
Improved Matchmaking Algorithm for Semantic Web Services Based on
Bipartite Graph Matching
Umesh Bellur, Roshan Kulkarni
Kanwal Rekhi School of Information Technology, IIT Bombay
umesh@it.iitb.ac.in, roshan@it.iitb.ac.in
The ability to dynamically discover and invoke a
Web Service is a critical aspect of Service Oriented
Architectures. An important component of the discovery
process is the matchmaking algorithm itself. In order
to overcome the limitations of a syntax-based search,
matchmaking algorithms based on semantic techniques
have been proposed. Most of them are based on an
algorithm originally proposed by M. Paolucci, et al. [19].
In this paper, we analyze this original algorithm and
identify some correctness issues with it. We illustrate
how these issues are an outcome of the greedy approach
adopted by the algorithm. We propose a more exhaustive
matchmaking algorithm, based on the concept of matching
bipartite graphs, to overcome the problems faced with the
original algorithm. We analyze the complexity of both the
algorithms and present performance results based on our
implementation of both these algorithms. We show that
the complexity of our algorithm is equivalent to that of the
original algorithm in spite of the improvements we have
made to address the correctness issues.
1. Introduction
Today’s implementations of the Publish-Find-Bind
paradigm that underlies Service Oriented Architectures are
centered around syntactic descriptions of service access
protocols. Service providers create WSDL [7] descriptions
and publish them to UDDI [6] registries. The WSDL is
a specification of the messaging syntax between the client
and the provider.
The search capabilities of UDDI are limited to a syntaxbased search. A client can search the registry for a string
in the service description or it can perform a search using a
service classification hierarchy (like NAICS [3]) defined in
the TModel. The WSDL is compiled into client-stubs and
the service is invoked. The issues apparent in this approach
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arise from the use of syntax in descriptions as well as in the
matchmaking since syntactic approaches limits the scope of
the search to an exact match of the strings that make up
the client query. Another important downside is the tight
coupling between the invoker and provider of a service that
this results in since the client is usually only prepared to
invoke a service for which it has a precompiled stub. This
approach precludes the client from dynamically invoking
an equivalent service but whose signature is now slightly
different than what it is prepared for.
A solution to this involves upgrading syntactic
descriptions to semantic ones and using Ontologies rather
than strings as the basis for search and matchmaking. Many
techniques for semantic description and matchmaking
of services have been proposed in recent l iterature.
In this paper we analyze the semantic matchmaking
algorithm proposed by Paolucci, et al. [19]. We have
considerable interest in this algorithm because it has been
cited extensively in recent literature and several subsequent
proposals ([10], [20], [14], [11]) are based on it. We
show that the matchmaking algorithm suffers from some
shortcomings and we propose an improved version of it.
The rest of the paper is laid out as follows: First, we
discuss the many efforts at semantic matchmaking that
have been published and present the algorithm by Paolucci
[19] in some detail that is necessary for our analysis. We
then present counter-examples where this algorithm does
not generate correct outcomes. We describe our own
matchmaking algorithm which overcomes these correctness
issues. Finally, we analyze the complexity of the two
algorithms and present some experimental results in order
to compare their performance.
2. Background and related work
An Ontology models domain knowledge in terms of
Concepts and Relationships between them. OWL [9] has
evolved as a standard for representation of ontologies on
the Web. OWL-S [16], formerly DAML-S [8], defines an
ontology for semantic web services.
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Both, Advertisements and search Queries are expressed
in terms of OWL-S descriptions. The OWL-S Service
Profile defines a service in terms of its Inputs, Outputs,
Pre-conditions and Effects (IOPE). The Inputs and Outputs
in this tuple contain references to concepts in ontologies
published on the Web.
The semantic matchmaking process makes use of several
reasoning operations provided by an Ontology Reasoner. A
reasoner can infer additional information that has not been
explicitly asserted in an ontology and can support reasoning
operations like equivalence, disjointness, subsumption,
concept satisfiability etc. Ontology reasoners and DAML-S
are based on a logic formalism called Description Logics
(DL) [13] and [17]. Racer [5] and Pellet [21] are some
implementations of DL-Reasoners.
