Built-in Self-test Technique for Selective Detection of Neighbourhood Pattern Sensitive Faults in Memories Rajeshwar S. Sable1, Ravindra P. Saraf2, Rubin A. Parekhji3 and Arun N. Chandorkar4 1 Tejas Networks Pvt. Ltd. , Bangalore, India. Email: rajeshwar@india.tejasnetworks.com Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India. Email: ravindra.p.saraf@intel.com 3 Texas Instruments (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India. Email: parekhji@ti.com 4 Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India. Email: anc@ee.iitb.ac.in 2 Abstract Traditional tests for memories are based on conventional fault models, involving the address decoder, individual memory cells and a limited coupling between them. The algorithms used in these tests have been successively augmented to consider stronger coupling conditions. Built-in self-test (BIST) solutions for testing memories today incorporate hardware for test pattern generation and application for a variety of these algorithms. This paper presents a BIST implementation for detection of neighbourhood pattern sensitive faults (NPSFs) in random access memories (RAMs). These faults are of different classes and types. More specifically, active, passive and static faults for distance 1 and 2 neighbourhoods, of types 1 and 2, are considered. It is shown how the proposed address generation and test pattern generation schemes can be made scaleable for the given fault type under consideration. Keywords: Built-in self-test for memories, neighbourhood pattern sensitive faults, programmable BIST. 1. Introduction Shrinking feature sizes and increase in the levels of integration have significantly impacted the design and test of random access memories (RAMs). While memory cells and architectures have become increasingly compact, they are now also susceptible to increasingly diverse failure mechanisms. This has rendered the traditional memory test methods inadequate, either in terms of their defect coverage or in terms of the test application time. Built-in self-test (BIST) methods for testing RAMs, based on conventional March tests and their extensions, are becoming popular. These tests are easy to implement, have a cycle count complexity which is linear to the number of bits or words addressed, and provide good fault coverage for functional faults and some structural faults, covering the address decoder, individual memory cells and a limited coupling between them [1]. BIST also offers other well-known advantages, which will not be repeated here [2,3]). Existing BIST implementations for memories are, however, inadequate for some other fault models like stronger and widespread coupling faults. Hence, to ensure the desired defect coverage in a memory core, it is necessary to consider these newer fault models and provide a matching BIST implementation for effective test generation. It is also important to make this implementation programmable for the desired combination of fault coverage and test time so that BIST can be efficiently used. This paper describes a BIST technique for the detection of neighbourhood pattern sensitive faults (NPSFs) in random access memories. Although the NPSF model is not new, it is now becoming important in deep-submicron processes, especially for DRAMs [4]. Also, the fault model scales with the neighbourhood size. Traditional March tests are not adequate for detection of such NPSFs [1,5]. Hence the proposed BIST mechanism for detecting NPSFs is designed to correspondingly match the faults being considered. The salient features of this BIST implementation are: (a) It uses the well-known tiling method and employs a parallel access mechanism to memories to reduce the cycle count. (b) It employs a bit-slice architecture for the test pattern generator to generate a Eulerian sequence for covering the cells in the neighbourhood. (c) The BIST implementation, based on the proposed address and test pattern generation schemes, is scaleable for four different NPSF models, (based on distance 1 and 2, and types 1 and 2), for active, passive and static faults. This implementation covers stuck-at faults, transition faults, inversion coupling faults, idempotent coupling faults and static coupling faults, besides the NPSFs mentioned above. As complete rows of cells are accessed for read and write operations, this test is better suited for wider memories. (According to the authors, this is the first time that such a BIST implementation for NPSFs is being reported). This paper is organized into six sections. Section 2 provides an overview of NPSFs, their classes and types, and challenges in their detection. Section 3 describes the basic BIST technique for detection for one class of NPSFs, together with its implementation. This implementation is extended in Section 4 to include other types of NPSFs. The overall BIST operation is