BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2000 : .- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MARK F. RAMAGE ON BEHALF OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Docket No. R2000-1 .--. USPS-T-2 CONTENTS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH.. .................................................................................. AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY .............................................................. .2 I. PURPOSE II. Sample Design ........................................................................................................ .3 Ill. Data Collection ........................................................................................................ .4 IV. Data Validation and Editing ..................................................................................... .5 V. Estimation ................................................................................................................. TABLES Cv’s for Mailprocessing Costs C\rs for City Citv Carrier In Office Costs CV’s for Subervisors Supervisors and Special Delivery Costs Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 ASSOCIATED LIBRARY REFERENCES USPS-LR-I-12/R2000-1 USPS-LR-I-13/R2000-1 USPS-LR-I-14/R2000-1 USPS-LR-I-15/R2000-1 IOCS Statistisical and Computer Documentation (source code and data on CD-ROM) IOCS-CODES Computer System Documenation Handbook F-45, In-Office Cost System, Field Operating Instructions IOCS-CODES Computer System Source Code (on CD-ROM) WORKPAPERS Workpaper A Base Year 1998 LIOCATT for City Carriers (A-l and A-2) 3 6 2 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MARK F. RAMAGE AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL I am a Mathematical SKETCH 7 My name is Mark F. Ramage. Statistician in Cost Systems, a Finance. 9 present position, I am the program manager for the In-Office Cost System. I have been employed in this capacity by the Postal Service since 1997. In my 10 held positions as Sr. Mathematical Statistician and as Sr. Operations II for the Postal Service between 1983 and 1987. In those positions, 12 issues for the Carrier Cost Systems and for the In-Office Cost System. I have also Research analyst I worked on statistical 13 - '4 From 1987 to 1997, I was a Statistician for the Office of the Consumer 15 Postal Rate Commission. 16 before the Postal Rate Commission. 17 Mathematical 19 I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics 20 Degree in Statistics in 1980, both from the University of Maryland. 21 additional postgraduate 22 Washington Statistician Advocate of the In that capacity, I testified on a number of statistical issues From 1980 to 1983, I was employed as a with the Bureau of the Census. work in mathematical in 1978 and a Master of Arts I have completed statistics and survey sampling at George University. 23 _ 24 I am a member of the American Statistical Association 25 Society. and the Washington Statistical 3 1 2 I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY 3 The Postal Service’s 4 perfectly with, or specifically 6 the Postal Service must rely on various statistical systems and special studies to 6 provide estimates 7 estimates of revenues, volumes and attributable a The In-Office Cost System (IOCS) is a work sampling system designed to produce cost 9 estimates for various employee revenue and cost accounting systems do not generally coincide identify, individual categories of mail or service. of accrued costs for certain postal operating functions, Therefore, and to provide costs for the various categories of mail. activities in the office. 10 11 The purpose of my testimony is to describe IOCS. 12 design, data collection methodology, 13 the types of estimates My testimony describes the editing and processing the sample of IOCS sample data, produced from the IOCS, and the reliability of major estimates. 14 15 II. Sample Design 16 The In-Office Cost System uses a probability sample of employee activity to develop 17 estimates of proportions ia for certain functions, 19 mail categories. of employee work time spent on various office functions, the proportions of time spent handling and/or processing and specific 20 21 The IOCS is an ongoing system with a sample selected for each week. 22 4-5 weeks prior to each sample week, sample employees 23 current payroll files for the IOCS sample offices. Approximately are selected from the most Employees are sampled independently I 4 1 within Cost Ascertainment 2 Mailhandlers, 3 Selected employees 4 week for observation. (1) Clerks, (2) Group (CAG) for each of five employee crafts: (3) City Carriers, (4) Special Delivery Messengers, and (5) Supervisors. are then randomly assigned an instant in time during the sample 5 6 The IOCS sample design documentation 7 contained 6 USPS-LR-I-12/R2000-1. 