® May 2003, ver. 2.0 Synplify and Quartus II LogicLock Design Flow Application Note 165 Introduction TM The LogicLockTM block-based design flow enables users to design, optimize, and lock down a design one section at a time. With the LogicLock methodology, you can independently create and implement each logic module into a hierarchical or team-based design. With this method, you can preserve the performance of each module during system integration and have more control over placement of your design. To maximize the benefits of the LogicLock design methodology in the Altera® Quartus® II software, you can partition a design into a hierarchy of netlist files during synthesis in the Synplify software. The LogicLock design methodology supports CycloneTM, StratixTM, Stratix-GX, APEXTM II, APEX 20KC, APEX 20KE, APEX 20K, MercuryTM (limited support), and ExcaliburTM devices. This application note describes how to create and utilize multiple Verilog Quartus Mapping (.vqm) netlist files for a hierarchical and incremental design approach using the MultiPoint synthesis feature in the Synplicity Synplify software. f Software Requirements For more information on LogicLock regions and the LogicLock design flow, see AN 161: Using the LogicLock Methodology in the Quartus II Design Software. This application note assumes that you have installed and licensed the Synplify software. To get the Synplify software and license, go to the Synplicity web site www.synplicity.com. 1 Design Hierarchy Altera Corporation AN-165-2.0 The MultiPoint synthesis feature was introduced in the Synplify Pro software version 7.2. The feature is not available in the basic Synplify software. As a part of your design hierarchy, you can define different modules in different files and instantiate them in a top-level file. For larger designs, such as those used for Stratix devices, a group of designers can work on different modules of a design at the same time. Figure 1 shows an example of a design hierarchy. 1 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Figure 1. Design Hierarchy Designer 1 A B D Designer 2 C E F Designer 3 In Figure 1, the top-level design A is assigned to one engineer (Designer 1), while two engineers work on the lower levels of the design. Designer 2 works on B and its submodules D and E, while Designer 3 works on C and its submodule F. You can treat each module or a group of modules as one block of the design for incremental synthesis. Each block of submodules will have its own netlist file after synthesis. A submodule can be a Verilog HDL module, a VHDL entity, an VQM netlist file, or any combination of the three. To combine these submodules into a block for synthesis, they should form a single tree in the design. For example, you cannot create one netlist file for the two submodules E and C while A and B are in different netlists because E and C are in different trees or branches of the design. You can have individual netlists for A, B, C, and E or one netlist for the whole tree under the top-level design A. LogicLock 2 With a hierarchical approach, the LogicLock design methodology allows you to individually optimize your block(s) for the Altera device. Using the LogicLock design methodology, you can place each block’s logic into a fixed or floating region in an Altera device. You then have the opportunity to maintain the placement and the performance of your blocks in the Altera device. Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Using the LogicLock Design Flow with Synplify MultiPoint Synthesis The MultiPoint synthesis feature in the Synplify software allows you to create different netlist files for different sections of a design hierarchy. Different netlist files mean that each section is independent of the others. When synthesizing the entire project, only portions of a design that have been updated have to be re-synthesized when you compile the design. You can make changes, optimize and re-synthesize your section of a design without affecting other sections. You can place each netlist file into a separate LogicLock region in the Quartus II software. If a design region changes, only the netlist associated with the changed region is affected. During place-and-route in the Quartus II software, you only need to recompile the LogicLock region associated with the changed netlist file. You may need to remove previous back-annotated assignments for the modified block because the node names may be different in the newly synthesized version. If all the netlists are contained in one Quartus II project, use the LogicLock flow to back-annotate the logic within the other regions. In this case, when you recompile with one new VQM netlist file, the placement and assignments for unchanged netlist files assigned to different LogicLock regions are not affected. Therefore, one designer can make changes to a piece of code that exists in an independent block and not interfere with another designer’s changes, even if all the blocks are integrated in a toplevel design. With the LogicLock design methodology, separate pieces of a design can evolve from development to testing without affecting other areas of a design. f For more information on the LogicLock incremental design capabilities, refer to AN 161: Using the LogicLock Methodology in the Quartus II Design Software. Hierarchy & Design Considerations You must plan your design’s structure and partitioning carefully to use the LogicLock features effectively. Optimal hierarchical design practices include partitioning the blocks at functional boundaries, registering the boundaries of different blocks, minimizing the I/O between each block, separating timing-critical blocks, and keeping the critical path within one hierarchical block. f Altera Corporation For more tips on design planning, refer to AN 226: Synplify & Quartus II Design Methodology. 