Effective Tiling Part 2: Self-assembly Florent Becker September 3, 2015 Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Self-assembly and the aTAM We can approach self-assembly from three directions: I A natural computing point of view: how to compute as Nature does? I A tiling algorithm point of view: what is a local tiling algorithm? I A nano-engineering point of view: how to do cool stuff with DNA or other materials? From these three directions, the same model appears: the aTAM, so it must have some relevance. Outline Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters What is self-assembly I A large number of particles What is self-assembly I A large number of particles I each particle is simple, What is self-assembly I A large number of particles I each particle is simple, I whose simple local interactions What is self-assembly I A large number of particles I each particle is simple, I whose simple local interactions I yield an interesting result Natural examples I Crystal growth Natural examples I Crystal growth I Corals Natural examples I Crystal growth I Corals I Human settlements Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, infinitely many Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, infinitely many I each particle is simple, Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, infinitely many I each particle is simple, taken from a finite set Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, infinitely many I each particle is simple, taken from a finite set I whose simple local interactions Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, infinitely many I each particle is simple, taken from a finite set I whose simple local interactions on Z2 , at distance 1 Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, infinitely many I each particle is simple, taken from a finite set I whose simple local interactions on Z2 , at distance 1 I yield an interesting result Let’s mathematize I A large number of particles, infinitely many I each particle is simple, taken from a finite set I whose simple local interactions on Z2 , at distance 1 I yield an interesting result used as an algorithmic system Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Beyond local rules The simplest tiling algorithms are greedy application of local rules, but they do not always work. How to add a little computing power while keeping locality? Add the option to say “I don’t know”. This gives the power to synchronize. Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Nano-inspiration We want to assemble nano-artefacts. I without the need for nano-manipulations, I with particles which assemble by local interactions, I this means that we need molecules with selective attractions Nano-inspiration We want to assemble nano-artefacts. I without the need for nano-manipulations, I with particles which assemble by local interactions, I this means that we need molecules with selective attractions I and planar dynamics Nano-inspiration We want to assemble nano-artefacts. I without the need for nano-manipulations, I with particles which assemble by local interactions, I this means that we need molecules with selective attractions I and planar dynamics I DNA is perfect for that DNA-computing Silicium machines are slow but not very parallel. Why not rather use 1023 trivial processors. Again, we need a molecule with programmable interactions DNA tiles With 4 single strands of DNA, it is possible to create objects with selective interactions with a Z2 topology. DNA tiles With 4 single strands of DNA, it is possible to create objects with selective interactions with a Z2 topology. Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Tiles Definition (Self-assembling tileset) A self-assembling tileset S is given by: I A finite alphabet G I a strength function: s:G →N I A Wang Tile-Set on alphabet G Link Definition Let t1 , t2 be two prototiles, and d a direction in {N = (0, 1), S = −N, E = (1, 0), W = −E } The link between t1 and t2 in direction d is: I link(t1 , d, t2 ) = 0 if d(t1 ) 6= (−d)(t2 ) I link(t1 , d, t2 ) = f if d(t1 ) = d(t2 ) and s(d(t1 )) = f b b b b b b b b b b b b bb bb bb bb A A A A A b b b cc cc AA bb c c c c c b b b cc cc AA bb c c c c c b b b c c A b A Link Definition b Let S be a self-assembling tileset, and let P be a pattern. Let C be a cut of dom(M), the link along C is defined by: X link(C ) = link(M(e − ), dir(e), M(e + )) e∈C b b b b b b b b b b b bb bb bb bb A A A A A b b b cc cc AA bb c c c c c b b b cc cc AA bb c c c c c b b b c c A b A Link b Definition (Stability) A pattern M of S is stable at temperature τ if for any cut C of M, τ ≤ link(C ) b b b b b b b b b b b bb bb bb bb A A A A A b b b cc cc AA bb c c c c c b b b cc cc AA bb c c c c c b b b c c A b A Dynamics A Definition d S has a transition from M to M 0 at temperature τ if: A c d d E E c E c c d d M0 I M and are stable at temperature τ , I dom(M 0 ) = dom(M) ∪ {(x, y )}, (x, y ) ∈ / dom(M) and M and M 0 coincide on dom(M). A c d d A A E d b E c A A E c E c Possible additions at τ = 2. Self-assembling system Definition A self-assembling system is given by: I A self-assembling tileset I an integer τ , the temperature I a pattern σ, the seed Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Assembly of a rectangle b A A b b A A b A A b b b A A b Seed = tile with a star, Temperature = 2 Assembly of a rectangle b A A A b A b A A A A AA b b b A A bb A A bb A A A A AA A A b b b b b bb b A A bb b A A A AA bb b A A A b A A A A b b b b b bb b A A bb b A A b A A AA Seed = tile with a star, Temperature = 2 b A A A AA bb A A b b b b b bb b bb A A A A b b b bb b A A AA b b b b b b