Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 1 of 17 SEALED U NITED STA TES DISTR ICT CO UR T SO UTH E RN DI TRICT O F FL O RID A CASENO:/#18U.-S.JC.p/ QN o g e p l o o n n t / 4 . 5371 22U.S.C.52778 U NITED ST ATES O F AM ER IC A FILED BY D.C. VS. Ats 2 12914 W EN XIA M AN , a/k/a RW ency M anr''and X IN SH EN G ZH A N G , D efendants. STEVEN M.l -Aal MonE cLERKU.s.DlsT.cT. so.oFFL.A.Fm LAuo. / IN D IC TM EN T The G rand Jury charges: G EN ER AL A LLEG A TION S Atal1tim es m aterialto thisIndictm ent: The Defendants W ENXIA M AN,a/k/atéW ency M an''CM AN'') alawfulpennanentresidentof San Diego,Califom ia,doing business as AFM M icroelectronics,lnc.,w as a CûU .S.Person''as defined in Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Sedion 120.15. XINSHENG ZHANG (CCZHANG'')wasaresidentofthe People'sRepublicof China acting as arlofticialagentforthe procurem entofarm s,m unitions,im plem entsofw ar,and defense articles on behalfofthatcountry. M AN and ZHANG worked togetherto purchasein theUnited Statesan M Q-9 Reaper Unmanned AerialVehicle,17-135 engines,and other military and defense articles and technicaldatarelated thereto fordelivery tothePeople'sRepublicofChina. Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 2 of 17 The Statutesand R eeulations ln furtherance ofthe security and foreign policy interests ofthe U nited States,the United Statesregulatesandrestrictstheexportofarms,munitions,implementsofwar,and defense articles,pursuantto the A rm s ExportControlA ct,Title 22,U nited States Code,Sed ion 2778. The regulations which govern such exports are entitled the lnternationalTraffic in AnnsRegulations(çûITAR''),Title22,CodeofFederalRegulations,Sections120-130. TheITAR eontainsalistofdefensearticlesanddefenseserviceswhicharesubject to controlby these regulations. The listiscalled the United States M unitionsList,Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Section 121.1. N o defense articles ordefense servicesmay be exported orotherwise transferred from the U nited States to a foreign country w ithouta license orw ritten approvalfrom the United States D epartm ent of State,D irectorate of D efense Trade Controls. The ITAR also prohibits re-exports,transfers,transshipm ents,and diversionsfrom foreign countriesofpreviously-exported defense articlesorserviceswithoutUnited StatesDepartmentofState authorization. 8. TheGeneralAtomicsM Q-9ReaperUnmannedAerialVehiclewasclassifiedasa defensearticlecoveredby CategoryVlll(a)oftheUnited StatesM unitionsList,Title22,Codeof FederalRegulations,Section 121.1 atthe tim e ofthe relevantconductdescribed herein. 9. ThePrattand W hitney F-l35 engine (Fl35-PW -100)isused on the17-35 Strike Fighterandwasclassifiedasadefensearticlecoveredby Category VI1l(b)oftheUnited States M unitions List,Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Section l21.1 atthe tim e ofthe relevant conductdescribedherein,andwassubsequentlyre-classifiedforcontrolunderCategoryXIX(a). ThePrattandW hitneyF119turbofanengine(F119-PW -100)isusedonthe17-22 RaptorJetFighterand waselassified as adefense artiele covered by Category VIII(b)ofthe Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 3 of 17 U nited States M unitions List,Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations, Section 121.1 atthe tim e of the relevant conduct described herein, and w as subsequently re-classified for control under CategoryXIX(a). l1. TheGeneralElectricF1l0turbofanengine(Fll0-GE-132)isdesignedtoprovide enhancedcombatperformanceandwasclassifiedasadefensearticlecoveredbyCategoryVI1I(b) ofthe United StatesM unitionsList,Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Section 121.1 atthe tim eoftherelevantconductherein,andwassubsequentlyre-classifiedforcontrolunderCategory XIX(a). 