Postal Rate Commission Submitted 5/6/2005 3:58 pm Filing ID: 43977 Accepted 5/6/2005 BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268B0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES PURSUANT TO PUBLIC LAW 108-18 Docket No. R2005B1 RESPONSE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO PRESIDING OFFICER’S INFORMATION REQUEST NO. 2 (May 6, 2005) The United States Postal Service hereby provides the responses to Presiding Officer’s Information Request No. 2, issued April 22, 2005. The response to question 15 is forthcoming. Each question is stated verbatim and is followed by the response. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking _______________________ Keith E. Weidner 475 L'Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260–1134 (202) 268–6252; Fax –3084 RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS KELLEY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 1 1. This question concerns the calculation of unit delivery costs for Periodicals Outside County subclass. In Docket No. R2001-1 these costs were developed in USPS-LR-J-117, worksheets “Table 1” and “summary TY” and appeared in USPS-LR-J-107 worksheet “Discounts.” The library reference corresponding to USPS-LR-J-117 and using the Commission’s methodology is USPS-LR-K-101. Worksheet “summary TY” of USPS-LR-K-101, however, does not contain the calculations appearing in cells C124 to H137 of USPS-LR-J-117. These calculations provided the carrier costs appearing in cells D33, D59, D60, and D61 of worksheet “Discounts” in USPS-LR-J-107 for Outside County Periodicals. Please examine the following table and confirm that it contains the values that correspond to those in cells C124 to H137 of worksheet “summary TY” of USPSLR-J-117. If you do not confirm, please provide the correct values and explain fully their derivation. Please note that the table in USPS-LR-J-117 did not contain line and column titles. Please provide them. 2,338,199 2,165,011 664,626 4,229,835 112,666 209,869 29,485 184,392 112,666 209,869 29,485 184,392 0.0482 0.0969 0.0444 0.0436 9,397,672 536,413 536,413 0.0571 14,167,185 1,907,304 11,003,920 874,601 89,336 452,015 874,601 89,336 452,015 0.06173 0.04684 0.04108 27,078,409 1,415,952 1,415,952 0.05229 1,952,365 1,952,365 112,666 209,869 29,485 184,392 536,413 874,601 89,336 452,015 1,415,952 0.0482 0.0969 0.0444 0.0436 0.0571 0.0617 0.0468 0.0411 0.0523 RESPONSE: Confirmed. The above table contains the LR-K-101 the values that correspond to cells C124 to H137 of worksheet “summary TY” in USPS-LR-J-117. The following table provides the line and column titles for the LR-K-101 values. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS KELLEY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 1 USPS-LR-K-101, Sheet “summary TY,” BY04 ECR Unit Costs Total Cost ($000) Total Cost ($000) 2,338,199 112,666 112,666 0.0482 112,666 0.0482 2,165,011 209,869 209,869 0.0969 209,869 0.0969 Adj TY Volume (000) Total Unit Cost ($0.0000) Total Cost ($000) Total Unit Cost ($0.0000) ECR Basic Auto Letters ECR Basic Letters ECR High Density Letters ECR Saturation Letters 664,626 29,485 29,485 0.0444 29,485 0.0444 4,229,835 184,392 184,392 0.0436 184,392 0.0436 Total ECR Letters 9,397,672 536,413 536,413 0.0571 536,413 0.0571 14,167,185 874,601 874,601 0.06173 874,601 0.0617 1,907,304 89,336 89,336 0.04684 89,336 0.0468 11,003,920 452,015 452,015 0.04108 452,015 0.0411 27,078,409 1,415,952 1,415,952 0.05229 1,415,952 0.0523 1,952,365 1,952,365 ECR Basic Nonletters ECR High Density Nonletters ECR Saturation Nonletters Total ECR NonLetters Total ECR, All Shapes RESPONSE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 2 2. Please provide total attributable costs by shape for Standard Mail and the electronic spreadsheets showing the development of these costs. The equivalent spreadsheets were filed as LR-J-199 containing file LR-J199STDCBS_prc in Docket No. R2001-1. Please use the PRC costing methodology reflected in the Commission’s decision in Docket R2001-1. RESPONSE: Please see USPS-LR-K-119, a Category 4 library reference, and USPS-LR-K120, a Category 5 library reference, both filed today. RESPONSE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 3 3. Pages 13-14 of the word document file LR-K-99 contain a discussion of two changes to the methodology for computing mail processing unit costs by shape. a. The first change concerns a modification to a calculation that uses the “final” reconciliation factor. A comparison of the cell formula contained in Excel file shp06prc, sheet “Letters (3)” in LR-K-99 with the corresponding cell formula in Docket No. R2001-1, LR-J-81, Excel file shp03prc, sheet “Letters (3)” shows no apparent difference in the calculation methodology. Please describe the difference in more detail showing the difference in the calculation. b. The second change concerns a methodological modification that is used to shift flat costs from a combined pool of flat and parcel costs to a flats only cost pool. The adjustment is required because of the DMM/RPW definition of a flat. Is there a mismatch between the definition of shape in the IOCS and the DMM/RPW definition of a flat? c. This procedure is applied only to Standard Regular mail. Why does it only affect Standard Regular and not ECR or any other subclass with both flats and parcels? Please provide a more detailed rationale for this adjustment. RESPONSE: Initially, simply to clarify, the “two changes” apparently intended to be addressed in this item are referenced on pages 12-13 of the Word document, rather than pages 13-14. Alternatively, in the hard copy preface, they appear on pages v and vi. (a) The first change is not a methodology change, but rather one of the two changes made to adjust the results in Letters (3), Flats (3) and Parcels (3) sheets to obtain the respective Letters (4), Flats (4) and Parcels (4) sheet. The first change is identical to the calculation done in Docket No. R2001-1, LR-J-81, as indicated in the question. The second change is both a change/adjustment to the results in Letters (3), Flats (3) and Parcels (3) sheets to obtain the respective Letters (4), Flats (4) and Parcels (4) sheet and also a methodology change. (b) Yes, this