Several semantic matchmaking algorithms are based on
the matching of Inputs and Outputs of the Service Profiles.
One such algorithm has been proposed by M. Paolucci, et
al., in [19]. Various extensions to this algorithm have been
subsequently proposed by [10] [20] [14] and [11].
Phatak [20] adds ontology mappings and QoS constraints
to the algorithm from [19]. Choi [10] expands the search
scope of [19] by the use of analogous terms from an
ontology server. It also makes use of a rule-based search
in order to apply user restrictions and to rank search
results. It computes fine-grained rankings by the use
of concept similarity (horizontal and vertical closeness
between concepts). Jaeger [14] extends the work from [19]
by using matching over the properties and over the Service
Profile hierarchy. It offers a better (fine-grained) ranking
scheme as compared to [19].
2.1. Semantic matchmaking algorithm
This section briefly describes the matchmaking
algorithm by Paolucci [19]. The input to the algorithm is
a OWL-S Query from the client and the output is a set of
matching OWL-S Advertisements sorted according to the
degree of match. The algorithm iterates over every OWL-S
Advertisement in its repository in order to determine a
match for the given Query. An Advertisement and a Query
match if their Outputs and Inputs, both, match.
Let Queryout and Advtout represent the list of output
concepts of the Query and an Advertisement respectively.
Matching of outputs is defined as:
The match(c, d) function returns the degree of match
between the two concepts. For concepts outQ ∈ Queryout
and outA ∈ Advtout the match(outQ, outA) function is
defined as:
match(outQ, outA)
outA Equivalent to outQ Exact
outA SuperClass of outQ Exact
outA Subsumes outQ
outQ Subsumes outA
None of the above
These degrees of match are ranked as: Exact > Plugin
> Subsumes > Fail where x > y indicates that x is ranked
higher (is a more desirable match) than y.
The algorithm adopts a greedy approach for matching
the concept-lists. For example, in the case of output
matching, for each concept c ∈ Queryout , it determines
a corresponding concept d ∈ Advtout to which it has a
maximum degree of match. Once all such max-matchings
are computed, the minimum match amongst them is
the overall degree of match between the Query and the
3. Analysis
In this section we analyze the algorithm [19] from the
perspective of correctness and present counter-examples
where the algorithm does not generate correct outcomes.
3.1. Degree of match
Algorithm [19] assumes that if an advertisement claims
to output a certain concept, it commits itself to output
every SubClass of that concept. This is manifested by
the condition: { outA SuperClass of outQ ⇒ Exact } in
Table-1 above. We believe that such an assumption is
detrimental to the effectiveness of the matchmaker because
of the following reasons:
• In a real-world scenario, a provider for, say Vehicle, is
likely to sell some types of Vehicle, but not every type
of vehicle.
• This assumption encourages the advertisers to
advertise more generic concepts. For instance, an
advertiser claiming to output Everything (owl:Thing)
will have a Plugin match with every Query. A
malicious advertiser can exploit this fact to poison the
search results. The genuine advertisements will be
overwhelmed by the large number of such malicious
• In the present architecture, semantic notions exist only
in the matchmaking layer. Subsequent stages, like
grounding or service invocation, deal with syntax.
∀c ∈ Queryout , ∃d ∈ Advtout ,
s.t. match(c, d) 6= F ail
Let Queryin and Advtin represent the list of input
concepts of the Query and Advertisement respectively.
Matching of inputs is defined as:
∀c ∈ Advtin , ∃d ∈ Queryin ,
s.t. match(c, d) 6= F ail
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Consider an advertisement A, which claims to output
a Vehicle and a query Q is searching for a service
which offers a StationWagon. Let us assume that
the ontology defines StationWagon as a subclass of
Vehicle and the algorithm returns ‘A’ as an Exact match
to ‘Q’, using the rules presented earlier. Now, the
service provider Grounds the concept, V ehicle, to
a concrete XML message. However, there does not
exist an invocation mechanism by which the client
can automatically express to the provider that it wants
a Station Wagon instead of a generic Vehicle in the
To overcome the above limitations, we subscribe to
an alternative Algorithm-1 for match() which inverts the
rules for Plugin and Subsume degree of match. A similar
approach has also been proposed in [10]. In this section, we
have offered stronger arguments in favour of this approach.
