PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 49, NUMBER 17 1 MAY 1994-I Excess conductivity and pair-breaking effects in YBazCu307 and Bi2SrzCa, „Y„Cu20s+s systems S. N. Bhatia and C. P. Dhard of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400 076, India Department (Received 27 September 1993) To explain the behavior of thermal fluctuations, we have measured the electrical resistivity of five samples: thin-film YBa2Cu307, polycrystalline YBa2Cu307, and Bi&Sr2Ca& Y Cu208+z with x =0, 0.05, and 0.20. The whole temperature range of fluctuations consists of three regions. Within the mean-field re(3D) and gion, YBa2Cu307 and Bi2Sr&Ca, Y Cu&08+& samples show predominantly three-dimensional 2D behaviors with the exponents 2 and 1, in the critical region the two systems display a behavior analogous to 3D-XY and 2D-XY models, respectively. Above the mean-field region [1n(e) —1.0] exponents have values larger than those predicted by Reggiani et al. Both the systems favor strong pair-breaking effects and integral dimensions for the thermal fluctuations. , ) I. u: INTRODUCTION In order to unravel the mechanism of conduction of high-T, superconducting materials, the study of electrical resistivity has been the subject of intense investigations. In well-oxygenated samples (polycrystalline as well as single crystals) the resistivity drops linearly with temperature and below a so-called on-set temperature deviates from the linear behavior before approaching zero. This depression in resistivity or the enhancement in conductivity is also known as paraconductivity (o~) and is affected by fluctuations of small regions of the sample where Cooper pairs are produced. Aslamazov and Larkin' (AL) have shown that this excess conductivity in the mean-field approximation to the BCS theory is given by 0 AL C AL g —v 2 — e (D 4)/2 32~ v= —,' and s =g, (0) for the three-dimensional (D =3) isotropic conduction and s =d/2, v= 1 for thin-film samples where the conduction is restricted within the plane of the film (D =2). Here d is the film thickness, g, (0) the amplitude of the coherence length perpendicular to the film plane and e = ( T —T, ) /T, with T, the mean-field critical temperature. For strongly anisotropic superconDoniach Lawrence and ductors (LD) used an anisotropic-mass formulation of the AL theory to derive with where This A, e l 16iilde [1+k(e)] (e)=[2/, ( equation )/de) predicts 2 =(2a/e) a cross (trLo=1/e) to a 3D (oLD=1/v'e) T„given by with a=2[(, (0)/d] . over from a 2D behavior to occur at a temperature T„=([[2$,(0)/d]] +1)T, (3) Anisotropies in the crystal structure of the cuprates affect the transport properties and possibly cause the reduced dimensional nature of conduction in these systems. o~ is also expected to show a similar behavior. Two factors influence strongly the determination of the dimensionali0163-1829/94/49(17)/12206(10)/$06. 00 49 the procedure used to separate the measured ty of conductivity into the normal (tT„) and the paraconductivity parts and the determination of the T, to be used in the calculation of tr [Eqs. (1) and (2)]. Out of the four families of the oxide superconductors (LBCO), (YBCO), „Ba„CuO~ YBa2Cu307 (BSCCO), T12BazCaCu20s+ s Bi2Sr2CaCu20s+s (TBCCO), YBCO has been studied most extensively. In polycrystalline YBCO, it has been possible to fit 0 to the 3D AL model within the temperature range —5. 0(ln(e) & —2. 8 with an effective g (0) around 2.0 A. Above 1n(e)) — 2. 0, tr~ fell rapidly to zero with absence of any 2D region, and was attributed to the of short-wavelength fluctuations falling predominance outside the purview of Ginsburg-Landau (GL) and hence the Al theory. The data on thin films with their c-axis oriented perpendicular to the substrate, agreed well with the LD model within —5. 0~In(e)(0. 7 except that a qualitative factor C = —,' had to be introduced to match the magnitude of 0. with that predicted by the model. Measurements of Hagen, Wang, and Ong on the single crystals agreed well within the 2D AL model but gave a T, 3 —5 K below T, (p=O). Friedmann et al. from their measurements on the single crystals showed that it was possible to fit both the models mentioned above, even including the Maki-Thomson term (see below) with almost the same precision over very wide temperature range extending to temperatures as high as 200 K. The T, obtained here had no correlation with the inflection point of the resistivity curve or with T, (p=O) and the efFective correlation length g', (0) and the interlayer