12. The teehnicaldata related to reach ofthe defense artid es setforth in paragraphs 9 through12abovewascontrolledbyCategoryV1lI(i)oftheUnitedStatesM unitionsList,Title22, Code ofFederalRegulations,Section 121.l,atthe tim e of the relevant conductherein,and w as subsequently re-classified for controlunderC ategory X IX . Since1990,theUnited Stateshasm aintainedan arm sem bargo againstthePeople's Republie ofChina thatprohibits the export,re-export,ortransfer ofany defense artide to the People'sRepublicofChina. ltisthepolicyoftheUnited Statesand theUnited StatesDepartment of State to deny license applications and any otherw ritten requests or approvals for the export, re-export,ortransfer to the People's Republic of China ofdefense articles on the U nited States M unitionsList,Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Section 126.1(a);54 FederalRegister 24539;58FederalRegister39280;andPublicLaw 101-249,Section9901(a)(9)(A). Brokerine A ctivitiesD efined tcBroker''isdefined by the ITAR asany person who actsasan agentforothersin negotiating or arranging contrads,purchases,sales,ortransfers ofdefense articles or defense selwiees in retum for a fee,eomm ission,or other consideration. Title 22,Code of Federal Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 4 of 17 Regulations,Section 129.2(a). çilkokering aetivities''as used in the ITA R m eans ttacting as a broker.'' Title 22, CodeofFederalRegulations,Section 129.2(b). l6. Any U .S.person,wherever located,who engages in the business ofbrokering activitieswith respectto the transferofany defense articleordefense service isrequired to register with the United States Departm entof State,Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. Title 22, Code ofFederalRegulations,Section 129.3. 17. Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Section 120.16,definesLtU .S.Person''as a person who is a law fulperm anent resident as defined by Title 8,U nited States Code, Sed ion 1101(a)(20),or any corporation,businessassociation,partnership,society,trust,orany other entity,organization,orgroup thatisincorporatedto do businessin theUnited States. 18. N o brokering activities or brokering proposals involving the People's Republic of China m ay be earried outby any U .S.person withoutfirstobtaining the w ritten perm ission ofthe U nited States Departm ent of State,D iredorate of D efense Trade Controls. Title 22,Code of FederalRegulations,Sections127.1(a)(6)and l29.5(b). 19. Atno tim e materialto this lndictm entdid M AN register with the United States DepartmentofState,DiredorateofDefenseTradeControls,to engagein thebusinessofbrokering asrequired by Title 22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Section 129.3. 20. Title 22,Code of Federal Regulations, Section 120.17,provides that an export consistsof(1)sending ortakinga defensearticleoutoftheUnited Statesin any manneror(2) transferring registration,control,orownership to a foreign person ofany aircraftwhetherin the United Statesorabroad. Title22,Code ofFederalRegulations,Section120.16,definesSçforeign person''to 4 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 5 of 17 include any foreign corporation orbusiness association, trust,partnership,orany other entity that isnotincom orated ororganized to do business in the U nited States. CO U N T I Paragraphs 1 through 21 of the General A llegations above are restated and re-alleged asiffully setforthherein. 2. From on oraboutM arch 1,2011,and continuing untilatleastJune 13,2013,in Brow ard County,in theSouthern DistrictofFlorida,andelsewhere,thedefendant, W E NX IA M A N , a/k/a ddW ency M an,'' did know ingly and w illfully engage in the business ofbrokering activities involving the People's Republic of China in negotiating and arranging contracts,purchases, sales, and transfers of defensearticles,thatis,theGeneralElectricF110Turbofanengine(F110-GE-132);thePrattand W hitneyF119turbofanengine(F119-PW -100) usedonthe17-22RaptorJetFighter;thePrattand W hitney 17-135 engine used on the F-35 Strike Fighter;the GeneralAtomics M Q-9 Reaper Unmanned AerialVehicle;and technicaldata foreach ofthe aforem entioned defense articles, in return for a fee,comm ission,and otherconsideration,withoutfirstregistering with the United States Departmentof State,Diredorate of Defense Trade Controls,and obtaining a license or w ritten approval from the United States D epartm ent of State, D irectorate of D efense Trade Controls,in violation ofTitle 22,United StatesCode,Section 2778,and Title 22, Code ofFederal Regulations,Sections127.1(a)(6),129.2(a),129.2(b),and 129.5(b). C O UN T Z Paragraphs 1 through 21 of the General Allegations above are restated and re-alleged asiffully setforth herein. Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 6 of 17 2. B egirm ing on oraboutM arch 1,2011,the exactdate being unknow n to the Grand Jury,and continuing untilat leastJune 13,2013,in Brow ard County,in the Southern Districtof Florida,and elsewhere,the defendants, W EN X IA M A N , a/k/a dfW ency M an,''and X IN SH EN G ZH A N G , did knowingly and willfully combine,conspire,confederate,and agreewith each otherand with other persons know n and unknow n to the G rand Jul'y,to com m it offenses against the United States,thatis,to exportand cause the exportofdefense articles,withouthaving firstobtained a license orm itten approvalfrom the United StatesDepartmentof State,Directorate ofDefense Trade Controls,in violation of Title 22,U nited States Code,Section 2778,and Title 22, Code of FederalRegulations,Sections 121.1,123.1,and 127.1. O biectsofthe Conspiracv . 3. Itwasanobjed oftheeonspiraeytoobtain,purchase,andexportdefensearticles, thatis,the GeneralEledric F110 turbofan engine(F110-GE-132)designed and used only on militarytighteraircraft;thePrattandW hitney F119turbofanengine(F119-PW -100)usedonthe F-22 R aptorJetFighter' ,the Prattand W hitney F-135 engine used on the 17-35 Strike Fighter;the (leneralyttonnics54(2-9 ReaperUnmamzed AerialVehicle;and technicaldata foreach ofthe aforem entioned defense artieles in the U nited States and exportthem to the People's Republie of China w ithoutobtaining the necessary exportlicense or written approvalfrom the U nited States Departm entofState,DirectorateofDefenseTradeControls. Itwasfurtheran objectoftheeonspiracytousetheteclmiealdataforeach ofthe aforem entioned defense artieles for the pup ose of reverse-engineering and m anufaduring duplicatesofthe aforementioned defense artielesin thePeople'sRepublicofChina. 6 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 7 of 17 M anner and M eans ln furtherance ofthe conspiracy and to effectthe objectsthereof,the following m anneralld m eans,am ong Others,W ere used: a. On behalf of the People's Republic of China,M AN and ZH AN G w ould solicit pricequotationsfortheGeneralElectricF110turbofan engine(F110-GE-132)designedandused onlyonmilitaryfighteraircraft;thePrattandW hitneyF119turbofanengine(F119-PW -100)used on the 17-22 Raptor JetFighter;the Pratt and W hitney 17-135 engine used on the 17-35 Strike Fighter' ,theGeneralAtomicsM Q-9ReaperUnmnnnedAerialVehicle;andtechnicaldataforeach of the aforem entioned defense articles, from persons they believed to be vendors of m ilitary equipmentin theUnited States. b. M AN, ZH AN G, and persons known to the Grand Jury would discuss the transshipmentofthe GeneralElectricF110 turbofan engine(F110-GE-132)designed and used onlyonmilitarytighteraircraft;thePrattandW hitneyF119turbofan engine(F119-PW -100)used on the 17-22 Raptor JetFighter;the Prattand W hitney 17-135 engine used on the 17-35 Strike Fighter;theGeneralAtomicsM Q-9ReaperUnmannedAerialVehide;andtechnicaldataforeac, h of the aforem entioned defense articles,through third countries in order to concealthe People's Republic ofChinaasthe ultim ate destination. c. M A N , ZH A N G , and persons known to the G rand Jury w ould discuss the transshipmentofthe GeneralElectric F110 turbofan engine (F110-GE-132)designed and used onlyonmilitaryfighteraircraft;thePrattandW hitneyF119turbofanengine(F119-PW -100)used on the F-22 Raptor JetFighter;the Pratt and W hitney 17-135 engine used on the 17-35 Strike