. RECEIVED BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 DEC28 4 29 hi ‘01 POSTA,,, ?,A”[?!:(!+!,‘;:,,CN O~F[CE OF TiiC SECRETARY Docket No. R2001-1 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2001 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE NOTICE OF FILING ERRATA TO THE TESTIMONY OF USPS WITNESS LARAINE B. HOPE (USPS-T-31) The Postal Service hereby gives notice of the filing of errata to the testimony of witness Hope (USPS-T-31). These are summarized below. The errata on page 13 reflect the filing of errata to USPS LR-J-58 on November 20,200l The errata on pages 1 and 28 correct the attribution of dropship savings to witness Mayes (USPS-T-23). The errata on pages 37 and 38 show the implicit passthroughs the use of parallel cost data in commercial implicit passthroughs ECR and NECR. for NECR and comparison resulting from Discussion of the to the original passthroughs filed can be found on page 41. The errata on page 38 also provide the correct attribution to witness Mayes (USPS-T-23). Copies of pages 1, 13, 28, 37, 38, and 41 to witness Hope’s testimony are attached. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. Anthony Alvernd 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202) 268-2997; Fax -6187 December 28,200l Revised 1 I. PURPOSE 1 12/28/01 OF TESTIMONY 2 3 The purpose of my testimony 4 changes and rates for Standard 5 Enhanced 6 Nonprofit subclasses 7 Reference 8 This library reference 9 Mail Enhanced Carrier Route subclasses. are presented USPS-LR-J-131 is to present the proposed Rates for the commercial cited throughout Library my testimony. by reference into my testimony.’ subclass, Enhanced developed 11 Schenk (USPS-T-43) 12 been submitted by witness Moeller (USPS-T-28). Carrier Route (ECR), are using cost data from various cost witnesses, including witnesses Rate level requirements and Rates for the preferred subclass, Nonprofit Enhanced 14 (NECR), also are developed 15 accordance 16 Public Law No. 106-384, 17 Mail Regular and by witness Moeller (USPS-T-32). 10 13 Carrier Route and Nonprofit Rates for Standard contains workpapers is incorporated classification have Carrier Route from cost data provided by cost witnesses, in with the Revenue Forgone Reform Act (RFRA), as amended by 114 Stat. 1460, which was enacted in October, 2000. The ECR subclass was created in July 1996, consistent Recommended with the 18 Commission’s Decision in Docket No. MC95-1, when the former 19 Third-Class Mail Bulk Rate Regular subclass was divided into two commercial 20 subclasses, Regular and Enhanced Carrier Route. Rate changes for both 21 ’ For convenience and ease of reference, the workpapers the acronym “WP” in lieu of the library reference number. in the library reference are cited using Revised 12/28/01 13 Table #3 - Revised BEFORE RATES AFTER RATES Source: WPl, page Y for Revenue and The “Before Rates” information pound-rated shows that the implicit coverage for pieces exceeds that for piece-rated coverage of the two groupings pieces. is not strictly necessary, While equalizing the information cost suggests that a reduction in the pound rate can be made without distorting the relative implicit coverage of the two groupings. between piece- and pound-rated The gap in the difference pieces narrows somewhat scheme with a lower pound rate (by approximately both the 3.0 and 3.5 ounce 9 pound-rated dividing lines); pieces is still significantly however, higher. It is in coverage in the “After Rates” 10 percentage the implicit points under coverage for percentage points higher IO than piece-rated 11 points higher under the 3.5 ounce dividing line. If a goal of rate design were to 12 have equal implicit coverage, pieces under the 3.0 ounce dividing line, and percentage and the pound rate were the only variable under Revised entry are presented 28 The following chart by witness compares the current measured those presented 12l28lOl cost savings in dollars presented with by in Docket No. R2000-1 by witness Crum (USPS-T-27). Table #9 COMPARISON OF DESTINATION ENTRY COST SAVINGS IN R2000-1 and R2001-1 Difference Cost Savings Per Pound (Percentage) R2001-1 (Cents) R2000-1 DBMC DSCF DDU i 0.117 0.147 0.185 0.114 0.140 0.173 2.6% 5.0% 0.003 0.007 0.012 6.9% Source for R2000-1: Moeller, WP lat 7 Source for R2001-1: i: 12 To maintain the integrity of the rate design, and to facilitate a smooth 13 transition from minimum-per-piece-rated 14 must be uniform destination 15 pieces at each of the respective destination 16 breakpoint, 17 rated discounts. 18 BMCs is x percent, then the per piece passthrough 19 also be x percent, and the discount must assume a 3.3 ounce piece. 20 docket, the Postal Service proposes an 85 percent destination 21 for all subclasses 22 23 24 25 delivery passthroughs entries. Also, a standardized In other words, if the per pound passthrough of Standard analysis pieces, there for pound- and piece-rated 3.3 ounces, must be used as the weight for calculating I cost savings destination rates to piece-pound-rated at destination at destination Mail. This percentage and results in increased the piece- BMCs must In this entry passthrough is applied to witness savings for mailers at all entry points. It is difficult to compare the passthrough percentages proposed Postal Service in Docket No. R2000-1 with those recommended by the by the Revised 2 LettedNonletter b. 1 As in its commercial 37 12/28/01 Differential counterpart, in NECR the Basic tier rate design helps 3 to establish a rate relationship between the Basic and 5-digit automation 4 that favors 5-digit automation. Thus, following the recommendation 5 Commission 6 proposed. 7 percentages shape passthroughs are proposed (0.9 cent), respectively. (0.8 cent) and of the a zero percent letter-flat passthrough The High Density and Saturation 8 9 in Docket No.R2000-1, rates are lower than the Commission’s is at Although these recommendation in Docket No. 10 R2000-1, the measured cost passthroughs 11 the Commission 12 proposed shape passthroughs 13 design in this docket: to preserve or increase the measured 14 wherever feasible, without unduly raising the overall rate increases or changing 15 established calculated its passthroughs are each 0.1 cent higher, because from a different base. These illustrate a basic tenet of the proposed rate cost passthroughs rate relationships. 16 4. 17 18 The proposed Automation passthrough for the Automation discount is 19 This results in a discount of 1.5 cents, an increase from the current level of 1.3 20 cents. (In Docket No. Fi2000-1, the Commission recommended a 24 percent 21 automation passthrough, which translated to a discount of 1.3 cents.) Revised Given the shape passthroughs 2 3 passthroughs 4 and 5 Density Tiers 5. 1 38 12l28lOl for nonletters percent between This translates described above, the resulting density percent between Basic and High Density, are High Density and Saturation. into measured cost passthroughs for nonletters of 1.6 6 cents for the High Density tier and 0.6 cent for the Saturation 7 can be compared 8 1, of 44.1 percent, or 1.6 cents, for the High Density tier, and 118.2 percent, or 9 0.5 cent, for the Saturation to the Commission’s recommendations tier. (These figures in Docket No. R2000- tier.) 10 12 13 Destination Entry 6. 11 Destination entry discounts are determined manner as the other standard subclasses. for this subclass in the same The cost study presented by Witness , which was discussed above in the Section lll.D.7, 14 15 measures savings for all subclasses 16 subclass, since the passthroughs *‘See discussion of Destination combined. Discounts do not vary by selected are the same for each: Entry discounts in ECR, Section lll.D.7. 85 percent.27 Revised 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12/28lOl
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