 10 ,,,, ,,, A ~ 1 0- 1 i05 04 c time (s) ,,, A K /-0m4n 2 1 0- 12 Fig. 13. Effect of area coverage (dot density) on AVT and programming speed. 11 I tstt: * F~~ W 102 0n n 103 104 105 106 time (s) 107 1 08 10 Fig. 14. Effect of hard breakdown. 25% area coverage (Snm NCs) results in 10% AVT closure in 10 years post hard breakdown. ~~~6 _30x30nm, 9NCs(5nm) D s Center Oh. Edge Corner SID Edge Fig. 15. Figure labeling the positions of the dots. Arrows show the current flow due to inter-dot tunneling in case of hard breakdown on the center dot. Position of the missing NC Fig. 16. Effect of a missing dot is studied for devices having a few (916) NCs. For a 30nmx30nm (9NCs) system, worst case fall in AVT iS 6.9%, less then expected 11% (1 in 9 dots). 950
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