second change, a methodology change, is prompted by a mismatch between the DMM/RPW and IOCS on the definitions of flats and parcels. IOCS RESPONSE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 3 defines flats as having a maximum thickness of 3/4th inch (See Docket No. R2000-1, USPS-LR-I-14, page 12-10). This corresponds to the DMM’s general flats definition provided at DMM 301.1.1, which also provides for the same maximum thickness. However, Automation rate flats can be up to 1 1/4th inch thick as provided under 301.3.4.2. Thus the inconsistency occurs for flats automation rate pieces that are between ¾ th and 1 ¼ th inches thick. Such pieces would be treated as parcels by IOCS, but the RPW counts such pieces as flats. This is also discussed in the testimony of witness Smith, USPS-T-13, at pages 60-62. (c) This procedure is only applied to Standard Regular rather than ECR because ECR doesn’t have automation rates for flats. It is possible that First-Class and Periodicals presort flats may be subject to the same inconsistency. The focus on Standard Regular is due to the volumes for First-Class and Periodicals presort parcels are relatively small and due to the need to support the parcel rate surcharge for Standard Mail. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS TAUFIQUE TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 4 4. In the billing determinants for Standard Regular, there is a line item for Standard mail paid at First-Class/Priority rates. Please discuss what this represents. Why is this revenue assigned to Standard Regular rather than FirstClass or Priority Mail? RESPONSE: Standard Mail has no single piece rates. A mail piece bearing Standard Mail markings that does not meet the eligibility requirements for any of the Standard Mail bulk rates is charged either the First-Class Mail single piece rate or Priority Mail rate, as applicable, depending on the weight of the piece. Often such pieces are residual pieces that are left over after all possible presorted bundles or containers are made up. Although these pieces pay the higher rate, they bear Standard Mail markings, are treated and counted as Standard Mail, and receive Standard Mail service. Since these pieces are treated as Standard Mail for all purposes except payment of postage, their revenue is counted as Standard Mail revenue. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS TAUFIQUE TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 5 5. In the billing determinants for Standard Mail there is a line item entitled “barcode adjustment.” Please discuss what this represents and provide workpapers showing how it is calculated. RESPONSE: Standard Mail Regular and Nonprofit machinable parcels bearing a correct parcel barcode for the delivery address ZIP Code are entitled to a three cent discount off the otherwise applicable rate. The Postal Service’s Revenue, Pieces and Weight (RPW) reports do not distinguish between pieces that bear parcel barcodes and those that do not. Instead, a separate adjustment line showing the total amount of the parcel barcode discount for all pieces is reported. This line appears in the billing determinants as an offset to the total revenue. The number of parcel barcoded pieces can be calculated directly from this revenue adjustment by dividing the revenue adjustment by 0.03. Thus, the barcode adjustment reported in the billing determinants is taken directly from a line in the RPW reports, and therefore, is not calculated in developing the billing determinants. RESPONSE OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 6 6. Please provide the electronic version of the spreadsheets used to forecast international mail volume and revenue for FY 2005, FY 2006 (test year before rates) and FY 2006 (test year after rates). Exhibits USPS-27A, USPS-27B and USPS-27C. Please show international mail revenue from postage and fees separately. Please show the quarterly volume forecasts of international mail for 2005GQ1-2007GQ4 in the same manner witness Thress (USPS-T-7) has presented before- and after- rates quarterly volume forecasts of domestic mail in Attachment A of his testimony. RESPONSE: Please see USPS-LR-K-118, filed today. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS TAUFIQUE TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 7 7. Please reconcile the TYAR revenue figures for Periodicals within county, nonprofit and regular rate, and Standard Mail nonprofit and nonprofit ECR shown in Exhibit USPS-27B with the corresponding revenue figures presented in Exhibit USPS-28A, Table 12. RESPONSE: After Exhibit USPS-27B was developed, some pricing anomalies were discovered in the proposed rates for Standard Mail Nonprofit and Nonprofit ECR. As a result, the pound rates for Nonprofit DBMC piece-and-pound-rated pieces were adjusted upward by $0.001 from $0.510 to $0.511 to ensure that the discount for Nonprofit DBMC pieces was the same for all four Standard Mail subclasses. The revenue impact was to raise Nonprofit TYAR revenues by $37,632. In addition, the pound rates for Nonprofit ECR DDU piece-and-poundrated pieces were adjusted downward by $0.001 from $0.225 to $0.224 to ensure that the discount was consistent with the discount in the other three subclasses. The revenue impact was to lower Nonprofit ECR TYAR revenues by $7,479. The net impact of these two changes was included in Exhibit USPS-28A, Table 12, but not in Exhibit USPS-27B. For Periodicals, the TYAR revenue figure in Exhibit USPS-27B reflects a proposed Periodicals re-entry fee of $40, instead of the $45 fee actually proposed and reflected in Exhibit USPS-28A. See USPS-T-28 at 26 for an explanation of why the fee was proposed at $45 instead of $40. Witness Robinson will be filing errata to reflect both of these changes in Exhibit USPS-27B. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS KELLEY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 8 8. This question concerns the calculation of unit delivery costs for Periodicals Within County subclass. Please provide the unit delivery costs corresponding to those in cells D51, D52, and D53 of worksheet “Discounts” in USPS-LR-J-107 WC for Within County Periodicals and explain fully their derivation. RESPONSE: The unit delivery costs in cells D51, D52, and D53 of worksheet “Discounts” in R2001 -1 USPS-LR-J-107 WC are TY 2001 unit costs for Nonprofit ECR Basic Nonletters, Nonprofit ECR High Density Nonletters, and Nonprofit ECR Saturation Nonletters. These unit costs were obtained from R2000-1 USPS-LRI-95, worksheet ‘Table 5’, cells G56–G58. The Base Year 2004 segments 6, 7, and 10 inputs into R2005-1 LR-K-67 that correspond to the Base Year 1998 segment 6, 7, and 10 inputs into LR-I-95 no longer break total ECR delivery costs into separate costs for Commercial ECR mail, and separate costs for Nonprofit ECR mail. Therefore, it is not possible to update the Nonprofit ECR unit costs in cells D51-D53 of LR-J-107 WC to TY 2006. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS VAN-TY-SMITH TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 9 9. The Postal Service has supplied the Commission with files that are not PC executable. Library References LR-K-55 and LR-K-100 contain programs that are in text formats and have to be converted to PC SAS. a. Please provide the following SAS programs and SAS log missing in LR-K-100: MBC, DOLWGTBM, MODFIN04, MAPCLCRA, and MBC SASLOG. b. The input files to a SAS program called MODSPOOL in LR-K-55 are missing. These are quarterly files called MODSFIN.FY04Q1.DATA, MODSFIN.FY04Q2.DATA MODSFIN.FY04Q3.DATA, and MODSFIN.FY04Q4.DATA. Please provide these files in a format that can be executed using a PC SAS platform. RESPONSE: (a) For both the USPS and PRC versions, the same programs are used to partition data collected from the IOCS sampled facilities into BMCs, MODS 1&2, and nonMODS facilities. Thus, the MBC SAS program and the MODFIN04 data set are in the PROGRAMS directory of the diskette in USPS-LR-K-55. The MBC SASLOG is in the SASLOGS directory of the diskette in USPS-LR-K-55. Also, the program modules DOLWGTBM and MAPCLCRA are used for both the USPS and PRC versions. DOLWGTBM and MAPCLCRA are in the PROGRAMS directory of the diskette in USPS-LR-K-55. (b) The quarterly files MODSFIN.FY04Q(1 through 4).DATA with encrypted finance numbers (F2) and deleted facility names (FINNAME) are provided as the PC SAS files MODSQ1-MODSQ4 in the CD of USPS-LR-K-126, filed today. Please note that Table I-2A and Table I-2B of USPS-LR-K-55 are the output tables from the MODSPOOL program that processes the data from those MODS files. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS SHAW TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 10 10. Library Reference LR-K-101 contains a spreadsheet which calculates delivery costs by rate element for First-Class and Standard Mail using the methods in the R2001-1 PRC Opinion. In R2001-1, the Postal Service submitted LR-J-117 which included a FORTRAN based program for IOCS data extraction. Please identify the data source used to create worksheet ECR SPLITS in workbook LR-K-101.xls and provide PC compatible programs and their corresponding datasets which generated this worksheet. RESPONSE: The FORTRAN based program for IOCS data extraction was not used in FY2004. Instead, IOCS programs ALBCARMM and ECRALL are now used to provide the data source for worksheets CASING04.XLS and CASING04.Recd.2.17.05.XLS in USPS-LR-K-67 (which also pertain to the response to POIR-2, question 11) which in turn are used to produce ECR SPLITS in USPS-LR-K-101. These IOCS programs are documented in USPS-LR-K-9/R2005-1, pages 49 – 51 and 53. Input data for the USPS-LR-K-67 worksheets described above can be generated using the source code for the programs (ALBCARMM and ECRALL) and the IOCS tally file documented in the IOCS CD-ROM (see USPSLR-K-9/R2005-1, appendix H). To facilitate the identification of inputs to USPS-LR-K-67 worksheet CASING04.Recd.2.17.05.XLS from IOCS, hardcopy reports from ALBCARMM and the output data file from program ECRALL are provided in new library reference USPS-LR-K-125/R2005-1, IOCS FY 2004 Supplemental Reports and Data, Provided in Response to POIR No. 2, Item 10. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS KELLEY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 11 11. The Postal Service development of delivery costs by rate element for FirstClass and Standard Mail is filed as LR-K-67. The spreadsheet LR-K-67.xls has gaps in documentation and cross-referencing. Please provide a revised worksheet which sources various columns to their appropriate testimony, worksheets, and other library references by citing the title of the document and the referenced source page(s) used to create LR-K-67.xls. Also, provide any other programs and data sources used to generate various supporting spreadsheets. For example, workbook CASING04.xls, worksheet ECR BREAKOUT has a link to another spreadsheet called “CASING04.Recd.2.17.05.xls” which has not been filed with LR-K-67. Please provide “CASING04.Recd.2.17.05.xls.” RESPONSE: The revisions requested are in the workbook LR-K-67_Revised.xls. The additional documentation is presented in footnotes at the bottom of the various worksheets. LR-K-67_Revised.xls also makes a minor correction to the segment 6 in-office costs by shape and rate subcategory. This correction adds TY 2006 Segment 6.2 CAG K costs, which the previous version excluded. Adding these CAG K costs changes a few of the worksheet ‘Table 1’ total TY 2006 unit costs, as shown in the following table. Mail Subclass and Shape-Rate Subcategory First-Class Single Piece, letter-shape pieces First-Class Single Piece, nonletter pieces First-Class Presort, flat-shape pieces First-Class Auto AADC Cards First-Class Auto 5-Digit Cards CSBCS/Manual Sites First-Class Auto 5-Digit Cards Other Sites First-Class Auto CR Cards Standard Regular, Nonautomation – Nonmach Mixed ADC Letters Standard Regular, Nonautomation – Nonmach ADC Letters Standard Regular, Nonautomation – Previous TY06 Unit Cost Revised TY06 Unit Cost 7.188 14.423 9.423 3.371 7.189 14.424 9.424 3.372 5.798 2.306 5.647 5.799 2.307 5.648 11.049 11.050 11.049 11.049 11.050 11.050 RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS KELLEY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 11 Nonmach 3-Digit Letters Standard Regular, Nonautomation – Nonmach 5-Digit Letters Standard