MeMeA 2009 - International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications Cetraro, Italy May 29-30, 2009 Alternative Emergency Communication Channel through Television Cable C. Chandramouli* and Vivek Agarwal Applied Power Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076, India. Abstract— This paper studies the feasibility of deploying an alternative communication channel using domestic TeleVision (TV) set with minor modification in hardware and software. The remote control, video and audio circuits are modified while a new component - Communication Transceiver (CT), is introduced between the cable entry point and the TV set. With the proposed system, the user can plug in a normal telephone to the CT to make and receive calls. In addition to this, textual messaging is also possible with the help of the remote control unit and the TV. Due to the wide spread use of television sets in homes, this alternative communication can be particularly effective during medical or other emergencies for information transfer, broadcast of announcements etc. It may also be useful for other applications such as an ‘intercom’ is societies living in clusters. Similarly, options for telemedicine are explored. All the details of this work are presented. (and the cable systems) to convert them into communication equipment for transferring voice and textual data over TV cable during emergency or normal conditions. A major application of this alternative channel could be in “Telemedicine”- for example a patient’s condition (e.g. ECG) can be monitored remotely. Agarwal [4] and Lin [5] discuss about the development of digital spirometer. Syzmanski [6] and Lovell [7] discuss the web based device control and biomedical data storage. Many researchers have worked on converging the television and mobile networks for having an interactive entertainment [8, 9]. The telephone can be used for the voice data and the TV is used for textual and graphical data (e.g. ECG) transfer. The communication can be transmission of voice data and/or textual characters like the Short Messaging Services (SMS) in mobile phones. The idea is to develop an alternative communication channel with the following objectives: (i) A channel which can work when the telephone lines are down, especially during emergency conditions. (ii) Broadcast information during medical emergency or any other dangerous situation. (iii) Divert the local voice data traffic from the telephone lines at a cheaper cost. (iv) Transfer of medical data for remote monitoring and/or treatment. In the proposed system, the Communication Transceiver (CT) converts the voice data from the telephone to a suitable format for transmission through TV cable. The CT can intelligently differentiate between the (i) Audio/Video data of the TV program, (ii) Voice messages and (iii) Textual messages. Suitable hierarchy is defined for utilizing the channel effectively. A textual transceiver enmeshes with the video circuits of the TV for displaying the messages. The characters mask the video data on the TV screen for display. Fig. 1 shows a typical TV cable network with proposed modifications to convert it into a bi-directional communication channel. Keywords – Television networks, alternative mass communication channel, Medical, Emergency reporting service, Telemedicine. I. INTRODUCTION A TeleVision (TV) set in today’s world provides a means of entertainment and information exchange. It also acts as a public address system between the government and/or private bodies and the people. Till the end of 1990s or so, it basically remained a simplex broadband – a one way communication. With the advancement of Mobile Networks’(MN) and internet technology, however, the situation started to change. A need was felt to merge the MN, the internet and the TV. This idea got a further boost due to the advent of High Definition TeleVision (HDTV) and associated TV technology with provision for customizing. Extensive research has been carried out for merging the MN, the internet and the TV [1]. Kavassalis et al.,[2] have described the impact of interactive television through Short Messaging Service (SMS). Zahariadis et al., [3] have described the internet as a mass media communication and proposed the television network as a bidirectional communication channel. This concept prompted the establishment of duplex communication between the viewers and service providers through television sets, cables and set-top boxes. It added value to the service as the viewers could now give their feedback or choice to the service provider (uplink), which enabled the broadcast schedules of specific programs to be changed dynamically. Inventing alternative communication channels has always remained on the minds of the researchers. Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) is another example where power cables have been used for voice data communication. Taking a cue from the PLCC like communication channels and the increasing uplink bandwidth from viewers to service providers, in this paper a modification is proposed in the existing TV sets N e w c o m p o n e n t - T r a n s m itte r f o r u p w a r d lin k to th e o p e r a to r B o o s te r / D is tr ib u to r / A m p lif ie r n o d e s Set T op box *Corresponding author. email: Fig. 1 Networked Television sets with the bi-directional data transmission block. Phone: 91-22-25767422 978-1-4244-3599-9/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 257 Apart from dealing with medical or other emergency situations, such a system also has other applications, some of which are: (i) In an urban environment, the proposed system can form an effective local communication link due to societies living in populated clusters. (ii) It can be used for ‘intra-communication’ between the wards in hospitals in case the telephone lines are down or busy. (iii) It can be used as a public announcement system especially at places like railway stations and airports. The email ids or other kind of transmitter address details may be maintained by an authority so that spamming and related abusive usage can be avoided. Additional services to support this Voice Over Television Cable (VOTC) and Message Over Television Cable (MOTC) can be explored. II. raster scan. A black rectangular background is added for every ‘keyed-in’ character for creating a contrast for better readability. The keyed character immediately appears on the TV screen. Fig. 3 shows the communication link between the keyboard and TV. Due to the advancement