George F. DeMartino Professor Co-Director, MA Program in Global Finance, Trade and Economic Integration Josef Korbel School of International Studies University of Denver Denver, CO 80208 (303) 871-3089 FAX: (303) 871-2456 Internet: EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Economics M.A. Warwick University, U.K., Comparative Industrial Relations B.A. Harvard University - Magna Cum Laude, History and Economics Dissertation “Modern Macroeconomic Theories of Cycles and Crisis: A Methodological Critique” Fields Ethics and Economics, Political Economy, International Economic Integration, and Industrial Relations APPOINTMENTS/TEACHING EXPERIENCE Professor, 2010-present. Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Josef Korbel School, University of Denver, 2002-2007. Co-Founder and Co-Director, MA Program in Global Finance, Trade and Economic Integration. Associate Professor, Korbel School, University of Denver, 2000-2010. Assistant Professor, Korbel School, University of Denver, 1993-2000. Assistant Professor, Dickinson College, 1992-1993. Visiting Scholar, PERI and the Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, fall 2008. Faculty, International Institute of Public Policy/Sophomore Summer Policy Institute 20062007, Spelman College. Faculty, Scripps Howard Institute on the Environment, sponsored by the University of Colorado Center for Environmental Journalism 2002-2005. Faculty, International Career Advancement Program, Aspen Institute 1997-present. Visiting Faculty, Woodrow Wilson Summer Institute on Public Policy and International Affairs, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, School of Public Policy, 1996-1997. Visiting Scholar, University of California, Riverside, Department of Economics, Spring 1995. Visiting Lecturer, Trinity College, 1991-1992. Instructor, Graduate Math Preparation, University of Massachusetts, 1989-1990. CONSULTING AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2003-04 Consultant, Denver Mayor‟s Office of Economic Development and the Pacific Council on International Policy. 1986-90 Consultant, Council #4, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO. 1978-85 Staff Representative, Council #4, AFSCME, AFL-CIO. TEACHING AWARDS 2004 “Most Useful Course, 2003-04”, awarded by GSIS Graduate Student Government. 2003 “Most Accessible Professor, 2002-03,” awarded by GSIS Graduate Student Government. 1997 “Top Professor, 1996-97,” Mortar Board Honor Society, University of Denver, teaching award for “Outstanding Direction in the Classroom”. 1990 Chair's Award for Distinguished Teaching, University of Massachusetts. Fellowships and Grants 2 2008 University of Denver, Sabbatical Enhancement Grant 2007 University of Denver, Internationalization Grant 2004 University of Denver, Internationalization Grant 2003. Pacific Council on International Policy, to complete report on Denver and the Global Economy. 2001 University of Denver, Faculty Research Fund Award 2001 University of Denver, Small Grant Award 2000 University of Denver, Sabbatical Enhancement Grant 1998 University of Denver, Small Grant Award 1996 Social Science Foundation, Internationalization Grant 1994 Postdoctoral summer fellowship, Stanford University, Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Institute on “Economic Integration and Domestic Politics”. 1994 Social Science Foundation, Internationalization Grant 1992 Dickinson College, Dana Grant 1985-86 University Graduate Fellowship, University of Massachusetts. PUBLICATIONS Books 2010 The Economist’s Oath: On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics, Oxford University Press. 2000 Global Economy, Global Justice: Theoretical Objections and Policy Alternatives to Neoliberalism, London and New York, Routledge Press. Work-in-Progress, Books Considerations on Professional Economic Ethics: Views from the Economics Profession and Beyond, G. DeMartino and D. McCloskey, editors. Oxford University Press. 3 Articles Forthcoming, 2011 “The Ethical Culpability of the Economics Profession in the Current Economic Crisis,” to appear in Consequences of Economic Downturn: Beyond the Usual Economics, Martha Starr, ed. Palgrave Macmillan 2011. Forthcoming, 2011. “The Entailments of Entailments,” review essay of Philip Kozel, Market Sense: Toward a New Economics of Markets and Society (London: Routledge, 2006). To appear in Rethinking Marxism. 