Seventh lnteroationnl Conference om Control, Automation, Robotics And Vision (ICARCV'OZ), Dee 2002, Slngapore Design of Decentralized Power System Stabilizer for Multi-Machine Power System using Periodic Output Feedback Technique Ftajeev Gupta', B.Bandyopadhyay",A . M . K u h n i + and T.C. Manjunath" 'Systems atid Concrol Eugineeriug, Iiidian Institute ol Teclinolog~Bombay Munibai ISDI.4 - 400 076 E m d :, tcina, Department of Electrical Eugiueering, Indian Institute ol Technolob?. Bombay: Mxnbai ISDI.4 -400 07G Eluail: anil& Abstract Ponw System Scabdim (PSS) are added to escitaciou system CO euhance the darnping of electric power system during low frequeucy oscillations. Design of decentralized PSS for 1 machineu with 10 buses uslug periodic output feedbad is propmed. The nonlinear mudel of multi-mdne ryscem is linearized and linear state space model is obtained. An output injection gaiu is obcaiued using LQR tedmique. A decencraliaed periodic output feedback gain n.hich realizes this outpuc injection gaUi is obtained using LSlI approach. Tlii method dmn'c require state of the system for feedback. It uses only che output for f d b a d i . Thus ic is implenientable. Keywords: Periodic output feedback. decentralized control, pomr system stabilizers, uiultimxhine system 1 INTRODUCTION In the late 1980s and early 19GO's most of the new generating units added to the electric utility systems were equipped with continuody acting d t a g e reghtors. As these units became a larger percentage of generating capacity. it became apparent. that the voltage reguIacor action had a detrimental impact upon the d:nanucal stabiiitJ-( or perhaps more properly steady-state stability) of tlie power system. Oscillations of tlie s d magmitude and low frequency often persists for the long periods of time and in some case it can cause limitation on power transfer capability. Power system stabilizers were developed to aid in damping tliese oscillation via modulation of the generator escihtion. The art, and science of applyhg pow-er s-ystem stabilizers I i a been developed over the past thirty to thirty five yeears since the first widespread application w the Western systems of the United States. The development tias e\~olvedthe use of various tuning techniques and input si@ds and learning to d a l w i t h turbine generator shaft torsional mode of \<brations [I]. Power System Stabilizer (PSS) are added to exitation system to enhance the damping of electric power system during IOU- frequency oscillations. Several methods are used in tlie design of PSSs. Among the classical methods wed are pliase compensation method and the root locus method. Recently modem control methods have been used by several researchers to take advantage of optimal control tedmiques. These methods utilize a state space representation of power system model and calculate again matrix nllicli d i e n applied as astate feedback control d l "izeaprescribed objective function [Z]. In recent years there have been se\.eral attempts at. designing power system stabilizer using H, h e d robust control tedmiques. In this approach. the uncertainty in the chosen system is modeled in terms of bounds on frequency response. A H, optimal controller is then synthesized which Luarantees robust stability of the closed loop system. However. this will lead to dynamic output feedback. w-Mdi may be feasible. but leads to sophisticated feedback system [3]. In practice, not all of the states are available for measurement. In tllis case the optimal control la^ requires M desibm the state observer. Thus increases the iniplementation cost and reduces the reliability of control system. There is another &salvantage of the observer based control system. Even a slight variations of tlie model parameters from tlieir nominal vdues may result into si,@ficant depdation of the closed loop performance. Hence it is desirable to go for an output feedback desi@. However: the static output feedbadi problem is one of tlie nwst investigated problems in control theor?. The complete pole assipment and buaranteed closed loop stability is still not obtained by using 1676 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 05:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. static output feedback Another approach to pole placement problem is to consider the potential of tiJnevar!ing periodic output feedback. It was shown by Clrammas:and Leondes that a controllable and obser\able plant was discrete time pole aysipable by periodically time-var)ing piecewise constant output feedback Since the feedback gains are pieceuk constant. their method could be easily implemented and indicated a new possibility. Such a control law can stabilize a mucli larger class of systems than tlie staric output feedback [;]-[SI. In periodic output feedback technique gain matrix is generally full [6]. Tlus results in the control input of each machine beins a function of outputs of all maclines. Due to the geogaptucally distributed nature of power system and lack of communication system (unavoidable delays). the decentralized control sdieme ma:- be more feasible than tlre centralized control scheme. In d e c e n t r a l i i power system stabilizei, ttie control input for eadi maclune sliould be function of