Algorithm 1 PROCEDURE match(outA, outQ)
1: if outA = outQ then
return Exact
3: else if outQ SuperClass of outA then
return Plugin
5: else if outQ Subsumes outA then
return Plugin
7: else if outA Subsumes outQ then
return Subsumes
9: else
return Fail
11: end if
3.2. False positives and false negatives
The algorithm from [19] iterates over the list of output
concepts of the Query and tries to find a max-match to
an output concept in the Advertisement. Initially, every
output concept of the Advertisement is a candidate for
such a match. We call this set of output concepts of the
Advertisement as a candidate list. The original algorithm
does not specify whether a concept from the candidate list
is removed once it has been matched. We consider both the
scenarios – with and without the removal of concepts – and
illustrate counter-examples where the algorithm [19] yields
incorrect results. These examples use the original rules
(Table-1) to define the degree of match between concepts.
False positives:
Suppose a concept from the
Advertisement is not removed from the candidate list
after it has been matched.
Consider an Advertisement for a travel-agent who books
Accomodation for its customers at the specified travel
destination. The Advertisement has the following Output
concepts: {Accommodation, Cost}. Fig-1 illustrates a
part of the travel ontology which defines these concepts.
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Figure 1. Travel Ontology
Consider a Query from a client who wants to make
reservations for a Hotel and a Campground at the
specified destination. The client Query has the following
Outputs: {Hotel, Campground}, where Hotel and
Campground, both, are subclasses of Accomodation.
The matchmaking algorithm behaves as follows:
• The initial candidate list from the Advertisement
outputs is: {Accommodation, Cost} and the list of
Query output concepts is: {Hotel, Campground}.
• The algorithm tries to compute a max-match for
Hotel. Using the rule “outA Superclass of outQ”
from Table-1 this will be flagged as an Exact match
with Accommodation.
• The algorithm tries to compute a max-match for
Campground. Using the same rule, this will be
flagged as an Exact match with Accommodation
Accommodation is matched with two concepts from
the Query: Hotel and Campground. The client expects
reservation for both – Hotel and Campground – whereas
the Advertisement offers only a single reservation for an
Accommodation. This match is a false positive result since
the cardinality of the client’s request is not being honoured.
Guo [12] also asserts that an Input or Output parameter can
be used at most once in the matching.
This problem is partially resolved if we adopt the
alternative match() procedure from Algorithm-1. In that
case, the outcome is a Subsume match. A Subsume match,
while ranked lower than an Exact or Plugin match, indicates
that the provider may help the client achieve its goal. We
still consider this to be a false positive outcome.
False positive outcomes, like the one illustrated in
this example, can be expected whenever two or more
concepts from the Query match a single concept in the
False negatives: We now consider a scenario where a
concept is removed from the candidate list after it has been
matched with a concept from the Query.
Consider an Advertisement for a travel-agent who
reserves tickets for two kinds of activities at a holiday
destination. The Outputs of the Advertisement are:
{Entertainment, Sport}.
A client who is planning a vacation desires to make
reservations for two activities - Bowling and M ovieShow.
The Outputs of the client Query are: {Bowling,
M ovieShow}.
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The concepts used above are defined in the travel
ontology (Fig-1). The solid lines indicate the explicitly
asserted relationships (SubClass). The dotted lines indicate
the relationships inferred by the reasoner (Subsume). Now,
4.1. Bipartite graphs and matching
• Bipartite Graph: A Bipartite Graph is a graph G =
(V, E) in which the vertex set can be partitioned into
two disjoint sets, V = V0 ∪ V1 , such that every edge
e ∈ E has one vertex in V0 and the other in V1 . Fig-2
shows a weighted bipartite graph G.