2010. “Achieving Ethical Trade through Social Tariffs: A Simulation of a Global SITS Regime,” with Jonathan Moyer and Kate Watkins, Working Paper in Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2010. “On Marxism, Institutionalism and the Problem of Labor Exploitation,” review essay of Ric McIntyre, Are Worker Rights Human Rights? Rethinking Marxism, vol. 22, No. 4, October 2010: 524-530. 2010. “Economics and Justice.” In 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook, Vol. 2, R. Free, ed. Sage Publications: 525-532. 2009. “On the Need for Professional Economic Ethics.” Challenge 52, no. 4, July/August 2009, pp. 6-15 (lead essay of symposium on professional economic ethics). 2009. “Economics and the Ethical Challenges of Global Integration,” in I. van Staveren and J. Peil, eds. Handbook on Ethics and Economics, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 185-192. 2008. “A Hippocratic Oath for Economists?” in R. Garnett and J. Harvey, eds., Future Directions for Heterodox Economics, Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, pp. 116-124. 2008. “The Ethical Dimensions of the „Globalization Thesis‟ Debate,” in J. Davis and W. Dolfsma, editors, Elgar Companion to Social Economics, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 57-75. 2005 “A Professional Ethics Code for Economists,” Challenge, July/August 2005, pp. 88104. 2004. “Organizing the Service Sector: From „Labor‟ to „Stakeholder‟ Unionism,” in The Institutionalist Tradition in Labor Economics, Dell Champlin, Janet Knoedler and Paulette 4 Olson, editors, pp. 240-9. 2004. “On the Politics of Global Economy, Global Justice”. Rethinking Marxism, 16, 4, pp. 367-373 (this essay responds to a symposium on my book). 2003. “Global Economic Liberalism and the Fate of the State,” ISS Research Series, University of Tokyo (this special issue published papers produced in conjunction with the Managing Development and Transition International Research Project, directed by Professor Junji Nakagawa of the Institute of Social Studies of the University of Tokyo). 2003. “Free Trade or Social Tariffs?” The Handbook of Globalisation, Jonathan Michie, editor, Northampton, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 402-412. (Updated for 2011 edition). 2003. “Realizing Class Justice,” Rethinking Marxism, 15, 1, 1-31. 2003. “Globalization, Regionalism and State Capacity in Developing Countries: A Note,” with Ilene Grabel, Globalization, Regionalism and Economic Activity, Philip Arestis, Michelle Baddeley, and John McCombie, editors, Northampton, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 266-273. 2002. “Comment on „Globalization and Neoliberalism‟ by David Kotz, Rethinking Marxism, 14, 2, 80-81. 2001 Review essay: “Enslaved to Fashion: Corporations, Consumers, and the Campaign for Worker Rights in the Global Economy,” a review of Levi’s Children: Coming to Terms with Human Rights in the Global Marketplace by Karl Schoenberger, Human Rights and Human Welfare, 2, 1, April (internet journal, URL 2000 “Securing Economic Justice: New Global Policy Regimes,” in Imagining Tomorrow: Rethinking the Global Challenge, K. Sharma (Permanent Representative of India to the U.N.) ed., (volume prepared for the U.N. Millennium Summit of Heads of State and Governments, September 2000, New York). 2000 “Competition between Domestic and Foreign Firms,” Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, R.J.B. Jones, ed., Routledge Press. 2000 “U.S. Labor Faces an Identity Crisis,” in Political Economy and Contemporary Capitalism: Radical Perspectives on Economic Theory and Policy, R. Baiman, H. Boushey and D. Saunders, eds., Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 130-136. 1999 “Global Neoliberalism, Policy Autonomy, and International Competitive Dynamics,” Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 33, No. 2, June: 343-349. 5 1999 “The Harmonization of Labor Standards: An Internationalist Perspective,” published as L‟Harmonisation Internationale des Normes du Travail dans une Perspective Internationaliste,” Syndicalisme et Societé, Vol. 1, No. 2:65-276. 1999 “The Human Development Index,” in The Encyclopedia of Political Economy, Vol. 1, Phillip O'Hara, editor, Routledge Press, pp. 467-71. 1999 “Anti-Essentialist Marxism and Institutionalism: An Introduction.” Introduction to a symposium on Marxism and Institutionalism. Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 33, No 3, September, 797-800. 