Fighter;theGeneralAtomiesMQ-9ReaperUnmannedAerialVehicle;andtechnicaldataforeach ofthe aforementioned defense artides,through third countriesto avoid the United Statesarm s Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 8 of 17 em bargo againstthe People's Republic ofChina. M A N and ZH AN G w ould negotiate the purchase price and paym ents for the exportoftheGeneralElectric F110 turbofan engine(F110-GE-132)designed and usedonly on militarytighteraircraft;thePrattand W hitneyF119turbofanengine(F119-PW -100)usedonthe 17-22 RaptorJetFighter;the Prattand W hitney 17-135 engine used on the F-35 Strike Fighter;the GeneralAtomicsM Q-9 ReaperUnmamzed AerialVehicle;and technicaldata foreach ofthe aforem entioned defense articles,fordelivery to the People'sR epublic ofChina. M A N and ZH A N G w ould undertake these activities know ing that a license or w ritten approvalw ould notbe obtained from theU nited StatesD epartm entofState,D irectorate of Defense Trade Controls. O vertA cts In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect the objects thereof,there were com m itted,in the Southern D istrictof Florida and elsew here,atleastone ofthe follow ing overt acts,am ong others: a. O n M arch 1,2011,M A N sentan em ailto a person know n to the Grand Jury stating thatshe had a custom er who w aslooking forthree setsofaircraftengines to be exported from the United States. O n or about Septem ber 14,2012,M A N sent an em ailto a person know n to the G rand Jury stating thather custom er stillneeded the aircraftengines and w anted to know ifthey could be shipped to Hong K ong. C. On Septem ber 18,2012,M AN sentan emailto a person known tothe Grand Jury statingthatthebuyerisrealandthatthemoneyisfrom thegovelmm ent,notaprivateparty,butthat they needed to make surethe sellerwasnotfrom theFederalBureau oflnvestigation (i'FBl'') 8 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 9 of 17 because som etim esan FBIttofficer''disguises him selfas a sellerto detectspy activities. d. On Septem ber 20, 2012, M AN engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a DepartmentofHomeland Security undercoveragentCûDHS UC'')who wasposing asaUnited States anns supplier in which M A N stated that she w as seeking F-119,F-110,F-132,and 17135 fighterjetengines. M AN statedthattheengineswereforthegovernmentofChina,itwasillegal to exportthese engine m odelsto China,and thatw aswhy they needed çlus''to getthem . e. On Septem ber 20,2012,M A N sent an em ailto a D H S U C as a follow up to the telephone conversation on thissam e date and advised thathercustom erw aslooking fortw o each ofengine m odelsF135-PW -600,F119-PW -100,and F-110-G E-132. f. On Septem ber 21,2012,M A N engaged in a telephone call w ith a D H S UC to confirm receiptoftheem ailshehadsentwiththeenginemodelsand expressedtheneedtobeextra cautiousw hen trying to obtain the engines. g. On October 2,2012,M AN engaged in a telephone call with a DHS UC and discussed the price for the F110-GE-132 engines. M AN stated that she had spoken w ith her contactin Chinaand thatthey could communicatedirectly with hercontact. M AN furtherstated that her contact w as in the aviation business and had previously m ade sim ilar purchases from Russia. M A N added thatthey m usthave an avenue to exportthe enginesthrough a third country such asK orea orIsrael. h. On October7,2012,M AN engaged in a telephone conversation with a DHS UC and stated thatshe w ould em ailthe contactinfonnation forher contactin China so they could al1 comm unicatedirectly. On Odober11,2012,M AN sentan emailto ZHANG and aDHSU C providingthe contactinformation forZH ANG so they could speak directly. 