Women's Tournament Flyer 2015.pdf

Coca Cola“Kick Off Classic”
ADULT Women’s
Hockey Tournament
September 19 and 20, 2015
Welcome to the season’s kick off hockey tournament, the
2015 Adult Women’s “Kick Off” Hockey tournament at the
Dover Ice Arena.
This tournament is focused on the B/C level and lower level
teams to get the season started. Great twin rink facility,
special hotel rates, guaranteed 3 games
B/C and D Level and House/Rec Level Teams
Separate divisions for each level, upper and lower divisions
House level is truly for fun. Recreational skaters with very
limited team or tournament playing experience
3 Games $ 700 per team
September 19 and 20, 2015
Souvenirs and playoff trophies
Coca Cola Products for each team
Dover Ice Arena
Attn: Women’s Kick Off Tournament
110 Portland Avenue
Dover, New Hampshire 03820
Contact: Tournament Director: Ray Pasquale
603-516-6060 r.pasquale@dover.nh.gov