1998 “Foreign Direct Investment,” Foreign Policy in Focus series, Martha Honey and Tom Barry, editors, published by Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Center for Policy Studies (this is a refereed but non-academic article). 1997 “Demonstration Drives, Predatory Drives: A Strategic Model of Union Organizing,” Politics and Society, 25(3), September: 326-338. 1997 “Speculations on the Future of the U.S. Labor Movement in an Era of Global Economic Integration,” in Labour Worldwide in the Era of Globalisation: Alternative Union Models in the New World Order, R. Munck and P. Waterman, eds., Macmillan Press, 8396. 1997 “Global Economic Integration and Justice: A Capabilities Approach,” in Globalization, Growth and Equity, Satya Dev Gupta and Nanda K. Coudhry, eds., Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 299-316. 1996 “Industrial Policies versus Competitiveness Strategies: In Pursuit of Prosperity in the Global Economy,” International Papers in Political Economy, 3(2). Reprinted in P. Arestis and M. Sawyer, eds., Essays in International Political Economy, Edward Elgar, 1998. 1996 “Against Global Neoliberalism: Normative Principles and Policy Alternatives,” New Political Science, no. 35, Spring: 21-42. (A solicited, extended version of the Gupta and Choudry article.) 1995 “Economic Integration in an Uneven World: An Internationalist Perspective,” with S. Cullenberg, International Review of Applied Economics, 9(1): 1-21 (DeMartino lead author). 1995 “After GATT: Towards a New Internationalism,” with Stephen Cullenberg, URPE Newsletter, 26(3): 1, 12-15 (DeMartino lead author). 1995 “Economic Integration and Human Development,” in Papers and Proceedings, “Du Travail Pour Tous, Partout Dans Le Monde,” Colloque International, February 1994, 6 Montreuil: Institut Syndical d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (ISERES), no. 140: 357-378. 1994 “Beyond the Competitiveness Debate: An Internationalist Agenda,” with S. Cullenberg, Social Text, (41), 11-40 (DeMartino lead author; a substantially extended version of the IRAE article). 1994 “The Social Index Tariff Structure: An Internationalist Response to Economic Integration,” with S. Cullenberg, Review of Radical Political Economics, 26(3): 76-85. 1994 “The Competitiveness Debate,” with S. Cullenberg, in Marxism in the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order, A. Callari, S. Cullenberg, and C. Biewener, eds., Guilford Press: 482-492. 1993 “The Necessity/Contingency Dualism in Marxian Crisis Theory: The Case of Long Wave Theory,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 25(3): 68-74. 1993 Review of Reconstructing Marxism, E.O. Wright, A. Levine and E. Sober. Rethinking Marxism, 6(4): 128-33 (review essay). 1993 “Beneath 'First Principles': Controversies Within the New Macroeconomics,” Journal of Economic Issues, 27(4): 1127-1153. 1993 “Taking 'X' Out of Competition: An Internationalist Critique of CompetitivenessEnhancing Industrial Strategies,” with Stephen Cullenberg, Working Paper in Economics, University of California-Riverside, 93-25. 1991 “Trade Union Isolation and the Catechism of the Left,” Rethinking Marxism, 4(3): 2951. 1989 Review of The Meaning of Crisis, James O'Connor. Rethinking Marxism, 2(4): 18086 (review essay). 1988 Review of Prisoners of the American Dream, M. Davis. Rethinking Marxism, 1(4): 176-85 (review essay). 1982 “Industrial Relations: A Guide for Trade Unionists,” TIE-Europe: Transnational Information Exchange, (Amsterdam) No.13/14. Book Reviews 1990 Review of The Politics of Rich and Poor by Kevin Phillips. Christianity and Crisis, 50(16): 356-60. 7 1989 Review of An Injury to All, by Kim Moody. Christianity and Crisis, 49(14): 314-17. Other Publications Research Reports: 1989 “Health Care Cost Inflation and Cost Containment Measures,” for AFSCME, AFLCIO. 1986 “Current Inflation Projections: A Survey and Evaluation,” with Prof. Richard D. Wolff, for District 1199, New England Health Care Employees' Union, AFL-CIO. ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS 2011. “The Economist‟s Oath,” presented at a joint session of the annual meetings of the American Economic Association and the Association for Social Economics “The Ethics of Economic Practice,” Denver, January. 2011. “Achieving Ethical Trade through Social Tariffs: The SITS Approach,” with Jonathan Moyer and Kate Watkins, presented at a joint session of the annual meetings of the Association for Evolutionary Economics and the Association for Social Economics, “Human Development, Economic Justice and Sustainability,” Denver, January. 