spacing d had Veira and values too small to be physically meaningful. Vidal from their extensive studies on polycrystalline samples of YBCO have shown the individual grains in these samples to exhibit o. similar to those in single crystals. The factors like C or the unusually small values of g, (0) and d observed in the polycrystalline samples result due to random orientations of the a-b planes of the grains and are accounted for by introducing a temperatureindependent factor p which accounts for the reduction of the effective cross-sectional area of the samples due to the various orientations of the a-b planes. In YBCO samples La& 12 206 1994 The American Physical Society EXCESS CONDUCTIVITY AND PAIR-BREAKING EFFECTS IN. they find large regions of 3D behavior with a cross over to 2D, whereas the mean-field region in BSCCO to be dominated by 2D behavior only. Later Bhatia et al. observed a cross over with a small 3D region in these samples also. It is essential to estimate the o. „by an independent method. Fitting the data to an expression for the total conductivity containing 5 to 6 adjustable parameters, leads only to an erroneous evaluation of o. and therefore, of the parameters involved therein. With cr evaluated the next parameter required to analyze o is T, . Choosing a criteria for T, is as good as fixing it. In Veira's analysis of YBCO, both choices of T, (T, and T„) give exponent v=0. 48, corresponding to a 3D AL behavior for YBCO and 0.97 for BSCCO, leaving no room for the inclusion of any other contribution to cr . Alternative methods not requiring a prior knowledge of T, such as the Testardi plots' or the logarithmic derivative plots" may prove useful here. After the decay the quasiparticles of the pair continue to exist in phase locked state for a time ~& till further collisions destroy this phase relationship. This enhances the conductivity further and this anomalous contribution, calculated by Maki and Thompson (MT) and later modified by Hikami and Larkin' has been the subject of recent investigations. The earlier analysis of o.z comMost of the present pletely ignored this contribution. efforts to detect this term appear to have been concentrated on YBCO only. Thus Matsuda et al. ' find strong ' sec— pair-breaking effects (r& to ) corresponding negligible conductivity contribution by this effect to their zero-field data of polycrystalline YBCO. Hikita and Suzuki' also find similar effects in the monocrystals of YBCO, but they appear to have overestimated o.z as they find significant value of o. to be present even at 200 K (T~2T, ). Kim et al. ' in their analysis of YBCO thin films could accommodate a substantial contribution of MT term with ~&—10 ' sec. Veira and Vidal' rule out (v&~10 ' sec) from this any important contribution effect in YBCO as well as Bi~ ~Pb, SrqCaCuqOs+g even after allowing the quality of the fit to deteriorate. It has been proposed that the thermal fluctuations develop in a space having fractal topology. In that case, Char and Kapitulnik' have shown the exponent v to be given by ~ -10 - v=2 —d /2, " 12 207 squares fitting procedure as mell as by Testardi and the logarithmic derivative plots and find the MT contribution to be present below the detection level in zero field and the fluctuations to grow in integral dimensions as the temperature is reduced towards T, . II. EXPERIMENTAL YBCO bulk samples were prepared by the solid state reaction method by reacting Yz03, BaCO3 and CuO at 930'C for 24 hrs. After two intermediate grindings the samples were annealed in the Oz atmosphere at 900'C and cooled down to 600'C at the rate 1 'C/min and maintained at that temperature for 12 hrs. Temperature was further reduced to 300'C at the rate 0. 5'C/min and then furnace cooled to room temperature. YBCO thin-film samples were grown by the laser ablation technique on SrTi03 substrate. The BSCCO samples were prepared by matrix method precursor by reacting Bi&03 to in the presence of Oz at precursor Sr& CaCuzOs 900-950'C. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the polycrystalline samples to be of single phase and films to be aligned with c axis perpendicular to the substrate surface. dc resistivity measurements were performed on the bar shaped samples (1 X 2 X 8 mm ) by the standard four probe method. Current leads were fixed on the side faces of the bars with Ag paste curing at 100'C (approx. ). On the films, pads were deposited by silver evaporation, and then Ag wires were attached with the paste. Current density used was typically 0. 