9 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 10 of 17 On O ctober 15,2012,M A N engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a D H S U C and advisedthatshe had spoken with hercontad in Chinaand they hadtechnicalquestionsabout theF110-GE-132 engines. M AN also statedthatherbuyerhad asked ifitwerepossibletogetthe technicaldata and building plans for the F119 and F135 engines because thatwould help China develop them . On O ctober 17,2012,ZH A N G engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a DH S U C,during which ZH AN G stated thathe had spoken with M A N aboutthe engines and that he w anted new engines. Z H A N G suggested that the engines be shipped to China through lsrael because lsraelhasa good relationship w ith China and the U nited States. On October23,2012,M A N engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a DH S U C and stated thatshe had spoken w ith ZH A N G and thatthe enginesm ustbe new ,notrefurbished. M A N further explained that ZH AN G w orks for the Chinese m ilitary-industrial com plex and is like a tûteclm ology spy''thatprocures inform ation from Russia and otherplaces so thatChina can obtain sophisticated technology w ithouthaving to conductits own research. m. On O ctober31,2012,M A N engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a DH S U C and discussed the need to obtain new engines and the risk involved because the U nited States w ould not sell them to China. M A N adm itted that what they w ere doing w as illegal and acknow ledged that a large deposit w ould be required because of the risk. M AN stated that ZH A N G had no problem getting the m oney because herepresented China and w as a tûtechnology spy''w ith accessto ftm ds required to purchasethe engines. M AN added thatthey should nottell anyonethattheengineswere to be senttoChinabecausethe dtFeds''arecatching alotofChinese engaged in sim ilaractivities. On November2,2012,ZHANG engaged in a telephoneconversation with aDHS Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 11 of 17 U C,during which ZH A N G stated thathe needed two F110-132 engines trans-shipped through a third country to China. ZH A N G stated thathe w ould have to check the speciticsofthe shipping m ethods and verify thatthey w ere secure. ZH A N G also asked aboutgetting technicaldata for theF110,F119,and F135 engines. o. On November7,2012,ZHANG engaged in atelephoneconversation with aDHS UC and advised thatthe purchaseofthe F110-132 engineshad been approved by hisleadership andthatthey also wanted thetechnicaldatafortheengines. P. O n D ecem ber 4,2012,ZH AN G engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a D HS U C and reiterated that he needed the F110-GE-132 engines as w ellas the three-dim ensional structuraldiagram s ofthe 17-22 and F-35 aircraft. ZH A NG added that the draw ings had to be included in the deal. ZH A N G also asked aboutpurchasing unm anned aerialvehiclesordrones. q. On February 4,2013,ZHANG engaged in a telephone conversation with a DHS UC andfurtherdiscussedthepossibilityofobtainingdrones. ZHANG alsodiscussedtheM Q-9 Reaperand requested thatinformation on theM Q-9 Reaperbe sentto him so hecould lethis expertsreview it. On February 19,2013,ZH AN G engaged in a telephone conversation with a D H S UC and asked ifitwere possible to obtain everything,i.e.,the unmanned aerialvehicle,ground controlstation anddesign specifications,fortheM Q-9Reaper. ZHANG furtherasked ifitwas illegalto exportthis to China and stated thatthey would have to tind a w ay to do iteven though it w as illegal. On M arch 13,2013,ZH ANG sentanemailwritteninChinesetoaDHS UC asking forinformationabouttheM Q-9Reaper. On M arch 13,2013,M AN engaged in atelephone conversation with a DHS UC 11 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 12 of 17 and translated the em ailfrom ZH A N G into English. M AN explained that ZH A N G w anted to know theoperating system and aircraftcontrolsystem fortheM Q-9 ReaperandthatZHANG w anted both the unm anned vehicle itselfand the technicaldesign data. u. On M arch 13,2013,M A N engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a D HS agent and stated that she had spoken w ith ZH A N G directly and clarified that ZH A N G w anted the schematicdiagram from thedesignsoftwareoftheM Q-9Reapertoprovethattheycouldgetthe