Regular, Nonletter Subtotal Standard ECR, Saturation Flats - with DAL Costs Included in the Numerator of the ECR Saturation Flats Unit Cost 11.049 10.093 11.050 10.094 4.241 4.240 Also included in revised LR-K-67 is the workbook “CASING04.Recd.2.17.05.xls” which had not been filed with the original USPS-LR-K-67. RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS WATERBURY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 12 12. The table in USPS-T-10, Appendix G, shows the distribution keys used for cost reductions and other programs in the roll forward model. While the sources of these keys are identified by witness testimony reference, the exact source of these keys is not identified (i.e., library reference, exhibit, table number, page, etc.). a. Please provide a more detailed source of the distribution keys noted in USPS-T-10, Appendix G. b. Please provide a spreadsheet table detailing the base year inputs by class/subclass of mail for all the keys in Appendix G. RESPONSE: (a) A more detailed source of the distribution keys noted in USPS-T-10, Appendix G, is attached as page G1-1. Errata to Appendix G reflecting this attachment will be filed subsequently. (b) A spreadsheet table detailing the base year inputs by class/subclass of mail for all distribution keys in Appendix G is attached as pages G2-1 and G2-2. Errata to Appendix G reflecting these attachments will be filed subsequently. R2005-1 Roll Forward Dist. Keys 1418 1419 1420 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 Roll Forward Distribution Keys Used for Cost Reductions and Other Programs Distribution Key Title not used not used not used not used Delivery BCS, Carrier Sequence BCS OCRs (including BCS on OCRs) AFMS 100 SPBS - Non-Priority & Priority LDC 15 - RBCS Cancellation & Mail Preparation - Metered International / ISCs LDC 79 - Mailing Reqs. & Bus. Mail Entry BMC - Parcel Sorting Machine not used Mechanized Tray Sorter not used not used Facer/Canceler - Letters Facer/Canceler - Flats not used Automated Postal Centers (APCs) Allied Labor CFS Letters CFS Flats not used BPI Function 1 Mail Proc Op not used not used BPI Function 4 Mail Proc not used Periodicals Outside County Key Standard Regular Key not used Surface Visibility Hwy not used Amtrak Rail not used Base Year Dist. Keys USPS-T-10 Appendix G Revised 4/29/2005 Source 901 903 906 910 915 918 931 939 942 Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report 971 Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report 983 984 Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper A, Factor Report USPS-LR-K-121 Witness Van-Ty-Smith, USPS-T-11; USPS-LR-K-55, Part 7 Witness Van-Ty-Smith, USPS-T-11; USPS-LR-K-55, Part 7 Witness Van-Ty-Smith, USPS-T-11; USPS-LR-K-55, Part 7 Witness Van-Ty-Smith, USPS-T-11; USPS-LR-K-55, Part 7 Witness Van-Ty-Smith, USPS-T-11; USPS-LR-K-55, Part 7 Only Periodicals Outside County; mail class number 117 Only Standard Regular; mail class number 127 Witness Meehan, USPS-T-9; Workpaper B, CS14 Witness Nash, USPS-T-17; USPS-LR-K-38, Table 110 G1-1 R2005-1 Input: Input: Input: Input: Input: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 USPS-T-10 Appendix G Revised 4/29/2005 USPS Version Sample Formula RF Key Title RF Key Number Base Year Key Number Variability Roll Forward Needed First-Class Mail Single Piece Letters Presort Letters Total Letters Single Piece Cards Presort Cards Total Cards Total First-Class Priority Mail Express Mail Mailgrams Periodicals Within County Outside County Total Periodicals Standard Mail Enhanced Carr Rte Regular Total Standard Mail Package Services Parcel Post Bound Printed Matter Media Mail Total Package Services U.S. Postal Service Free Mail International Mail Total All Mail Special Services Registry Certified Insurance COD Money Orders Stamped Cards Stamped Envelopes Special Handling Post Office Box Other Total Special Services Total Volume Variable Other Costs Total Costs 40 not used not used not used 1418 1419 1420 Only Priority Only ParcelPost Only Int'l MV 101 102 103 104 105 108 109 110 111 112 454,624 21,235 475,859 31,552 1,899 33,451 509,310 68,372 35,304 - 113 117 123 MV MV Delivery BCS, Carrier Sequence not used BCS 1439 1440 Only Other 901 0.9 MV MV OCRs (including BCS on OCRs) 1441 903 0.78 MV AFMS 100 1442 906 1 MV SPBS - NonPriority & LDC 15 Priority RBCS 1443 1444 910 915 0.77 1 MV MV 4,439 2,452 6,891 158 80 238 7,129 7 - 6,234 1,327 7,561 218 41 259 7,820 17 12 - 3,555 478 4,033 7 5 12 4,045 93 1 - 2,050 158 2,208 2,208 1,485 17 - 7,468 907 8,375 317 36 353 8,728 - 154 1,393 1,547 - 5 5 24 24 2 1,142 1,144 2 1,616 1,618 126 127 135 4,610 47,646 52,256 137 2,641 2,778 88 1,931 2,019 187 4,283 4,470 136 137 139 141 142 147 161 162 15,675 2,586 8,179 26,440 33,171 195 27,143 753,738 1 - 100 - 100 38 5 37 9,999 163 164 165 166 168 159 169 170 171 172 173 198 199 200 5,879 69,236 30,247 938 88,319 4,334 491 86,387 44,656 330,487 1,084,225 1,495,518 2,579,743 100 100 100 100 100 1 53 42 9,988 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 10,000 1,111 11,111 1 11 12 10,000 2,821 12,821 Cancellation & Mail Preparation - International Metered / ISCs 1445 1446 918 931 0.46 0.83 MV MV LDC 79 Mailing Reqs. & Bus. Mail Entry 1447 939 0.83 MV 7,929 438 8,367 237 29 266 8,633 411 16 - 900 232 1,132 5 3 8 1,140 643 265 - 1,645 2,042 3,687 39 39 3,726 163 55 - - 4 100 104 1 110 111 1 244 245 764 3,201 3,965 26 881 907 23 534 557 6 125 131 5 58 21 84 77 2 82 9,998 71 200 179 450 137 38 81 9,999 26 339 10,000 43 28 25 96 106 4 60 9,987 66 12 7 85 59 17 7,522 9,973 9,998 9,998 9,999 2,987 12,986 10,000 10,000 - - G2-1 11 11 9,998 11,737 21,735 25 2 27 10,000 2,048 12,048 BMC Parcel Sorting Machine 1448 942 0.83 MV not used 1449 MV 65 21 86 Mechanized Tray Sorter not used 1450 1451 971 0.83 MV MV 86 733 - 1 343 344 291 4,725 5,016 4 2,874 2,878 69 1,855 1,390 1,654 4,899 240 116 987 9,999 69 667 31 9,972 28 28 10,000 2,048 12,048 - 9,999 2,048 12,047 MV 2,687 2,657 5,344 112 1 113 5,457 126 10 - 60 60 - not used 1452 59,068 3,134 62,202 2,092 106 2,198 64,400 222 - 8,730 363 9,093 98 98 9,191 156 - 78 78 81 452 533 378 3,396 3,774 140 1,314 1,454 407 1,150 1,557 43 54 9 106 142 38 9,997 147 564 66,865 304 304 76 75 193 