
Prospects of public participation in
solid waste management in Uganda’s
urban and peri-urban areas. A case
study of Kira Town Council.
Philemon Mukisa
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Adult and Community Development
• Solid waste disposal and management is both an urban and rural
• The rate at which solid waste is generated is far higher than the
capacity to responsibly manage this waste.
• Waste volumes have increased in urban areas due to the growing
population, concentration of industries, consumption of residents,
and inadequate finance and facilities to manage waste collection
and disposal (NEMA 2007:276).
• There is growing consensus that the immediate stakeholders in
the issue of solid waste (the generators of waste), need to join
hands with the authorities in dealing with this problem that has
far-reaching environmental and human health effects.
• Main objective of the study was to explore the level of public
participation in solid waste management in Kira Town Council
Specific areas of concern
• To establish the role that the public plays in solid waste management
in Kira Town Council
• To find out what more the public thought they could do apart from
what they were already doing, for better solid waste management in
the future
Theoretical base
Participation could start with just face-value collaboration
and it turns out to be complementarity, into
embeddedness (Evans, 1996) and could end up into a coproductive structure (Ostrom, 1996).
Good public participation
programs are inclusive; they
avoid a monologue and
emphasize dialogue which
becomes instrumental in
(USEPA, 1996).
• The study used descriptive survey design drawing on the cross-sectional
study design as explained by Bryman (2004) and also on aspects of a
phenomenological research design as discussed by Blanche et al., (2006).
• 3 (Kirinya, Kireka and Kyaliwajala) out of the 6 were selected by simple
random sampling method.
• 101 rparticipants (from the public) were conveniently sampled and
interviewed by structured interview method.
• 30 other participants were interviewed by semi-structured interview and at
the same time observed.
• 3 focus groups were held, with private-individual solid waste
collectors/service providers.
• 2 officials from the Town council interviewed by semi-structured interview.
Key Findings
What the public was doing
• Use of waste containers- traders used containers more than
households, with variations among the wards
• Waste sorting- 55.4% of the respondents confessed not doing any
basic waste sorting. There was no significant colleration btn level of
education and waste sorting.
• Several items were reused- banana peelings, plastic tins and bottles,
old cloth, basins etc
• 81.2% of the participants view felt that it was not possible for them to
reduce on the amount of waste they generated
• 46.5% could identify some items that are discarded of as waste but
could be reused (metals, empty sacks, plastic tins, polythene bags,
empty plastic mineral water bottles, paper boxes and empty cooking
oil jerry cans)
• 89.1% of the participants felt that it is helpful to sort waste at the
source (Plastics was the most popular item that needed to separate)
• 78.2% of the participants were willing to pay waste collection fees if
introduced in future
• 87.1% of the participants expressed openness and willingness to work
with others on solid waste management.
• Innovativeness of the people in keeping the solid waste in one place before
disposal using different materials.
• Sorting of solid waste was less adopted. Many of those who said they
sorted their waste had already declared that they did not possess waste
• People do not deliberately reuse items in order to reduce the solid waste
volume but are rather pushed to reuse because they do not have much
• The people themselves and the private service providers (whether
individual or firms) played the biggest role in solid waste management.
• The public seemed to be ready to pay the bill for their waste though the
authorities were still hesitant to introduce them
• Public to be involved in planning for waste management as first step
• Sensitization of the public on waste reduction, reuse, recycling and
composting before disposing
• Introduction of fees and privatisation of the service to start with
dialoguing between the public and the authorities