design softw are and that ZH AN G w anted the entire package, i.e., hardw are, aircrah design soflw are,and controlsystem as soon aspossible. O n M arch 20,2013,M A N engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a DH S U C andleftavoicemessagestatingthatshehadreceivedtheemailedphotooftheM Q-9Reaperand thatZH A N G w anted the entire package. W . O n M arch 22,2013,M A N engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a D H S U C and advised thatshehad forwardedphotosoftheM Q-9Reaperto ZHANG andthatZHANG needed the design softw are because trying to reverse engineer the aircraftwould be too difficult w ithoutit. X. O n M ay 16,2013,ZH A N G engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a DH S U C anddiscussedtheM Q-9ReaperandtheinformationthatZHANG hadreceivedinanemailfrom a DH S U C. ZH A N G restated thathe needed thedesign specificationsand controlm echanism also, and thatthey needed to prove to his superiorsthatthey could getthese item s. O n M ay 16,2013,M A N engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a DH S U C and discussedtheem ailthathad been sentby aDHS UC and theconversationwith ZH ANG aboutthe M Q-9Reaper. On M ay 21,2013,ZHANG engaged in atelephone conversation with aDHS UC 12 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 13 of 17 andadvisedthathehadsubmittedtheinfonnationontheM Q-9Reapertohissuperiorsandwould forward a listoftheirneedsto the DH S U C. aa. On M ay 31,2013,ZH AN G engaged in a telephone conversation w ith a D H S U C abouttheM Q-9Reaperandstatedthattheyshouldnolongersaythenameofthevehideoverthe telephone. ZHANG asked iftheDHS UC wasconfidentthattheaircraft,engine,and teclmical infonnation could be obtained and shipped to China. ZHANG and the DHS UC discussed transshipping theM Q-9 Reaperthrough anothercountrybecauseitcouldnotbesentdirectlyto China,and that,dueto therisk involved,the DHS UC would need to eharge tm y m illion dollars ($50,000,000),whieh would indudethe shipping costs. ZHANG stated thathe would email questionsregarding thepurchase oftheaircraft. bb. On June 1,2013,ZHANG sentan emailto a DHS UC advising thatthey would send the quoted purchase price to a higherlevelforapprovaland requesting additionalinfonnation abouthow the dealwould be accom plished,the delivery of the item s,and how to settle the account. ZH A N G furtherstated thatthey needed to m ake sure thatthere w ere no problem sw ith the technicaldata and w ould need thetotaldesign package,testing m achine,program m ing, ground controlstation designs,instruction manual,andtargeting system . O n June 3,2013,ZH A N G engaged in a telephone conversation with a DH S U C, during which ZH AN G asked ifhisem ailhad been received and how could they provethatthe deal w ould go through. ZH A N G worried aboutm aking a deposituntilhew assure thatallofthe item s could beobtained and asked ifitwerepossibleto inspecttheitem sin theUnited States. dd. On June 12,2013,ZH ANG engaged in a telephoneconversation with a DHS UC and stated that the price had been sent up for approval and that at most there m ight be a three-to-five million dollar ($3,000,000-$5,000,000) shortfall on the fifty million dollar 13 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 14 of 17 ($50,000,000)price. ZHANG stated thatthey would have to prove thatthe itemscould be obtained and delivered before he could m ake a down-paym entbecause theirconcern w asthatthe com pany w as notlarge enough to handle the procurem entand transferofsuch sensitive m aterial. ZHANG expressed concern aboutnewsreportsofUnited Statestelephoneand emailwiretapsand discussed thesensitivity oftheneededitem sand obtainingthem . ZH ANG askedtheDHS UC to callM A N and have M A N callZH A N G . ee. On Jtm e 12,2013,M A N engaged in atelephone conversation w ith a D H S U C and discussed the concerns raised by ZH AN G . M A N agreed to call ZH A N G as ZH AN G had requested. ff On June 12,2013,M AN called a DH S UC and stated that she had talked to ZHANG and stated thatshe had infonned ZHANG thatshe could usehercom pany in Califom ia to sponsorZH A N G and one ofhisengineersto com eto the U nited States and exam ine the design specification materialseven though itwould beillegalforthem to seeorpossesstheitem s. M AN statedthatZH ANG wasgoingto discussthisplan with hissuperiors. A llin violation ofTitle 18,U nited StatesCode,Section 371. A TRe ' Y l.,I, ....