tile outbut of tliat macline only. ~ 2 i s can be achieved by designing a decentralized PSS using periodic output feedback technique in w1Lidi tlie gain matrix slrould have all off-diagonal terms zero or very small compare to diagonal tem. In t l h t.eclmique decentralized PSS for all machine can be desibmed in one algorithm. W PSS can b applied simultaneously to ttie respecti\,e madline. So the decentralized stabilizer design problem can b translated into a problem of diagonal output feedbad; gain matrix d e s i p for multi macline power system. This paper propom the design of a decetralized power sl-stem stabiier for multi machine system using periodic output feedback. The brief outline of tlie paper is as follon-s: Section n presents basics of power systen stalilizer whereas Section III contains the modeling of muhi-macline system. Section IV presents a brief review on decentralized periodic output feedback control metlrod. Section V contains tlre simulations of multi-madline potier system at different operating points with the proposed controller followed by the concluding section. [4 2 2.1 REVIEW ON POWER SYSTEM STABILIZERS BASIC CONCEPT Bas:ic function of a power system stabilizer is to est,end stability limits by modulating generator excitation to provide damping to tire oscillation of synchronous machine rotors relative to one another. The oscillations of concern is typically occur in the frequency range-approximately 0.2 to 3.0 Ha. and insufficient damping of these oscillation may limit ability to transmit powr. To provide damping. the stabilizer must produce a component of mechanical motor speed which in phase with reference volt* variations< For input signal. the transfer function of the stabilizer must compensate for the gain and plme of excitation system. the generator and the power system. wludi collectively determine ttie transfer function from the stabilizer output to the component of meclianical speed. This can be modulated via excitation system [I]. 2.2 PROCEDURE OF STABILIZER IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of a power system stabilizer implies adjustment of its frequency characteristic and gain to produce the desired damping of tlie system oscillations in the frequency range of 0.2 to 3.0 Hz. The transfer function of a generic power system s t a b h e r may be e x p r e d as where E;, represents stabilizer gain and FLLT(s) represents combined transfer function of torsional filter and input sibmal transducer. The stabilizer frequency characteristic is adjusted by vxping the time constant T.*: T1.T2.T3 and T.1 It will b noted that the s t a b i i r transfer function includes the effect of b t l i the input signal transducer and filtering required to attenuate the stabiIiier gain at turbine-generator shaft torsional freqnencies These effects. dictated by other consideration, must be considered in addition to the %lant" [3]. 3 MODELING OF A MULTI MACHINE SYSTEM Analysis of practical power system invotves the simultaneous solution of equations consisting of synchronous machines and tlie associated excitation system and prime mo\'ers. interconnecting transmission network. static and dynamic load (motor) loads. and ottie devices suclr as HCDC converters. static var compensators. "tie dynamics of the macline rotor circuits. excitation systems: prime mo\rer and other devices are represented by differential equations. The r e d & is tliat the complete system model consists of large number of ordinary differential and algebraic equations [9]. Clavsical niodel 1.0 is aysumed for sUmdironous macliines by neglecting damper ind dings In addition. the following assumptions are made for simplicity [IO]. 1. The lo& are represented by constant impedances. 2. p n s i e n t s saliency is ignored by considering xq= sa 3. hfechanical power is w n m e d to be constant. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 05:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Q' Figpre I: Block diagram of 4 hlacliine IO bus 3.1 GENERATOR EQUATION The machine equations ( for k'"madine ) are p-5, = d B ( S , , - Sm*0). I pSme = -[-Di(Sm, - S&) Pm, + 2H 3.2 - Pc,. STATE SPACE MODEL OF A MULTI MACHINE SYSTEM Tire state space model of ktli macline can be represented ay follows: [6]:[10] ir.=[&I q + [ B k ] AI^&, + AI;,). U, = [C,]q. The state space model of a CmaclLine slonn in Fig. I can be obtained using machine data. Line data and load flow as given in [IO] as X= [A]x + p](AV,,, + AV,). y = [CIX. where diagonal elements (sub matrices of LX4) of A matrix are'.il. A2. .is and .%I and off-diagonal elements a, to all (sub matrices of LX4) depends on the w-ay of interconnections of tlie machines. 4 4.1 ON PERIODIC OUTPUT FEEDBACK FLEVIEW ON PERIODIC OUTPUT FEEDBACK - U(kT) - u(kr+A) u(kr) =Ky(kr)= : u(kr+r-A) The problem of pole mignment by piecenise LOllStdnt output feedbacl. tias studled by C "l Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 05:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. z ( k ~ + r ) = *vz(kr) +ru. g(k)=Cr(C). where r = [@-IT. ....r] Applying periodic out.put feedback in Eqn.