Postal Rate and Fee Changes Docket No. R2000-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE OPPOSITION TO MOTION OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO STRIKE PORTIONS OF THE WRITTEN RESPONSE OF WITNESS SMITH TO NOTICE OF INQUIRY NO. 4. (August 25, 2000) To: Hon. Edward J. Gleiman Presiding Officer The Office of the Consumer Rules of Practice to Rule 21(b) of the United States Postal Service (“USPS”) filed August 22, 2000 to strike portions of the written to the direction of the Presiding answers pursuant of the of OCA witness hereby (“OCA”), the motion response and Procedure, Advocate and opposes Smith to Notice of Inquiry No. 4. Officer at oral hearing, responses Pursuant to the motion are due by August 28,200O. Written testimony the Commission’s Variability “egregiously of OCA witness Smith was filed August 21, 2000 pursuant invitation Models (“Notice”). in Notice of Inquiry No. 4 Concerning The USPS motion claims that portions to Mail Processing of the response exceed the scope of the inquiry initiated by the Commission” as they do not “directly relate to the family of issues raised by the NOI.” (Motion at 1.) The OCA respectfully disagrees and asks that the motion be denied. Docket No. R2000-1 2 The Notice specifically whether certain statistical Bozzo “establish invited written discussion test results including by either testimony those already or comment performed by witness the validity of any particular model or family of models.” (Notice at 2.) The Postal Service surprisingly Smith’s conclusion claims that the grounds that the models are defective Smith’s direct testimony. have been set forth previously This logic ignores the breadth of the questions Notice. The Postal Service overlooks the question asked to discuss which form the basis for Dr. whether...there in part may be theoretical (9 of in Dr. posed in the the Notice: “Parties are grounds for concluding that a rejected model could provide a better estimate of variability than either model A or B.” (Notice at 3.) Dr. Smith’s testimony “no.” There are no theoretical better estimate responds directly to this request with a resounding grounds than models A and B. for concluding a rejected model provides Clearly, a simple “no” is not discussion. a Dr. Smith explains why his answer is no: he explains the reasons the models themselves are insufficient Many of the points contained context Dr. Smith makes with respect to Dr. Bozzo’s in greater detail in his original testimony. of the models developed by witness hypothesis denominated suggested Bozzo, His views are presented in the Notice, which denominated as Model as Model B and other models. include model are here in the not only the model A, but also the alternative The deficiencies listed by Dr. Smith are for the first time explained with respect to Model B. The OCA exercised testimony rather than its option under the Notice to express its response comment. Unfortunately, the Postal Service arrogate for itself the option to select the manner of the OCA response. would through like to For instance, 3 Docket No. R2000-1 the Postal Service apparently would have no objection if the OCA filed “a brief response setting forth Dr. Smith’s limited views.” (Motion at 3.) option and chose to file testimony sponsored if the information by Dr. Smith to set forth his views. had been filed as comments, and thus not subject to cross-examination, However, the OCA exercised its In fact, then it would not have been evidence presumably an advantage for the parties. The Postal Service further supports its objection to the testimony on the specious claim that the material filed is “unduly repetitious contradiction and cumulative.” It is clear that in to the express intent of the Notice to obtain a full discussion of the validity of the models, the Postal Service does not wish to see in the record Dr. Smith’s pointed statements fundamentally would allow testimony conclusions undermining containing their presentation. The Postal Service only two pages of conclusive statements, motion including never before made with reference to Model B. It suggests these pages are sufficient to make Dr. Smith’s points. pages of discussion This is a strained Service response are too repetitious and strange The Postal Service finds that the remaining and cumulative argument, to be admissible given the voluminous to the Notice and rebuttal evidence five as evidence. nature of the Postal it has filed on this subject, some of which is a rehash of its own direct case. Wherefore, testimony the motion of the Postal Service to strike portions should be denied. of Dr. Smith’s Docket No. R2000-1 4 Respectfully submitted, OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER Director Kenneth E. Richardson Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6859; Fax (202) 789-6819 ADVOCATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing document participants of record in this proceeding in accordance upon all with Section 12 of the Rules of Practice. & STEPHANIE Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 August 2542000 d-Q+-@-- S. WALLACE
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