-'< ' ) ., t- - ' ..: A O c- z- W IFRED A .FER RER UN ITED FTATES ATTORNEY Az ' r PER SON ?* & SI TE AL NT ITEEID V ' A MS IC HSA WU ANLL SASTATESATTORNEY 14 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 15 of 17 UN ITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SO UTH ERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CA SE N O . U N ITED STATE S O F AM ER IC A VS. CERTIFICATE OF TRIA L ATTO RNEYW W ENXIA M AN,a/k/a iiw ency M an,''and XINSH ENG ZH ANG, Defendants. / CaseInform ation: CourtDivision:(SelectOne) M iam i FTL New Defendantts) Key W est X W PB No Yes X NumberofNew Defendants Totalnum berofcounts FTP ldo hereby certify that: l. Ihavecarefully consideredtheallegationsofthe indictm ent,thenum berofdefendants,thenum berofprobable witnessesandthelegalcomplexitiesoftheIndictment/lnformationattachedhereto. Iam aware thatthe infonnation supplied on thisstatementwillbe relied upon bytheJudgesofthisCourtin settingtheircalendarsandschedulingcrim inaltrialsunderthem andateoftheSpeedyTrialAct,Title28U.S.C. Section 3161. Interpreter: (YesorNo) No Listlanguageancl/ordialect Thiscasew illtake 1.0 daysforthepartiestotry. Pleasecheck appropriatecategory andtypeofoffenselistedbelow: (Checkonlyone) (Checkonlyone) I 11 III IV V 0 to 5 days 6 to 10 days ll to 20 days 2l to 60days 61daysandover Petty M inor M isdem . Felony 6. HasthiscasebeenpreviouslyfiledinthisDistrictCourt? Ifyes: Judge: X NO (YesorNo) CaseN o. (Attachcopyofdispositiveorder) Hasacom plaintbeen tiled lnthism atter? NO lfyes: M agistrateCaseNo. Related M iscellaneousnum bers: Defendantts)in federalcustody asof Defendantts)in statecustody asof Rule20 from theD istrictof Isthisapotentialdeathpenaltycase? (YesorNo) Doesthiscase originatefrom am atterpending in theN orthel m Region ofthe U.S.Attorney'sO fficepriorto Octoberl4,2003? Yes X No 8. Doesthiscase originate from am atterpending in the CentralRegion ofthe U .S.Attorney'sOffice priorto Septem ber l,2007? Yes X No N CHA EL G .W ALLEISA A SSISTAN T UNITED STATES ATTO RNEY FloridaBarNo./court539570 PenaltySheetts)attached REV 4/8/08 Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 16 of 17 U NITED STA TE S D ISTRIC T C O U RT SO UTH ERN D ISTR IC T O F FLO R IDA PEN A LTY SHEET D efendant'sN am e:W EN X IA M AN .a/lt/a SiW ency M an'' Count: EnRacing in lllegalBrokering A ctivities Title22.United StatesCode.Section 2778 *M ax.Penalty:20 years'imprisonm ent,$1,000,000 fine,3 years'supervised release Count: Conspirinc to Engace in lllecalBrokerinc Activities Title 18sUnited StatesCode,Section 371 *M ax.Penalty:5 years'imprisonm ent,$250,000 tine,3 years'supervised release Count: *M ax.Penalty: Count: *M ax.Penalty: *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notincludepossible fm es,restitution,specialassessments,parole terms orforfeituresthatmay be applicable. Case 0:14-cr-60195-BB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/22/2014 Page 17 of 17 UN ITED STA TES DIST RICT C O U R T SO U TH ER N DISTR IC T O F FLO RID A PENA LTY SH EET D efendant'sN am e:X IN SH EN G ZH AN G C ase N o: Count: Conspiring to Engage in lllegalBrokering A ctivities Title 18.U nited States Code.Section 371 * M ax.Penalty:5 years'im prisonment,$250,00.00 fine,3 years'supervised release Count: *M ax.Penalty: Count: *M ax.Penalty: Count: *M ax.Penalty: *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,doesnotinclude possible Enes,restitution,specialassessments,parole terms orforfeituresthatmay be applicable.
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