i’3 I~, : I i. BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC. 20268-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2001 ,: 5Fb;:; ~,:,,, Docket No. R2001-1 I REVISED RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS MAYO TO INTERROGATORY OF THE OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE (OCAIUSPS-T36--53) The United States Postal Service hereby provides the revised response of witness Mayo to the following interrogatory OCA/USPS-T36--53, attachment filed on December of the Office of the Consumer Advocate: 10, 2001. The revision reflects the of Publication 551. The original response was filed on December Each interrogatory is stated verbatim and is followed by the response. Respectfully 28, 2001 submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking 5&A ~?t,(LlA David H. Rubin 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, DC. 20260-l 137 (202) 268-2986; Fax -6187 January 4,2002 REVISED RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS MAYO TO INTERROGATORY OF THE OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE OCAIUSPS-T36-53. What kind of assistance do personnel at retail facilities provide to postal patrons who wish to file insurance claims if such patrons lack the reading or language skills necessary to fill out the required forms? Please provide copies of any Postal Service documents reflecting a policy to render/not to render such assistance. RESPONSE: The Sales and Services Associate Training Course, 23501-02 information in Module 26, Overview of Customer Translator, includes some helpful information languages. A copy of this publication Relations. provides general Publication regarding insurance is attached. 551, Point Talk in nine different Co”*Esr OFTHE m *Stamps-How many? . Envelopes-Howmany? *Money Order-Howmuch? - Return receipt *Weight -lb%-oz. . Customs * Passpon -Stamp collecting, *Shipping box-what $ze? * Estampillas jcu8ntas? . Sobres jcu8ntos? * Giro postal ipor c!&iO? - Acuso de recibo l Peso Sibs. Soz. * Aduana . Pas,aporte - Estampillasde colecci6n ,* @a &de quB famario? MAIL A PACKAGE? iDSSEA ENVIAA 1 PAQUETE? ; iDe ,parte de ,q@n? - #x~qui&? ,,‘~: ‘:, * Dotbicilio : . ZOiq pc&3f ‘,~‘: . ~oesea:&ur~? ~:, *C&o lie1 seglm * LContenido? * @xumentos de neg,p@?? -&Es uh,i&g’klo? material? _,‘,,,,; ~.&&.t& + mueetra? * whet is the W&e? I ,,~~jvalor? I, METHOD~OF$HIPP&& &jRMA &N”,b I, ‘j * Primera &se -First class mail - Entrega inmediata *Express mail * Correo prioritario - Priority mail * Correo cefiificado - Certified mail - Aegistrado - Registered mail -COD: contra reembolso - COD l De uno o dos dias -&cl day or,2o&day - Para mediodia 0 3 pm - By qoon or~3:Ct?pm * Militar: 2 dias ? Mlfiiry 2r$&$y . Miitily 3rd~,day - Militar: 3 dias mFrom whom? ,To’*om? . Addks -Zip code *InsuranG~? *Cost of insu&ce . Contents? -Business papers? a I+ it a,gift? ,” : . UMTED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, Translates English - Cambodian - Vietnamese - Chinese * Korean -Japanese * German * Russian . French - Soanish