b b b b b A bb bb bb A A b b b b b b b b b b Assembly of a square c c c c c c b b b b A b A b A b Seed = lower left tile, Temperature = 2 A b b b Assembly of a square c c A b c c b A A A b b A b b c c b A A AA c c c c cc b b c AA A c b b b c c c A A bb A A b c b cc b AA A bb A A bb A A b c AA b b b b A b c c c c b b b c c c c cc AA b Seed = lower left tile, Temperature = 2 b b b b b c bb cc A A bb A A bb A A b b b c c b AA bb AA b b b b b b b b b b b b c c c c c c c c b AA b cc b A b b b c c c cc AA b c b b b bb cc A A bb A A bb A A b A bb A A AA bb b b b b b AA bb bb b b b b b b b b b b b b Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Production, final production A production of a self-assembling system S is a pattern p such that there is a sequence of transitions from the seed σ(S) to p at temperature τ (S). An assembly sequence of p is a sequence of transitions from σ(S) to p. p is a final production of S if there is no transition of S starting from p. The set SF is the set of all final productions of S. Assembling a set of shapes Let X be a set of finite subsets of Z2 . The most studied problem in self-assembly is the following: given a set X , is there a system such that X = {dom(f )|f ∈ SF }. When it is the case, we say that S assembles X . Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Efficiency How to get an evaluation of the efficiency of a Self-assembling system? I Number of transitions = surface. . . I Number of tiles in the system = Kolmogorov Is there a notion of time complexity for self-assembly? Time Efficiency? I Turing Machine Time Complexity = scale factor I Physical Assembly Time = ?? Parallelism I I I Far away transitions are made in parallel Each should have its own clock More independant transitions ⇒ faster assembly E E C F F D C D B B D F C F C D A B E A B E A A C C E E F F B B D D E E A A C C kTAM It is possible to refine the Abstract Tile Assembly Model into a kinetic Tile Assembly Model. Given S, PS is a Continuous Time Markov Process defined as follows: I Each tile of S is given a real number, its concentration; I The states of PS are the productions of S; I There is a (Markov) transition from p to p 0 with rate κ if there is an aTAM transition from p to p 0 and the added tile has concentration κ. In other words, we assume that every 1/κ in average, a tile with concentration κ arrives at each possible attachment site, and all these arrival are independant. Assembly time in the kTAM I Assembly time in the kTAM = expected time to assemble in the kTAM I Models parallelism as expected I But computing the expected time of assembly is not easy (ask your local probabilist). A combinatorial approach Markov processes let us model parallelism, but they introduce (sometimes) difficult calculations. Is there a way to express parallelism directly? Dependency order Let s be an assembly sequence of a production p. I I s defines a total order o(s) on the positions of p. T s assembly sequence of p o(s) defines a partial ordrer <p on the positions of p. A production p is ordered (by <p ) if any total order that is compatible with <p corresponds to an assembly sequence of p. In an ordered production, <p captures dependencies between positions. Dependencies and assembly time Theorem Let S be a kTAM where all concentrations are equal to 1, and where the seed is a single tile. Let P be an ordered production, with <p its order. Let d(<P ) be the depth of <P , and t(P) the assembly time of P. Then t(P) = Ω(p(<P )). Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Counter tiles 1g done 1c 0g 1c 1g 0d 1d 1 0c 0c 1g 0 0c 0 0 SS > 0c 0 0 SS 1c 1 1d SS 1c > > 0d 0 1c 1 1d > 0 1' 0c 1 0g > 1' 1 0c 0 1 0c 0g 0c 0d 1c > 1 Running the Counter 0d 0d 1d 1d 0g 0g 1c 0g 0 SS 0 SS 1d 0g SS 0 SS 0 SS 0 0c 0c SS 1' 0c 0c 0 0 SS 0d 1c 1c 0 0 SS 0 1 0d 0 0c 0c 0g 0d 0c 0c 0c 0c 0g 0g 1d 1d 0 0 SS 1' 0d 0d 1c 1c 0c 0c 0 0 SS >> 1' 1' 0 0 0c 1d 1 SS 0c 0 1c 1c 0 0 0d 0c 0c 0g 0d 0g 0g 1d 1d 0d 0d 0g 0d SS 1 1 0g 0g 0 0 SS 0d 0d 0g 0d SS 1 1 0d 0d 1c 1c 0c 0c 0 0 SS 1d 1d >> 1' 1' 0 0 0g 0g 1c 1c 0c 0c 0c 0c 0d 0d 0 0 0 0 0d >> 1c 1c 0c 0c 1d 1d 0 0 SS 0c 1c 1c 0c 0c >> 1' 1' 1d 1d 1d 1d 0 1 0c >> 1' 1' 0 0 0d 1c 0d 0d 1c 1c 0c 0c 0c 0c 1d 1d 0 0 SS 1c 1c 0c 0c 1d >> 0 0 0 0 0d 1c 1c 0c 0c 0 0 SS 0c >> 1' 1' 0 0 0c 0c 0d 1 1 0c 0c >> 1' 1' 1c 1c 1d 1d SS 1d 1d 0 0 SS SS Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Undecidability Theorem Deciding if a self-assembly system S with temperature 2 has a finite final production is undecidable. Proof. By simulation of a Turing Machine: assemble the space-time diagrams of the machine. Turing Simulation: tiles g s,1 <g < s> 1 1 q,0 <g <q < g 1 < g < 0 r> < C q,x > < R q'> q,x g q,x d qi,0 « « > »» q,0 > q> 0 > d > 0 >d d 1 y q',y <q' L > > 0 qf y < 1 r,0 fin <r 0 0 g < >d > 1 r,0 < d s,1 <s > d Turing Simulation: run 0 y << < 0 0 g << g g q'> q,x r,1 r> r> q,1 q,1 <g <g > 1 1 >> <q <q g g d d d qi,0 qi,0 «« »» Introduction The Natural Computing point of view The Tiling point of view DNA computing The aTAM (abstract Tile Assembly Model) Definition Examples Productions Measuring Efficiency Markov Approach Order approach Universality (Computation) Counting Computing Model parameters Temperature I At temperature 1, 2d self-assembly is conjectured to be unable to do universal computation. I But in Z3 , it can simulate Turing Machines. I In both cases, it cannot simulate temperature 2 self-assembly. Conflicts A mismatch is when two adjacent tiles have non-matching glues on their common side. Theorem Some sets of shapes cannot be assembled by systems without mismatches.
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