Advtout = {Entertainment, Sport}
Queryout = {Bowling, M ovieShow}
• The algorithm will first attempt to compute a maxmatch for Bowling. The following matches are
Entertainment SuperClass of Bowling ⇒ Exact
Sport Subsumes Bowling ⇒ Plugin
• Bowling has a max-match with Entertainment.
Entertainment is removed from the candidate list.
• The algorithm now attempts to match the next concept:
M ovieShow. Since match(MovieShow, Sport) = Fail,
the final outcome is a F ail match.
We now transpose the order of concepts in Queryout and
analyse the behaviour of the algorithm. Consider,
Figure 2. Bipartite Graph of Output Concepts
Advtout = {Entertainment, Sport}
Queryout = {M ovieShow, Bowling}
• Matching: A matching of a bipartite graph G =
(V, E) is subgraph G′ = (V, E ′ ), E ′ ⊆ E, such that
no two edges e1 , e2 ∈ E ′ share the same vertex. We
say that a vertex v is matched if it is incident to an edge
in the matching. Fig-2 also shows one such matching
G′ for the graph G.
• The algorithm first computes a max-match for
M ovieShow.
Entertainment SuperClass M ovieShow ⇒ Exact
match(MovieShow, Sport) = Fail
Given a bipartite graph G = (V0 + V1 , E) and its
matching G′ , the matching is complete if and only if
all vertices in V0 are matched.
• M ovieShow is matched with Entertainment and
Entertainment is removed from the candidate list.
• The algorithm now attempts a match for Bowling.
Since Sport Subsumes Bowling, it is a Plugin match.
The final outcome is thus a Plugin match.
We see that the outcome of the matchmaker depends
on the order of the concepts in the Query. Semantic
matchmaking should be agnostic of the syntactic ordering
of the concepts in the OWL-S Advertisements and
Queries. We therefore believe that a more exhaustive
matchmaking process is desired, instead of the greedy
approach adopted by this algorithm.
4.2. Modelling semantic matchmaking as
bipartite matching
Consider a Query Q and Advertisement A. We model the
problem of matching their outputs as a problem of matching
over a bipartite graph. This involves two steps:
• Constructing a bipartite graph: Let Qout and Aout
be the set of output concepts in Q and A respectively.
Construct graph G = (V0 + V1 , E), where, V0 = Qout
and V1 = Aout .
Consider two concepts a ∈ V0 and b ∈ V1 . Let R
be the degree of match (Exact, Plugin, Subsume, Fail)
between them - computed using Algorithm-1. If R 6=
F ail, we define an edge (a, b) in the graph and label it
as R.
4. Proposed algorithm
In this section, we propose our matchmaking algorithm
based on the notion of matching bipartite graphs.
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• Defining a matching criteria: We compute a
complete matching of this bipartite graph. A complete
matching will ensure that every concept in the output
of the Query is matched to some concept in the output
of the Advertisement. We consider two cases:
– Complete matching does not exist ⇒ Query and
Advertisement do not match.
– Multiple complete matchings exist ⇒ We should
choose a complete matching which is optimal.
Optimal matching: We now need to define an
optimality criteria from the perspective of a semantic match.
We first assign a numerical weight, wi , to every edge in the
bipartite graph. The weight of an edge, e = (a, b), is a
function of the degree of match between concepts a and b.
Degree of Match
Weight of edge
w1 < w2 < w3
Fig-2 illustrates a bipartite graph G and its complete
matching G′ . Let max(wi ) denote the maximum weighted
edge in G′ . The maximum weighted edge represents the
worst degree of match between the two vertex sets in G′ .
Similar to the notion of global degree of match in [19],
we say that max(wi ) denotes the overall degree of match
for G′ . If several different matchings exist for the given
bipartite graph, an optimal matching is a complete matching
in which max(wi ) is minimized. For example, in Fig-2, G′
and G′′ are two complete matchings of G. We can now infer
the following:
max(wi )
w3 ⇒
w2 ⇒
Overall Match
Since w2 < w3 , G′′ (Plugin) is chosen over G′
(Subsume) as the optimal match.