(J). i.e.. Kg(kr) is substituted for u ( k ~ )the . closed loop system becomes delays), the decentralized control scheme may be more feavible than the Fentralized control sdieme. Decentralized periodic output feedback control can be achieved by making the off diagonal elements of ICo. I i l . ...... K3y-1 matrices zero. Non: tlie problem can be formulated in the framework of Linear hiatrh Inequalities using Eqns.(S)-(9) and the desired gain matrices can h obtained. 5 z(kr+r) =(9"+rKC)r(tr). Tlie problem liav now taken tlie form of static output, feedback problem. Eqn.(B) suggest that an output, injection matrix G be found such that p((@ + GC) < 1. (6) diere p ( ) denotes. the spectral radius. By obsermbility one can clioose an output injection, gain G to achie%reany desired self-conjugate set of eigenvalues for the closed loop matri. (0" GC) . and from N Z I I it follows that one can find a periodic output feedback gain wlucli realizes the output injection gain G by solving + r K = G. (5) for K. The controller obtained from the a h v e equation nil1 give desired behavior: but might require excessive control action. To reduce tliy effect we relax the condition that K esactly satisfy the above linear equation and include a constraint on the gain K. Tllus we arrive a t the following in equations The 4 madlines. 10 bus hiulti- hiadline Power System data are considered for desibping periodic output feedlmck controller uying Lhff approach of hiatlab softwaw. The single l i e diagram of the system is shown in Fig.1. The maelline data. line data. A\= data and load flow are given in [IO]. The a h v e multi-machine system is modelled us& Simulink Toolbox of Matlab and a Linear state space model is obtained for the same. Then discrete model is obtained for tlie sampling time r = 0.01 sec. Using the method discussed in Section 4 stabilizing output injection gain matrix G (16x4) is obtained. Using LkD approach. Eqns.(&S) are solved using different valuer of p to fmd tie decentralized gain matrix K. The decentralized periodic output feedback gain matrix I< ( 16x4)is obtained av @\,en in appndkx B. The closed loop responses under tlie control lau: Eqn.(J) nitli tlus decentralized gain K for linearized model of all four machines are satisfactory and able to stabilize the outputs. +rKC) are found to h The eigen values of (afiwithin the unit circle as given in appendix B. 11ICI1 < PI 6 [ $* -p;I [ (rK - G)T y < ] <0 (9) In tiis form the L.hU Tool Bm Matlab can be used for syntliesis [II]. 4.2 SIMULATION WITH NON LINEAR MODEL A simulink based b~odi.'diapamincluding a~ tile nonlinear block is generated. The slip of the madline is talien ay output. Tlie output slip signal with decentralized gain 1%-and a limiter is added to V,,! signal which is used to provide additional damping. Tllis is used to damp out the small sibmal disturbances via modulating the generator excitation. The output must be limited to prevent the PSS acting to counter action of A\X. Simulation results of different b-nerators are shown in Fig2 without controller and with controller and the same with fault are shown in Fig.3 without controller and with controller. 0 y - G ) NUMERICAL EXAMPLE (6) DECENTRALIZED PERIODIC OUTPUT FEEDBACK In periodic output feedback for multi macline system. gain matrix is generally full [GI. Tlis results in the control input of each machine being a function of outputs of all machine% Due to the ge~gaphicallydistributed nature of power system and I d of communication system (unavoidable 1679 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 05:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2' -2' =*" GENERATOR < ro4 2 90- . n- 6 in --nd. a l 10 GENERATOR 2 GENERATOR 4 . 6 rim. h wlond. 8 ,o Fibwe 3: Open and closed loop responses with fault using decentralised periodic output feedback controller Fig.m 2: Open and c l o d b o p responsev using decentralised periodic output feedbadi controller 1680 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 at 05:02 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 7 .., .. .. .. . , .. .._. ... ..~ _i. . ., ... . ~.. ~.., . . . . CONCLUSION The linearized model of multi-madune( 4 generators) power system %it11 10 buses is constdered here. Tlie slip si@ is talien a4 output. Tlie decentralized periodic output feedLa& control is desiped and applied to tlie linear as well as nonlinear system. The siruulatiou here sl~o~vs that the decentralized periodic output fedback control technique can be used to design power system stabilizer for niulti-macline( 4 generators) paver s.%tem with 10 buses. The control input for these generators are required of small ma64tudes. The method is more general than static output feedbark and also leads to decent,raliwd control for multi-miline system . The decentralized control can Le applied simultanmusly to tlie all maclines. The input applied to each macllie is a function of output of the respective madline. Thus the applied control scheme is decentralized in nature. References [I] E.V.Larsen and D..A.Swann: a.%pplying Power System Stabilizers Part- I: General Concepts”. IEEE trans. on Power Appnmhrs and Syststenu: W. P.AS100. No. 6. June (1951). pp. - 120.44M 301i-3024. 0 [Z] E.V.Larsen and D . . i . S w m : u.%ppl?.ing Power System Stabilizers Part- If: Performance objective and Tuning Concepts”. IEEE tmns. on Power Apparatus and Systems. 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