Sample RATES * International * Domestic * Postage . Fees * Tqtal amount LOST A PACKAGE? by Pointing n TARIFAS lntemacional National l Franqueo - Cobra adicional . Total a pagar l l iSE EXlFtAVD SU PAWETE? l ),Estaba asegurado? . WEISit insured? * Nljmero del seguro Insured number * Procedencia del paquete :’d?a@ti+ge brf$t? ,w:zfp,qdde ~,:‘: l Zona postal - Ciudad / Estado *!City,?State ‘.Q&hy l Pais Sept.1995 Pub. 551, Point TalkTranslator l Communicate DIRECTIONS: This translator has been designed to assist you while providing custofler service to people who speak a language other than English. Simply point to the information you wish to convey in the column of the appropriate language. (5 Not for Resale @ - Return receipt -Weight -tbs. -oz. - Customs . Passport * Stamp collecting . Shipping box-What SiY? MAIL A PACKAGE? - F,romwhom? .‘To whom? . A&s&, l Zlp:cpde - In&mnce? ;~Costof insurance *Contents? -~Business papers? ,,* Is-it a gift? ,’ * Sample,ima\erial? -What is the Value? METHOD OF SHlPbikG - First class mail - Express mail - Priority mail - Certified mail - Registered mail - COD *Next day or 2nd day . By noon or 3:0Q,Qm -Military 2nd day *Military 3rd days : RATES *International * Domestic - Postage l Fees -Total amount LOST A PACKAGE? *Was it insured? * 8.x _@yHTos -ynum l Tahnoxewafl neKnapauwR - nacnopr * Codupewe MapoK * AqwKa~oro pashnepa? 1 ! I ; OTflPASilRETEfiAHfiEPOflb? - j+nosb~e 6yMarw? * 3ro noRapwc? l ogpa3+bl,? . Return receipt *Weight Jbs. -oz. *Customs . Placnort ---r-‘. collecting . Stamp ” . Shipping box-Whatsize? BESOINS COMMUNS * Timbres-Combien? l Enveloppes-Combien? - Mandat-Combien? - Un accuser de rkeption * Poids -Livre -grammes * Les dowines l Passeport :: MA,, ,.._.._ A. PACKAGE? .-... .-. From whom? *To whom? . Address -Zip code * Insurance? -Cost of insurance . Contents? . Business papers? * Is it a gift? * Sample material? l What is the value? ENVOYER UN COLIS ? -De qui? - A qui? * Adresse . Code postal . Assurance? l Cofit de rassurance * LB contenu l Papiers d’affaire? . Est-ce u” cadeau? - DesBchanhIws~:prcduits? l Quelle e,ifia v&w?,, ,: i,_:,::,,,,/:; . ob.WmHaR UQHHOCTb?~ ,’ METHod OF SHIPPING METHGDE~~~EXPE~~Tl,~N * Courrier~r&rmal:~~ : -First class mail - Courriwk*pr*s’ * Express mail I&TO/l dTi7PASKkI : - Courrier priori!aire * Priority mail * nepeblM KnaccoM - Courrieraver avisde rkeption * Celtified mail * 3Kcnpecc-nowJA * Courrier en recommande - Registered mail .rlepeoorepenHoR no~roti - Paiement g la livraison l COD * C Keknawmeti * Livraison du lendemain - Next day or 2nd day *3aKa3Hohnow%J ou du 28me jour - HanomeHHblM ““BTBXOM -A midi ou avant 15:OOheures . By “00” or 3:oo pm * Ha aawa i nOCn?Qa,:pa . Mi\iteryz2nd day ,,, - Courrier eny~@par i ~‘::,,“:: ,‘ K nofly&& i K 3 ‘+‘+XM km& eni2purp :,; ‘::, ,,,~ ! ,,,: l Boewad~~norra 2+Aenb l Courrier e$iroyk par : ,~: i . ‘~Milita!y&ckday I’armbe 9”” jys l Boew& nowa34;neHb ‘/ !: _ ,(:: ;:,:,, ” ‘,: ,_;y,,,; 1 ,,,,:‘GATEg ;, ,,;;I: .