The process of matching input concepts is similar to the
process of matching output concepts. Since every concept
in the input of the advertisement needs to be matched, we
construct a bipartite graph where V0 = Ain and V1 = Qin .
Here, Ain is the set of input concepts in the Advertisement
and Qin is the set of input concepts in the Query.
So far we have constructed the graph and defined the
matching criteria. In the next section, we shall see how the
matching is actually computed.
of weights of the edges in the matching, Σwi , is minimized.
The use of Hungarian algorithm for matching bipartite
graphs is desired due to its strong polynomial time bound
compared to the combinatorial complexity of a brute-force
algorithm. If |V | is the number of vertices in the graph, the
time complexity of the Hungarian algorithm is O(|V | ).
In our current problem, we wish to compute a matching
such that max(wi ) is minimized. This optimization criteria
is different from that of the hungarian algorithm. This
difference is illustrated in the example from Fig-2. Consider
the assignment of weights as: w1 = 1, w2 = 2, w3 = 3.
G′ and G′′ are the two matchings of the graph. We can now
compute the following:
Our optimization criteria would choose G′′ , whereas
the hungarian algorithm would choose G′ , as the optimal
match. The hungarian algorithm cannot be directly used to
compute the matching that we desire. We hence propose a
different technique for the assignment of edge weights such
that the following lemma holds true:
Lemma: A matching in which Σwi is minimized, is
equivalent to a matching in which max(wi ) is minimized.
If the above lemma holds true, we can use the hungarian
algorithm to compute the desired optimal matching. We
first look at the technique for assignment of edge weights
and then prove that the above lemma holds true for the
proposed assignment.
In G = (V0 + V1 , E), the edge weights are computed as
shown in the table below:
Degree of Match: match(a,b)
Exact ⇒
w1 = 1
Plugin ⇒
w2 = (w1 ∗ |V0 |) + 1
Subsume ⇒
w3 = (w2 ∗ |V0 |) + 1
|V0 | = Cardinality of set V0
We take note of the following properties which will be
used in the subsequent proof:
• The maximum number of edges in any complete
matching of the graph G will be equal to |V0 |
• The following relation holds true: w1 < w2 < w3
• The above computation of weights enforces that a
single edge of a higher weight will be greater than a
set of |V0 | edges of lower weights taken together:
4.3. Computing the optimal matching
The Hungarian algorithm ([15], [18]) computes a
complete matching of the bipartite graph such that the sum
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max(wi )
3 (Subsume)
2 (Plugin)
wi > wj × |V0 |, ∀i > j
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• Search iterates over N Advertisements.
• Weights w0 , w1 , w2 are computed based on |V0 |. This
is an O(1) operation.
• The graph is constructed by comparing every pair of
concepts (a, b), a ∈ Qo , b ∈ Ao . This operation has a
complexity of O(|Qo | × |Ao |). The time complexity of
hungarian algorithm is bounded by |Qo |3
Proof of lemma: (Proof-by-contradiction)
• Given a graph G, let M be a complete matching in
which Σwi is minimized. Let (d1 , d2 , d3 , ...) denote
the set of edges in M .
• Let M ′ be a complete matching in which max(wi ) is
minimized. Let (e1 , e2 , e3 , ...) be the set of edges in
M ′ and emax be the maximum weight edge in this set.
• Assume that the lemma is untrue and hence M 6= M ′ .
Since M is not a matching in which max(wi ) is
minimized, there will be at least one edge, dM ∈ M ,
such that w(dM ) > w(emax ). Now,
w(dM ) > w(emax ) ⇒ w(dM ) > w(ei ), ∀ei ∈ M ′
• The maximum number of edges in M ′ is bounded by
|V0 |. Using previous results and Equation-(1):
w(dM ) > w(ei ), ∀ei ∈ M ′
⇒ w(dM ) > Σw(ei )
⇒ Σw(dj ) > Σw(ei )
Here Σw(ei ) and Σw(dj ) denote the sum of weights
of all edges in M and M ′ respectively.