2010. Invited lecture, “An Escalating Case for Professional Economic Ethics,” Society of Government Economists, plenary on “Improving the Economics Profession,” George Washington University, November. 2010. Invited lecture, Department of Economics, Texas-Christian University, April. 2010. Invited participation in Human Rights in the Global Economy: A Colloquium, sponsored by Realizing Rights and International Council on Human Rights, Geneva. 2009. “The Ethics of Economic Social Engineering and Economic Training,” invited lecture, Colorado State University, Department of Economics, September 25. 2009. “The Economist as Social Engineer, and the Case for Professional Economic Ethics,” presented at the annual meetings of the Society of Government Economists, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., September. 2009. “Economists as Social Engineers: The Case for Professional Economic Ethics,” presented at the 6th International Conference, “Developments in Economic Theory and Policy,” sponsored by the Department of Applied Economics of the University of the Basque Country and the Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, Bilbao, July 2-3. 8 2009. “The Ethics of Economic Social Engineering: The Case of Free-Market Reform in the South and Transition Economies,” invited lecture, Depauw University, April. 2009. “An Escalating Case for Professional Economic Ethics,” invited lecture, Earlham College, April. (Also presented at the Korbel research seminar, January). 2009. “Achieving Ethical Trade through Social Tariffs: The SITS Regime,” with Kate Watkins. Presented at the annual meetings of the Eastern Economic Association, NYC, February, and with Jonathan Moyer at the annual meetings of the Association for Institutionalist Thought, Albuquerque, March. 2007. “‟Free Trade‟ versus „Fair Trade‟: Where Economists get it Right…and Wrong.” Invited public lectures at the University of South Florida, and at Rollins College. 2005. “In Dispraise of the Neoliberal Restoration: A Professional Ethics Perspective. Presented at a joint AFEE-ASE panel, ASSA meetings, Philadelphia. 2004 “I Do Solemnly Swear. On the need for Professional Economic Ethics.” Presented at annual meetings of the Association for Institutionalist Theory, Salt Lake City, April 2004. 2003 “A Hippocratic Oath for Economists?” Invited plenary talk for the first ICAPE Conference, “The Future of Heterodox Economics,” University of Missouri at Kansas City, June. 2003 “„Free Trade‟ and the Environment: NAFTA, the FTAA and Other Really Bad Ideas.” Invited lecture, Colorado College, March. 2003 “Organizing the Service Sector: From „Labor‟ to „Stakeholder‟ Unionism,” annual meetings of the Allied Social Sciences Association, Washington, D.C., January. 2002 “Global Economy, Global Justice: The Ethical Controversy over Globalization.” Invited lecture, Front Range Community College, aired on public access channel 3, November. 2002 “Global Economy, Global Justice.” Invited lectures on book of same title at Franklin and Marshall College, Dickinson College, and Gettysburg College (April 2-5), sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Consortium. 2002 Cambridge University (April), “Globalization, Regionalism and State Capacity,” (presented by co-author Ilene Grabel). 2001 “The Sustainability of Global Neoliberalism: A „Polanyian‟ Perspective,” Invited presentation to the University of Rhode Island “Honors Colloquium on A Just and 9 Sustainable Community: Overcoming Barriers to Action” (December). 2001 “Securing Capabilities Equality: Just Global Policy Regimes for the Year 2025,” given at “Justice and Poverty: Examining Sen‟s Capability Approach,” Cambridge University (June). 2001 “Normative Conflict and Global Economic Policymaking: The Fair Trade Debate,” lecture sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Economics, University of California, Riverside (May). 2001 Symposium on my book, Global Economy, Global Justice, annual meetings of the Association for Institutionalist Theory, Reno (April). 2001 “Against Neoliberalism—The Normative Foundations of Progressive Economic Policymaking,” Allied Social Sciences Association Meetings, New Orleans (January). 2000 “Reinventing Unionism: Identity, Agenda and Strategy, presented at 3 rd International Gala of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis, University of Massachusetts (November). 