summarised in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper. 2. Overview of Neighbourhood Pattern Sensitive Faults A pattern sensitive fault is a conditional coupling fault in which the content of a memory cell or the ability to change its content is influenced by a certain bit pattern in other cells in the memory [1]. Here the data retention and transition of the victim cell are affected by a set of aggressor cells. A neighbourhood pattern sensitive fault (NPSF) is a special case of pattern sensitive faults, wherein the influencing (coupling) cells are in the neighbourhood of the influenced (coupled) cell. The coupled cell is called the base (or victim) cell and the coupling cells are called the deleted neighbourhood cells. (The neighbourhood includes all the cells in the deleted neighbourhood as well as the base cell). Refer to Figure 1. Here the cell V represents the base or victim cell, while the cells B, W and C represent the deleted neighbourhood. 2.1. Classification of NPSFs Different NPSFs can be grouped based on the nature of faults in the base cell and on the neighbourhood: Active NPSF: The base cell changes its content due to a change in the deleted neighbourhood pattern. To test these faults, the base cell should be read in state 0 and state 1 for all possible transitions in the deleted neighbourhood. Passive NPSF: The content of the base cell cannot be changed due to a certain neighbourhood pattern. Every base cell has to be Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID’04) 1063-9667/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 06:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. written and read for 0 and 1 for all possible combinations of the deleted neighbourhood pattern for testing these faults. Static NPSF: The content of the base cell is forced to a certain state due to a certain deleted neighbourhood pattern. For all possible combinations of the deleted neighbourhood pattern, the base cell should be read in state 0 and state 1 for testing these faults. We now consider two neighbourhoods for NPSFs, leading to five possible fault models. Refer to Figure 1. C1 B1 B1 W1 V W2 B2 C1 B1 C2 W1 V W2 C3 B2 C4 B2 W1 W2 V C5 W3 W4 B3 B4 (a) D 1 T 1 V= Vict im cell (b) D 1 T 2 (c) D 2 T 1 B1 -B4 = Bit lin e N eigh bo urh o o d cells C2 C6 B1 B2 W1 W2 V C9 B3 C1 0 C1 3 C1 4 B4 C3 C7 B1 C4 C8 C1 W3 W4 W1 W2 C1 1 C1 2 C3 C1 5 C1 6 (d) D 2 T 2 W 1 -W 4 = W o rdlin e N eigh bo urh o o d cells B2 V B3 C2 W3 W4 C4 B4 (e) D 2 RT 2 C1 -C1 6 = Co rn er cells Figure 1. NPSF models for BIST implementation. D1T1: Neighbourhood of Distance 1 and Type 1. The neighbourhood includes five cells, namely the base cell and four cells physically adjacent to it. (Figure 1(a)). D1T2: Neighbourhood of Distance 1 and Type 2. Here eight cells physically adjacent to the base cell are considered, to have a neighbourhood with a total of nine cells. (Figure 1(b)). D2T1: Neighbourhood of Distance 2 and Type 1. The neighbourhood includes nine cells, namely the base cell and eight cells physically adjacent to it. (Figure 1(c)). D2T2: Neighbourhood of Distance 2 and Type 2. Here twenty-four cells physically adjacent to the base cell are considered, to have a neighbourhood with a total of twentyfive cells. (Figure 1(d)). D2RT2: Neighbourbood of Distance 2 and Reduced Type 2. The D2T2 model is reduced to consider only twelve physically adjacent cells, to have a neighbourhood with a total of thirteen cells. (This may also be termed as neighbourhood of Distance 2 and Extended Type 1 – D2ET1. Refer to Figure 1(e)). From a proximity point of view, the D2T1 neighbourhood is not considered in this paper. 2.2. Detection of NPSFs Some attempts have been reported in the literature to supplement traditional March tests. Instead of only the all zeros and all ones background patterns, the modified March tests proposed in [6] use multiple data background patterns and have test lengths of either 96.n and 100.n for type 1 neighbourhood, (where n is the number of bits addressed). This number increases for the type 2 neighbourhood. The technique of parallel testing, proposed in [7] uses a restricted type 2 neighbourhood that divides the eight cells of distance 1 neighbourhood into three groups based on their location, i.e. horizontal, vertical and diagonal neighbours. All the cells across groups are read and written simultaneously. The test length is reduced; however, a lesser number of NPSFs are covered as a result of this cell grouping. The row March algorithm in [8] has high coverage of conventional faults, but, additionally, only S-NPSFs are covered. Pseudorandom tests [9] typically have a huge complexity for an acceptably low escape probability. 