6-bit Low-power Subranging-ADC With Increased Throughput Maryam Shojaei Baghini, Senior Member, IEEE Santhosh Kumar Gowdhaman Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India 400076 Email: mailgsk@ee.iitb.ac.in Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India 400076 Email: mshojaei@ee.iitb.ac.in Abstract- This paper describes a high-speed low-power sub ranging Flash ADC designed in 90nm Mixed-Mode CMOS process. The maximum speed of subranging-ADC is limited by the time taken for the fine-ADC reference to settle. The proposed method splits optimally the total time taken for the coarse-ADC and fine-ADC comparisons to achieve the maximum possible clock speed. An auxiliary track-and-hold has been used in the interleaved track-and-hold to introduce 1/2 clock-cycle delay. Yin Simulations results show that the subranging-ADC achieves SFDR of 37.7 dB at sampling rate of 1.54GS/s for 360MHz input and dissipates 15 mW power from I-V supply. It has 4.6 ENOB @ Nyquist and FoM of 0.4 pJ/conv. step. Minimum-size devices have been used in the comparator to achieve low-power. A digital b2 offset calibration method has been used to reduce the offset of bl comparators. bO I. INTRO DUCTION High speed medium resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are essential in many applications such as data storage read channels and wireless communication systems. Fully parallel flash architecture requires 2N - 1 comparators and hence comsumes large power. The number of comparators can be reduced using folding or subranging flash architecture. However the maximum input frequency of folding flash ADC is limited to 100 MHz [ 1] due to increased distortion at high input frequencies [2]. Different techniques for subranging ADC have been reported in [3]-[6]. In [6], one coarse-ADC (CADC) and two time-interleaved fine-ADCs (FADCs) are used to increase the throughput of subranging ADe. In one aproach [3] latency of subranging ADC has been decreased by using a TIH circuit to precharge Vref (reference voltage) levels of FADC, hence decreasing settling time of Vref in fine ADe. Reference [4] uses a single CADC and a single fine ADC with interleaved track-and-hold to increase the throughput. Fully flash ADC at very high sampling rate of 3.5 aS/s has been reported [7]. However throughput of reported subranging ADCs is limited to 1 aS/s [8]. We have devised a technique to increase the throughput to 1.5 aS/s as explained in detail in section III of this paper. II. CONVENTIONAL SU BR ANGING ARCHITECTURE Fig. 1 shows architecture of conventional subranging flash ADC with interleaved track-and-hold. Conventional subrang ing flash ADC consists of a CADC and a FADe. First the 978- 1-4244-7773-9/ 10/$26.00 ©20 10 IEEE Fig. l. Block diagram of subranging ADC with interleaved track-and-hold I TH I Coone Comparator THla X Fln. Fig. 2. : HN C ) I RST uu � X S(N) HCN-) THlb Comparator n S(N) X qN) :1l1 X RST X S(N+I) I �RST : : : V IV I H(N+l) X CCN+I I C(N- I : S(N+I) RST RSf VI H(N+:!) X CCN+2) X C(N X RST X I Vll S(N+3) I '("RSr .- X H(N +!) H(N+l) : )X X I S(N+l) :H CNl I S(N+:!) S(N+3) CCN+I X RSf I X Timing diagram of subranging ADC with interleaved track-and-hold CADC performs quatization of sampled input and gives the thermometer code. The thermometer-to-binary encoder (ENC) gives the MSB bits. Depending on the CADC output, corre sponding subrange of reference bank is selected by the switch matrix. The the FADC performs quantization of the input and gives the LSB bits. In subranging ADC architecture long settling time is required for switching the reference of Fine ADC [3]. Hence time taken by the Fine ADC for resolving the input is much longer than that of the coarse ADe. This limits the speed of subranging architecture. 497 , , -' , -, , , , taken for Vref-FADC to align is introduced within half clock period between the falling edge of CADC comparator and the next rising of the FADC comparator clock. This increases the minimum clock-period Tck. Buffer , , FADC-R.o£ Tck CADC 2 = txor + tbuffer + tref-settle + tsu Mnxin:auJU delay path In the proposed method, a half clock-cycle delay is introduced in the interleaved track-and-hold path so that this total delay is accommodated in one clock period. This allows to have shorter Tck. aralor out ut --�;.:;:.:,a=--1 .;;;; ,-,- ' ., ., ., T=;:.=== -1\-1\�--1\�..