ISBM Research N E W S L E T T E R November, 2012 Volume 5, Issue 3 IN THIS ISSUE . . . In This Issue . . . In This Issue ............................................ 1 B2B Leadership Board Update: “Innovation to Drive Customer Growth: B2B Research Priorities and a Call for Proposals” (Fred Wiersema & Abbie Griffin)............2 Contemplating Trust, Confidence and Loyalty in B2B Relationships (Lisa Scheer) ..................................... 3 From the Membership: Highlights of September 2012 Members’ Meeting: “Keys to Alignment and Execution: Going Beyond a Great Plan – To Brilliant Implementation” (Ralph Oliva) ......................................6 IPSS Update: Spring 2013 Lineup (Raj Grewal) .......................................8 T his will be our last Newsletter issue of 2012, so on behalf of the ISBM we want to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and a happy new year! We lead off this issue with a most important feature from Abbie Griffin and Fred Wiersema, entitled: “Innovation to Drive Customer Growth: B2B Research Priorities and a Call for Proposals.” We urge you to read this feature Gary L. Lilien Raj Grewal carefully. We have been publishing items from the B2B leadership board, promising definitive research priorities and action items. Well, here they are—and the ISBM plans to invest significantly in high quality responses to this Call for Proposals. Please contact Abbie Griffin directly if you have an idea or question about how to proceed. And please do respond—it is up to all of us to shape the future of the field. We are delighted to welcome our most recently inducted ISBM Fellow, Prof. Lisa Scheer. Both academics and practitioners will find her remarks about the subtle but profound differences between trust, confidence and loyalty both insightful and thought (and research)-provoking. Ralph Oliva, in his From the Membership column, recaps the highlights of September’s ISBM Member’s meeting. The theme of the meeting was “Keys to Alignment and Execution: Going Beyond a Great Plan – To Brilliant Implementation.” There are many important and neglected (from a research perspective) implications there so do have a careful look. Raj Grewal announces the next two IPSS courses to be offered in Spring 2013: Rob Palmatier and newly inducted ISBM Fellow Lisa Scheer offering Relationship Marketing and Kersi Antia offering Channel Management. Please pass the information about these courses on to your most promising PhD students. Happy holidays once again and enjoy! CONTACT INFORMATION Gary and Raj Research Director Gary L. Lilien, ( Gary L. Lilien Research Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets Associate Research Director Rajdeep Grewal, ( Raj Grewal Associate Research Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets Executive Director Ralph Oliva, ( Institute for the Study of Business Markets Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University 484 Business Building University Park, PA 16802 USA +1-814-863-2782 • WWW.ISBM.ORG As always, we hope you find this issue a valuable resource to connect with the ISBM community (practitioners, faculty, and students) around the world. If you would like to suggest or contribute items, please let either of us know. This issue and past issues or our newsletter can be found at PAGE 2 B2B Leadership Board Update: Innovation to Drive Customer Growth: B2B Research Priorities and a Call for Proposals I Fred Wiersema Abbie Griffin nnovation is one of the key topics shaping the new ISBM research agenda. It is hard to dispute the pivotal nature of innovation as key driver of customer growth—especially in marketplaces that are in a flux. We only need to go back to the Spring 2012 issue of the ISBM Research Newsletter where Gerry Tellis, in his article “The Innovation Imperative,” made an incisive case for innovation’s importance and pointed out various associated research challenges. Likewise, the B2B Board’s recent B2B Agenda exploration, drawing on input from 72 senior B2B marketers and 30 academics, identified the innovation-marketing interface along with its connection to sales as a top priority.* In August, the B2B Board held a mini-conference in Chicago (orchestrated by Abbie Griffin) with a select group of experts from academia and practice to delineate main areas for focused attention. Drawing on extant knowledge as well as insights from the B2B Agenda work, we identified four key innovation themes. Pending the preparation of a paper to discuss our findings more fully, the following is a summary of the themes, along with a call to action from the B2B research community. THEME 1: DEEPENING OUR KNOWLEDGE OF B2B CUSTOMER NEEDS AND PARTICULARLY THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER INVOLVEMENT IN THE INNOVATION PROCESS Given that customer knowledge is the central ingredient that gets utilized by B2B marketers to provide valueadded to their firms, this theme is of growing importance. Managers facing mounting competitive pressures and shifting customer requirements are searching for more