3. BIST Implementation for NPSFs We first illustrate the BIST implementation for the D1T2 neighbouhood. The memory bitmap is covered using the tiling method [1,7] in which a memory is completely covered by tiles of 3x3 cells, and the test patterns are applied to all the rows in horizontal tiles simultaneously. This method reduces write operations from n*2k to (n/k)*.2k for static NPSFs, and from n*k*2k to n*2k operations for active and passive NPSFs together, where k is the size of neighbourhood and n is the total number of memory cells [1]. The incomplete tiles as well as the overlapping tiles are also completely covered by the test patterns. This is formally proved in [10]. 3.1. Address Generation Mechanism In this implementation, a complete row of cells is accessed from the outputs of sense amplifiers. This enables writes and reads to the complete row of the memory cell array. The address generation and data application mechanism is shown in Figure 2. Since there is only one transition between two consecutive patterns, the data in only one of the three rows of a tile changes. Hence a counter is used for generating the row address, such that the next state is obtained by incrementing the present state by three. Two consecutive data patterns are compared and the comparator output is used to derive the initial state of the counter through the combinational logic. Depending upon the row of a tile in which the pattern changes, the initial state of the counter can either be zero, one or two. The counter then generates the next set of addresses, three rows apart, until it overflows. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C o m p a r a to r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N e x t d a ta p a tte r n P r e v io u s d a ta p a tte r n C o m b in a tio n a l lo g ic fo r s e ttin g in itia l c o n d itio n o f c o u n te r C o u n te r fo r a d d r e s s g e n e r a tio n A d d r e s s to m e m o r y u n d e r te s t Figure 2. Address generation mechanism. The same pattern sequence is applied to every tile. Hence all the cells in a particular row for each horizontal tile can be compared together. In the fault free condition, all the corresponding cells have the same data. Dissimilar data indicates an error. The number of cycles required for this test is 4609*r read cycles and 4609*r/3 write cycles, i.e. a total of (4/3)*r*4609, where r is the number of rows in a memory cell array. For a RAM with multiple array architecture, this test can be applied in parallel to all arrays. Hence a larger memory can be tested in the same number of test cycles as required for a single array. The total number of test patterns required is 4609 for a 3x3 tile and the total number of cycles required is 198187 for a 32x32 bit memory. 3.2. Test Pattern Generation Mechanism For detecting all possible NPSFs, a 0o1 and 1o0 transition must be generated for the each deleted neighbourhood cell in each tile for all possible patterns of other cells including the base cell in the deleted neighbourhood. An efficient set of test patterns can be created by having only one transition in the neighbourhood between two successive patterns. Such a set can be generated by using a Eulerian sequence [1]. A Eulerian sequence is a walk over a Eulerian graph, (i.e. a graph in which nodes correspond to individual bit patterns, and there exists a bidirectional edge between any two nodes with Hamming distance of one), which traverses each arc (in each direction) exactly once. The length of a k-bit Eulerian sequence is (k*2k)+1 [1]. In this implementation, a 9-bit Eulerian sequence is required Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID’04) 1063-9667/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 06:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. for the nine cells in a 3x3 tile and hence the number of test patterns is 4609. The implementation of a deterministic test pattern generation (TPG) unit is described in Section 3.3. The proposed unit generates the 9-bit Eulerian sequence by implementing Hay’s algorithm [1]. A part of this sequence is presented in Table 1 and is constructed by reading the contents of the first pattern column, (shown by arrow), followed by the second pattern column and so on. (X, G and T denote the pattern (in G), the Gray code group and the transformation, respectively). The first column of 512 patterns is generated using a 9-bit Gray counter. This column, by exploiting the above algorithm, can generate the patterns in the other columns. The patterns in the next column are generated from those in the present column by performing one bit right shift followed by inversion of Most and Least Significant Bits (MSB, LSB). Table 1. Nine bit Eulerian sequence Figure 3. Test pattern generator. 