9 sample design, Section IV describes the sample selection programs, and Appendix H lo (CD-ROM) along with sample selection programs are in the IOCS Statistical and Computer System Documentation, Section II of the IOCS System Documentation describes the contains the sample selection programs.’ 11 - 12 Ill. Data Collection 13 The IOCS data collection instrument consists of a data entry program residing on a 14 laptop computer. 15 On-Site Data Entry System (IOCS-CODES). 16 collector locates the sample employee and enters data describing the employee’s 17 observed activity directly into CODES. ia collector through the appropriate 19 the entered data. Sample data from various laptops at one site are transferred 20 base unit computer (a desk top PC). Then, at the end of each week, the data are 21 transmitted 22 processing. This hardware and software is referred to as the IOCS Computerized At the scheduled sample time, the data The data entry software guides the data questions and performs basic consistency checks on from the base units to a mainframe computer for further editing and to a 5 1 2 An overview of field IOCS test administration 3 Documentation 4 procedures 5 (USPS-LR-14/R2000-1). 6 code are contained 7 respectively. (USPS-LR-I-12/R2000-1). are contained is contained in section V of the IOCS Detailed descriptions in the IOCS Field Operating IOCS-CODES of IOCS data collection Instructions, Handbook computer system documentation in USPS-LR-I-13/R2000-1 F-45 and source and USPS-LR-I-15/R2000-1, a 9 IV. Data Validation and Editing 10 After the IOCS data are transmitted to the mainframe computer, 11 SAS programs perform data validation, editing, and automated 12 Included in this process is the assignment 13 programs. a series of COBOL and error correction. of activity codes used in subsequent costing 14 15 Data validation and editing procedures 16 procedures) 17 and Computer Documentation, 18 USPS-LR-I-12 describes the validation and editing programs, Appendix 19 flowchart 20 edit rules, Appendix 21 describes the encirclement rules used to assign special service activity codes. ’ Thmughout this testimony. appendices USPS-LR-I-12/R2000-1. A through I refer to the appendices are contained documenting (and the programs associated in Section VI and several appendices USPS-LR-I-12/R2000-1. the assignment D documents of the IOCS Statistical Specifically, of activity codes, Appendix the within county periodicals with these Section VI of B contains a C describes detailed edits, and Appendix of the IOCS Statistical E All and Computer Documentation, 6 1 validation and editing programs are contained on the CD-ROM described in 2 Appendix 3 V. 4 The IOCS sample data are used to produce estimates of costs by function for each craft 5 group. 6 sample design and accrued costs for CAG and craft group. 7 be associated a is then converted H. Estimation Cost weight factors are assigned to each sample observation, reflecting both the Hence, a dollar amount can with each record in the IOCS data file. The cost weighted into a final SAS data set which is used for producing IOCS data file cost estimates. 9 -~ 10 Several craft reports are produced from the final IOCS data file that provide CRA 11 spreadsheet 12 of this report is included as Workpaper inputs. One such report is the City Carrier LIOCATT report. A hard-copy A to my testimony. 13 14 As with any sample based estimate, selection of a different sample (according 15 same sample design), could result in slightly different estimates. 16 variation one could expect due to sampling alone is quantified 17 variation (CV). 18 1 presents cost estimates, their estimated Cv’s, and 95 percent confidence 19 Cost Segment 3.1 Mail Processing. 20 Carriers, and for Supervisors CV’s can be used to produce confidence to the The amount of by the coefficient of intervals for estimates. Table intervals for Tables 2 and 3 provide similar estimates for City and Special Delivery Messengers. 21 - 22 The development 23 CV estimation, of the cost weighting factors, production and descriptions of the final SAS data files, of various craft reports are provided in Section VII of 7 1 USPS-LR-I-12/R2000-1. 