UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 1 RECEIVEII JUL7 8 rc6JIH“00 Docket No. R2000-1 ANSWERS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE TO INTERROGATORIES OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS: J. EDWARD SMITH (USPS/OCA-T449-51) (July 7, 2000) The Of& of the Consumer Advocate hereby submits the answers of J. Edward Smith to interrogatories of United States Postal Service, dated June 23, 2000. Each interrogatory is stated verbatim and is followed by the response. Respectfully submitted, OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE e Director Office of the Consumer Advocate KENNETH E. RICHARDSON Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6859; Fax (202) 789-6819 ANSWER OF OCA WITNESS J. EDWARD SMITH TO INTERROGATORIES USPEIOCA-T449-51 USPS/OCA-T4-49. Please refer to your response to USPSIOCA-T4-20. Please also refer to the material you cite from Intriligator. Bodkin, and Hsiao’s Econometric Models, Techniques, and Applications. As necessary, please assume that the variable z, defined in USPSIOCA-T4-20, is exogenous to the firm’s decision process for the purpose of your answer. a. b. C. Please confirm that, in the discussion of the cost curve you cite, Intriligator, Boskin, and Hsiao characterize the short run cost curve as an “alternative expansion path.” If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that the material in Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao that you cite implies that the (long- or short-run) cost function and the (long- or short-run) “expansion path” are conceptually identical. That is, in terms of the notation of USPS/OCA-T4-20, the cost function c = f (y,w,x*,z) represents either the short- or long-run (depending on whether there are “quasi-fixed” factors x*) “expansion path.” If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that the material in Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao that you cite implies that the (long- or short-run) labor cost associated with the (long- or short-run) “expansion path” is, in terms of the notation of USPSIOCA-T4-20, given by c, = w h(y,w,x*;z)-i.e., the function h(y,w,x*,z) is defined to equal the derived demand for labor associated with the short- or long-run (depending on whether there are “quasi-fixed” factors x*) cost function or “expansion path” c = f(y, w*,z). If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that, in the discussion of the cost curve you cite, Intriligator, Boskin, and Hsiao indicate that the short-run cost curve c,(y)and the long-.run cost curve Cb)must satisfy the relationship ~,~(y)~Cdy) at each level of output, given by y. If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that, given the notation in USPSIOCA-T4-20, the elasticity dlnc/dlny= 8lnf(y, ~,~‘,r)/dlny measures the percentage change in short- or long-run (depending on whether there are “quasi-fixed” factors x’ ) cost, moving along the cost function or “expansion path” c=f(y,w,x’,z), resulting from a percentage change in output. If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that, given the notation in USPS/OCA-T4-20, the elasticity )) /alay measures the percentage change in short-run 8ln(w.h(y,w,x*z or long-run (depending on whether there are “quasi-fixed” factors x*) labor cost, consistent with moving along the associated cost function or “expansion path” c = f(y,w,x*,z), resulting from a percentage change in output. If you do not confirm, please explain. l d. e. f. ANSWER OF OCA WITNESS J. EDWARD SMITH TO INTERROGATORIES USPEIOCA-T4-49-51 RESPONSE TO USPS-T4-49. (b) Not confirmed. (a) Confirmed. Costs are either fixed or variable, resulting in short run and long run cost functions from a theoretical point of view. Assuming that the question focuses on short run or long run cost functions, to the degree that the notation is consistent with the notation used in Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao, I will confirm. (c) Not confirmed. Costs are either fixed or variable, resulting in short run and long run cost functions from a theoretical point of view. Assuming that the question focuses on short run and long run cost functions and that the notation is consistent with the notation used in Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao, I will confirm. (d) Confirmed. (e) Not confirmed. Costs are either fixed or variable, resulting in short run and long run cost functions from a theoretical point of view. Assuming that the question focuses on short run and long run cost functions and that the notation is consistent with the notation used in Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao, I will confirm. (9 Not confirmed. Costs are either fixed or variable, resulting in short run and long run cost functions from a theoretical point of view. Assuming that the question focuses on short run and long run cost functions and that the notation is consistent with the notation used in Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao, I will confirm. ANSWER OF OCA WlTNESS J. EDWARD SMITH TO INTERROGATORIES USPEIOCA-T44g-51 USPSIOCA-T4-50. Please refer to your response to USPSIOCA-T4-21 (c). Please also refer to the material provided as Attachment 1 to USPSIOCA-T4-50, which includes page 565 of The Theov and Practice of Econometrics, Second Edition, by Judge, et al. Please assume, if necessary, that the page is properly reproduced. Interrogatory USPSIOCA-T4-21(c) related to the conditions under which simultaneous equations estimators are needed, without reference to any particular variable or analysis. Please confirm that a simultaneous equations estimator (e.g., two-stage least squares) is not