• Σw(di ) > Σw(ei ) contradicts our assumption that
M is a matching having the minimal sum of weights.
The contradiction holds as long as we assume that
M 6= M ′ . We can hence infer that M and M ′ will be
equivalent if weights are assigned as given in Table-2.
The above steps are executed twice - once for output and
once for input - of each Advertisement. Hence the time
complexity of the search is:
N × (|Qo | × |Ao | + |Qo |3 ) + (|Ai | × |Qi | + |Ai |3 )
Algorithm 2 search(Query)
1: Result = Empty List
2: for each Advt in Repository do
outM atch = matchLists(Queryout , Advtout )
inM atch = matchLists(Advtin , Queryin )
if (outM atch = Fail OR inM atch = Fail) then
Skip Advt. Take next Advt.
Result.append(Advt, outM atch, inM atch)
end if
10: end for
11: return sort(Result)
4.4. Our algorithm
The search() procedure in Algorithm-2 accepts a
Query as input and tries to match it with each
Advertisement in the repository. If the match is not a Fail,
it appends the advertisement to the result set. Finally the
sorted result set is returned to the client.
The matchLists() procedure in Algorithm-3 accepts
two concept-lists and constructs a bipartite graph using
them. It then invokes a hungarian algorithm to compute
a complete matching on the graph. The matchLists()
procedure is invoked twice in search(). The order
of Query and Advertisement in each call is however
The computeW eights(|V0 |) function computes the
values of w1 , w2 , w3 as illustrated in Table-2 of the previous
section. The match() function computes the degree of
match between two concepts as defined in Algorithm-1.
Algorithm 3 matchLists(List1 , List2 )
1: Graph G = Empty Graph (V0 + V1 , E)
2: V0 ← List1 , V1 ← List2
3: (w1 , w2 , w3 ) ← computeWeights(|V0 |)
Complexity analysis
Let N denote the number of advertisements in the
repository. The average number of input and output
concepts in the Query are denoted by |Qi | and |Qo |
respectively. The average number of input and output
concepts in the Advertisement are denoted by |Ai | and |Ao |
respectively. The complexity analysis follows:
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for each concept a in V0 do
for each concept b in V1 do
degree = match(a, b)
if degree 6= Fail then
Add edge (a, b) to G
if (degree = Exact) then w(a, b) = w1
if (degree = Plugin) then w(a, b) = w2
if (degree = Subsume) then w(a, b) = w3
end if
end for
end for
Graph M = hungarianMatch(G)
if (M = null) then
No complete matching exists. return Fail.
end if
Let (a, b) denote Max-Weight Edge in G
degree ← match(a, b)
return degree
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We approximate, |Qo | = |Ao | = |Qi | = |Ai | = m.
Here, m is independent of the number of advertisements
in the repository and is likely to take small integer values
(usually 1 to 15). We can hence consider m to be a constant
and the time complexity of search is simplified:
O N × 2 × {m2 + m3 } = O N
Using simplifications similar to the above, we get:
We also consider a Brute-Force algorithm which
exhaustively computes every possible matching of the
bipartite graph and chooses an optimal matching amongst
them. The Brute-Force algorithm has a combinatorial
growth and its worst-case time complexity is:
O N × 2 × m! = O N
It is important to note that although the asymptotic
complexity of (2), (3) and (4) are identical, the multiplying
constants for the Brute-Force algorithm can be quite higher
as (m! ≫ m3 ) for m > 6.
The following algorithms were implemented in Java in
order to compare their correctness and performance:
• Our Bipartite Matching algorithm
• Greedy matchmaking algorithm by Paolucci [19]
• A Brute-Force matching algorithm
The Brute-Force algorithm is exhaustive nature. It was
implemented in order to serve as a reference model to
compare the correctness of the Greedy and the Bipartite
This implementation of the Brute-Force
algorithm removes concepts from the candidate-list after a
Our implementation is illustrated in Fig-3. We load
the OWL ontologies into the KnowledgeBase defined by
the Mindswap OWL-S API [2]. This API is also used to
parse the OWL-S Queries and Advertisements. We use
the Pellet reasoner [21] to classify the loaded ontologies.
