Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices October 2002, ver. 1.0 Introduction Application Note 276 HardCopy™ device implementation hinges on the delivery of a comprehensive set of FPGA design files to Altera. This application note describes the process to generate and check these deliverables before your design is submitted to Altera for migration. This process uses the Quartus® II software version 2.1 and the HardCopy Passport version 2.0 utility software. Generating deliverables for Altera® HardCopy devices includes the following simple steps, all of which will be discussed in this document: f Software Requirements 1. Run the Design Assistant tool 2. Ensure that the device’s timing constraints are complete 3. Run the HardCopy Passport utility software 4. Archive project files for delivery to Altera For more information on HardCopy devices, refer to the HardCopy Devices for APEX 20K Conversion Data Sheet on the Altera web site ( To generate the required output files correctly, you must use the Quartus II software version 2.1. Additionally, you must run the HardCopy Passport stand-alone utility prior to submitting your FPGA design to Altera for migration. The HardCopy Passport utility (which replaces the paper format design questionnaire) outputs the needed information about the characteristics and design methodology used in creating your FPGA design. 1 Altera Corporation A-AN-276-1.0 The HardCopy Passport utility is a Windows executable file that is available from the Altera web site at: 1 AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices List of Deliverables Table 1 shows the complete list of deliverables needed for a HardCopy device implementation. Table 1. Files Needed for HardCopy Implementation File Description From <Quartus II Project Directory>\ <project_name>.sof SRAM object file <project_name>.csf.rpt Compilation report file <project_name>.pin Pin list for the design <project_name>.esf Entity settings file <project_name>.psf Project settings file *.qar Quartus archive file From <Quartus II Project Directory>\HardCopy\ <project_name>_hcpy.vo Verilog ATOM netlist for use with PrimeTime <project_name>_hcpy_v.sdo Post-layout FPGA timing data <project_name>_cpld.datasheet Summary of FPGA I/O performance <project_name>_target.datasheet Summary of target I/O performance <project_name>_pt_hcpy_v.tcl Timing constraints with logical port names <project_name>rba_pt_hcpy_v.tcl Timing constraints with physical port names From <HardCopy Passport Output Files Directory>\ *.txt Generating Design files Text output file generated by Passport All the required design information files are generated automatically as a part of the normal Quartus II compilation process. There are additional HardCopy-specific files that need to be generated through the Quartus II software. Assuming a full compile has already been completed, you can run Start Design Assistant (Processing menu). 1 For more information on the Quartus II Design Assistant tool, refer to the Quartus II Software Overview page on the Altera web site ( Carefully check the Design Assistant results; any critical rules that are violated will probably need to be fixed. High and medium severity violations will need to be reviewed by the Altera HardCopy Design Center. Figure 1 shows a typical set of results generated by the Design Assistant. 2 Altera Corporation AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices Figure 1. Results Generated from HardCopy Design Assistant It is also possible to run the Design Assistant during the compile process (see Figure 2). In the Compiler Settings dialog box (Tools menu), select the Design Assistant tab, and then alter the fields according to your specifications. Check “Run Design Assistant during compilation” if required. Altera Corporation 3 AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices Figure 2. Compiler Settings Dialog Box After ensuring that the Design Assistant results are satisfactory, generate the HardCopy timing constraint files. This is done through the Assignment Organizer (Tools menu), and by setting global project timing requirements (Project menu), as described below. Global Project Settings For FPGA designs, global timing requirements such as tSU, tCO, tH, and tPD should be set for all I/O pins in the design through Timing Settings (Project menu). The clock settings should also be specified here. Figure 3 shows the Timing Settings dialog boxes. 4 Altera Corporation AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices Figure 3. Timing Settings Once you have defined all the clocks in the design, specify the node in the design that the clock definition points to. Use the Assignment Organizer (Tools menu). The clock node will be either a primary input pin, a PLL output pin, or an internal signal (e.g., register output pin). In the Quartus II software, use the HardCopy Settings (Project menu) to specify project-wide minimum timing requirements for outputs that are driven by on-chip registers (tCO) in addition to minimum combinatorial timing from primary input pins to primary output pins (tPD). Figure 4 shows the HardCopy Settings dialog box. The clock jitter of the external clock source can also be specified here. 1 Altera Corporation These settings will have no effect on the FPGA compile results but are needed to ensure the HardCopy implementation meets the system timing performance requirements. 5 AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices Figure 4. HardCopy Setting Dialog Box Pin-Specific Timing Assignments You can use the Assignment Organizer (Tools menu), shown in Figure 5, to override the project-wide settings for specific I/O pins or clocks. Apply any timing constraints that are necessary, (e.g., tSU, external input delay, etc.). You can also specify pin-specific minimum tCO assignments for HardCopy devices. Figure 5. Assignment Organizer 6 Altera Corporation AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices HardCopy timing constraints should meet the following requirements: ■ ■ ■ ■ They should be a superset of the FPGA timing constraints, so any timing constraints missed in the FPGA design must be added. If they are unimportant (e.g., a pin that is static because it is tied off outside the device), then a default timing constraint will be applied on the pin, and a warning will be generated. Any minimum timing requirements that were not specified for the FPGA must be specified