-j\ , , , , o !" FAOC ( 11. + 1) 0 CAoe output III. Changes o i o hall· clock cycle j. CADC cOlTlparator clock goes high FADC cOlTlparator clock goes high Fig. 3. Vref-FADC alignment time in conventional architecture Fig. 2 shows the timing diagram of ADC with interleaving track-and-hold [4]. Once the CADC track-and-hold holds the data at the input of CADC comparator array, the comparator clock goes high after a setup time delay of tsu so that input is settled when comparator is latched. When the comparator clock goes high, comparator resolves the input and the output is latched when clock goes low. The reference select logic and the delay of each component is shown in Fig. 3. The logic consists of an XOR, buffer and transmission-gate of the switch-matrix. Trasmission-gate switch selects the appropriate voltage-reference Vref-FADC for FADe. The comparator ar ray gives the thermometer code. Adjacent comparator-outputs are connected to XOR gate array. Only one of the XOR outputs goes high, and the corresponding reference bank of FADC is selected. The delay from output of CADC comparator to clock of FADC comparator is the time taken for the FADC reference to settle which is given as : delay = txor + tbuffer + tref-settle + tsu (2) The timing diagram of the proposed subranging-ADC is shown in Fig. 4. In the proposed method, latch in the CADC comparator has been replaced by Flip-Flop so that the output transition occurs always after the falling edge with clock-to-Q delay tck-Q. This removes the uncertainty associated with comparator output-transition instant caused by the variable magnitude of differential-input. The FADC comparator comparison is delayed with respect to CADC comparator comparison by 1.5 Tck to have one clock period between falling edge of CADC clock and rising edge of FADC clock. Thus the time available for the Vref-FADC to settle is Tck as shown in Fig. 5 unlike It in conventional method. This allows to increase the clock-frequency. The analog input arriving at the FADC has to be delayed by additional half clock cycle. I THI/THl TH3a TH4a , X Fl", Comparator RSf "'! H(N-I) H(N S(N-I) X 1111 n :H(N) S(N ) TH3b TH4b i · S(N) Coarse Comparato ( 1) where txor, tbuffer, tref-settle and tsu are the delays of XOR, buffer to drive the transmission-gate, settling time of reference and setup time for the comparator respectively. The delay of buffer depends upon the fanout and tref-settle is O.69xNxT where T is time constant of the transmission gate switch and N is the required bit accuracy. Once the CADC comparator output changes, Vref-FADC starts to change after a delay of tXOR + tinv + tbuffer and settles after additional time of tref-settle· However, in conventional architecture the CADC compara tor output transition occurs during the transparent phase of the latch when the clock is high. If the input difference is small, the output transition takes longer time and occurs just before the falling edge of clock and when input difference is large, the output transition occurs immediately after the rising edge of clock. Therefore, when input difference is small, the time PROPOSED METHOD C(N -2 Fig. 4. � N ( ) : : RSf : I I X : I C(N-I I S(N+2) X RSf S(N+J) 5(N+2) H ( +2) X I RST X I C(N) I RSf S(N+3) I I S(N+t) X VlI I X C(N+2) X H(N) I VI HN ( +2) RSf HN+l) X \I(N-I) RSf CN ( +I RSf ( + ) :SN I X : SN e ) v IV HN ( +l) X �RSf C(N ) : : X: I ( +ll : SN X I RST H(N+l) X RSf X C(N+' X Timing diagram of proposed scheme IV. CIRCUIT DESIGN The block diagram of proposed method is shown in Fig. 6. The entire ADC has been designed in UMC 90nm Mixed Mode CMOS process. It consists of single CADC and FADe. TH 1 and TH2 operate on the same clock. Two pairs of in terleaved track-and-hold circuits TH3a-and-TH4a, and TH3b and-TH4b operate on clocks of 25 % duty cycle. TH 1 tracks the input and holds it on capacitor Cmain' THI and TH2 operate on the same clock. During hold-phase of TH2, it holds the input at CADC input while the TH3a or TH4a transfers the input from Cmain to Caux. During the next clock-cycle the input is transfered from Caux to the input of FADC via TH3b 498 B. Transmission gate based track-and-hold has been used, with dummy switches to reduce the effect of charge injected during falling edge of clock. Track-and-hold with bootstrap-switch is not required since the bottle neck for subranging architecture is the reference settling time of FADC and not the track and-hold. Also transmission gate based switch requires less power compared to bootstrap switch. Two CADC track-and hold circuits THl and TH2 which operate on same clock are connected in series . The associated time constant is given by Elmore model as : (n+l) i I one clock cycle . -------=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-=------= CADC comparator clock goes low Fig. 5. Track-and-Hold t FADC comparator clock goes high 'Tnet Vref-FADC alignment-time in proposed architecture = ronTHl,(Cmain + CinCADC) +ronTH2,CinCADC (3) Let, Cmain/ CinCADC k. Size of THI is chosen k times large as TH2 such that the = or TH4b. Seperate reference ladders for CADC and FADC have been used here. C�I'T V,m Fig. 6. 