1 A/cm, which is much less than the critical current density in bulk. Keithley 224 current source and 181 Nanovoltmeter programmable were used as current source and voltage measuring device. The sample temperature was measured by a calibrated Si diode (LakeShore DT500 recalibrated against Pt thermometer) which was in contact with the sample in a Cu sample holder. The temperature was controlled by LakeShore DRC-91C temperature controller. The sample temperature was lowered with the cooling rate =0. 5 K/hr and the data were taken at the interval of 10 mK within the critical and mean-field regions and 0.5 K in the normal region. III. RESULTS AND (4) where d is the fractal dimension of the fluctuations. A ' or 1 has been interpretdeviation in the value of v from —, ed as the evidence for the presence of the fractals but there is no consistency in these results. Thus Clippe et al. ' obtain integral values for d in ceramic sgmples of YBCO whereas Pureur et al. observe a transition from to 3 in same materia 1. In the Bi series the resu 1ts 3 are equally controvertial. Fractional dimension of — ', has been observed by Clippe et al. ' whereas Mori, Wilson, and Ozaki' observed the integral value of 2 in BSCCO. We have measured the resistivity of five samples: thin-film and YBCO and polycrystalline Y CuzOs+s doped with x =0, 0.05, and 0.20 Bi&Sr&Ca, and have analyzed the data in the conventional least- .. DISCUSSIOiV — The resistivity of all the five samples thin-film and YBCO and the three samples of polycrystalline BSCCO decreases linearly with temperature thereby showing a metallic behavior in the normal state. The width of the transition for both types of samples is around 1 K. Upon numerically differentiating the data by linear least-squares fitting three points in a walking window, the d pz /d T obtained showed temperatureindependent straight line in the normal state region ( T 2T, ) and a single peak in the transition region which shows the samples to consist of single phase only. The behavior of YBCO in the transition region is shown in Fig. 1. Similar behavior has been found in other samples — also. S. N. BHATIA AND C. P. DHARD 12 208 8-0 2 YBCO 0 8 E FIG. 1. Experimental resistivity (circles) and its temperature derivative (squares) plotted against temperature in the transition region for the YBCO polycrystalline sample. Single symmetric dpT/dT peak shows the sample to be of single phase. E 4 0— 0 4 0 2 O EA U N 2 0— 0 0 -0 0 0 92 0 93 5 93 0 92 5 94. 5 94 0 Temperature 95 0 96 0 95 5 (K) and the lower end was varied from 200 K down to 120 K. The rms deviation (rmsd) remained constant (at 0.077% for polycrystalline YBCO, e.g. ) till a temperature =170 K, below which the deviation increased rapidly. This lower temperature end of the normal part is =2T, for all samples. Both the expressions for p ~ gave the same rmsd but the value of D' in the p„(AZ) comes out to be very small refiecting the data to follow the linear metallic behavior. We find D' to be six orders of magnitude smaller than C' for both the series (see Table I) giving a nonlinear term (=D'/T) 10 ' times smaller than the (=C'T) at 100 K. This is also linear contribution reflected by the temperature independence of d pr /d T for A. Background conductivity Sttings Data in the normal state were fitted to the expression proposed by Veira and Vidal pa=pga/p+pc 2 ~ where p ~ is the normal state resistivity of an individual grain, p averages the inclinations of the a-b planes of individual grains to the direction of the current How and p, gives the intergrain resistivity. pgz has been observed to follow either the linear metallic [pgz(L) = A+BT] or the Anderson-Zou (AZ) expression [pgz(AZ)=CT+D/TJ. To estimate this resistivity, and the width of the normal state region, the data were fitted to pz for both the expressions of pgs, i.e., ps=(A +BT)/p+p, = A'+B'T for the linear expression with A ' = A /p + p, and B'=B/p and ps =CT/p+D/pT+p, =C'T+D'/T+p, with C'=C/p and D'=D/p for the AZ expressions. To estimate the width of the normal state region, the upper end of the data was fixed at 270 K T + Tonset ' B. Selection of T, ' Excess conductivity ho, „was calculated by subtracting the background conductivity tivity o z =1/pz as b, from the measured conduc- o,„=1/PT —1/pz . TABLE I. Normal state fitted parameters and T, values for various samples. Both the forms of pg& fits with the same rms deviation. Parameters p, (275 K) qnm T, (8=0) K Transition Width K T, (dpT/dT)max K Normal Part: Fitt. temp. range K A' pram B' pQm/K %%uo rmsd C' pQm/K D' (10 pQ m K) p, pQm %%uo rmsd BSCCO YBCO YBCO Polycrys. film x=0 14.33 92. 