White Paper Hadamard Transform Processor Introduction The Altera® Hadamard Transform Processor core is optimized for the Altera FLEX® 10KE, ACEX® 1K, and APEX™ 20K device families. The core is parameterizable and can support a wide range of transform lengths, as well as data precision. The core can process Hadamard transforms using radix 2, 4, or 8, allowing for area/performance tradeoffs. The transform is identical to the results of the MATLAB Hadamard (points) function. A set of utilities are included, to create a testcase from a MATLAB vector, and to analyze the results of the simulation. The core is relatively small, about 250 to 2000 LCs, depending on the chosen parameters. The core requires an internal memory block, generated from EABs or ESBs. The address generator and memory block are automatically generated and instantiated by the core top level. Ports and Parameters Table 1 shows the core’s parameters. Table 2 shows the core’s input signals. Table 3 shows the core’s output signals. Table 1. Parameters Parameter POINTS Description The number of points, which can be any value that is a power of the RADIX parameter. Example: RADIX = 2, POINTS can be 4, 8, 16, 32, 64… RADIX = 4, POINTS can be 16, 64, 256, 1024… RADIX = 8, POINTS can be 64, 512, 4096… RADIX RADIX can be 2, 4, or 8. DATAWIDTH DATAWIDTH can be any number of bits, 2 or greater. DATAWIDTH is the precision of the memory block, and therefore is also the precision of the core input and output. There is a log2(RADIX) bit wordgrowth internal to the Hadamard butterfly, which is rounded on writing to the memory (refer to The Hadamard Transform section). WP-HDMRDTRNS-1.0 Date: June 2002 1 Altera Corporation Hadamard Transform Processor Table 2. Input Signals Signal Name Description SYSCLK SYSCLK is the main system clock. RESET The entire decoder is asynchronously reset when RESET is asserted high. ENABLE The operation of the decoder is enabled when ENABLE is asserted high. When ENABLE is low, all processing is stopped. ENABLE must be low when the core is loaded and unloaded. LOAD When LOAD is high, the contents of the DATAIN[] bus will be written to the address in the WRITEADDRESS[]bus. WRITEADDRESS[] WRITEADDRESS[]is used to address the internal memory when writing the input data into the core. The core must be disabled when writing to, or reading from the core. DATAIN[] DATAIN[]contains the input data to the core. UNLOAD When UNLOAD is high, the contents of the internal memory at the location specified in READADDRESS[] are read out on DATAOUT[]. READADDRESS[] READADDRESS[]is used to address the internal memory, when reading the results of the transform out of the core. The core must be disabled when writing to, or reading from the core. Table 3. Output Signals Signal Name Description DONE DONE is asserted high when the transform in complete. DATAOUT[] DATAOUT[]contains the output data from the core. The Hadamard Transform The Hadamard transform is a matrix multiplication, with only +1 and –1 operations. The two-point transform kernal is: H2 = ¦ 1 1 ¦ (1) ¦ 1 –1¦ This can be expanded into larger transform kernals: H2k = ¦ H2(k – 1) H2(k – 1) ¦ (2) ¦ H2(k – 1) -H2(k – 1) ¦ A Hadamard transform in calculated by multiplying the kernal by the input vector: H*vec’. The ‘fast Hadamard transform’ (FHT) can be calculated using radix 2 kernals, or higher radix kernals, and can be derived from equation (2) above. The number of passes required to compute the FHT is logRADIX(POINTS). Example: A 512 point FHT requires 9 passes for RADIX = 2, but only 3 passes for RADIX = 8. 2 Altera Corporation Hadamard Transform Processor The number of clocks to compute the FHT can be easily calculated by the following formula: Clocks = passes × (POINTS + pipedepth) (3) The pipedepth value is 4 for RADIX = 2, 7 for RADIX = 4, and 12 for RADIX = 8. Some examples of core performance calculations follow: (a) POINTS = 1024, RADIX = 4 : clocks = passes × (POINTS + pipedepth) = 5 × (1024 + 7) = 5155 At 100 MHz, this translates to 51.55 µs. (a) POINTS = 128, RADIX = 2 : clocks = passes × (POINTS + pipedepth) = 7 × (128 + 4) = 924 At 133 MHz, this translates to 6.95 µs. (a) POINTS = 4096, RADIX = 8 : clocks = passes × (POINTS + pipedepth) = 4 × (4096 + 12) = 16432 At 133 MHz, this translates to 123.54 µs. In the core, there are log2(RADIX) bits of word growth through each kernal. The total word growth through the FHT is independent of radix, and is log2(POINTS) bits. As the core uses fixed-point arithmetic, it scales (and rounds) the outputs of the kernal. Therefore, the