2000 “Symposium on my book, Global Economy, Global Justice, at 3rd International Gala of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis, University of Massachusetts (November). 2000 “U.S. Labor in Crisis,” presented at the Political Economy Seminar Series, Department of Economics, University of California-Riverside (May). 2000 “Debating the WTO: Human Rights, Labor and the Environment,” at Symposium on Globalization and Human Rights, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver (May). 2000 “Global Economy, Global Justice,” lecture sponsored by the Department of Economics, the Association for Economic and Social Analysis, and the Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts (April). 2000 “The Normative Debate over Global Neoliberalism,” Department of Economics, Texas Christian University (April). 1999 “Assessing Social Democratic Failures in an Era of Global Neoliberalism,” presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association for Evolutionary Economics, ASSA, New York City (January). 1998 “Global Neoliberalism, Policy Autonomy, and International Competitive Dynamics,” presented in my absence (due to illness) at a symposium at the Institute for International 10 Relations, Hanoi (April). 1998 “US-China Economic Integration: Toward Cooperation or Conflict?” Paper presented at the China-US Cooperation Conference, Beijing-Denver Program, University of Denver. 1998 “From Industrial Policy to Competitiveness Strategies: Surviving Neoliberalism in the 1990s,” presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Evolutionary Economics, ASSA, Chicago (January). 1998 “Economic Integration and the Debate over the Harmonization of Labor Standards,” presented at the international symposium “Labour Law and Globalisation,” sponsored by the Insitut Syndical d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (ISERES), Montreuil, February. Invited presentation. (Named to advisory board for this conference) 1998 “Anti-Essentialist Marxism: An Introduction,” introduction to a panel I chaired titled “Common Ground? Anti-Essentialist Marxism and Radical Institutionalism,” at the annual meetings of the Association for Institutionalist Theory, Denver (April). Also served as discussant. 1997 “Approaching Global Neoliberalism: Economy, Production, and Labor.” Invited presentation at the symposium “Mexico and the United States in the Context of Global Migration,” sponsored by the University of California Institute for Mexico and the U.S., UCRiverside (October). 1997 “Marxism and Ethics,” roundtable discussion, annual conference of AESA, New Hampshire (July). 1997 “Relativism versus Universalism and Global Economic Integration,” University of California, Riverside. Invited lecture co-sponsored by the Department of Economics and the Institute for Global Cooperation and Conflict (May). 1997 “Economic Integration and Union Strategies in North America,” annual meetings of the Association for Institutionalist Thought, Albuquerque (April). 1997 “Demonstration Drives, Predatory Drives: A Strategic Model of Union Organizing,” annual meetings of the URPE at the ASSA (January). (Also served as chair and discussant on panels at this conference). 1996 “Relativism, Universalism and Justice,” at “The Politics and Languages of Contemporary Marxism,” University of Massachusetts, Amherst (December). (Also chaired panels at this conference) 1996 “Against Global Neoliberalism: Normative Principles and Policy Alternatives,” presented at the international conference on “Economic Integration in Transition,” Athens 11 University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, 21-24 August. Participation sponsored by the University of Athens and the University of Denver (Internationalization Grant). 1996 “Global Economic Integration and Justice,” invited presentation at symposium, “International Political Economy: Politics in Open Economies,” Center in Political Economy, Washington University, St. Louis (April). 1996 “Against Global Neoliberalism: Normative Principles and Policy Alternatives,” annual conference of the Association for Institutionalist Thought, Reno (April). (Also served as chair and discussant on panels at this conference) 1996 “Restitution to Africa and Distributive Justice: A Note,” invited presentation at the annual conference of the National Economic Association at the Allied Social Science Association (ASSA), San Francisco. (Also served as chair and discussant on panels at this conference) 1995 “Labor Standards in Trade: Undemocratic, Unwise and Unfair?” annual Conference on Democracy and Democratic Transitions, University of Denver. 