12,085 2 1,359 1,359 68,224 80,089 148,313 12,085 14,186 26,271 - 100 100 Facer/Canc eler Facer/Canc Letters eler - Flats 1453 1454 983 984 From Model From Model MV MV 2 9,999 2,048 12,047 100 100 100 100 R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix G Revised 4/29/2005 USPS Version not used 1455 MV Automated Postal Centers (APCs) Allied Labor CFS Letters CFS Flats not used 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 Marc Smith Van-Ty-Smith Van-Ty-Smith Van-Ty-Smith 0.57 0.8 0.83 0.83 MV MV MV MV MV 466,510 not used 1463 MV BPI Function 4 Mail Proc not used 1464 1465 Van-Ty-Smith 0.82 MV MV 973,867 292,786 1,266,653 24,366 9,318 33,684 1,300,336 190,142 22,160 70,916 64,196 135,112 4,736 3,930 8,666 143,778 201 0 17,446 5,528 22,974 22,974 1,311 26 3,658,000 1,113,000 4,771,000 131,000 39,000 170,000 4,941,000 801,000 47,000 - 1,189,433 438,000 1,627,433 53,473 16,532 70,005 1,697,438 171,401 62,612 - 2,250 280,303 282,553 0 699 699 480 31,824 32,304 6,000 737,000 743,000 7,112 255,234 262,346 - 76,176 770,689 846,864 221 8,846 9,067 710 8,628 9,338 235,000 2,620,000 2,855,000 126,196 732,073 858,269 33,755 21,408 14,675 69,837 25,045 4,028 25,701 2,766,667 108 108 10,692 0 223 164,767 0 419 101 520 230 89 408 67,199 174,000 98,000 86,000 358,000 104,000 14,000 129,000 9,992,000 78,509 37,019 31,132 146,660 58,018 4,738 33,283 3,294,765 206 1 0 0 164,767 33,747 198,514 67,199 13,764 80,963 1,000 - 8,280 36,230 704 734 1 3,127 29,568 78,644 3,373,409 740,504 4,113,913 466,510 466,510 320,708 78,289 112,692 112,692 18,526 996,725 3,276 100 100 BPI Function 1 Mail Proc Op not used 1461 1462 Van-Ty-Smith 0.83 MV MV 3,276 1,000,001 754,387 1,754,388 464 1,154 282 2,106 2,768,773 692,193 3,460,966 100 100 2,000 2,000 3,000 8,000 10,000,000 2,048,193 12,048,193 100 100 100 100 Periodicals Outside Standard County Key Regular Key not used 1466 1467 1468 Only PerOC Only StdReg 1 1 MV MV MV 100 100 100 100 G2-2 Amtrak Rail not used 1471 1472 Nash From Input MV MV 156,599 100,308 256,908 1,373 2,526 3,899 260,807 150,013 5,049 - (1,123) (2,920) (4,044) (54) (23) (77) (4,120) (468) - 60,094 60,094 (19,406) (19,406) 100 100 5,789 44,082 49,871 (289) (1,103) (1,392) 100 30,942 4,202 8,252 43,396 2,077 1,417 15,952 588,675 (300) (296) (99) (694) (96) (214) (102) (26,493) 100 100 588,675 63,994 652,669 (26,493) (19,899) (46,392) 100 100 100 Surface Visibility Hwy not used 1469 1470 Meehan From Input MV MV 100 100 100 100 100 100 RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS WATERBURY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 13 13. USPS-T-10, Appendix D is a listing of components and a comparison of the cost effects affecting each of the components in the roll forward for both the USPS version and the PRC version. However, the cost reduction and other programs distribution key components, noted in Appendix G of USPS-T-10, are not included in this list. In prior rate filings, these types of distribution keys have usually received a mail volume effect in the roll forward. (See USPS LR-J-5, RF Model Documentation Reports or USPS LR-J-4, file name VBL2). Discuss any reasons for omitting this adjustment. Please provide a revised version of USPST-10, Appendix D which includes the cost reduction and other programs distribution keys components listed in Appendix G. RESPONSE: The cost reductions and other programs distribution key components, noted in Appendix G of USPS-T-10, do receive a mail volume effect in the roll forward. See USPS-LR-K-6, Roll Forward Model and Data Files; pages 10 and 11 of Sections 2, 3, and 4. A revised version of USPS-T-10 Appendix D which includes the cost reductions and other programs distribution key components listed in Appendix G is attached. Errata to Appendix D reflecting this attachment will be filed subsequently. R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Component Number USPS Component Title C/S 1 Postmasters 0001 Postmasters EAS 23 & Below 0002 Postmasters EAS 24 & Above C/S 2 Supervisors & Technicians Supervision of Mail Processing & Window 0004 Supv - Mail Processing 0007 Supv - Window Service Supervision of Time & Attend and Admin Support 0009 Supv - Time & Attend and Admin Support Supervision of City Delivery Carriers 0013 Supv - City Deliv - Office 0014 Supv - City Deliv - Delivery Activities 0017 Supv - City Deliv - Other Support 0018 Supv - City Deliv - Network Travel 0015 Supv - City Deliv - Other Load (PRC) 0016 Supv - City Deliv - Access (PRC) 0680 Supv - City Deliv - SCS Access (PRC) Other Supervisors & Technicians 0029 Employee & Labor Relations Techs 0030 Higher Level Supervisors 0031 General Supv of Mail Processing 0032 General Supv of Collection & Deliv 0601 Supv - Training 0674 Supv - Rural Delivery Carriers 0675 Supv - Vehicle Service 0676 Supv - Quality Control/Rev Protect 0677 Supv - Central Mail Mark-up 0678 Joint Supv Clerks & Carriers 0033 Product Specific and Other Supv & Tech Activities C/S 3 Clerks & Mailhandlers – CAG A-J Mail Processing & Window Service 0035 Mail Processing 0040 Window Service Administrative Support & Miscellaneous 0066 Claims & Inquiry 0421 Data Collection 0422 General Office & Clerical 0423 Quality Control 0467 Training - Schemes 0468 Training - Mail Processing, Non-Parcels 0469 Training - Mail Processing, Parcels 0470 Training - Other 0041 Other Clerk & Mailhandler Activities 0227 Product Specific Admin 0228 Time & Attend and Admin Support C/S 4 Clerks – CAG K Offices 0042 Clerks CAG K Offices Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC A A 199 199 X X X X V V X X X X I I I I 0035 0040 0035 0040 I I I I I I I I X X I3 I3 0525 0525 I I I I X X X X I I I I 0606 0046 0522 0054 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0522 0054 0692 0048 0683 I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I I I I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I I I X1 X1 X1 X X X X X X X I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I3 I3 I I I3 I3 I I I3 I I I3 I I I3 V I I3 V I 0525 0294 0035 0523 0602 0072 0057 0295 0525 0294 0035 0523 0602 0072 0057 0295 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0694 0694 I I I 199 A2 X X X X V V V V 199 199 199 199 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X