3.3. Implementation of Test Pattern Generator The block diagram of proposed TPG unit is shown in Figure 3. The unit consists of a 9-bit Gray counter, 9-bit parallel input/output right shift register, control circuit, and output register. The unit has three input signals, namely pat_en (pattern enable), clk (clock) and reset. It has two output signals; pat_out (pattern output) which gives the 9-bit pattern and pat_end (end pattern) which indicates the termination of the pattern generation process. A BIST controller controls the testing process. The BIST controller uses pat_en to send a request to the TPG to provide the next test pattern of the Eulerian sequence. This pattern is used for the subsequent test data write operation to the memory array. The BIST controller uses reset during the initialization phase of the testing process in order to reset the internal counter and registers of the TPG unit. The operation of each block of the TPG unit is explained below. 3.3.1. Rotate and Output Circuit The rotate and output circuit is shown in Figure 4. The Gray counter provides 512 sequential patterns of the second column of Table 1 under the control of pat_en signal. Every pat_en signal enables the counter to count up in order to provide a new pattern. When the final pattern of the sequence has been reached, i.e. 100000000, the counter restarts. These patterns are sent either to the output register or loaded into the shift register under the control of pat_en and up_clk signals. If one or more rotate operations must be performed for the desired test pattern, the control circuit provides an equal number of successive rot_clk signals to rotate the contents of shift register. Figure 4. Rotate and output circuit. The output of the Gray counter is directly fed to the output register to generate the first column of patterns. For the second column, the output of the Gray counter is loaded into the shift register and shifted out by one bit before being sent to the output register under the control of rot_clk, rotate and mux_ctl signals. The patterns for the rest of the columns are similarly generated. 3.3.2. Control Circuit The 9-bit status register with its LSB input permanently connected to logic 1, holds the rotation status of the TPG, indicating the number of rotate operations that must be applied to every pattern generated by the Gray counter according to the progress of the test pattern generation process. The number of bits inside the status register with value 1 indicates the number of rotate operations that must be performed on shift register. Thus the state 000000000 in the status register means no rotate operation, while states 000000001, 000000011, …, 011111111 mean one, two, …, and eight rotate operations, respectively. The MSB of the status register going to 1 indicates the completion of the test pattern generation process, and pat_end signal is activated. The status register is shifted out by signal up_clk each time the Gray counter returns to its initial state, i.e. 000000000. The 8-bit step register is used to generate the appropriate number of successive rot_clk signals for right shift of each pattern generated by the Gray counter based on the current status of the TPG. The pat_en signal initiates the shift process under the control of clk signal. In each step of the shift operation inside the step register, when a 1 is encountered from the LSB to the MSB, the rot_clk signal is activated depending upon the contents of the status register, using the And-Or array shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Control circuit. 4. BIST Implementation for Selective NPSFs The implementation described in Section 3 can be extended to generate another Eulerian sequence with a different number of bits. This scaleability is exploited to generate sequences for 5bits, 13-bits and 25-bits to additionally target D1T1, D2RT2 and D2T2 faults, respectively. The block diagram for the complete BIST implementation, incorporating the address generator, test pattern generator and test response evaluator, is shown in Figure Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID’04) 1063-9667/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 06:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 6. Note that the select input line to the BIST controller must be set to target the specific fault model. The mechanism for D1T2 fault detection can be extended to detect D1T1 and D2T2 faults. The mechanism for D2T2 fault detection can further be extended to detect D2RT2 faults. Generic extensions include changing the value of k=n, for an n-bit Eulerian sequence, and correspondingly changing the number of D flipflops in the rotate and output circuit. Also the width of the status and step registers will change, together with the size of the And-Or array in the control circuit. Based on the tiling method, the rows are changed and the address incremented. (Additional details can be found in [12]. These are not included here for lack of space). Tes t s tart Clock Select0 Select1 BIST controller Test respons e evaluator Tes t end Control s ignals Addres s and data generator Address and data multiplexer System write data lines Sys tem addres s lines Memory under test Sys tem read data lines Figure 6. Block diagram for BIST implementation. 