PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 51, NUMBER 6 1 and magnetic properties af TlSr2Caq Supercanducting R Cu2Q7 FEBRUARY 1995-II A=Pr, Tb A. Sundaresan Indian Institute oj Bombay $00 076, India Technology, Aravind D. Chinchure Doctor Babasaheb Ambedhar Marathwada University, K. Ghosh, S. Ramakrishnan, Aurangabad $91 00$, India V. R. Marathe, and L. C. Gupta Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay $00 005, India M. Sharon Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay $00 076, India S. S. Shah Doctor Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathuada University, Aurangabad (Received 6 September 1994) $81 00$, India of the T1Sr2Caq R Cuq07 [R = Pr (+=0.2— The observation of superconductivity in T1Sr2Ca0. 4Pro. sCu20q (T, = 74 K) suggests that the Pr ions are in the trivalent state. The value of the effective magnetic Inoment, p, g —3.15 p, ~, for the TISrzCa0. 4Pro. 6CuzOq compound, lies between the free-ion values expected for Pr + (3.58ys) and Pr + (2.54ps). The reduced value of p, s. for the Pr + ion is explained in terms of crystal-field e8'ects. For TlSrz TbCuz07, the Tb magnetic moments order antiferromagnetically at 7.0 K, which is the highest magnetic ordering temperature The magnetic and superconducting properties 1.0); Tb (z = 0.6 and 1.0)] system are reported. among the known Tb-containing high-T, related compounds. Superconductivity (T, = 74 and 62 K) and antiferromagnetic ordering (T~ = 5 and 6.2 K) coexist in T1Sr2Cao 4Ro sCu20. 7 with R = Pr and Tb, respectively. I. INTRODUCTION It has been well established that the substitution of Y in the YBa2Cu307 g compound by rare earths does not afFect the superconducting properties, with the three exceptions Ce, Pr, and Tb. For Ce and Tb, it has not been possible to obtain a single-phase compound, while it has been observed that Pr can be easily substituted without afFecting the orthorhombic structure, but it supThe Yq Pr Ba2Cu307 presses superconductivity. system has been extensively investigated to understand the depression of T with increasing x, shedding light on the basic mechanisms of oxide superconductivity. Based on experimental and theoretical studies, two mechanisms have emerged. In one of the mechanisms, the values of the magnetic moment and the entropy associated with the magnetic ordering suggest that the Pr ions in Yq Pr Ba2Cu30y g are in a tetravalent or mixedvalent state, implying that the electron, removed &om the Pr ion, is located in the Cu02 plane, destroying the On the other hand, the spectroscopic superconductivity. measurements show that Pr is in the trivalent state and that superconductivity is depressed due to the overlap of the 4f orbitals with the 0 2p —Cu 3d orbitals in the Cu02 pair breaking plane, leading to Abrikosov-Gorkov-type and/or localization of holes in the Cu02 planes. There are also mixed models, which assume that both hole fill0163-1829/95/51{6)/3893(6)/$06. 00 ing and magnetic pair breaking are essential to explain the observed phenomenon. Several of the rare-earth (B) ions in BBa2Cus07 have been shown to exhibit long-range three-dimensional ordering for the moments at low temperatures, coexistCoexistence of maging with the superconductivity. suggests that the netic ordering and superconductivity interaction of magnetic 4f electrons with the 2p —Cu 3d electrons are too weak to inHuence the superconducting properties of these compounds appreciably. In view of the anomalous properties of Pr and Tb ions and in continuation of our study on suand magnetism in Tl-1:2:1:2 system, perconductivity TlSr2Ca~ R Cu207, we report the results of the structural analysis, electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and theoretical analysis of the magnetic susceptibility data in terms of the crystalline electric field and exchange interaction for the same series with A = Pr and Tb. f 0 II. EXPERIMENTAL The systems T1SrqCaq ~Pr~Cuq07 (2:=0.0 —1.0) and T1Sr2Caq Tb Cu20y (+=0.6 and 1.0) have been prepared by a method described elsewhere. Phase purity of the materials was checked by the powder x-ray-diffraction method. Lattice parameters were obtained by a least3893 Q~1995 