'Tnet (4) The analog input held in Cmain is transferred to Caux1 and Caux2 by TH3a and TH4a during alternate clock cycles respectively. The input is then applied at FADC input by TH3b and TH4b. Caux is chosen large compared to CinFADC to avoid charge sharing. Here, Cmain of 200 fF and Caux of 50 fF are used. Caux is discharged using reset (RST) switch before a new input is stored. Cmain and Caux bottom plates are connected to Vcm = 0.5V. C. b2 bl b4l 1 y,) . ronTH2. CinCADC = (2 + Gain error correction The gain error caused when the input is switched from Cmain to Caux is given as Caux/(Caux + Cmain). The VrefMax and VrefMin of FADC reference ladder are calibrated to account for the gain error, by connecting the input terminal to a known reference voltage. Block Diagram of proposed subranging ADC TABLE I A. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON Comparator Design and Offset Compensation II Fig. 7 shows the designed comparator along with the detailed offset compensation circuit. Fully differential archi tecture has been used for the comparator to increase the input swing. The comparator consists of 5-stage preamplifier, sense-amplifier based SR latch and D-Iatch. The positive SR latch and negative D-Iatch form the flipflop which allows comparator output transition only at negative edge of the clock. PMOS active load has been used for the preamplifier instead of resistor to save area . Minimum size devices have been used to reduce the power consumption. However, this causes high offset voltages at the comparator input. A digital offset correction method using 5-bit current steer ing DAC (CSDAC) has been adopted here. During comparator offset-calibration, the input terminal of each comparator is connected to Vref' The output of comparator is given to up-down counter which goes to CSDAC whose output is connected to the preamplifier output nodes. CSDAC controlled by the counter creates an offset compensation current which nullifies the offset. Resolution (bit) Is (Gsls) [8] I measured [911 [7] I T his work I measured measured simulated 6 6 6 6 I 0. 7 3.5 1.54 42/42 47/43 44138 43/29 Pd (mW) Vdd (V) 30 7 98 1.2/1.0 I 0.9 IS I FoM (pJ) 0. 8 0.25 0.95 0.4 90 90 90 90 SFDR(DClNyquist)(dB) Technology (nm) Architecture subranging subranging flash subranging V. SIMUL ATION RESULTS The subranging ADC, was designed using 90nm sophis ticated foundry model files by Cadence Spectre. Slow-Slow comer as the worst case comer for the achieved speed is considered. The DNL after digital offset correction has been plotted in Fig 8. The spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) as a function of input frequency fin is plotted in Fig. 9. SFDR starts from 43 dB at low input frequencies and reaches about 29 dB for Nyquist frequency. SFDR vs. sampling frequency 499 40 . ... .. . .. .. �.. . > ............ - : • SFDR -...;. F $.--. = 1.54GHz ... . ... .: . . ... .. .. : ..... .... � . . . . . . .. O+--_-.-�--.-�-_.-�� o 400 600 200 Inpnt fre(IUency (MHz) Fig. 9. 800 SFDR vs. input frequency 50 .----.----.-�-.----,----� ._._.� ._� ._:. ___ -·-SF D R .. . .. . _ . . 40 . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . Fill=70MHz:"" : : (8) _ • � 30 _ I ..,. II: 20 c 10 ::; +- O+o __ - Fig. 10. (b) Fig. 7. (c) in :s a) Comparator with offset compensation circuit b) preamplifier with +- � -+- __ - __ 800 1200 Fs (MHz) __ 1600 2000 SFDR vs. sampling frequency -25+--+t--+--t--+-t----1f---+--l :s -50 +--+-f---.t...,.---+-:;-.t--h�---,t---t----cl PMOS active load c) Sense amplifier based SR latch 05 Ql iii ::. 00 �.0.5 .1.0.L.- +- __- 400 u. VI -75 100 Fig. II. 200 SFDR for 300 400 500 Frequency (MHz) 600 /in= fs = 75 MHz and 700 800 1.54 GHz oJ _ o Fig. 8. --'--_----'. 10 20 REFERENCES L-_--'-_----'-�____' ___' __ 30 code 40 50 60 [I] M. S. Sandhoon Hwang, et al. , "Design of a 1. 8 V 6-bit Folding AID Converter with a 0.93[pJ/convstep] Figure IEICE Trans. Electron, pp. 213 -219, February 2008. Interpolation CMOS of-Merit", in [2] S. Limotyrakis, et al. , "Analysis and simulation of distortion in folding DNL of the circuit after offset calibration AID converters", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems Analog and Digital Signal Processing, pp. 213 -219, March 2002. and interpolating II: [3] K. 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