5. BIST Operation A generic algorithm for BIST operation has been developed. It supports a scaleable BIST implementation for the detection of D1T1, D1T2, D2T2 and D2RT2 faults. (More details on the algorithm can be found in [12]. These details are again not included here for lack of space). The BIST implementation proposed in Section 3 for D1T2 faults has been realized in VHDL and simulated [11]. The approximate gate count for this implementation consisting of the next address generation logic and test pattern (Eulerian sequence) generation logic is about 900 gates. This number does not include the logic in the BIST controller, generic portions of the address generator and test response evaluator. The latter are not considered as an additional overhead, since they are necessary for any BIST operation. The number of comparators for test response evaluation will depend on the memory word size, and this logic is also not included. Simulation has been performed to confirm the suitability of this implementation [11]. We now make three observations: (a) The logic overhead in the proposed BIST implementation is notably low. This is due to the algorithmic nature of the test pattern generator and address generator. (b) While the gate count is low, it can be seen that the cycle count for the full BIST operation is notably high. This highlights the fact that BIST for NPSFs is relatively costly in terms of the test cycles as against the extra test logic. (c) The implementation scales almost linearly to the number of bits in the neighbourhood, due to the bit-slice (scaleable) architecture used in this technique. Table 2. Cycle count for NPSF detection for different fault models Fault model Number of test patterns Number of write cycles Number of read cycles D1T1 D1T2 D2RT2 D2T2 161 4609 106497 838860801 5313 50699 3727395 5872025607 15456 147488 17039520 26843545632 Approximate test time @100 @500 MHz MHz 0.208ms 0.042ms 2ms 0.4ms 200ms 40ms 330s 66s As an illustration, the number of test patterns and clock cycles required to test a 32x32 memory for various NPSF models is given in Table 2. It can be seen from the above table that the proposed BIST implementation is amenable for large word length, i.e. wide memories. BIST provides a convenient mechanism for off-line testing, wherein the tester infrastructure is not dedicated to the device under test. Under this condition, test times constraints can be relaxed. Also, in several cases, it may be adequate to detect D2RT2 faults as against D2T2 faults, effectively reducing the test time by a factor over one thousand. 6. Conclusion This paper describes a new BIST methodology for the detection of neighbourhood pattern sensitive faults in random access memories. The highlights of this technique include (a) a bit-slice BIST implementation which is scaleable both for implementation and test application depending upon the faults of interest, (b) low cost implementation of the address generator and test pattern generator, and (c) ability to detect distance 1 and 2 faults of types 1 and 2. This programmability is important since NPSF detection is costly in terms of the number of cycles. Future work in this direction includes the definition of a programmable architecture for memory BIST to encompass traditional March tests with NPSF tests, optimizations in the test pattern generation logic, and optimizations in the address generation logic for large memories. Note: This work was done when the first two authors were students at Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India. References 1. A.J.Van De Goor, Testing of Semiconductor Memories: Theory and Practice, ComTex Publishing, The Netherlands, 1999. 2. P.H.Bardell, W.H.McAnney and J.Savir, Built-in Test for VLSI:Pseudorandom Techniques, John Wiley& Sons, 1987. 3. C.E.Stroud, A Designer’s Guide to Built-In Self-Test, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. 4. B.F.Cockburn, “Tutorial on DRAM Fault Modeling and Test Pattern Design”, Proc. Intl. Workshop on Memory Technology, Design and Testing, 1998, pp. 66. 5. R.Dekker et al., “A Realistic Fault Model and Test Algorithm for SRAMs”, IEEE Trans. on CAD, 1990, pp.567-572. 6. 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R.S.Sable, R.P.Saraf, R.A.Parekhji and A.N.Chandorkar, “Built-in Self-test Technique for Selective Detection of Neighbourhood Pattern Sensitive Faults in Memories”, Internal communication, 2003. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID’04) 1063-9667/04 $ 20.00 © 2004 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 06:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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