The American Physical Society A. SUNDARESAN et al. 3894 squares-6tting procedure. dc electrical resistance measurements were carried out by a standard four-probe technique. Magnetic measurements were carried out with a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer (Quantum Design, USA) between 100 and 300 K for superconducting TlSr2Cao 4BO 6Cu207 (R=Pr, Tb) with an applied field of 20 kOe, and between 4.5 and 300 K for the semiconducting TlSr2TbCu207 Kith an applied field of 3 kOe. We have also used an ac-susceptibility technique in which we employed a magnetic field of 2 Oe (rms) at a frequency of 21 Hz in the temperature range 1.5—30 K. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION X-ray difFraction powder of the pat terns Pr Cu207 system revealed that the material TlSr2Caq with x = 0.6 is single phase as shown in Fig. 1. Materials with other values of x contain small amounts of impurity phase(s). X-ray powder diffraction patterns of Tb Cu207 (x = 0.6 and 1.0) showed that TISr2Caq the materials are predominantly single phase with impurity phase(s) less than 7%. All the other lines can be indexed on the basis of a tetragonal 1:2:1:2 structure with space group P4/mmm Lattic. e parameters for TISr2Cap 4Prp sCu207 are a=3.82 A. and c=12.11 A. ; for T1Sr2Caq Tb Cu20y they are a=3.81 A and c=l2.04 A for x=0.0 and a=3.82 A and c=l2.00 A for x=1.0. The formula of the Tl-1:2:1:2 system can be written as RA2(T1Cu2)07 (A=Ba, Sr), and its structure can be related to that of RBa2Cus07 systems [replacing Cu-0 chains in BBa2Cu307 by a Tl-0 plane in RA2(TICu2)O&]. However, unlike RBa2Cus07 (except 71SI Ca R Cu 0 R=Ce, and Tb), the compounds TlA2RCu207 (A=Ba, Sr) are semiconducting. resistance Normalized in the versus temperature T1Sr2Caq Pr Cu2O7 system with x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 is shown in Fig. 2. It is clear &om this figure that except for the sample with x=1.0, all other samples are superconducting with T =58, 70, 74, and 38 K for x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8, respectively. T, increases with the increase of x to a maximum of 74 K for x=0.6. Upon further increase of x, T decreases. This variation of T, with x is similar to that observed in many other high-T, superconducting systems, for example, in La2 Sr Cu04. It can also be seen from the figure that the metallic property of the material decreases as x increases. For x=0.8, it shows a semimetallic behavior with T =38 K. For x=1.0, the resistance increases as the temperature decreases &om 300 K and reaches a maximum at 23 K. Below 23 K, it decreases with decreasing temperature but does not reach zero resistance above 10 K. This behavior of resistance with temperature in TlSr2Ca~ Pr Cu207 suggests that this system undergoes a metal-semiconductor transition with increasing concentration of Pr. This is consistent with the fact that the addition of electrons carried by Pr ions should reduce the hole concentration. Further, it is instructive to note that in this system, superconductivity is retained for a higher value (x=0.8) of Pr substitution. This should be compared and contrasted with a similar system Pr Ca1 Ba2Cu307, where superconductivity in bulk is not observed. Superconducting Pr Cu207 system is similar behavior of the TlSr2Ca~ to that of T1Sr2Caq ~R Cu207 (R= La, Nd, Sm, Gd). This suggests that the valence state of the Pr ion in T1Sr2Caq Pr Cu207 is +3, and Pr 4f orbitals do not seem to overlap with 0 2p —Cu 3d orbitals appreciably. Tb Cu207 system, the material suIn the TlSr2Caq perconducts for x=0.6 with T, =62 K, whereas for x=1.0 it is a semiconductor. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility y(T) of the semiconducting T1Sr2TbCu20y meais shown in Fig. 3. sured by a SQUID magnetometer x= 1.0 1 e 5 I ~ ~ I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I I I I ~ I ~ o R=Tb ~ ~ I i I I ~ I I I I ~ I I I I ~ I 1 I ~ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 4 Q) Pr TlSr&Ca& o Cu&07 65 x=0.6 ~ I~ N Q 1 0 Q) X=0.2 x=0.4 x=0.6 0.8 1.0 ~ R=PI v X=0.6 10 30 20 2 FIG. 1. 