pertinent and timely customer insights to improve their NPD processes. Customer involvement in NPD raises questions such as who to involve, in what way, and how to account for downstream customers (customers’ customers). Deepening customer knowledge takes on another dimension when companies move on to the next theme: THEME 2: INNOVATING BEYOND THE LAB There is a growing realization that to improve innovation performance significantly, firms will need to find new ways to create customer value—e.g., by moving beyond a strict product-centric approach and toward a broader customer solution perspective and/or adoption of new business processes and practices (e.g., R&D outsourcing or crowd sourcing/open innovation to discover new customer value). This kind of innovation is bound to affect and involve other functions in the firm, and as such raises strategic, organizational and process issues that will expand the traditional scope of B2B marketing. Issues such as shifting from an R&D-dominant culture to a customer-solution focus entail change management issues with rich potential for research. THEME 3: IDENTIFYING WHY B2B FIRMS ARE RELUCTANT TO USE OUR INNOVATION CONCEPTS, MODELS AND INSIGHTS There is an ample body of research showing that various innovation-related concepts, models and approaches (e.g., lead user research, voice of customer practices) can improve performance significantly, yet their utilization falls well short of their promise. Why is that? What influences the degree of dissemination and application of our findings under varying conditions? THEME 4: WHAT IS B2B MARKETING’S OVERALL ROLE IN INNOVATION – FOR BOTH THE TRADITIONAL NPD PARADIGM, AND FOR INNOVATING BEYOND THE LAB? Marketing’s connection to innovation decisions has not crystallized in practice, varies from firm to firm, and is often arbitrary in nature. With customer knowledge becoming more pivotal in innovation-related decisions, with innovation beyond the lab gaining ground, and with the dissemination of insights and models having unrealized potential, what are the implications for marketing’s role in B2B innovation? THE CALL FOR ACTION The ISBM seeks ambitious research proposals from academics in B2B marketing, innovation and other related disciplines that address any of the above four continued on page 3 PAGE 3 B2B Leadership Board Update: Innovation to Drive Customer Growth: B2B Research Priorities and a Call for Proposals continued from page 2 themes. Priority will be given to research proposals with the potential for generating substantive and breakthrough findings. A 2-stage proposal review process will be used in making funding decisions: • January 15: Deadline to submit a 2-3 page extended abstract of the proposed research that covers: 1. The nature of the research problem (the gap in our knowledge that it addresses). 2. Research methods to be employed. 3. Expected findings and importance for theory and practice. 4. Anticipated level of funding or other support. • January 30: Review team will indicate which proposals will go forward for a full review. • March 1: Full research proposal due (15 pages max). • April 1: Funding decisions announced. The B2B Board is planning a joint practitioner-researcher Symposium on Innovation and Marketing in May 2013. Researchers whose proposals are selected will be invited to present and discuss their work at this Symposium. Proposal abstracts should simultaneously be emailed to Abbie Griffin at the University of Utah ( and Lori Nicolini at ISBM ( Any questions should be directed to Abbie Griffin by email or by calling 801 5851772. * The B2B Agenda was published by the ISBM in the fall of 2012. Researchers who do not receive a hard copy by December 15th and would like one should send an e-mail showing their postal address to to obtain a complimentary copy. The document can also be purchased on Fred Wiersema ISBM Fellow and Chair, B2B Leadership Board Abbie Griffin Royal L. Garff Presidential Chair in Marketing University of Utah Contemplating Trust, Confidence and Loyalty in B2B Relationships T he honor of being an ISBM Fellow is particularly meaningful to me, as I grew up in business-to-business (B2B) services. Working as a teenager in my family’s trucking company, I witnessed B2B trust, confidence and loyalty, though they sometimes functioned in puzzling ways. They still fascinate me today, for despite extensive Lisa K. Scheer research, much is yet unknown. Lack of theoretical clarity and operational imprecision has resulted in unchallenged implicit assumptions, misinterpretation of results, and potentially inaccurate managerial implications. DISENTANGLING TRUST AND CONFIDENCE Trust has been examined extensively, so is it possible we don’t have a clear picture by now? I think not. In casual conversation, the term refers to beliefs that vary drastically in nature and scope. “Trust” that a delivery will arrive is very different from trust that our business partner considers our interests as well as its own. The essential nature of trust in “I trust my car” is not equivalent to that in “I trust my dearest friend.” We have intermingled and confused trust with confidence. Trust is the belief that one’s exchange partner can be relied on to fulfill future obligations and to behave in a manner that will serve one’s needs and long-term interests (Scheer and Stern 1992). Confidence is the belief that one’s exchange partner will behave in a predictable manner; it is manifest in the willingness to act on that belief. If you believe that a business partner is honest and considers your interests as well as its own, that trust is a source of confidence. Or you may have calculative confidence in a partner because circumstances and incentives align that partner’s self-interest with your own. Confidence is present-oriented and involves expectations about predictable behavior; trust is present- and futurecontinued on page 4 PAGE 4 Contemplating Trust, Confidence and Loyalty in B2B Relationships continued from page 3 oriented, involving beliefs about motives for behavior. Confidence permits the prediction of partner behavior in situations similar to the status quo, but trust enables extrapolation to situations unforeseen and substantially different from the present. Confidence forms a foundation for future interaction, but trust promotes development of loyalty and deeper relational ties. We must disentangle trust and confidence, for their antecedents and consequences may differ significantly. This requires theoretical clarity regarding their conceptual domains as well as development and use of appropriate measures that effectively discriminate between the concepts. This will also necessitate interpreting prior studies as examining trust or confidence. For example, in my opinion, Moorman, Zaltman and Deshpande’s (1992) excellent, influential JMR article on the dynamics of trust examines confidence. Their measure and oft-referenced definition focus on “willingness to rely on an exchange partner in whom one has confidence” (p. 315). No basis for that confidence is specified. Willingness to rely could be based in trust, but it could be based in calculative confidence as well. Disentangling trust and confidence offers conceptual clarity that can lead to new insights. For example, consider relationship development. In the initial stages of a B2B relationship, it may be more crucial to eliminate distrust and establish confidence than to build trust. Two parties explore doing business together because they have seemingly compatible interests and a minimal but sufficient level of mutual trust. However, a degree of distrust also exists with a new partner. We probe to determine if that partner’s interests are truly compatible with or in conflict with our own. Induction of newest ISBM Fellow, Lisa K. Scheer. (left to right) Gary Lilien, Lisa K. Scheer, Ralph Oliva Efforts to build trust are futile until concerns about conflicting interests are allayed. If we deem the partner’s self-interest is sufficiently aligned with our own, distrust is resolved and a stable relationship can be built on calculative confidence. If we seek a deeper relationship, we can engage in trust-building strategies that involve risk-taking and exposure to potential exploitation; if the partner responds constructively, the relationship may evolve into one based in trust (Scheer 2013). Disentangling trust and confidence clarifies different mechanisms for achieving a stable relationship. CONTEMPLATING LOYALTY Loyalty is another issue in need of additional contemplation and investigation. Managers can become complacent when repeat sales, share of wallet, customer surveys, and Net Promoter Scores indicate that their customers express loyalty in attitudes or actions. Unfortunately, the most ubiquitous measures of customer loyalty intermingle firm-based sources of loyalty with interpersonal sources of loyalty. Are customers loyal to the firm, or to specific individuals within the firm? Many managers and researchers consider the question a moot point—after all, surveys specifically ask about loyalty to the firm. Yes, but what referents are considered when a customer answers questions about loyalty, positive word-ofmouth, or intent to do future business? In reality, “the firm” is often implicitly interpreted by the customer as including all elements presently associated with that firm—including its personnel. It’s dangerous to assume that expressed customer loyalty represents purely loyalty to the firm, for a significant portion of that reported loyalty could be owned by customer-contact personnel (Palmatier, Scheer and Steenkamp 2007). Researchers and managers should strive to disentangle personally-owned loyalty from companyowned loyalty. And there is much we do not yet know about their antecedents and consequences. In some contexts, the importance of interpersonal loyalty is more apparent, such as in personally created and delivered services, or when one person serves as the primary contact point for a customer. In some cases, customer loyalty will be based primarily in firm-owned elements such as unique goods, proprietary systems, or a