V V I I I V V I V V V I I I V V I V 199 199 I I I 199 199 I I I I 199 I3 I I 199 199 I X X V V 199 199 D-1 0294 0295 0466 0294 0295 0466 I I I I I I 0473 0473 I I 0525 0525 I I I A2 I R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. Component Number USPS Component Title 38 39 40 41 0043 0044 0045 0604 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 0047 0048 0049 0683 0610 0051 0052 0639 0684 0046 52 0050 53 0053 54 0054 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 C/S 6 City Delivery Carriers – Office In-Office Direct Labor In-Office Support Overhead Carriers CAG K Offices In-Office Support Other (USPS Only) C/S 7 City Delivery Carriers – Street Other Load (PRC) Access (PRC) St Support - Office (PRC) SCS Access (PRC) SCS Load (PRC) St Support - Other Load (PRC) St Support - Access (PRC) St Support - SCS Access (PRC) St Support - SCS Load (PRC) Delivery Activities (USPS) / Elemental Load (PRC) Delivery Activities Support (USPS) / St Support Elem Load (PRC) Network Travel Support (USPS) / St Support Route (PRC) Network Travel (USPS) / Route (PRC) C/S 8 Vehicle Service Drivers 0057 Vehicle Service Drivers C/S 10 Rural Carriers 0069 Evaluated Routes 0070 Other Routes 0073 Equipment Maintenance Allowance C/S 11 Custodial & Maintenance Cleaning & Protection 0074 Custodial Personnel Equipment & Building Personnel 0075 Operating Equipment Maintenance 0079 Plant & Building Equipment Maintenance Contract Cleaners 0081 Contract Cleaners C/S 12 Motor Vehicle Service MVS Personnel 0084 MVS Pers - City Deliv - Other Load (PRC) 0085 MVS Pers - City Deliv - Access (PRC) 0685 MVS Pers - City Deliv - SCS Access (PRC) 0082 MVS Pers - City Deliv - Office 0083 MVS Pers - City Deliv - Delivery Activities 0086 MVS Pers - City Deliv - Network Travel 0543 MVS Pers - City Deliv - Spec Purp Rtes 0545 MVS Pers - Vehicle Service Drivers 0548 MVS Pers - Rural Delivery 0089 MVS Pers - Other Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC 0043 0606 0605 0043 0606 na I I I I I na 199 I I I 199 I I na 199 0043 I1 199 I 0047 0048 0683 0610 0047 0048 0683 0610 199 A I A A I I I I 199* 0043 I1 I1 I1 I1 199 I I I I 199 I I X X X X X X X na V I I I V I I na X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X1 X X X X X X X X X X X M1 I1 M1 M1 I1 I1 I1 I1 V M I M M I I I I V X X I I 0046 0046 X X I I 0054 0054 X X X X V V X X X X X X V V V V X X X X X X X X X1 X1 X1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X V V I1 I1 I1 I I I V I I D-2 A1 I1 A1 A1 I1 I1 I1 I1 199 I I I I I I 199 A 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 I1 I1 I1 I I I 199 I I 199 I I I I I I 199 I I 199 V I I I I I I V I I 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I 0057 0072 0057 0072 I I I I R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. Component Number USPS Component Title 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 0093 0094 0686 0091 0092 0095 0549 0550 0556 0098 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 0102 0103 0687 0100 0101 0104 0568 0107 91 92 93 94 95 96 0110 0111 0112 0114 0113 0115 97 0117 98 0125 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0129 0130 0688 0127 0128 0131 0134 106 107 108 109 110 111 0138 0139 0689 0136 0137 0140 MVS Supplies & Materials MVS Supp & Mat - City Deliv - Other Load (PRC) MVS Supp & Mat - City Deliv - Access (PRC) MVS Supp & Mat - City Deliv - SCS Access (PRC) MVS Supp & Mat - City Deliv - Office MVS Supp & Mat - City Deliv - Delivery Activities MVS Supp & Mat - City Deliv - Network Travel MVS Supp & Mat - City Deliv - Spec Purp Rtes MVS Supp & Mat - Vehicle Service Drivers MVS Supp & Mat - Rural Delivery MVS Supp & Mat - Other Vehicle Hire Veh Hire - City Deliv - Other Load (PRC) Veh Hire - City Deliv - Access (PRC) Veh Hire - City Deliv - SCS Access (PRC) Veh Hire - City Deliv - Office Veh Hire - City Deliv - Delivery Activities Veh Hire - City Deliv - Network Travel Veh Hire - Vehicle Service Drivers Veh Hire - Other C/S 13 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses Salaries, Fringe Benefits & Travel Mail Equipment Shops Personnel Contract Stations CAG L Rental Allowance Facilities & Purchasing Field Units Pers Tolls and Ferriage Employee Awards Mail Equipment Shops Freight on Materials & Supplies Federal Reserve & Commercial Banks Federal Reserve & Commercial Banks Carfare Carfare - City Deliv - Other Load (PRC) Carfare - City Deliv - Access (PRC) Carfare - City Deliv - SCS Access (PRC) Carfare - City Deliv - Office Carfare - City Deliv - Delivery Activities Carfare - City Deliv - Network Travel Carfare - Other Driveout - City Delivery Driveout - City Deliv - Other Load (PRC) Driveout - City Deliv - Access (PRC) Driveout - City Deliv - SCS Access (PRC) Driveout - City Deliv - Office Driveout - City Deliv - Delivery Activities Driveout - City Deliv - Network Travel Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC I1 I1 I1 I I I 199 I I 199 I I I I I I 199 I I 199 I1 I1 I1 I I I I 199 I I I I I I I 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 X1 X1 X1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I1 I1 I1 I I I V I I I I I I I I V I I 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I 0057 0072 0057 0072 I I I I X1 X1 X1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I I I 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 0057 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 0057 I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I I I X X X X X X X X X X X X 199 199 199 199 X X X X 1 X X1 X1 X X X X X X X X X X X I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I I1 I1 I1 I I I 199 I I I I I I 199 X1 X1 X1 X X X X X X X X X I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 0692 0048 0683 0606 0046 0054 I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I I1 I1 I1 I I I I I I I I I D-3 R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. Component Number USPS Component Title 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 0142 0681 0143 0144 0145 0146 1438 119 120 121 0165 0234 122 123 124 125 126 127 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 128 129 130 131 0173 0174 0175 0176 132 133 134 135 136 0179 0180 0181 0248 0182 137 138 139 140 141 