40 50 60 70 theta (degrees) Powder x-ray-diKraction of pat terns R Cu20q IR=Pr (+=0.6); Tb (x=0.6 and 1.0)j. TISrqCaq All the lines can be indexed on the basis of the tetragonal 1:2:1:2phase with space group P4/mvnm. In the case of the Tb samples, the lines marked (s) indicate the presence of a small amount (about 7%%uo) of an impurity phase. 0.0 ~ 0 50 I t I II 100 I I ~ I I ~ II 2 0 1 I j I I I I 150 Temperature ~ I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I 200 ~ I ~ I I I I 250 ~ I ~ I I I 300 (K) FIG. 2. Normalized resistance as a function of temperature for TlSr2Caq Pr Cu20y. The samples with x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 are superconducting with T =58, 70, 74, and 38 K, For x=1.0, the sample shows semiconducting respectively. behavior and a drop in resistance below 23 K. 05~ ~ I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Q. I \ 5, I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] I I I I I I I I I I I —24. 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3895 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OF. . . AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES SUPERCONDUCTING 51 I 0 —24. 52 0.4 —24. 54 C) —24. 56 Cl a a OOoOO OO T=74K —24. 58 O O 0. 1 I I I I I I RII I I IIIII II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pl. TlSr Ca 0 —24. 60 4 2 I I I I I II I I I IIIIII II I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I II I I I I III II I I I 14 12 TEMPERATURE 0 0 II I 10 8 6 0 Cu I I I I I I I 16 (K) I 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) susceptibility Observed magnetic FIG. 3. Tb Cuq07 with x=1.0 (Q) in the temperafor TlSr2Caq ture range of 4—300 K. The magnitude of the susceptibility for both x = 1.0 and 0.6 is the same in the temperature range of 100—300 K. The solid line is the result of the calculation based on the crystal field and exchange parameters (see text). The inset of the 6gure shows the antiferromagnetic ordering of the Tb moments in nonsuperconducting TlSrq TbCu20y at 7.0 K. Prom these results, it is seen that Tb moments order below 7.0 K. This T~ is higher antiferromagnetically than that for the only other known Tb-containing highT, related cuprate, Pb2Sr2 TbCusOs (T~=5.5 K) reThe Tb-Tb internuclear distances in ported so far. T1Sr2TbCu20y and Pb2Sr2TbCusOs are 3.82 A. and 5.43 A. , respectively. This difference between the Tb-Tb distances is too large to explain the observed T~ values on the basis of dipole-dipole interactions. Perhaps other effects such as the superexchange mechanism invloved in the Tb-Tb interactions are also responsible for the observed values of T~. ac-y measurements were made on the superconducting TlSr2Cap 4Ap 6Cu207 with B=Pr and Tb, to look for any anomaly due to possible ordering of Pr and Tb moments. In both the systems, the diamagnetic signal was nullified at 10 K. The results of these measurements are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. It can be seen from these figures that there is a broad peak for both Pr and Tb samples centered at about 5 K and 6.2 K, respectively. These are attributed to the ordering of the Pr and Tb moments in the superconducting TlSrqCap 4Prp 6Cu207 and As already menTlSr2Cap 4 Tbp 6Cu207, respectively. tioned, TlSr2PrCu207 does not form as a pure phase, and in its Ba analog, TlBa2PrCu207, Pr moments order antiferromagnetically at 8.0 K. A comparison of our earlier results on Ba- and Sr-based Gd systems suggests that if the Sr-based Pr system had formed as single phase, the value of T~ would be expected to be more than that observed in the Ba-based Pr system. Lower values of T~ (=5 and 6.2 K, respectively) in the superconducting compounds TlSr2Cap 4Prp 6Cu207 and FIG. 4. The low-temperature part of the ac susceptibility of superconducting TlSr2Cao, 4Pro oCugOp (T, =74 K). A broad peak centered at 5 K shows the antiferromagnetic ordering of the Pr + moments. TlSr2Cap 4Tbp 6Cu207 are consistent with the fact that in these materials com60%%uo of Pr and Tb is present pared to 100% in T1Sr2RCu20& (T~) 8.0 and 7.0 K) with B=Pr and Tb, respectively. Variation of of the paramagnetic susceptibility TlSr2Caq ~B CuqOq [B = Pr (z = 0.6), Tb (x=1.0, 0.6)t with temperature follows the Curie-Weiss behavior