The Jena API [1] is used to query the reasoner for concept
relationships. In order to compute matchings for bipartite
graphs, we use an implementation of the Munkres-Kuhn
(Hungarian) algorithm by [18].
Knowledge Base
Figure 3. Implementation
6. Correctness and performance comparison
We load 7 ontologies (2449 concepts) and about 350
advertisements from the OWLS-TC (service retrieval test
collection from SemWebCentral) [4] in our test setup. The
three matchmaking algorithms that are compared here use
match() from Algorithm-1 to define the degree of match.
6.1. Correctness
False Positives: We use a greedy algorithm which does
not remove concepts from the candidate list. A Query from
OWLS-TC is matched against the advertisement repository.
This Query defines the concept Book as Input and the
following concepts as Output: {T axedP rice, P rice}. The
number of matches flagged by the algorithms are:
Brute F.
5. Implementation
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The algorithm from [19] iterates over all the
advertisements in the repository and performs matching
over both, inputs and outputs. If we assume that concepts
are not removed from the candidate-list after a match, the
time complexity of the algorithm can be expressed as:
N × (|Qo | × |Ao |) + (|Ai | × |Qi |)
O N × 2 × {m2 } = O N
The results of the Bipartite and the Brute-Force
algorithm are identical. The Greedy algorithm has flagged
5 subsume matches. These matches are the false positive
outcomes and they have conditions identical to those
illustrated in section 3.2 earlier.
False Negatives: Here, we use a greedy algorithm
which removes concepts from the candidate list. First,
we construct 3 Queries using the ontologies in OWLS-TC.
Then, an additional 3 Queries were constructed by merely
swapping the order of output concepts in the first 3 Queries.
Since we search for 6 Queries over 350 advertisements,
there would be a total of 6 x 350 = 2100 matchings. Ideally,
we expect all the 6 queries to match their corresponding
advertisements. As seen in the actual results below, the
Bipartite algorithm matches all 6 Queries. The Greedy
algorithm however generates 3 false negatives.
Brute F.
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We have thus tested that the Greedy algorithm indeed
generates false positive and negative outcomes. On the
other hand, the outcomes of Bipartite matching are identical
to that of the Brute Force reference model.
Our future work is focused on improving the efficiency
of our algorithm by reducing the time required for
construction of Bipartite graphs.
6.2. Performance
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Fig-4 shows the search-time of the three algorithms w.r.t.
the number of advertisments in the repository. The search
time of Bipartite matching is higher than that of the Greedy
algorithm but lower than that of the Brute force algorithm.
The search time is linear w.r.t. the number of advertisements
in the repository. This observation is consistent with the
complexity analysis presented earlier. In our test data there
were a maximum of four concepts in the input or output
of any OWL-S advertisement. Thus m was bounded to
four. However, in real-world repositories this number is
expected to be much higher. The performance of the Brute
force algorithm would be hence much worse than the one
observed here.
Brute Force
Search Time(ms)
Number of Advertisements
Figure 4. Query Search Time
In this paper we identified some problems with the
matchmaking algorithm from [19] and offered an alternative
algorithm to resolve these problems. Our algorithm offers
a correct outcome - equivalent to that of the Brute force
reference model. Moreover, the time-complexity of our
algorithm is equivalent to that of the Greedy technique.
Guo [12] has also proposed a matchmaking algorithm
based on bipartite graph matching. Their proposal however
uses a continuous-valued similarity function to define the
edge-weight between two concepts. Our proposal flags
discrete degrees of matches using formal logic concepts
of equivalence, subclass etc. and thus lends itself to an
automated invocation of the discovered web service. We
argue that a match flagged by [12], due to its use of
continuous-valued similarity, cannot be used in formal
logic and automated invocation.
2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007)
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Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on May 2, 2009 at 01:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.