12 1.11 86.4 60. 16 85.7 BSCCO =0.05 x BSCCO =0.20 x 1 1 4 6 93.5 88.5 88.5 89.0 36. 17 50.33 9 76.0 250-168 250-160 0. 15 260-170 260-150 260-140 12.36 1748.0 0.06 1748.0 3.26 12.36 5.80 8.88 591.88 0.06 591.88 2.600 981.34 0.09 981.34 0.055 5.80 8.87 0.06 0.06 0.09 3.77 385.48 .07 385.20 0.016 3.76 0.09 35.87 0.02 35.87 0.200 0. 15 0.03 22.20 63.58 EXCESS CONDUCTIVITY AND PAIR-BREAKING EFFECTS IN 49 These high-T, materials exhibit an anisotropic behavior. The conduction is predominant in the a-b planes at the temperatures away from T, . At temperatures near the T, when correlation length along c axis becomes of the order of interplanar distance d, the excess conductivity shows a cross over from 2D to 3D. The proper selection of T, (mean-field transition temperature) is very important in order to see the dimensionality of the fluctuations. Generally this is taken either as the temperature corresponding to the half of the resistivity value at the T, onset (T, &) or the temperature „) corresponding to the maximum of dpr/dT. We have chosen the later criterion. „also cannot be determined unambiguously: there are errors associated with the flatness of the peak and also with the numerical differentiation of pT to obtain dpr/dT. We have tried to vary the T, in small steps around the value of „. We have plotted ln(Acr, „) vs ln(e) for various values of T, as shown in Fig. 2. For some value of T, these plots are straight over a wide range of e, indicating thereby that the excess conductivity is trying to obey a power law, her, „=e There is a break in the slope of each one of these plots giving v=1 for larger values of e and v= —,' for the smaller values. The T, obtained together with the extent over which the exponent v has the values —,' and 1 are listed in Table II. The width of the plot can be adopted as the criterion for the selection of T, . But a selection of T, on this basis precludes other contributions to 50,„ which may have different dependences on e. The other contribution relevant in this region is that due to Maki and Thompson (MT). In zero applied field this is given b 12 14 . 0 capo b~ z~ 0— 12 0o c & o oa X X o b 12 209 ~ YBCO 0p 0 0 p X vvvvvv~v 10.0— . . X v a c 8 0 (T, T, T, e 8A d e(1 5 —a/5) I+a+&1+2a a 1+5+ &1+25 where 5=16/, (0)kTr&/(meed ). We note that this ex pression can be simplified. The phase breaking time r& has been seen 13 to vary as Te 'To/T wher'e ro is a con- 4 0 -9 I 0 -80 I -70 I -60 -5.0 I I -40 I -3 0 Parameters T K This makes 5 independent of T. For the values and ro -10 ' se— c typical of the YBCO and BSCCO systems we obtain for the entire width of the mean-field region (MFR}. Even though a depends upon e, because of the logarithm involved the coefficient within the parenthesis in 0 Mr becomes a very slowly varying function of T. Further since a/5»1, (1 —a/5) = —a/5 and the prefactor in Eq. (7) therefore, e /[8fide(1 — a/5)]= —e kro(mk d) for the values of a and 5 defined above. This means o~r is essentially temperature independent ( = CMr } or atmost a slowly varying function of T within the entire MFR. This is shown in Fig. 4 for the typical values of the parameters involved. The excess conductivity which is equal to the sum of 0 AL and 0 MT can be written as g, (0}=2 A, d =11.7 or 30.7 A a»5 (8) Critical region K Parameters YBCO Film x=0 x =0.05 x =0.20 93.4+0. 1 94.2-99. 8 88. 4+0. 1 88.6+0. 1 89. 2-90. 2 90.2 —100.5 89. 1+0. 1 90. 8-92 92 —100 76.0+0. 1 11.3 0.6 9.2 1.7 BSCCO BSCCO 90-97.3 97. 8-105 78-79. 8 79. 8-96 10.8 15 0.8 1.6 94-98 90-95 93.4+0. 2 88. 5+0.2 90. 5-100.5 88. 5+0.2 89.0+0.2 79. 5-94. 5 76.0+0.2 94 —100 90-98 98-105 89-90 90-101 91-92 92-101 78-80 80-98 88.5 88.54 89.0 76. 1 18 2.0 obtained from Fig. 3 3D Temp. range K 2D Temp. range K Tmf Parameters BSCCO YBCO Polycrys. 100-105 K 91.6-99 obtained from Fig. 5 3D Temp. range K 2D Temp. range K Tmf 100-104 93.45 00 stant. obtained from Fig. 2 3D Temp. range K 2D Temp. range K MFR K -10 FIG. 2. The plot of ln(her, „) vs ln(e) for YBCO sample for various values of T, '. 