in the temperature range of 100 to 300 K, y = C/(T + eJ ), where C is the Curie-Weiss coeFicient, which is related to the effective magnetic moment p, ~ as C = Kp, & j3kn, and 0~ is the Curie-Weiss temperature. The values of p, g and 0~ are listed in Table I. The values of the effective magnetic moments obtained from the Curie-Weiss fit to the magnetic susceptibility for T1Sr2Caq Tb Cu207 (x= 0.6 and 1.0) compounds are 9.53@~ and 9.68p~, respectively, which are close to that of Tb + (9.72@~). This suggests that the contribution, if any, to the magnetization resulting &om Cu + moments is negligible because of antiferromagnetic ordering of copper moments in the temperature range of the present inonly , —20.4 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I —20.5 —20. 6 —20. 7 00 00 I I I 10 I I p6 G4 2 —21.0 I 0 T=62K —20. 9 ~ 0 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 2 I 15 I I I I I I I I I 20 TEMPERATURE(K) FIG. 5. The low-temperature part of the ac susceptibility of superconducting T1Sr2Cao. 4Tbo, oCu20y (T, =62 K). A broad peak centered around 6.2 K shows antiferromagnetic ordering of the Tb + moments. 3896 A. SUNDARESAN et aI. TABLE I. Magnetic TlSr~Ca~ ~R Cu207. R Pr Tb Tb Trv 0.6 0.6 1.0 (K) 5.0 6.2 7.0 and data superconducting Jef (PB) Hr 3.15 9.53 9.68 of T, (K) (K) 74 62 NS 42 21 24 NS indicates no superconductivity. vestigation. This also implies that Cu-magnetic ordering is also not affected by the applied magnetic field. The 0~ values for x = 1.0 and 0.6, 21 K and 24 K, respectively, which are much higher than the observed Neel temperatures, further suggest the effect of crystalline electric Gelds at the B site. The value of the efFective magnetic moment (=3.15'~) obtained &om the Curie-Weiss fit to the magnetic susceptibility for the T1Sr2Cap 4Prp 6Cu207 compound, lie between the free-ion values expected for Pr + (3.58@~) and Pr + (2.54@~). This intermediate value of the effective magnetic moment between Pr + and Pr + has very often been used as an indication of mixed-valent behavior of Pr. However, &om detailed studies on inelastic neutron scattering, magnetic susceptibility, and the heat capacity of Yi Pr Ba2Cu307 g compounds, it is concluded that the spectroscopic, magnetic, and thermal properties of these compounds can be understood by crystal-field splitting of the Pr + ion. The fact that the TlSr2Cap 4Prp 6Cu207 compound is superconducting with a high T, (=74 K), similar to that of other trivalent rare earths, indicates that the Pr ions are in a trivalent state. Thus, the low magnetic moment observed in our Pr-based compound should be understood on the basis of crystalline electric field effects. IV. ANALYSIS OF MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY DATA To obtain a better insight into the nature of the valence state of the Pr and Tb ions, we have systematically analyzed the experimental observations of magnetic susceptibility by taking into account the effect of the crystalline electric Geld and the exchange interaction. The Hamiltonian of the system consisting of the spin-orbit coupling, crystalline electric field, and Zeeman and exchange Geld terms, 'R = AL . S + 'R. + PH . (L + 2S) + 'R. „, is diagonalized within the substates arising &om all the = 4, 5, and 6) and three lowest multiplets of Prs+ (sH, = 6, 5, 4, all the seven lowest multiplets of Tbs+ ( F, 3, 2, 1, and 0) to obtain the energy and eigenfunctions of the respective ions. In TlSr2Cai B Cu207, the rare-earth ions occupy only one site with a tetragonal site symmetry. The crystal field with tetragonal symmetry is characterized by five real parameters. The limited experimental data prevents us &om the independent determination of all the five crystalline-field parameters unambiguously. Previous J experimental and theoretical studies on ABa2Cu307 as well as nonsuperconducting type superconducting compounds reveal that the crystal Geld at site 8 is predominantly cubic. Therefore, we assume that the overall features of the crystalline electric Geld potential can be reasonably described by retaining the parameters of cubic symmetry. The crystal-Geld Hamiltonian in terms of tensor operfor cubic symmetry can be written as ators C ~. = ~4) [~."