2 CV estimation, The source code for weighting, and craft reports is contained production of final data files, on the CD-ROM, described in Appendix H. . a Table 1 BY98 MODS-based estimated mean distributed costs (000’s) and CVs, All Dffices Cost Segment 3.1 Mail Processing - Clerks and Mailhandlers Subclass Cost Est. std Deviation 95% Lower Limit 95% Lower Limit CV First 4.972,053 1.226.433 161,924 37,759 22.659 15,014 5,570 2.600 5,016.465 1.255.860 192.841 42,855 0.46% 1.22% 3.06% 6.89% Priority Express Mailgrams 645,444 94,151 166 8,336 3,160 103 629,106 87.919 0 661.762 100,383 367 1.29% 3.38% 62.13% Periodicals Within County Regular Non Profit Classroom 13,126 566,261 94,885 5,177 1,607 9,775 4,161 953 9,976 547,102 86,730 3,310 16.276 585,420 103,040 7,044 12.24% 1.73% 4.38% 18.40% 94,386 303,067 2,111,573 46,614 427,658 4,711 7.790 19,437 3,365 9,659 85.152 287,799 2,073.476 40.019 408,726 103,820 318,335 2,149.670 53,209 446,590 4.99% 2.57% 0.92% 7.22% 2.26% Standard tB) Parcels -Zone Rate Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate 246,615 128,518 82,890 11,860 7,622 6,288 5,084 1,579 231.877 116,194 72.925 8,765 261,753 140,842 92,855 14,955 3.09% 4.69% 6.13% 13.32% USPS Free for Blind/Handicapped International 129,896 14,924 261,969 4,653 1,351 6,037 120,365 11,100 250,137 139,407 18,748 273,801 3.74% 13.07% 2.30% 36,966 31,865 1,759 554 3,655 122 485 2,867 41.241 2,107 1,372 368 248 N/A N/A 324 N/A 2,231 41,095 35,731 2,460 1,041 N/A N/A 1,120 N/A 45,614 5.70% 6.19% 20.92% 4483% N/A N/A 68.87% N/A 5.41% Letters Presort Private Presort and Parcels Letters and Parcels Mailing Cards cards Single Piece Rate Regular Carrier Route Regular Other Non Profit Canter Route Non Profit Other Registry Certified Insurance coo Money Orders Stamped Envelopes Special Handling P.O. Box Other Special Services 11,817.062 4,927,641 I .197,006 171,007 32,662 32,837 27,939 1,038 67 N/A N/A 0 N/A 36,868 9 Table 2 BY98 LIOCAlT estimated mean distributed costs (000’s) and CVs, All Offices Cost Segment 6.1 Mail Processing - City Carriers Direct Labor Inputs Subclass El&Q@ Letters Presort Private Presort and Parcels Letters and Parcels Mailing Cards Cards Cost Est. z 95% Lower Limit Std Deviation 95% Lower Limit CV 1.062.576 469,772 54,433 10.878 9,443 6.361 2.221 1,480 1,044,067 457,305 50,080 15,978 37,597 2,601 0 1,655 516 0 33,961 1,589 0 41,233 3,613 0 4.93% 19.65% 0.00% Periodicals Within County Regular Non Profit Classroom 8.069 133.157 29,824 381 913 3,467 1,595 165 6,280 126,362 26,697 58 9,859 139,952 32,951 703 11.32% 2.60% 5.35% 43.22% Standard (A) Single Piece Rate Regular Carrier Route Regular Other Non Profit Carrier Route Non Profit Other 13,348 284,702 525.706 20,000 106,645 1,133 4,999 6,600 1,332 3,044 11,128 274.904 512,769 17,390 100,680 15,568 294,500 22,610 112,610 8.49% 1.76% 1.26% 6.66% 2.85% 6,927 6.895 1;868 634 785 743 362 333 5,369 5,439 1,159 0 8,466 8,352 2,576 1,287 11.33% 10.77% 19.36% 52.60% USPS Free for Blind/Handicapped International 10.549 983 10.955 1,077 275 948 8,439 443 9,097 12,659 1,523 12,814 10.20% 28.02% 8.65% Registry Certified hursnce coo Money Orders Stamped Envelopes ;~;~w;~dling 1,683 27,400 1.075 728 0 0 334 1,677 296 251 0 0 0 150 565 1.026 24,112 495 237 0 0 0 131 3,200 2,336 30,687 1.655 1,220 0 0 0 719 5,415 19.66% 6.12% 27.52% 34.40% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 35.28% 13.12% Priority Express Mailgrams Standard (6) Parcels -Zone Rate Bound Printed Matter Special Rate Library Rate Other Special Services Total 0 425 4,308 1.081,085 482,239 56,787 21,770 538.642 0.89% 1.35% 4.06% 7.84% 2.842,120 2 Standard deviations are estimated from a bootstrapped FORTRAN approximation to Carrier LIOCATT cost estimates. Confidence interYak and Cv’s are developed by applying the standard deviation estimates to the actual BY99 CFSAinput. See USPS-LR-I-12!R2000-1 for the programs used. _ ’ 10 Table 3 BY98 estimated mean distributed costs and CVs, All Offices Supervisors and Special Delivery Messengers Subclass Cost Est. Mail Processing Central Mail Mark-up Window Service Administrative end Support City Delivery Carriers Special Delivery Messengers Rural Delivety Carriers Vehicle Service Employees/Labor Higher Level Supervisors Gen Supv.: Mail Processing Gen Supv.: Collection/Delivery Supervisor Training Quality Control/Revenue Prot. Supv. Of Mixed Clk/Mailhandler Supv. Of One or More Crafts Other Total So&al Deliver Street Time Other Total Activities 873.518 61,796 144,315 29,363 541,761 6,443 22,288 34,661 713 245,253 746 414 49,275 34.908 97,040 581,643 788,311 Std Deviation 95% Lower Limit 95% Lower Limit cv 8.371 2.708 6,943 1,804 6.780 836 4,974 1,559 250 5,127 259 222 2,116 1,693 3,467 10.183 10,155 857,111 56,486 130,708 25,826 526,473 4,805 12,539 31,606 223 235,204 238 0 45,127 31,589 90,245 561,684 768,408 889,924 0.96% 67,104 157,923 32,899 555,049 8,080 32,038 37,716 1,203 255,301 1,254 849 53,422 38,226 103,835 601,603 808,Jl4 4.38% 4.81% 6.15% 1.25% 12.97% 22.32% 4.50% 35.07% 2.09% 34.76% 53.61% 4.29% 4.85% 3.57% 1.75% 1.29% 723 723 58.183 10,117 61,016 12,951 1.21% 6.27% 3,512.447 Messenoers 59,600 11,534 71,133 -
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