93.0 K for (a), 93.2 K for (b), 93.4 K for (c), 93.6 K for (d), and 93.8 K for (e). TABLE II. Value of the T, ' and 2D and/or 3D temperature ranges by choosing T, for the largest 2D and/or 3D widths (Fig. 2), from 1/b O.,„vs T plots (Fig. 3) and from the Testardi plots (Fig. 5). Parameters I -2 0 12 210 S. N. BHATIA AND C. P. DHARD for polycrystalline samples the Veira model, within where 1/F =(1 — p, /pr )(1 — p, /p&) . (9) In general F is also a slowly varying function of the temperature and within the same interval, it also will not Hence over the 2D and the 3D vary with temperature. region, 0,„= v=1 or ~V + CMT (10) ' for the respective regions. Thus plots of ' vs T in the 2D region and vs T in the 3D region should give straight lines with the intercept of the lines on the T axis defining the value of T, . These plots for the undoped BSCCO samples are shown in Fig. 3(a). The values of CMz have been calculated from Eq. (7) for different values of ~o. Values of p and F have been taken from the nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure described below but their exact values do not appear to have any bearing on the present arguwith —, F2=[he, „(p/F— )CMz] Y3 = [ho, „(p/F— )CMz] ment. The curves (a) through (c) in this figure have been drawn for successively decreasing values of ~0. As can be seen they are curved and appear to stretch over to straight lines with decreasing values of wo. Curve (d) is a plot of 1/Ao„vs T, i.e. , with CMT=O and shows the longest straight portion =(90—107 K). This points towards a negligible contribution from the Maki-Thompson process. This temperature range corresponds with the 2D portion of the MFR determined above. Similar behavior was observed in all Y-doped samples. Straight line graphs could only be obtained by assuming vanishing values of CMT In Y2' In YBCO samples also Y3 vs T plots were straight only for CM~=O [Fig. 3(b)] and here the straight portions matched well with the 3D parts of the MFR. In principle plots of Y3 vs T for BSCCO over the 3D region and Y2 vs T for YBCO over the 2D region can also be used to gain information about CMT but their widths were found to be too small for them to be useful. This procedure puts an upper limit of 10 ' sec for ~Q. A value of vQ larger than this produces curvatures in the plots that can be detected by the eye. We observe from Fig. 2 that a change of +0. 1 K in T, changes v from 0.44 to 0.56. b, v=0. 06 is suffIcient to include the MT 5 Qx1Q 4 Ox10 3 Qx10 CL )L I 2 1 0 x10 Q -4 x10 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 Temperature 105 0 100 0 Q ( 110 0 K) -10 2 0x10 YBCO -10 1 5x10 a b. CL /u I -10 1-Q x 10 b x X xx x" C 'o X C1 0 -10 5x10 (b) 0 0, 86. 0 90 0 92 0 Temperature 940 (K ) 96. 0 98 0 „— (a) (Acr, pC»/F) ' vs T for the BSCCO sample with CM& decreasing from FIG. 3. 0. 0, 100-0 plots a to d. CM+=0 for plot d. Dotted straight line here shows the 2D region in this system. The inset shows the expended view of the region around the intercept which gives vs T for the pCM+/F) T, . (b) (ho, „— YBCO sample with CM& decreasing from plots a to d. CMz =0 for plot d. Dotted straight line here shows the 3D region in this system. EXCESS CONDUCTIVITY AND PAIR-BREAKING EFFECTS IN. . . 49 term due to the slow variation of the latter. T, determined by this method is listed in Table II together with the 2D and 3D regions observed for each sample. For further analysis, recourse to nonlinear leastsquares fitting of the data was taken. p, p„g', (0} and rp were taken as adjustable parameters. The fittings were performed in the 2D and 3D ranges separately. For the bulk YBCO sample, using d =11.7 A as the c-axis parameter in the 3D range (i.e. 94 —100 K), we get p =0.25, sec. The p, =3.5 pQm, g, (0)=1.98 A and ro=2X10 fit is of good quality as rmsd is low (0. 13%) as well as from the point of view that the parameters obtained (except T, ) have reliable values. The same procedure for the film samples gave p, =0. 17 pQ m and p =0.76. An increase in p and decrease in p, is expected as the grains in the film are larger and aligned better than in the bulk YBCO. The T, was allowed to vary within small limits around Tm, However the value of ~p obtained =10 sec implies again a near absence of the MT contribution. Similar results are obtained from the fitting in the 2D region or from o z D when both the regions are combined together. (We obtain fits of inferior quality when O„D is used as compared to the fits over the two separate regions and feel that the expression of cr&D does not change over in the dimensionality as fast as the data requires. ) Further a larger value of ~p deteriorates the fits drastically. We find the fit quality to remain unefFected for ~p 10 ' sec and the rrnsd to jump abruptly to 1% or more for larger values of 1p. Results are found to be similar for all five with ro = 2 X 10 ' sec (corresponding to samples ' sec at 100 K} as the maximum value of X 10 — ro that can be tolerated without any increase in the rmsd value. (In general the BSCCO samples require smaller values of Tp in fits over the 2D than those over the 3D regions. ) The fits are shown in Fig. 4 along with the individual contributions. The values of the parameters obtained are listed in Table III. Testardi et al. ' have devised a method to determine v K c3 11 0 10 0— 9 0— 8 0— 12 211 7. 