網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration 請依照下列幾個步驟進行網路學分抵免作業 There are a few basic steps of the online application process 1. 登入應用資訊系統(請由義守大學首頁的應用系統連結項或直接輸入應用資 訊系統的網址) 2. Log onto the CampusNet Application system (either from I-Shou University homepage, click on the applied system link or log onto the system directly. http://netreg.isu.edu.tw/wapp) 選擇「學分抵免」項目 3. Find the Credit Transfer option to start. 按下「學分抵免作業」 4. Click on “APPLY”. 一一輸入已獲系所同意抵免的科目 5. Input courses you have been officially advised are approved for exemption, one by one. 確認資料輸入無誤 6. Verify the data you have input. 確認後傳送 7. Submit your application. 列印網路學分抵免確認單 8. Print out the final roster. 登出應用系統 Logout of the CampusNet Application system. 操作上如有任何疑問,請與系所辦公室聯絡。 If you have any problem while applying online, please contact the department office of your major. P1/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration http://netreg.isu.edu.tw/wapp 輸入登錄資料後開始作業 Enter your personal info to log on. 帳號為入學的學號(ex. isu9901901a) Logon ID is your ISU student ID number. 密碼預設為身分證號(英文字母須大寫,外籍生或僑生請輸入居留證號) The default password is the numbers of your Nationality ID. For foreign students or compatriot students, the default password is the numbers of your Alien Resident Certificate. P2/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration 學分抵免 Credit transfer 學分抵免作業 Apply 學分抵免列印 Print Roster P3/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration Student ID Name Program 1 Major Dep. ADD Delete 基本資料區:確認個人的資本資料是否有誤。 Student Data:Make sure it’s your personal info, such as student ID, Chinese Name, study program and major department. 資料輸入區:在此區鍵入申請抵免的科目資料,如原學科名稱、抵免學科代 號及學分數後,按下「新增抵免科目」鍵。一個科目一個科目地輸入新增。 Data input:Input your exemption courses here. Input the previous course name, then the equivalent course code and the previous course credits. Then, click on the “ADD” button to create the data. 資料顯示區:申請抵免的資料輸入後會在此區顯示。如果輸入的資料有誤, 請在此刪除。 Result:The data you have created show on this table. Delete what doesn’t match. P4/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 2 3 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration Student ID Name Program Major Dep. 2 ADD 2 任選其一 Choose either one P5/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration 3 Confirm and Print 資料顯示區:申請抵免的資料輸入後會在此區顯示,輸入的科目數若很多,可 拉動右方的捲軸來檢示資料。如果輸入的資料有誤,請在此時做刪除動作。 Exemption courses will show on this table. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the page to see all exemption courses you input. Delete the course here when you find info that doesn’t match. 資料確認無誤後,按下「確認及列印」鍵以傳送資料。 Click on the “Confirm and Print” button to submit your registration. P6/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration Confirm and Print 確認:確認輸入的抵免資料是否正確,請確定是否要傳送資料。 一旦按下「確認及列印」鍵後,資料即刻傳送並將無法再做修改(不得新增 或刪除)。 confirm: Make sure all data you input is right before you submit. Once you click on the “Confirm and Print” button to submit your registration, no corrections or changes can be made. P7/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration Confirm and Print 再確認:請再次確認輸入的抵免資料是否正確, 「確定」資料無誤後,一旦按下「確 認及列印」鍵後,資料即刻傳送並將無法再做修改(不得新增或刪除)。 Reconfirm:Please reconfirm the data you input before you submit. Once you click on the “Confirm and Print” button to submit your registration, no corrections or changes can be made. P8/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration Final Roster 學分抵免列印 Print roster 確認傳送後,請到此功能區查詢傳送結果及列印網路學分抵免清單 After you submit, click on this item to check your final roster and print it out. P9/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office 網路學分抵免操作說明 Instructions for online credit transfer registration Print 列印後簽名,並連同 1.學分抵免單、2.歷年成績單,送回系所辦公室 Print out the final roster and sign it. Return all documents (inc. application form, transcript of previous studies and this final roster) to the department office of your major within the deadline. P10/10 註冊組製 Established by the Registrar’s Office
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