cadre of interchangeable personnel. However, it’s dangerous to presume customer loyalty is based solely in firm-owned elements, for continued on page 5 PAGE 5 Contemplating Trust, Confidence and Loyalty in B2B Relationships continued from page 4 interpersonal (P2P) relationships can impact B2B relationships in a number of less obvious ways. to managers and despite these mechanisms largely being overlooked by academic researchers. Consider a firm that seeks blind bids from potential suppliers for an annual supply contract based on the firm’s specifications. How might P2P relationships play a role? Details of the specifications are generated using input from employees with knowledge of the firm’s needs and about alternatives in the supply market. Often, knowledge about possible solutions and supply alternatives is gleaned through P2P relationships with the personnel of potential supply partners. These P2P relationships can impact the details of the specifications in the call for bids; in extreme circumstances, specifications may be so narrowly defined that very few suppliers can meet all qualifications. CHALLENGE ASSUMPTIONS Even if specifications are not influenced by personallyowned loyalty, P2P relationships can have an impact through other mechanisms. The decision of whether to renew an existing contract is based in part on recommendations of the firm’s personnel. To what degree are renewal recommendations impacted by cross-firm interpersonal relationships with selling firm counterparts that have developed during the contract? Those relationships can provide real value for the firm, such as providing insurance that the firm will be given priority by the seller in the event of supply shortages. Most research has focused on buyer-seller dyads within B2B relationships, drawing data about sales/purchases and surveying individuals who hold buying authority or their sales counterparts. These important P2P relationships impact B2B relationships through the nature and pricing of negotiated deals and contracts. However, interpersonal relationships at the operational level also have critical profitability implications, for they impact costs incurred in implementation. The success of contracts depends not only on the negotiated price, but also on the effectiveness of the execution of those contracts, yet another way P2P relationships are important. These examples illustrate how strategy selection can be influenced by personally-owned loyalty of decision-makers and those who provide inputs in the decision process. They illustrate how strategy implementation can be impacted by the personally-owned loyalty of boundary spanners and others involved in implementation. Interfirm P2P relationships can impact B2B relationships through a variety of mechanisms, even though it may not be apparent To summarize, we must identify and challenge implicit assumptions. Confidence does not equal trust. Eliminating distrust may be a prerequisite to developing stable relationships, which could be rooted in either trust or calculative confidence. The configuration of customer loyalty is critical, not just the degree of customer loyalty. Never presume P2P is irrelevant in a B2B relationship without exploring the ways interpersonal relationships can impact costs as well as revenues. There is much research yet to be done on trust, confidence and loyalty in business-tobusiness relationships. REFERENCES Moorman, Christine, Gerald Zaltman & Rohit Deshpande (1992), “Relationships Between Providers and Users of Market Research: The Dynamics of Trust Within and Between Organizations,” Journal of Marketing Research, 29 (August), 314-28. Palmatier, Robert W., Lisa K. Scheer, and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp (2007), “Customer Loyalty to Whom? Managing the Benefits and Risks of Salesperson-Owned Loyalty,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (May), 18599. Scheer, Lisa K. (2013), “Trust, Distrust and Confidence in B2B Relationships,” Handbook on B2B Marketing, Gary L. Lilien and Rajdeep Grewal, eds., Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Scheer, Lisa K. and Louis W. Stern (1992), “The Effect of Influence Type and Performance Outcomes on Attitude toward the Influencer,” Journal of Marketing Research, 29 (February), 128-42. Lisa K. Scheer Emma S. Hibbs Distinguished Professor University of Missouri PAGE 6 From the Membership: Highlights of the September 2012 Members’ Meeting: “Keys to Alignment and Execution: Going Beyond a Great Plan – To Brilliant Implementation” current state is unacceptable – and will get more so. We can’t afford to stay there. A t our ISBM Members Meeting on September 11-12, 2012 we explored overcoming obstacles to going beyond planning to implementation, and…. A Common Theme Emerged The style, personality, and approach of key leaders, and those they chose to help them lead the charge for implementation, seem to be the biggest levers in getting a plan implemented. Compelling personalities such as Jeff Hayzlett, the former CMO of Kodak, Brian Chermside, VP and Chief