in LCD and Thin Film Transistor Technology (TFT), the recent digital television sets or Non-Cathode Ray Tube displays have a video buffer area. This buffer is a static RAM with each byte(s) of data mapped on to a particular pixel on the display. The contents of the SRAM are refreshed, based on the frame rate requirement whether it is NTSC or PAL. New component – The textual characters go along with the Identity codes PROPOSED HARDWARE MODIFICATION Set Top box As the system is built over a TV, the hardware involved is a customization of existing discrete blocks of circuits. The hardware system is spread in three parts (i) Alpha-numeric Infra-Red (IR) remote unit, (ii) Transmitter for upward link in the booster/distributor, and a (iii) Communication Transceiver (CT). Data flow To local operator A. Alpha-numeric infra-red keyboard It is a normal IR TV remote with additional alphanumeric keys and an ergonomic case for better grip and ease of operation. Each character key on the remote control sends a unique set of bits through infra red waves. Fig. 2 depicts the modified alpha numeric remote control unit with special functions. To minimize the power consumption, the TV screen is used as the display unit. Pressing the message button pops up a black window on the TV screen. The typed characters immediately appear on the TV screen. The character keys represent a typical PC keyboard. Pressing the send button pops a window in which address of the sender is typed. The address must have been registered with the service provider. At the receiving end, a pop up window will open for the receiver to read the message. However, more options can be provided or considered for future work. For instance the address storage, message storage and communication when the TV is switched off and alert when a message is received. IR Link To Satellite Remote control with alpha numeric keypad and display Fig. 3 Communication between remote control and the television set. C. Textual Transceiver(TT) This block exists between the cable entry point and the television set. It literally hooks on the signal cable after amplification to detect the uplink and downlink textual messages. The data is framed in such a way that every transmission forms a separate frame. The subsequent frame data is masked at the ‘character content area’ of the display. Fig. 4 depicts the position of the textual transceiver block inside the television set. A unique Start of Frame (SOF) and End of Frame (EOF) data and the address of the sender is introduced in the character data frame. This block holds the address of the television set and stores the textual content. IR Transmitter Optional Display View message Communication Transceiver Send Message Alphanumeric Keys Picture Tube Function Keys Fig. 2 Remote control with alpha numeric keys. New component B. IR Receiver and Decoder The IR receiver is mounted on the front panel of the TV such that a ‘line-of-sight’ exists with the hand-held remote control unit. Each character’s code is recognized using a lookup table, stored in a memory device. In an analog TV set, the decoder converts the character(s) received in the form of a Text (Encoder & Decoder )+ Address (Decoder) + Mixer Data path for Visual representation Fig. 4 Textual transceiver between the cable entry point and the television circuit. 258 displayed in a pop up window which partially masks a portion of the video data in the back ground. It can be made to work without the TV turning ON. For sending or reading the message, the user has to turn ON the PC. For every transaction of communication, one frame of video data is replaced by the TT. The data is framed in such a way that every transmission forms a separate frame. The subsequent frames of data are masked at the ‘character content area’ of the display. It performs the following functions. (i) Sending textual messages – compiling the textual message includes the process of receiving characters from alphanumeric keypad, forming a frame of data, superimpose the message frame over the video data and send it to the TV video port. The IR signals sent by the alphanumeric keypad are processed by the CT, the characters that are decoded are converted and superimposed on the current frame of video data. The message will be displayed till the remote keypad sends a command to shut off. Contrast back ground is added for every character for better readability. Fig. 5 shows the textual data frame which will be inserted between the video data. A temporary buffer is provided to store the text. An intermittent power shut down or interruption upon received messages will not lead to loss of the composed message. D. Communication Transceiver(CT) The communication transceiver (CT) is connected between the TV antenna port and the cable input as shown in Fig. 7. It literally hooks on to the signal cable after amplification to detect the uplink and downlink textual messages. The prime component of the prototype is the development of CT. The CT schedules the message prompts like message composing, reading received messages and other user interaction related messages. Message on the screen To Telephone line 1 2 Switch Please send ambulance to 12/13,…. Street,.. Opp to XYZ school Communication Transceiver Television set To Cable network Fig. 7 Communication Transceiver connected between the TV cable and the telephone. (i) Bidirectional transfer of voice data. The CT handles the voice data transfer through the television cable. The voice data will be through a conventional telephone set. The incoming and outgoing voice data is modulated appropriately not to interfere with the visual data being delivered to the television set. Tests have been performed to analyze the existing audio-video signals and telephone voice data. While both are differential voltage signals, suitable interface to mix these varied signals is required. The telephone line input from the exchange is not going to interfere with the TV signal. The objective is focused on reducing the component /module count and/or using the existing appliances to establish the alternative communication channel. Fig .7 shows the setup of measuring the waveform at specific points in the video amplification circuit. Fig.8 shows the horizontal sync pulses. F ra m e n + 3 F ra m e n F ra m e n + 1 P le a s e s e n d a m b u la n c e to … .. F ra m e n + 2 Fig. 5 Text data frame inserted between the video data frame. (ii) Receiving textual messages Any textual message received (either broadcast or peer to peer) will prompt the user with a message on the screen. The user can choose to or not to display/read the textual messages. Once accepted the received messages are converted to a frame of data. The received message sent through the proposed system typically looks like the one shown in Fig. 6. S cope show ing the scan line syncro nisation p ulse Please send ambulance to 12/13,…. Street,.. Opp to XYZ school Fig. 6 Textual messaging appears on the TV screen on the foreground while the video data is playing in the background. TV This will be superimposed on the current video data and displayed on the TV screen. The message will be displayed till a command is sent to shut off. The received textual data is Fig. 7 Scan line being measured using a scope and hooking on the amplifier input. 