before HardCopy implementation. This is particularly important, because signals typically are much faster in HardCopy devices compared to FPGAs. They should be consistent with FPGA timing constraints. They should be achievable in the FPGA. Altera expects the FPGA to meet the timing constraints before the HardCopy device implementation commences. If the constraints are too stringent for HardCopy devices, then the implementation may not be possible, or, it may take longer to complete. They should be complete; there should be no unconstrained pins or unspecified clock domains. Once you are satisfied that all the timing constraints have been applied, run the Quartus Timing Analyzer by selecting Start Timing Analysis (Processing menu). Do not re-compile the design when the Quartus II software tells you that source or design files have changed. (Click No when asked “Do you want to recompile before starting the timing analysis?”) Running the timing analysis ensures that all of the newly added timing constraints are propagated into the Quartus II database. Once the timing analysis is completed, generate the timing files required for HardCopy implementation by selecting Generate HardCopy Files (Processing menu). All of the timing constraint files that are needed for HardCopy implementation will be placed in a new sub-directory in the Quartus II project directory called hardcopy. Figure 6 shows the timing constraint files that should appear in the hardcopy directory. Altera Corporation 7 AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices Figure 6. Timing Constraints Output Files File Warnings or Errors One way to check the timing constraints is to look at the file <design_name>_target.datasheet. This is a text file that contains a list of required I/O timing for the design. Any errors in this file will need to be fixed. Any I/O pin that was not constrained will be flagged with a warning message, as shown in Figure 7. 8 Altera Corporation AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices Figure 7. Required I/O Timing List Arc type From To Value SETUP clk5 b1 4.00 SETUP clk5 b3 3.00 SETUP clk5 a7 7.50 # WARNING : The required setup time from a6 to clk5 is not set. The default value (99.99) is used. SETUP clk5 a6 99.99 SETUP clk5 b5 4.00 SETUP clk5 b7 4.00 SETUP clk5 b6 4.00 HOLD clk5 b1 1.00 HOLD clk5 b3 0.00 HOLD clk5 a7 -1.00 # WARNING : The required hold time from a6 to clk5 is not set. The default value (0.00) is used. HOLD clk5 a6 0.00 HOLD clk5 b5 0.00 HOLD clk5 b7 0.00 HOLD clk5 b6 0.00 DELAY clk5 out8 11.00 DELAY clk5 out9 11.00 DELAY clk5 out10 11.00 # WARNING : The required clock-to-output time from clk5 to out15 is not set. The default value (99.99) is used. DELAY clk5 out15 99.99 DELAY clk5 out11 8.00 DELAY clk5 out12 11.00 Also, review the SETUP, HOLD, and DELAY values in this file to check if they meet the design requirements. Once you are satisfied with the target datasheet file, check the <design_name>_pt_hcpy_v.tcl file for errors or warnings and fix as noted above. This file describes the same information, but in a different format. In particular, check that the clock definitions and timing exceptions, such as false-paths and multi-cycle paths, are as expected. You can also ensure the constraints are complete by reading the design and the constraint file into Synopsys’ PrimeTime static timing analysis tool and check using the check_timing command. This can be done as follows: pt_shell> read <design_name>_ pt_hcpy_v.tcl. Altera Corporation 9 AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices In PrimeTime, the check_timing command will generate a report detailing if any parts of the design are not constrained. For example, if some output pins in a design are not constrained, the tool provides a warning message giving the number of output pins that are not constrained for maximum delay. Then a list of those output pins is given. Editing the Constraint Files The contents of timing constraint files should not be changed manually because a hand edit may cause the files to become inconsistent with each other. Instead, the changes should be made through the Assignment Organizer (Tools menu) and the Timing Settings (Project menu) tools. The files should be regenerated using the method described in “Generating Design files” on page 2. After reviewing all of the HardCopy timing files, you are ready to use the HardCopy Passport utility. Running HardCopy Passport Once launched, the Passport utility launches a wizard that asks a series of questions corresponding to the design. Choose to save the results as an ASCII text file. This text file should be provided as one of the deliverables for HardCopy implementation. Figure 8 shows one of the panes of HardCopy Passport wizard. 10 Altera Corporation AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices Figure 8. HardCopy Passport Archive HardCopy Files Once finished with the HardCopy Passport utility, archive the design files that are required for the HardCopy implementation by selecting Archive Project (Project menu). Check the “Include files for HardCopy conversion,” then click Add/Remove Files. Ensure that the output text file from Passport is included in the archive, in addition to all the files listed in Table 1 on page 2. Figure 9. Archive Project Altera Corporation 11 AN 276: Generating Deliverables for HardCopy Devices When finished, click OK and a Quartus Archived File (.qar) will be generated. By default this file is located in the Quartus II project directory; however, you can direct the software to a specific location by pressing the browse button (...) on the right side of this window to bring up a standard file dialog box. This QAR file should be sent to Altera for the HardCopy implementation to commence. Conclusion 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 Applications Hotline: (800) 800-EPLD Literature Services: 12 HardCopy devices provide the fastest way to convert high-density FPGA designs to a no-risk, low-cost device. The migration process is fully automated, and customer involvement is limited, requiring only generating a few Quartus II software-based output files. After delivery of these output files, apart from approval of the prototype, Altera carries out all of the steps in the migration process. Copyright © 2002 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services Altera Corporation
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