Commercial Officer of Dow Corning, Sue Sears, Chief Marketing Officer of KimberlyClark Professional, and Bill Midgette, CEO of Porex, shared a common set of practices; Effective Leaders…. • Clarify the “why” – and the final destination on project execution – and why it was compelling and important, and something to mobilize both the left brain and right brain of the people involved – across many different functions. • Make it clear that “where we are now” is not an acceptable place to be. A plan to go to a better place has been created. That’s where we’re going. The • Mobilize the right people – managerial/personality/leadership style – at the right points in time. Jeff Hayzlett explored this concept – the people who don’t just sit and watch a problem but rather the people who jump to fix it. If you’re looking to get a plan done –especially one involving a big effort –have the “eagles” lead. Feed them. Enable them. Research Implications: Can we develop stronger frameworks for thinking through which leaders actually are better at mobilizing for execution as we move beyond the Gen X toward the Millennials? And which behaviors produce the best results as we deal with over-busy, multiple priorities, and ambiguous challenges? Insight from Cases: Brian Chermside, CMO of Dow Corning shared a fascinating case that has been unfolding over the past 10 years, the Dow Corning/ Xiameter strategy. His story involves the creation of an entirely different culture, a methodology for serving customers, and a new business design – an extreme implementation challenge. Brian showed how Dow Corning had to constantly drive change in the design of the Xiameter business model to accommodate rapid changes in customer buying behavior. Early on they would attempt to recognize and accommodate customers who moved from needing the service, support, and the high value/high price that Dow Corning offers, to an ordinary re-buy situation where the customer only needed the (often commodity) product, Now Dow Corning is managing that process, commoditizing their own products, while constantly innovating on their high-end Dow Corning brand. Many firms face the challenge Dow Corning faced: the needs of their customers change through their buying cycles. So why aren’t there more Xiameters? Brian discussed the need for raw courage in implementation, from leaders willing to stay visibly committed, supportive and who “walk the talk” consistently, Research Implications: What are the personal and organizational traits necessary to implement a radically new business design? Atlee Valentine-Pope of Blue Canyon Partners stressed that a key to execution is painting a clear portrait of what the end game looks like and to build associated metrics for financial performance, value proposition, organization, operations, and market presence. Sue Sears, VP of Global Marketing and Sales for Kimberly Clark Professional set a grim stage for their implementation story: their core offerings are largely commodities (toilet paper, wipers, etc.) , with high fixed cost and flattening market demand. As she described it - a “race to zero”. continued on page 7 PAGE 7 From the Membership: Highlights of the September 2012 Members’ Meeting: “Keys to Alignment and Execution: Going Beyond a Great Plan – To Brilliant Implementation” continued from page 6 KCP took inspiration from the work of Simon Sinek (who wrote “Start With Why”) and built a powerful organizing principle around the concept “Together we create exceptional workplaces”. More than a tag line, this “why” has mobilized, aligned, and integrated efforts across sourcing, manufacturing, marketing, and right through the sales force. Research Implications: Do firms with a powerful motivating purpose do better than those seeking “Shareholder Value” as their primary driving force? Christine Mendoza-Frohn of Bayer Material Science shared a case on how her firm was able to create a change in business design that enabled them to serve their customers better at lower cost, and what it took to make it happen. She demonstrated the need for: (a) A clear definition of what success will look like and why it’s important in clarifying the economic case for implementation; (b) Compelling and continued communication; (c) Leadership with passion, courage, and a clear understanding that leadership will not tolerate anything other than movement forward. Christine also pointed to the power of “branding” the implementation process, crystallizing of the communication around the change. Bayer used distinctive graphics and a brand message to help their customer-contact employees through the process of changing from “anything the customer wants” to “just what the customer really needs,” at reduced cost. Liam Fahey and Hubert Saint-Onge presented an approach to marketing execution centered on three key principles: focus, capability, and coherence. They showed that different execution approaches were needed depending on the type of marketing strategy being implemented. Research Implications: Liam and Hubert called for additional research on