259 This application may be particularly useful inside hospital wards of the monitoring the patient condition. (ii) Spirometer A brief description and the development of low cost spirometer is included in this section. Spirometer is used for medical diagnosis that is designed to identify and quantify defects and abnormalities of various lung conditions in human respiratory system. They help in monitoring the response of lungs to medical treatment. It can be used to detect Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma. Monitoring cough and wheezing may not provide an accurate assessment of the severity of asthma in a patient. With the results of the breathing tests conducted using a spirometer, the response and improvement in an asthma patient’s condition during the treatment can be monitored accurately. Spirometer measures the flow and volume of gas (air) moving into and out of the lungs during a breathing maneuver. The measured flow and volume values are plotted as graphs called the spirograms. These spirograms comprise of flow-time, volume-time, and flow-volume graphs. The spirograms obtained for a healthy person and an unhealthy person can be compared to determine how much the patient is suffering. The spirometric data can be obtained by measuring either the flow rate or the volume of the gas moving into and out of the lungs. It is possible to determine either the volume or the flow rate of the gas, by knowing one of them as they are interrelated. The spirometers are based on the measurement of either the flow rate or the volume of gas. Every biomedical system comprises of two parts. (a)The patient terminal, (b) Physician/medical specialist Terminal. They are explained with respect to portable spirometer. (a) Patient Terminal The patient terminal comprises of the spirometer interfaced with the communication receiver. Any other biomedical device developed for telemonitoring purpose should adopt the same protocol for data compatibility with the CT. Fig. 10 shows the spirometer with the communication transceiver. The unit comprises of a (i) Blow tube: through which the patient inhales and exhales, (ii) A pressure sensor: this is used for measuring the rate of air flow and the air volume, (iii) A microcontroller: The microcontroller senses the pressure and computes the air volume and pressure during the breathing process. Fig 8. Horizontal scan line syncronisation pulses III. TELEMDEICINE – AN APPLICATION The communication transceiver can be coupled with a biomedical system to enable tele-monitoring of a patient. The emergency communication channel is intended to alert the patient’s neighborhood about his/her critical condition. Hence the primary objective of the biomedical system is to detect the abnormality and automatically send the alarm as a text message to a specific receiver or as a broadcast to a group of receivers. The other objective is to transfer diagnosis data over the television cable. This section describes two of the biomedical applications. (i) ECG measurement system Some of the vital parameters representing the stability of the human body are of low frequency (e.g. ECG signals lie in 0.01 - 2 kHz range). These can be transmitted as uplink data. Thus, the proposed system can be used for remotely monitoring the ECG of a patient. The ECG signal is sampled and packed as a frame of data. The receiver terminal blocks the video feed from the cable network and allows only the ECG signal to be seen on the TV. Fig. 9 shows the functional blocks which will be required to transfer data over the TV cable network. The textual data, medical data and other applications will have an identity code for the receiver TV set to recognize it. This application may be particularly useful inside hospital wards for monitoring the patient’s condition. T o T elep h o n e lin e 1 2 T o T e lep h o n e lin e S w itch T o C ab le n etw o rk TV C o m m u n icatio n T ran sceiv er 1 2 S w itch T elev isio n set T o C a b le n e tw o rk TV C o m m u n ica tio n T ran s ce iv e r E C G E q u ip m en t w ith d ata lo g g in g T e le v is io n s e t E lectro d es w ith lead s S eria l L in k B lo w T u b e F lo w of a ir (w h ile in h a la tio n a n d ex h ala tio n ) Fig. 10 Spirometer unit interfaced with the communication transceiver and the cable network. S p iro m e te r Fig. 9 ECG unit interfaced with the communication transceiver and the cable network. 260 IV. CONCLUSIONS The data is serially transmitted to the communication transceiver using the RS-232 port. Fig 11 shows the spirometer section of the telemetry system. The push buttons and LCD are used for input and output operations. The display shows the instructions provided by a remote physician to the patient. Power supply A feasibility study on implementing the system has been conducted. It is observed that the TV cable can be used as an alternative channel during an emergency medical condition or otherwise. Biomedical systems for heart and lungs have been investigated. In the development of spirometer, the results (spirogram) are found to be consistent and satisfactory. An abnormality detection circuit in spirometer is tested and satisfactory results are observed. These results will be transmitted through the CT. The work is being carried out to explore the potential of the system with an optimized design and more features. Serial data line for the communication transceiver Microcontroller REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Keypad Blow Tube [4] Fig. 11 Spirometer prototype (b) Physician Terminal A medical specialist’s terminal is like any other patient terminal. The communication receiver communicates directly with the PC through its USB port. 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