~: TAR,FS 2 ‘,’ ~’ ,,:, TAPM’Dbl’ * International * International * Mexwyt+apontiblR l tnt&ieur / national - Domestic - B~yrpn CLUA ‘,,, ‘:Tarifs,:~~~~~issgment; : ‘, . norrosb,fi Tapw@~‘~ ,j, ” , ,,yTyag~ ;: : ‘,’ ,’ ;‘, ‘y qes 6ba@ ;; ,,: ~;:~! ,~,,~ l nononHllrenbHbl8~Tap~r(e : ‘~ ,,?,;Fe?,, ,,,_ !i,,?+ 1;;; ~(,>I, ,; ~~:: / :,, ,r~To~otal::amd+@t ‘~:;_,::,:i!:,:q,jon~n~3~~~~~ * moroeb~ti rap@ ., : ,,>~,“’ /;, ,:: ~ihST A p&KA&$~ i: ~~~diii:;~~~~~,u~~~col;l’s ,~Etaitzi,‘adsui6T bAHflEPOllb IlOTEPdilACb? : *Was it in&!d? * Ot4a sacrpaxosaHa? * NumCro correspondant 8 f Insured number COMMON NEEDS UBLICHE W~NSCHE -Stamps-How many? * Briefmarken-Wie viele? . Envelopes-Howma&? l Umschliige-Wie viele? * Morley order-Howmuch? l Posianweisung-Betrag? *Return receipt l Rijckschein l WeigMJbs. -oz. l ,Gewicht -kg-g *customs * Zoll iPassport * Fi&isepaB ; Stam@collecting~ * @?fmarken s&nmeln .,Shippi,ng,,box-What,size?l Vs~,sandpaket?&+he GrbOe?, MAIL A PACKAGE? PAKETEVERSENDEN? From whom? * Van wem? *To whom? .Alw?n? ,, :Adresse;,, *Address l Zip code ?:Postleit&fil * Insurance? : Ver&herungP -Cost of insurance .Ilersicher~ngskosien? . Contents? . Inhalt? ,* Business papers?,,,~,I ,, l GeschBftspapiere? ‘:*ls it &,@ft?,i ,~ . W&‘&in G&henk?’ s &i&-&prob~~? ‘~ ‘- Sample’inaterial~,;’ .,,,Whatis’~M~,val”e,~:,,,s~i:, - Wk:t!*h ist,~$erWe@?~: ‘~ l ;, METH& &gSHIPffiNG V&/L~DARt, * First class mail - Express mail * Priority mail * Certified mail * Registered mail . COD - Next day or 2nd day . By noon or 3:00 pm *Military 2nd day -Military 3rd day * Normale Post * Eilzustellung -2.Tage-Zustellung * Einschreiben - Versichert l Per Nachnahme l NBchster oder 2. Tag * Bis Mittag oder 15:OOUhr - Militar 2. Tag *Milk& 3. Tag RATES GEBiiHREN *International * Domestic l Postage * Fees *Total amount * International - Inland l Port0 . Sondergebiihren l Gesamtsumme LOST A PACKAGE? VERLORENE *Was it insured? - Insured number * Package origin - Zip code *City/State *country VIOLATORS WILL *War es versichert? l Versicherungsnummer l Absender * Postleitzahl * Stadt / Bundesstaat . Land BE PROSECUTED PAKETE? COMMON NEEDS roni$mrapn COMMON NEEDS NHU Chl * Stamps-How many? * Envelopes-Howmany? . or&,-How ,,,uc,,? * Return receipt *Weight Jbs. -oz. 9 Customs * Passport * Stamp collecting . Shipping box-what size? ‘ins-ths? . Stamps-How many? . Envelopes-Howmany? * Money order-Howmuch? * Return receipt l Weight Jbs. -oz. l Customs, * Passport *Stamp collecting l Shipping box-Whatsize? * Tern-Bao nhieu? * Bi thu-Baa nhieu? * Money order-Bao nhieu? * Bien nhan giri lai . Trong llldng -Ibs.-oz. l Quan thug l Giiy thong hanh * Sllu fam tern * Thicng btfu kien-Ca nao? MAIL A PACKAGE? fjpld6liidhd M,,“ey * rpJld;;irrL+ls? *&I&t&? .