final transform values are divided by POINTS times over the MATLAB result. To ensure that the core and MATLAB results are identical, multiply the core input data by POINTS; however the DATAWIDTH parameter must be able to handle the required precision. Compiling the Core The core is optimized for FLEX 10KE, ACEX 1K, and APEX 20K devices. It must be compiled into a device that supports dual port RAM. The cores should be compiled with the Global Logic Synthesis option set to fast, or with a synthesis style that supports carry chains. The logic size of the core remains relatively constant with varying transform length, except for the memory, which varies in size linearly with POINTS and DATAWIDTH. The logic size of the core varies approximately linearly with DATAWIDTH and with the log2 of RADIX. Table 4 shows some example compilations for FLEX 10KE devices. 3 Altera Corporation Hadamard Transform Processor Table 4. Example Compilations POINTS RADIX DATAWIDTH LCs EABs 256 2 12 245 1 256 2 18 329 2 256 2 24 377 2 1024 2 24 402 6 1024 4 12 567 3 256 4 20 798 2 512 8 12 1345 2 4096 8 18 1987 18 Testing the Core MATLAB Utilities Two MATLAB utilities are provided to assist in testing the core. The relationship between the control and data signals can be observed from the test cases generated by the HADVECA.M utility. The HADVECA.M utility generates a vector (FHTAA.VEC) file from a MATLAB data vector. This vector file can be run by the MAX+PLUS® II and Quartus™ software. The HADTBLA.M utility will extract the transformed vector from the test case, so that it may be compared with the results in MATLAB. The HADVECA.M utility is called as: HADVECA (vector, DATAWIDTH, RADIX), where vector is a data vector with POINTS elements. The HADTBLA.M utility is called as: vector = HADTBLA (POINTS, DATAWIDTH). Example Test The following steps illustrate the testing of the core with a particular set of parameters (POINTS = 64, RADIX = 2, DATAWIDTH = 14): 1. Compile the core with the desired parameters. 2. Create a random vector in MATLAB: VEC = RAND(1,64); 3. Make it symmetrical about 0 (optional): VEC = VEC - .5; 4. Scale it closer to the dynamic range of the core: VEC = ROUND(VEC*1000); 5. Create a Hadamard matrix in MATLAB: HAD = HADAMARD(64); 6. Perform the Hadamard transform in MATLAB: HVEC = HAD * VEC’; 7. Create an Altera vector file : HADVECA(VEC, 14, 2); 8. From the MAX+PLUS II (or Quartus) software, open the test file. 9. With the simulator window, select the vector file using Inputs/Outputs (File menu). Select the directory containing the utility and vector file, select FHTAA.VEC. 4 Altera Corporation Hadamard Transform Processor 10. Start the simulation. When complete, open the simulator file. Select Create Table File (File menu) to create a text version of the simulation. 11. Extract the vector from the text file: Y = HADTBLA(64, 14); 12. Compare the MATLAB (HVEC) and simulation results (Y). In this case, they should match, except the magnitude of the simulation is 1/64th of the MATLAB results, because of the scaling in the fixed point system. The core can also output the transform with the same magnitude as the MATLAB simulation, but the input data to the core must be multiplied by POINTS. The DATAWIDTH of the core may have to be increased to support this. Appendix A: Top Level Wrapper An unencrypted top level wrapper, TOP_LEVEL_FHTAA.TDF is provided, to make it easier to instantiate and parameterize the core. The source code of the wrapper is as follows: FUNCTION fhtaa (sysclk, reset, enable, load, unload, readaddress[addwidth..1], writeaddress[addwidth..1], datain[datawidth..1]) RETURNS (dataout[datawidth..1], done); PARAMETERS ( points = 4096, radix = 8, datawidth = 18 ); constant addwidth = log2(points); subdesign top_level_fhtaa ( sysclk, reset, enable : INPUT; load, unload : INPUT; readaddress[addwidth..1] : INPUT; writeaddress[addwidth..1] : INPUT; datain[datawidth..1] : INPUT; dataout[datawidth..1] : OUTPUT; done : OUTPUT; ) BEGIN 5 Altera Corporation Hadamard Transform Processor (dataout[datawidth..1], done) = fhtaa (sysclk, reset, enable, load, unload, readaddress[addwidth..1], writeaddress[addwidth..1], datain[datawidth..1]) WITH (points=points,radix=radix,datawidth=datawidth); END; 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com Copyright © 2002 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, mask work rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. 6 Altera Corporation Hadamard Transform Processor 7
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