+(5/14) (&'4+ &+")) {) (7/2) (( ()+( ())j (( ) where B4 and B6 determine the strength of the cubiccrystal Geld. In cubic symmetry with eight coordination, the signs of B4 and B6 would be negative and positive, between difrespectively. The matrix elements of C ferent states were calculated using the method given by " Wybourn. The exchange interaction, in the molecular-field work, above Neel temperature is given by 'R, frame- „=— J(S) S. 2z Here z is the number of nearest equivalent neighbors interacting with the exchange interaction J, and (9) is the expectation value of the spin operator S. An iterative procedure is used to calculate (S) self-consistantly. The details of this procedure have been discussed by Marathe and Mitra. susceptibility agrees The calculated magnetic observed data of very well with the experimentally TlSr2Cap 4Prp 6Cu207 in the entire temperature range of and B6 —2650 cm 100—300 K for B4 ——2620 cm (see Fig. 6). The calculated crystalline electric-field level scheme for TlSr2Cap 4Prp 6Cu207 is shown in Fig. 7. The reduced value of the effective magnetic moment of the Pr + ion in TlSr2Cap 4Prp 6Cu207 can be conceived in terms of rather unusual crystal-Geld splitting of the lowest electronic energy levels, similar to that 10.5 E 90 J 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temper ature (K) FIG. 6. Experimental (solid (o) and calculated of magnetic superconducting susceptibility line) TlSrgCap. 4Prp. 6Cug07. The solid line is the result of the calculation based on the crystal-field parameters for Pr + ion. 51 SUPERCONDUCTING AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF. . . 3897 1215.0 cm 274. 3 crn 418. 1 cm —1 —1 —1 15. 1 cm —1 0. 0 cm (2) r5 FIG. 7. Crystal-field level scheme for the ground state, J=4, of the Pr + ion for TlSrqCao. 4Pro 6Cu20q, calculated using the crystal-field = 2650 cm parameters B4 ——2620 cm and B6 of Yi Pr Ba2Cu307 g. The main feature of this set of crystal-Geld levels of TlSr2Cao 4Pro 6Cu207 is two close low-lying energy levels, a triplet and a singlet, with the next higher levels above 421 cm . In the temperature range 80—300 K, this low-lying triplet and contribute to the temperaturesinglet predominantly dependent magnetic susceptibility. A similar kind of level splitting has been observed for the PrBa2Cus07 g system, in which three levels (singlets) are very close to each other forming a quasitriplet with the next level above 400 cm . The large value of the sixth-order crystal-field parameter is basically due to the approximations involved in assuming cubic symmedata for try. Our analysis of the magnetic-susceptibility TlSr2Cao 4Pro 6Cu207 shows that there is no need to invoke the tetravalent or mixed-valent behavior of Pr to account for the reduced eBective magnetic moment in this compound, and it can be explained in terms of crystalfield splitting of the ground multiplet of Pr + ion. The calculated magnetic susceptibility agrees very well with the experimentally observed data of T1Sr2 TbCu207 in the entire temperature range of 8—300 K for B4 crystal-field —2100 and zJ = —1.63 cm B6 —800 cm The calculated and the experimentally observed magnetic susceptibilities are shown in Fig. 3. The calculated crystal-field level scheme for TlSr2TbCu207 is shown in Fig. 8. We observe that the magnitude of the magnetic susceptibility of TlSr2Cao 4 Tbo 6Cu207 compound above the superconducting transition temperature is almost the same as that of the nonsuperconducting T1Sr2TbCu207 compound; thus the crystal-field e8'ects in both the compounds are similar, and the data can be fitted with the same crystal-field parameters and z J= 0.0. cm, L. Soderholm, K. Zhang, D. G. Hinks, M. A. Beno, J. D. Jorgenson, C. V. Segre, and I. K. Schuller, Nature (London) 328, 604 (1987). J. K. Liang, X. T. Xu, S. S. Xie, G. H. Rao, X. Y. Shao, 3 2. 4 cm — 1 1.6 cm 0. 0 crrl —1 FIG. 8. Crystal-field level scheme for the ground state J= Tb Cu207 with x = 1.0 and 6 of the Tb + ion for TlSr2Caq 0.6, calculated using the crystal-field parameters B4 ——2100 and B6 —800 cm cm V. 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