<~Uk-giim~s9pJ&piFlJ ‘9~“~vh8u”& l fiim *rEnsaias *waji+%tiy~ * t~rtir~ri’nd-&n? -From whom? -To whom? . Address * Zip code - Insurance? . Cost of insurance . Contents? * Business papers? l lsitagtft? * Sample material? * What is the value? ‘pQ? ‘py-d? .slwmega *rwstrJ” cprrus~ti~oii, v3x3iitir~cpmqwrd~ METHODOF dk’fd SHlPPldG l nismmnhdra .,o&,sf,ap’“? * ti,p&Idg? .tohimirnmar? l rutitindo#ly? *nisi+mns? m,* * First class mail * Express mail * Priority mail l Certified mail * Registered mail *ulm 9 sir&& q+LrJsdqn, ‘ipI& %ll~tij,L~“Ql~ +iiid6d l ‘f+ COD Next day or 2nd day - By “cc” or 3:00 pm * Militarv 2nd dav . Militaj 3rd day l *rslefljigcrgti p iiri,pplnr .rsfaniigLnd p rdrmb m “no ‘id! b mm6 RATES * International * Domestic * Postage l Fees . Total amount LOST A PACKAGE? MAIL A PACKAGE? Gin BCR, KIEN? . From whom? - To whom? l Address *Zip code . Insurance? i Cost of insurance l Contents? * Business papers? l Is it a gift? . Sample material? . What is the value? * Nguoi gili? ‘~Nguoi nhan? l Dja chi l Zip code * E&I hi&? l Phi 16” b&o hi&n l D‘t, gili gem co * Van kign thudng mai? l c+e @rig? * MBuhang? - Gie t” cua 43 giri? METHOD OF SHIPPING CiCH * First class mail * Express mail * Priority mail . Certified mail . Registered mail . COD * Next day or 2nd day . By noon or 3:00 pm . Military 2nd day * Military 3rd day mrimii Gti Bl& i#N * Hang nhat * Gt?itric hanh * Gtii uu tien ’ Giri thi thuc khtl hoi * Giri b&o dam * Nguoi nhan tra tien * Nhan nhay keti&p * Nhi” 16~trlla hay 3 pm l Quan buu “gay thrl nhi :,,,l QuBn~buungaythrl ba RATES ~GIA Cb International * Domestic * Postage l Fees *Total amount Nlldc ngoai * Trong “lldc l BtIu chinh * Phi ton * Tong so phi 16” LOST A PACKAGE? MAT Bl& l .elsmsihriraro? *Was it insured? - msmm’flirra * Insured number *r@FiiiMi * Package origin *rNsmJnjo * Zip code * BLp i rg l City / State l pmN l Country Point Talkis a registeredtrademarkof Point TalkTranslators TH6NG THijbNG l KIEN *Was it insured? l Bllu kign co baa higm? * Insured number * S6 baa hi&m * Package origin ‘* Bdu @engiri til -Zip code ‘Zipcode l City / State ‘, *Thanhph6/Ti& bang l Country l Qutigia 0 1995 Point TalkTranslators COMMON NEEDS -WlPF% - Stamps-How many? - Envelopes-Howmany? * Money order-Howmuch? - Return receipt *Weight Jbs. -oz. * Customs ) Pass!xrt * Stamp collecting *Shipping box-Whatsize? ’ UI%A%‘NE ? . l%el.3&m ? - ~%%%f$‘4‘% ? .I@3 * %%-B-zsa .%M . Em+ * *fR * MJ&%?F-~%~?T~? MAIL A PACKAGE? %Em ? - From whom? . To whom? . Address *Zip code * Insurance? - Cost of insurance * Conlents? *Business papers? * Is it a gift? l Sample material? *What is the value? *BRA ? l ? METHOD OF SHIPPING $BZtt - First class mail * Express mail * Priority mail - Certified mail * Registered mail l COD . Next day or 2nd day *,sy !vmn or 390 pm *Military 2nd day -,Military 3rd day * w-wm - ts% * MXs5t* - G#HRfl ’ tftiiwr RATES - International * Domestic -Postage *Fees * Total,amount m%a *BE .ldfi JImA - wit * W&EL .t%? * txwiia ? - wmiilm ? l ?mTt17 * rz ? * #a ? -Eta&& l 7 ? w7htm . ;!xE~%=-Bxi l w+=zF5F3:OO;tw%& .~zfB%=-8zii .zzitJg-~B~S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing participants of record in this proceeding in accordance document with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. qzgi/A 3. u-3, David H. Rubin 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 January 4,2002 upon all
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