0— & 0— 5 4 0 -5 -5 5 I I 0 -4 I 5 -4. 0 ln -3. 5 I -3 0 -2 5 FIG. 4. Experimental excess conductivity data (circles) are shown with fitted theoretical expression (solid curve) in the 2D and 3D regions for the BSCCO samples. MT contribution for 10 'Ty — sec is shown by the dotted line. „. " for the low-T, materials. The method did not require any prior knowledge of T, . Bhatia et al. used this method to show the MFR in TBCCO 2:2:1:2 system to be predominantly 2D in nature. To use this method for the present case, we combine Eq. (6) with (8} 1 1 pT pa F (~AL+~MT} and difFerentiate both sides with respect to -2 1 dPa p dF pa dT F dT dPT pT dT 1 & T to get & ( +AL+ +MT} dT Since F and CMT are slowly varying functions of temperature dF/dT=dCMT/dT=0, and therefore, TABLE III. Values of the various fitted parameters. Parameters Excess conductivity fitted Tmf K 3D temp. range K 2D temp. range K MFR K 4, (0} A g, (0} A from T„ ~& (3D) sec at 100 K % rmsd in 3D v~ (2D) sec at 100 K % rmsd in 2D p, pQm T„/T, Critical region K Slope 3 above MFR K YBCO YBCO Polycrys. film BSCCO x =0.20 88.6 89.2-90. 2 90. 3-101 89.1 90.7-91.8 91.9 —100.5 10.7 78-79. 8 80-95.7 88.45 90-97 98-103 0.25 0.76 11.7 0.26 1.98 1.58 2. 2X 10 1.67 1.87 1.68 2.07 4. 1X10-" 0.18 3.53 1.07 0.55 110-140 3 2X10 0. 18 1. 1X10 0. 14 0. 17 1.09 1.55 112-138 BSCCO x =0.05 93.45 13 BSCCO x=0 94 —100 100.5 —104 10 0. 15 -2. 0 (E) 0.25 2.30 2.66 1.5X 10-" 76.0 17.6 0.22 3.60 3.46 1.8X10-" 0.14 2 8X1P-28 0.15 3.48 1.02 0.6 0. 10 — 2 8X1P 26 0.09 6.62 1.03 1.63 1.04 2.07 135-148 111-138 110-138 4. 9X10 0.09 8.4X 10 0.05 3.85 S. N. BHATIA AND C. P. DHARD 12 212 dPT 1 PT dT 2 1 PB pv dT pa AL /v+1 FTmf C 1/v F v T pCAL 1+ 1/v P MT F ex after using Eq. (10) to eliminate e. Further, using Eq. (6) the right-hand side (RHS) becomes ' 1/v 1+ 1/v v F Tc pCAL ' v F T, pCA 1 1 pT pa pCMT F 1/v X where X represents the quantity Thus a plot of ln( Y) where dpT in the square brackets. talline as well as single crystals. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) display these plots for YBCO and BSCCO samples, respectively. All BSCCO samples are unambigous in displaying long straight portions correconsiderable scatter is sponding to v = 1. Although present in the derivatives, they lead to only small errors in the determinations of v here. The limits of the 2D region and T, determined here match favorably with the above results. The 3D region gives considerable error in T, due to its short length. The YBCO plots are not as unambigous. Although straight lines with v= 1/2 and 1 can be identified, the graph appears to consist of many short segments each with a specific v. Thus we find that four different methods give identical values of T, for each sample and the values of the exponents remain —,' and 1. The extent over which these exponents are found defines the mean-field region. This is found to extend from — 5. 0 ~ ln(e) —2. 0 for all the five samples. For both the YBCO samples, the MFR is dom- dpi' p~ GT 1 pT dT 12 0 Biz Srz Cao. 95 Yo o5 Cu against ln(X) will have a slope 1+1/v=2 in the 2D region and 3 in 3D region and an intercept =ln v F Tc pCAL ' 8 z 8 6' 3 0— 1/v dpT ldT was obtained by numerically differentiating the data as mentioned above. dpi'/dT=B', its value obtained from the high-temperature part of the fit, i.e., T & 2T, was used. Once again straight line graphs could only be obtained with CMT =0 for all the samples studied. The plots are shown in Fig. 5. 2D and 3D temperature ranges obtained are listed in Table II along with the values of T, calculated from the intercept. The agreement is seen to be excellent. In YBCO samples a change of slope from 3 to 2 is clearly discernible, whereas in BSCCO this is masked by the larger width of the 2D region. the logarithmic derivative Recently another method This has been proposed by Pureur et al. method method also does not require any prior knowledge of T, and is especially useful if a power law is the only function by which the conductivity varies. Thus if CMT is actually negligible as the above analysis suggests then Eq. (10) — — " 0 C 0 o ~~~go o oooo o o o~~ep 4 0 0 0 o 0— -4 0— -8 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 ln 16 0— 14 0— 12 0— 0 10 0 9 0 (x) YBCO 10 0 8 —— 0-- (b) o p gives @pg p op d dT (in', o,'"„)= —— f v 1 eT C v T —T f (12) C 4 0 9 0 Then a plot of dT 10. 