1995 “Anti-Essentialism against Relativism: The Case of Economic Integration,” conference of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis (AESA), University of Massachusetts. 1995 “Economic Integration and Harmonization: A Capabilities Approach,” annual meetings of the Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) at the ASSA, Washington, D.C. 1994 “Economic Integration and Human Development,” presented at the International Colloquium: “Reflexions pour une Politique Alternative, du Travail Pour Tous, Partout Dans Le Monde,” sponsored by the Insitut Syndical d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (ISERES), Montreuil: Invited presentation. 1994 “Managing Economic Integration: A Capabilities-Enhancing Approach,” with S. Cullenberg, at “Economic Integration and Public Policy: NAFTA, The EC, and Beyond,” York University, Toronto, May. Participation sponsored by the University of Denver (Internationalization Grant). 1994 “Economic Integration: Neoliberal Threats and Democratic Opportunities,” annual conference on Democracy and Democratic Transitions, University of Denver. 1994 “The Social-Index Tariff Structure: An Internationalist Response to Economic Globalization,” with S. Cullenberg, annual meetings of URPE at the ASSA, Boston. 12 1993 “Taking 'X' Out of Competition: An Internationalist Critique of CompetitivenessEnhancing Industrial Strategies,” Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver: Invited lecture. 1993 “What is Anti-Essentialist Social Analysis?” AESA summer conference, Charlemont, MA. 1993 “Rethinking the Competitiveness Debate: Toward a New Industrial Policy,” with S. Cullenberg, annual meetings of URPE at the ASSA, Anaheim. 1993 “The Necessity/Contingency Dualism in Marxian Crisis Theory: The Case of Long Wave Theory,” annual meetings of URPE at the ASSA, Anaheim. 1992 “Marxism and Explanation,” at “Marxism in the New World Order: Crises and Possibilities,” University of Massachusetts. 1992 “Solidarity or Competitiveness: Progressive Industrial Policy Alternatives,” with S. Cullenberg, at “Marxism in the New World Order,” University of Massachusetts. 1991 “American Unionism: A Progressive Proposal for Structural Reform,” URPE summer conference, Rock Hill, NY. 1990 “Marxian Crisis Theory: A Critique,” Economic Theory Workshop, University of Massachusetts. 1989 “The Yale Clerical and Technical Workers Strike,” Brecht Forum, New York City. 1988 “Trade Unions in Crisis,” Drew University Guest Lecture Series: Invited lecture, Guest Lecture Series. 1988 “A Life-Cycle Model of Public Sector Unionism: The Case of Connecticut,” Drew University: Invited lecture. 1987 “Trade Union Crisis and the Catechism of the Left,” annual conference of AESA, University of Massachusetts. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Journals and Publishers Refereed articles for Journal of Development and Capabilities, , International Review of Applied Economics, Journal of Economic Issues, International Review of Social Economics, Journal of Social Economics, Rethinking Marxism, Global Governance, Asian Development Review, IJPEE, CORD JOURNAL, Africa Today, and Foreign Policy in Focus. Refereed book 13 and journal proposals for Oxford University Press, University of Michigan Press, Palgrave, Routledge and M.E. Sharpe. Other Professional Service Member, Committee on Graduate Economics Education, Association for Evolutionary Economics, 1999-2000. Member, Editorial Board, Rethinking Marxism, 1992-1995. Member, conference organizing committee for “Marxism and the World Stage,” 2002-03; and “Rethinking Marxism 2006” (2005-2006). SELECTED UNIVERSITY SERVICE, 2002-Present Korbel School: Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (2002-2007) Chair, Graduate Studies Committee (2002-2007) Co-Director, MA Degree in Global Finance, Trade and Economic Integration (2009present) University: Korbel Representative, Graduate Council (2002-2007) Member, various sub-committees of Graduate Council (2002-2007) Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, Center for Teaching and Learning (2009-present) 14
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