their proposed models and the contingencies associated with successful marketing execution. Over dinner, we inducted our latest ISBM Fellow, Dr. Lisa Scheer, whose comments are found elsewhere in this newsletter, including a call for additional research on the difference between trust and confidence and what that difference matters. Steve Erickson, VP of Strategic Marketing of Parker Hannifin and consultant Edmond Bradford, began our second day covering key themes from their new book “Marketing Navigation, How to Keep Your Marketing Plan on Course to Implementation Success.” They outlined two dimensions of risk in getting a plan implemented: commitment risk, and business risk. The resulting 2 x 2 “risk/commitment matrix,” creates a useful template for understanding implementation challenges. They presented a phased approach that has worked at Parker Hannifin: plan, pilot, roll out, and refinement. They stressed the importance of knowing where you are in order to track your implementation progress and suggested building a dashboard to track that progress. Bill Midgette, President and CEO of Porex Corporation shared the challenge he faced five years ago: to double revenue in 5 years and move to higher growth markets while significantly improving profitability. The firm more than met that challenge and Bill discussed their core strategies including: organizational alignment, investing in talent, careful mergers and acquisitions, a galvanized value proposition, investing in breakthrough technology and careful control of IP. Bill’s “Top 10 strategic mistakes list” provided some great insights (including my favorite, #9: Confusing competitive advantage with “what we are good at.”) Research Implications: Which mistakes are most lethal? Which can you make and learn from? Which happen most often? Why? Can research point the way to better navigation of traps in execution? Amir Hartman of Mainstay Partners closed the meeting, sharing work he is doing extending eh material in his book “Ruthless Execution”. He summarized much of the content of our meeting, boiling those keys to success as: leadership, governance, and focus on the most critical capabilities. Leaders that get things accomplished “beyond the plan” create the why – provide organizational meaning and a clear reason why they exist. They are “positive framers” they take adversity and convert it into action. They are strong “connectors” – they build networks inside and outside their organization and develop mentors for their teams when they need them. They are engaging: they join in, take ownership, and make sure that PAGE 8 From the Membership: Highlights of the September 2012 Members’ Meeting: “Keys to Alignment and Execution: Going Beyond a Great Plan – To Brilliant Implementation” continued from page 7 the people doing the hard work get noticed. This was, to my view, an energetic and energizing members’ meeting, where engaged practitioners and academics rolled up their sleeves and dissected the nitty gritty of getting things done. Brilliant Implementation is critically important to ISBM members and offers a number of interesting and exciting research opportunities. SAVE THE DATE! Ralph A. Oliva Executive Director Institute for the Study of Business Markets Professor of Marketing Ralph Oliva You can view a recap from the September meeting at ISBM Winter Members’ Meeting Mobilizing Customer and Market Insight to Drive Profitable Growth February 27-28, 2013 Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel Tampa, Florida From Data, to Insight, to Action: Mobilizing Customer and Market Insight to Drive Profitable Growth For meeting details and speakers visit IPSS Update: Spring 2013 Course Line-up T wo well received IPSS courses are currently under way; Bart Weitz is teaching Sales Management and Sundar Bharadwaj is teaching Marketing Strategy . I want to thank both these scholars on behalf of the PhD student community for spending their valuable time on what is truly a service to the discipline. I am pleased to announce the two courses we will be offering this coming Spring semester. Rob Palmatier and Lisa Scheer Raj Grewal will return to teach Relationship Marketing and Kersi Antia will make his debut and offer Channel Management. Please bring these two seminars to the attention of your promising BtoB Ph.D. students. Course details and registration is available online at Additionally if there is any other feedback or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Raj Grewal Director – IPSS COMMENTS... IDEAS... We would love to hear from you. If you wish to comment on any of the articles (or have thoughts for future articles), please pass them on. Your suggestions will make the newsletter better and more responsive to your needs. Please email your correspondence to: Newsletter Editor Lori Nicolini ( Institute for the Study of Business Markets Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University 484 Business Building University Park, PA 16802 USA +1-814-863-2782 • WWW.ISBM.ORG
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