needed to consistently estimate the parameters of a regression equation for which the explanatory variables consist entirely of exogenous and/or predetermined variables. If you do not confirm, please explain. RESPONSE TO USPS-T4-50. I am unable to confirm that your exact statement appears in the above-mentioned text. However, the statement, “For statistical purposes the relevant distinction is between jointly dependent variables and predetermined variables” leads to the conclusion that you suggest. Accordingly, I will confirm the substance of your interrogatory. The Theory and Practice of .Econometrics Attachment 1 to Page 1 of 4 Second Edition George C. Judge Universify of IlfinOiS W. E. Criffiths university ol New England R. Carter Hill University ol Georgia Helmut Liitkepohl Universirdt Osnabtick Tsoung-Chao Lee univcrsifv01connecticu1 John Wiley and Sons k York Chichater Brisbane romnto Singajme I Reccmmcsddc.m l3.B. EmdsK¶ 33.7. 13.8.1. Gvlcnl Execiscr 13.1?.2. Exc~ises Using Monte cub Data 13.8.3~. Individual Exercises I3.8.2b. Group Exercises ua. i Rclennra 550 551 551 552 553 554 5.54 f i I 1, E $. PART FIVE Chapter 14 INFERENCE IN SIMULTANEOUS MODELS EQUATION Specification and Identification in Simultaneous Equation Models 14.1. I-on 14.2. me slmoll8newr Eq88tioIu hlodd 88d AscanlpGoN co~oences 01 oYdin8ly 564 Le88l sqmrrr RdimnlIon of slImclor8l Equiom Pwamelm 14.4. 145. Redmad Form Eqn.dlons and lb& Eslinnalio~ IdMu0c8lidn 145.1. 143.2. 14.5.X 14.5.4. 563 563 st8Mul 143. : 561 Basics IdentilFotion in the Linear Simuluneour Eqwionr Model 14.5.2s. kkntification of * Single Eqlution Using Linear Rmriclir on Structural Puame~co 14.5.2b. Idcntiliation of the System in Tam of “linur Estimable Functions” Identification of Systems .Tlut are Linear in The F¶mnc~m But Nonlinew in the Vari~bks GCmrl Mctbodr of Idcn~ion 570.. 571 573 574 574 576 500 582 504 505 14.6. 14.7. P-y Rxadsel 506 14.8. Ref- 500 Estimation and Inference in a System of Simultaneous Equations I8ldu&m TYdRtodMelbodsd Blim8ll8g Unar slr8dm8l Models ChaPter 15 ls.1. ls.2. 1X2.1. Single Eqwtioi~ or Limited Information Methods l5.2.k Indirccl Lusl Squalw 15.2.lb. A (jcMniize4 Lust Squares Estimator 591 s91 591 595 595 5% TABLE 14.1 SPECIFICATION ‘OUATIONS MODELS -- AND IDENTlFiGtTlON OF SIMULTANEOUS Nature of economic variables and passively generated data (sccrion 14.1) I Specifirxion of rimultanews tqUdOns sWisliul (Section 14.2) models I 1 c.Ynsequencerof LS estimation of rlNclunl pumuters (section 14.3) I Consistent estimation of Rduccd form puametvr (scuion 14.4) I Lklivatiom of rwccural pmmcten from reduced form p-etcn Identikation (Section 14.5) concepts c3eclion 14.5.1) on snucti funclions * (scclioll 14.5.2b) gzIzcL2a) endogcoous variables may be placed in the same &gory as the exogenous variables since for the EUITCII~period the observed values ue PpadcCermined. Tbc cxogtnous variables and variables that may involve any I=& of kg are calkd prede~ermid wriobles. For statistical putposes the relevant distinction is between jointly dependent variables and predetermined variables. The final classification of variables involves the nonobranbk Sodom ermm, or, as they wtrt catkd in Ihe early simultaneous equation IilUatUE. Attachment 1 to USPS/OCA-T4-50 Page 4 of 4 ANSWER OF OCA WITNESS J. EDWARD SMITH TO INTERROGATORIES USPUOCA-T4-49-51 USPSIOCA-T4-51. Please refer to your response to USPS/OCA-T4-21(d). The interrogatory asked whether it was “your understanding that there is a time lag between the Postal Service’s investment decisions and the availability of the related equipment for Postal Service operations.” In your response, you state, “Based on information furnished by the Postal Service, it appears that the current level of capital is related to the current level of activity, though not necessarily on a 100 percent basis.” a. b. Please provide detailed citations to all “information furnished by the Postal Service” you used in formulating your response. With respect to the original question, does the quoted statement from your response to USPSIOCA-T4-21(d) indicate that you do not believe that there is “a time lag between the Postal Service’s investment decisions and the availability of the related equipment for Postal Service operations”? Please explain. RESPONSE TO USPS-T4-51. (a) Please see OCAAJSPS-T-15-13; OCAAJSPS-T-15-14; USPS-T-10 at 11 lines 19-31, at 20 lines 7-8, and at 31 lines 14-24; USPS-T-16 at 15 lines 1-7; and “gateway to the household”, United States Postal Service, 7999 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations, at 4, 83,84,85 and 90. (b) The concept of “lag” is nebulous. If capital availability during a time period is a function of work during the time period, there is no lag, even though the investment decision may be part of a five year plan, assuming that the plan is correct in its forecasts. There are a number of explicit and implicit assumptions involved in the analysis of an investment decision. In view of the potential importance of an investment decision on the Postal Service, this subject is clearly an area for additional analysis and review; possibly the issues could be clarified and even resolved in a working group focused on segment 3 costs. DECLARATION I, J. Edward Smith, declare under penalty of perjury that the answers to interrogatories USPSIOCA-T4-49-51 of the United States Postal Service are true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Executed/i T,, l-+vv CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with Section 12 of the Rules of Practice. Washington, DC. 20268-0001 July 7, 2000
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