0 11.0 ln lnhcr „ against T will yield v from the slope and T, from the intercept. Additional advantage of these plots is that unlike in Eq. (11) F here does not contribute to RHS. Equation (12) will therefore, give identical plots for polycrys- I I 12 0 13 0 14 0 (x} FIG. 5. (a) Testardi plots using derivative method for the BSCCO sample showing the slopes 2 and 3 for the 2D and 3D regions. Slope 4 at the low temperature side (large X) and 3 at side show the presence of the critical rethe higher-temperature gion and short-wavelength fluctuations region, respectively. (b) Testardi plot for YBCO. Critical and short-wavelength fluctuations regions are wider compared to BSCCO. EXCESS CONDUCTIVITY AND PAIR-BREAKING EFFECTS IN. . . 49 inated by 3D region with a cross over from 3D to 2D 3.0. This gives the cross over temoccurring at in(e} = — perature 05T, . In all the BSCCO samples 2D behavior was seen over most of the MFR. For Y free cross over occurred at samples the dimensionality 4. 0. With Y doping the cross over temperature ln(e) = — shifted to higher (reduced) temperatures together with a slight increase in the width of the 3D region. Below the MFR, i.e., ln(e) ~ —5.0 the systems pass into the critical regions. In YBCO the exponents were seen to change ' to — ' from —, ', and then to —, [Fig. 7(a)]. The critical region was found to extend to around 0.5 K above T, in both the samples. These values of the exponents follow the predictions of Lobb ' that the phase transition in this systern is analogous to 3D-XY model. In the BSCCO samples we did observe the exponent to ' and reduce further as the change to —, temperature was lowered [Fig. 7(b)]. Unlike the YBCO system the ex', was not found immediately ponent — below the MFR. The critical region increased in width from 0.4 K for x =0 to 1 K for x =0.20 samples. In 2D-XY model, T„=1. 15 YBCO Polycryst. 0- 10.0- 5.0- 0. 0 I 95. 0 90 0 100 0 Temperature 105 0 110 0 (K) Bi25r2Ca~ „Y„Cu208,q x=O 00 x=O 20 15.0- lQ 0 50 0. 0~ 85 92 99 l, a i 106 85 92 „/ 99 106 75 Temperature I 82 I 89 I 96 (K) FIG. 6. (a) Logarithmic derivative plot for YBCO. Dotted lines show the 3D and 2D regions for v= 2 and 1, respectively. (b) Logarithmic derivative plots for BSCCO samples for x =0.0, 0.05, and 0.20. A signi6cantly wide 2D region with v=1 has been observed in all the samples showing the absence of fractional dimensionality. Luther and Scalapino 1/VS =0.35) below 12 213 have found the exponent to be MFR and decrease further at lower Our values of the exponent thus agree temperatures. with this prediction. A change of behavior from 3D-XY like to 2D-XY like in BSCCO is expected as the interlayer ( spacing in BSCCO has increased to three times its value in YBCO. We have also observed deviation in the slope from the 2D behavior outside the upper end of the MFR. Similar departure from the 3D behavior has been observed in the amorphous superconductor s by Johnson, Tsuei, and and in high-T, materials by Frietas, Tsuei, Chaudhari, and Plaskett. They tried to interpret this in the YBCO system by introducing a cut off to remove the shortwavelength fluctuations, for which the GL theory did not have apply. Recently Reggiani, Vaglio, and Varlamov explained the fluctuations in a wide temperature range by taking into consideration all the boson frequencies and momenta in the fluctuations and have shown the excess ao ) to conductivity in the higher-temperature range 1/e . We have observed the exponent to vary as b, o, be 3 in a wide temperature range in the YBCO bulk and thin-film samples [Fig. 7(a}]. For the bulk sample the range is 114-150 K and for the film 113-140 K. 113 K corresponds to the temperature where the MFR ends while the upper end of this range (140 or 150 K) comes close to the temperature down to which the background conductivity part was fitted. However the behavior is quite different in BSCCO. The exponent v varies continuously from 3 to 8 in this region. It has a value 3 in a narrow e range only, and this range increases with increasing Y concentration. 