142 0184 0187 0196 1426 0177 0197 143 0189 144 0246 145 0190 C/S 14 Transportation Domestic Air Domestic Alaska Air Highway Railroad Domestic Water International Settlement Transactions (SDR's) C/S 15 Building Occupancy Costs Rents Rents Product Specific Rents Fuel & Utilities Fuel Utilities Communications Building Projects Expensed Moving Expense Reimburse for Bldg Costs Oth Than Rent C/S 16 Supplies & Services Supply Personnel & Equipment Supply Personnel ADP Supplies & Services Repair & Maint of Equip Except ADP & Vehicles Custodial Supplies & Services Printing & Reproduction Printing & Reproduction Stamps & Dispensers Money Orders Stamped Cards & Embossed Stamped Envelopes Inventory Adjustment Postal Supplies & Services Equipment Expedited Mail Supplies & Services Tracking & Tracing Remote Encoding Supplies & Services Misc Postal Supplies & Services Product Specific Supplies & Services Reimbursements Reimbursements for Supplies & Services Advertising Advertising C/S 17 Research & Development Research & Development Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC V V V V V V V V V V V V Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 199 199 199 A X X X X X X X X X X X X 199 199 199 199 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X V V V V V V X X V V X X X X X X I I X X 199 D-4 0525 0525 I 199 I Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 I I A2 R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. Component Number USPS Component Title 146 147 148 149 150 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 0199 0200 0201 0202 0064 0208 0071 1435 0204 0205 0241 0541 0895 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 0210 0211 0212 0207 0213 0244 1429 1430 172 173 0219 0220 174 175 176 177 178 179 0223 0224 0691 0221 0222 0225 180 181 182 0581 0582 0230 C/S 18 Administration & Servicewide Administration Personnel Costs Headquarters Money Order Division Area Administration USPS Security Force Inspection Service Field Support Servicewide Personnel Costs Repriced Annual Leave Holiday Leave Variance CS Retirement Supplemental Liability (1) CS Retirement Supplemental Liability (2) FERS Retirement Fund Deficit Retiree Health Benefits Annuitant Life Insurance CS Retirement Reform Escrow (FY 2006) Workers' Comp Current Liability Workers' Comp Prior Year Unemployment Compensation Workers' Comp PO Dept Liability OWCP Health Benefits Administration Support HQ & Area Supplies & Services HQ & Area Misc Support Inspection Expenses & Employee Losses Annuity Protection Program Misc Reimbursements for HQ & Area Commissions on Non-US Money Orders Individual Awards Misc Personnel Compensation C/S 19 General Management Systems Maintenance Technical Support Center Training Contracts Supplies & Services C/S 20 Other Accrued Expenses City Delivery Vehicle Depreciation Vehicle Depr - City Deliv - Other Load (PRC) Vehicle Depr - City Deliv - Access (PRC) Vehicle Depr - City Deliv - SCS Access (PRC) Vehicle Depr - City Deliv - Office Vehicle Depr - City Deliv - Delivery Activities Vehicle Depr - City Deliv - Network Travel Other Vehicle Depreciation Vehicle Depr - Vehicle Service Drivers Vehicle Depr - Rural Delivery Vehicle Depr - Other Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC X X X X X Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X D-5 NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC 199 199 Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC 199 199 199 199 199 A2 A2 199 199 199 IM3 IM3 IM3 IM3 0526 0526 0526 0526 IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM3 IM3 0526 0526 IM IM IM IM IM3 IM 0526 0526 IM IM IM IM 199 199 R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Component Number USPS Component Title Equipment Depreciation 0232 Equipment Depreciation 0233 Product Specific Equipment Depreciation Building & Leasehold Depreciation 0236 Depreciation - Building 0237 Depreciation - Leasehold 0247 Product Specific Depreciation - Leasehold 0730 Building & Leasehold Adjustment Interest Expense 0587 Interest Land / Building Veh & Equip 0729 Interest Adjustment 0899 Interest Special Assessments 1436 Retirement Interest 0896 Annuitant COLA / Interest 1437 Other Interest Indemnities & Insurance Claim Write-offs 0239 Domestic Indemnities 0240 International Indemnities 0242 Insurance Claim Write-offs Other Operating Expenses 0245 Other Expenses 0249 Reimbursements & Miscellaneous Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC X X X Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC V V V V X X X D-6 Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Component Number USPS Component Title 0901 0902 0903 0904 0905 0906 0907 0908 0909 0910 0911 0912 0913 0914 0915 0916 0917 0918 0919 0920 0921 0922 0923 0924 0925 0926 0927 0928 0929 0930 0931 0932 0933 0934 0935 0936 0937 0938 0939 0940 0941 0942 0943 0944 0945 Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Distribution Keys Space and Rental Value Keys Delivery BCS, Carrier Sequence BCS Mail Processing BCS OCRs (including BCS on OCRs) FSM 881, SPFSM, Other FSM 1000 AFMS 100 LSM, MPLSM & SPLSM with BCR Mechanical Sort - Sack Outside Mechanized Parcels SPBS - Non-Priority & Priority Manual Flats Manual Letters Manual Parcels Manual Priority LDC 15 - RBCS Air Contract Data Collection Systems / Scan Where You Band Bulk Presort Cancellation & Mail Preparation - Metered Manual Sort - Sack Outside Opening Unit - Preferred Mail Opening Unit - BBM Platform Pouching Operations Business Reply / Postage Due Damaged Parcel Rewrap Empty Equipment Priority Mail Processing Centers Express Mail Mail Processing Support/Miscellaneous Activity Registry International / ISCs LDC 41 - Unit Distribution - Automated LDC 42 - Unit Distribution - Mechanized LDC 43 - Unit Distrib., Manual / LDC 44 - PO Box Distrib. LDC 48 - Customer Service / Express LDC 48 - Customer Service / Admin. & Other LDC 48 - Customer Service / Special Services LDC 49 - Computerized Forwarding System LDC 79 - Mailing Reqs. & Bus. Mail Entry BMC - Platform BMC - Allied Labor & All Other Mail Processing BMC - Parcel Sorting Machine BMC - Sack Sorting Machine BMC - SPBS & Irregular Parcels (IPP & 115) BMC - Non-Machinable Outside (NMO) D-7 Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. Component Number USPS Component Title 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 0946 0947 0948 0949 0950 0951 0952 0953 0954 0955 0956 0957 0958 0959 0960 0961 0962 0963 0964 0965 0966 0967 0968 0969 0970 0971 0972 0973 0974 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 0975 0976 0977 0978 0979 0980 0981 0982 0983 0984 0985 0986 0987 0988 0989 0990 0991 0992 0993 Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Non-MODS - Allied Non-MODS - Automated/Mechanized Non-MODS - Express Mail Non-MODS - Manual Flat Non-MODS - Manual Letter Non-MODS - Manual Parcel Non-MODS - Registry Non-MODS - Miscellaneous Window Service Self-Service Postal Center Post Office Boxes / Caller Service Claims & Inquiry City Carrier Rural Carrier DDU Accountables Cage Office Space Mail Processing Equipment Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Employee Facilities VMF CVS Vacant & Tenant HQ, HQ-Field Related, and Area Offices Mail Transportation Equipment Centers Storage Facilities Mechanized Tray Sorter Scan Where You Band (SWYB) - previously Dispatch Unit Flat Mail Preparation Equipment-Related Keys Computer Forwarding System / CFS Flats (TY) OCR Mail Processing BCS Delivery BCS Carrier Sequence BCS LSM / CFS Letters (TY) FSM Parcel Sorting & NMO Machines Facer/Canceler - Letters Facer/Canceler - Flats Cullling Sack Sorting Machine Small Parcel & Bundle Sorter Remote Barcode System ACDCS Strapping Powered Transport Equipment General & Logistics - BMC General & Logistics - Non-BMC D-8 Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 Component Number USPS Component Title Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS Mail Volume PRC V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Mail Processing Training Keys 0996 Other Dist. Key—Mail Processing Letters/Flats 0997 Other Dist. Key—Mail Processing Parcels 0998 Other Dist. Key—Mail Processing Other Other Distribution Keys 0507 GDEI Intl Volume Adj Key 0153 Admin Clerks PC Key 0578 Dist Key: City Carriers Spec. Purpose Rte 1258 Mail Proc Maint Labor Key 0514 Total Pounds 0516 Total Cubic Feet Rollforward-Only Keys 1418 not used 1419 not used 1420 not used 1439 not used 1440 Delivery BCS, Carrier Sequence BCS 1441 OCRs (including BCS on OCRs) 1442 AFMS 100 1443 SPBS - Non-Priority & Priority 1444 LDC 15 - RBCS 1445 Cancellation & Mail Preparation - Metered 1446 International / ISCs 1447 LDC 79 - Mailing Reqs. & Bus. Mail Entry 1448 BMC - Parcel Sorting Machine 1449 not used 1450 Mechanized Tray Sorter 1451 not used 1452 not used 1453 Facer/Canceler - Letters 1454 Facer/Canceler - Flats 1455 not used 1456 Automated Postal Centers (APCs) 1457 Allied Labor 1458 CFS Letters 1459 CFS Flats 1460 not used 1461 BPI Function 1 Mail Proc Op 1462 not used 1463 not used 1464 BPI Function 4 Mail Proc 1465 not used 1466 Periodicals Outside County Key 1467 Standard Regular Key 1468 not used 1469 Surface Visibility Hwy 1470 not used 1471 Amtrak Rail 1472 not used D-9 Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC R2005-1 USPS-T-10 Appendix D Revised 4/29/2005 Roll Forward Effects Lists Input Comparison, USPS vs. PRC, R2005-1 Row Seq. Component Number USPS Component Title Cost Level Cost Level USPS PRC Mail Volume USPS NOTES: 1. All components named Delivery Activities in the USPS are named Elemental Load in PRC. 2. All components named Network Travel in USPS are named Route in PRC. Indicates 0 cost in this component in, so application of effect is meaningless 3. 1 USPS version will contain only institutional costs (199) in this component 4. A2 PRC version may contain product specific costs in this component. 3 Distribution key definition corrected to match CRA definition. 5. KEY: X V M I IM A 199 Z Component gets this effect Mail Volume effect Volume Mix effect Indirect (piggyback) effect Indirect mix effect Effect given, applies to all classes Effect given, applies to class 199 (institutional costs) only Zero-based component D-10 Mail Volume PRC Distribution Key USPS Distribution Key PRC NonVolume Workload USPS NonVolume Workload PRC Additional Workday USPS Additional Workday PRC RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS WATERBURY TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 14 14. The USPS Roll Forward Model User’s Manual at 35 discusses the operation of a “Distribution Key Loader” which is used to insert the distribution keys specific to the roll forward operation. However, the file, “RFLoader.xls”, does not appear to be included in the Library References filed containing all of the other roll forward model worksheets and programs. Please provide the “Distribution Key Loader” as described in the USPS Roll Forward User’s Manual. RESPONSE: The distribution key loader file, also referred to as “RFLoader,” is included in USPS-LR-K-122 as file “RFLoader.R2005_USPS_PostFiling.xls.” RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS ROBINSON TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 16 16. Please provide the source of mailgrams revenue shown in Exhibits USPS27A, USPS-27B and USPS-27C. RESPONSE: Mailgram revenues shown in Exhibits USPS-27A, USPS-27B, and USPS-27C were calculated as follows: Calculation of Mailgram Revenue Base Year FY 2004 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Volume (a) 0.371 0.406 0.491 0.380 1.648 Revenue per Piece (c) = (b) / (a) 0.429 0.426 0.416 0.430 1.702 Revenue (b) 0.159 0.173 0.204 0.163 0.700 Interim Year: FY 2005 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Volume (d) 0.434 0.422 0.440 0.310 1.607 Revenue (e) = (d) * (c) 0.186 0.180 0.183 0.133 0.683 Test Year Before Rates: FY 2006 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Volume (f) 0.343 0.366 0.382 0.269 1.359 Revenue (g) = (f) * (c) 0.147 0.156 0.159 0.116 0.578 Test Year After Rates: FY 2006 Quarter 1 Volume (h) 0.343 Revenue (i) = (h) * (c) * 1.054 0.155 RESPONSE OF POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS ROBINSON TO POIR NO. 2, QUESTION 16 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Sources: (a) RPW (d) USPS-T-7 at 348 (f) USPS-T-7 at 350 (h) USPS-T-7 at 354 0.366 0.382 0.269 1.359 0.164 0.167 0.122 0.609
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