3 is the maximum value predicted by Reggiani, Vaglio, and Varlamov for v. Discrepancy here or the fortuous agreement in YBCO can be traced to two factors. The magnitude of her, „ in 'm ') and that in BSCCO YBCO is quite high (=10 'm ') within the MFR. Consequently erlow (=10 rors associated with the extraction of 50.,„ from pT will have more significant influence in BSCCO than in YBCO. MT contribution as predicted by Eq. (7) is a slowly varying function of e and therefore has significant values in this region of e. In fact the calculated value of aMT is larger than ho, „ for BSCCO for ~0 around 10 ' sec, which is the value that gives vanishing contribution in the MFR. Further this term has been derived for a&1 and may not be valid in this range of e. Also it appears that o MT must be falling off more rapidly in YBCO than in BSCCO. These results are at variance with the conclusions of Balestrino et al. on epitaxial films of BSCCO. They observed smaller values of the exponent (v 3) over an e range equivalent to that investigated in the present case. The values of the exponent are corroborated by Testardi plots also. Thus in Fig. 5(a) the slope increases to 4 for ln(X)~13 and decreases to — ', on the other side of the plot, i.e., for ln(X) ~ 11. These correspond to v= —,' near T, and v=3 above the 2D region. However such clear slopes were not seen for BSCGO samples, although general trends with slopes 4 on higher abscissa and — ', on lower side could be traced [Fig. 5(b)]. Errors associated (e~ „= 0 ( 0 S. N. BHATIA AND C. P. DHARD 12 214 with numerical differentiation changes v from 0.8 to 1.2. and Pureur Both Ausloos, Clippe, and Laurent et al. have numerically differentiated their data of excess resistivity and excess conductivity, respectively, and display very smooth curves. Our data, on the other hand, shows considerable scatter. It is hard to imagine even a good quality pT vs T data giving no scatter upon differentiation. So also is the abrupt change of dimen'as ', to — sionality from — , seen by Pureur et al. lead to large scatter of the data. " Our data are not able to support the contention of Pureur et al. about the presence of fractals from the logarithmic plots. Their argument is based on the observation of a region of v2=0. 85+0.09 bounded by regions of v3=0. 51+0.06 and vl =1.32+0. 15. The values vl and ', ) ', and — ', (= 1+ — vz correspond to (fractional) dimensions — " " of Gaussian fluctuations in fractal topology. Our plots do not show discrete regions with these values of v, and vz. As mentioned above, the exponent v changes almost continuously from 0.5 to 1.0 in the 3D to 2D change over. It is difFicult to identify any finite length of the plots with discrete values 0.85 and 1.33 of the exponent. Further the scatter in these plots is more than in the Testardi plots and it is difBcult to identify the v= 3 exponent. We have further noted that the fractional values of the exponent result from the incomplete subtraction of the normal resistivity. If the intercept Ag in p„ is increased, of p„and therefore, the this leads to underestimation value of ho. ,„ increases and that of v decreases. Reverse is true when A~ is decreased. A +10% change in Az IV. CONCLUSIONS With the proper selection of the T, we have found that for both the systems YBCO as well as BSCCO, the dimensionality of the fluctuations show a cross over from 2D to 3D behavior within the MFR as suggested by Lawrence and Doniach. We also find the critical ex' ', and —, in the critical region as proponent values to be — posed by Lobb and observed by Veira et al. Pairbreaking effects are found to be strong in both systems with a negligible contribution of the MT term. The alternative methods Figs. 3, 5, and 6 used here 15 0 YBCO C7 14 0— )/3 2/3 13 0— 12 0— l 0— 'b 1 C ~-- 100— FIG. 7. 8 0 -90 I -8 0 -70 I -6 0 -5 I 0 -4 0 -30 j -2 0 I -1 0 (E} ln ~ 0— 6. 0— 2. 0— 0 0 -8. 0 0.0 the critical region. Slope 3 has been observed side of the MFR as at the high-temperature predicted by Reggiani et al. (b) ln(50. ,„) vs ln(e) plot for BSCCO. Slopes 1 and ~ have been observed within the MFR. Slope 3 has been observed above MFR in a temperature range narrower compared to YBCO. l0 0 8 (a) Various values of the exponents sample are shown. Within the MFR the exponent changes from 1 to —,' The value —, and —,' have been observed in for the YBCO thin-film I -6 0 4. 0 — ln (E} I -2-0 0.0 EXCESS CONDUCTIVITY AND PAIR-BREAKING EFFECTS IN. . . 49 have limited utility. In the Testardi and the logarithm plots the precision of v is determined by the accuracy of calculating dpT/dT. 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