3 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices To ensure the proper functioning of the synthesis flow, you can only apply the LogicLock option in the Synplify software to modules, entities, or netlist files. In addition, each module or entity should have its own design file. If two different modules are in the same design file but are defined as being part of different regions, it is difficult to maintain incremental synthesis since both regions would have to be recompiled when you change one of the modules or entities. If you use boundary tri-states in a lower-level block, the Synplify software pushes (or “bubbles”) the tri-states through the hierarchy to the top level because Altera devices only have tri-state drivers on output pins (not internally). Because bubbling tri-states requires optimizing through hierarchies, lower-level tri-states are not supported with a block-based design methodology. You should use tri-state drivers only at the external output pins of the device and at the top-level block in the hierarchy. Creating a Design with Multiple VQM Files The first stage of a hierarchical design flow is to generate multiple VQM files, enabling you to take advantage of the LogicLock incremental design flow in the Quartus II software. If the whole design is in one VQM file, changes in one block affect other blocks because of possible node name changes. You can generate multiple VQM files either by using the Multipoint synthesis flow and LogicLock attributes in the Synplify software, or by manually creating separate Synplify projects and black-boxing each block that you want to be part of a LogicLock region. Once you have created multiple VQM files using one of these two methods, you need to create the appropriate Quartus II project(s) to place-and-route the design. Generating a Design with Multiple VQM Files Using MultiPoint Synthesis This section describes how to generate multiple VQM files using the Synplify Pro MultiPoint synthesis flow. You must first set up your compile points, constraint files, and Synplify options, then apply Altera-specific attributes to create LogicLock regions. MultiPoint synthesis, which is available for certain device technologies in the SynplifyPro software, provides an automated incremental synthesis flow and can reduce runtime. The Synplicity MultiPoint synthesis flow lets you design incrementally and synthesize designs that take too long for top-down synthesis. 4 Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices The MultiPoint feature manages a design hierarchy for incremental synthesis. MultiPoint synthesis allows different netlist files to be created for different sections of a design hierarchy, supporting the LogicLock design methodology. It also ensures that only those sections of a design that have been updated will be re-synthesized when the design is compiled, reducing synthesis run time and preserving the results for the unchanged blocks. A designer can change and re-synthesize their section of a design without affecting other sections of a design. Step 1. Set Compile Points and Create Constraint Files The MultiPoint flow lets you segment a design into smaller synthesis units, called compile points. The synthesis software treats each compile point as a block for incremental mapping, which allows you to isolate and work on individual compile point modules as independent segments of the larger design without impacting other design modules. A design can have any number of compile points, and compile points can be nested. The top-level module is always treated as a compile point. Compile points are optimized in isolation from their parent which could be another compile-point or a top-level design. Each block created with a compile point is unaffected by critical paths or constraints on its parent or other blocks. A compile point stands on its own, with its own individual constraints. During synthesis, any compile points that have not yet been synthesized are synthesized before the top level. Nested compile points are synthesized before the parent compile points that contain them. When you apply the appropriate LogicLock constraints to a compile point module, then a separate netlist will be written for that compile point, isolating that logic from any other logic in the design. Compile points are applied to the module or architecture in the Synplify Pro SCOPE spreadsheet or the constraint file (.sdc). You cannot set a compile point in the Verilog/VHDL source code. You can set the constraints manually using TCL or by editing the SDC file. You can also use the graphical user interface (GUI) which provides two methods, manual or automated as outlined below. Defining Compile Points Using TCL or SDC To set compile points using Tcl and .sdc, use the define_compile_point command: define_compile_point [-disable] [-comment <comment>] <objname> [-type <compile point type>] In the above syntax statement objname represents any module in the design. Cyrrently, only locked compile point types are supported. Altera Corporation 5 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Each compile point has a set of constraint files that begin with the define_current_design command to set up the SCOPE environment. define_current_design {<my_module>} Manually Defining Compile Points from the GUI The manual method requires you to separately create constraint files for the top-level and the lower-level compile points. To use the manual method: 1. From the top-level, select the Compile Points tab in the SCOPE spreadsheet 2. Select the modules which you want to define as compile points types. Currently, only locked compile points are supported. All compile points must be defined from the top-level because the Compile Points tab is not available in the SCOPE spreadsheet from lower level modules. 3. Manually create a constraint file for each module. To ensure that changes to a compile point do not affect the top-level parent module, disable the Update Compile Point Timing Data option on the Implementation Options dialog box. If this option is enabled, updates to a child module can impact the top-level module. Automatically Defining Compile Points from the GUI When you use the automated process, the lower-level constraint file is set up automatically. This eliminates the manual step that you need to do to set up each compile point. To use the automated method: 6 1. Select New under the File menu and choose to create a new Constraint File, or click the SCOPE icon in the toolbar. Select Compile Point from the Select File Type tab of the Create a New SCOPE File dialog box. 2. Select the module you want to designate as a compile point. The software automatically sets the compile points in the top-level constraint file and creates a lower-level constraint file for each compile point. Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices To ensure that changes to a compile point do not affect the top-level parent module, disable the Update Compile Point Timing Data option on the Implementation Options dialog box. If this option is enabled, updates to a child module can impact the top-level module. 1 – – – – f When using compile points with the LogicLock design flow, keep the following restrictions in mind: To use compile points effectively, you must provide timing constraints (timing budgeting) for each compile point; the more accurate the constraints, the better your results. Constraints are not automatically budgeted, so manual time budgeting is essential. When using the Synplify Pro attribute syn_useioff to pack registers in the I/O Elements (IOEs) of Altera devices, these registers must be in the top-level module, not a lower level. Otherwise, you must use the Fast Input Register or Fast Output Register options in the Quartus II software instead of the syn_useioff attribute. You must put tri-state buffers the top-level module because tristate drivers are located at the outputs of Altera devices. Tristates coded in lower-level files do not get automatically pushed to the top-level. There is no incremental synthesis support for top-level logic; any logic in the top-level is re-synthesized every run. For further details about compile points, see the Synplify Pro User Guide and Reference Manual at http://www.synplicity.com/literature/index.html. Step 2. Apply the Altera LogicLock Attributes To instruct the SynplifyPro software to create a separate VQM netlist file for each compile point, you must indicate that the compile point will be used with the LogicLock design methodology. When you apply the appropriate LogicLock attributes, the SynplifyPro software will also write out Tcl commands for the Quartus II software to create a LogicLock region for each netlist. Altera Corporation 7 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices LogicLock regions in the Quartus II software have both size and location properties. The region’s size is defined by the height and width of the rectangular area. If the region is specified as auto-size, then the Quartus II software determines the appropriate size to fit the logic assigned to the region. When you specify the size, you must include enough device resources to accommodate the assigned logic. The location of a region is defined by its origin, the position of its top-left corner. In the Quartus II software, this location can be specified as locked or floating. If the location is floating, the Quartus II software determines the location during its optimization process. Floating locations are the only type currently supported in the SynplifyPro software. Table 1 shows the valid combinations of the LogicLock location and size properties in the SynplifyPro software: Table 1. LogicLock Location and Size Properties altera_logiclock_location altera_logiclock_size Attribute Attribute Description Floating Auto The most flexible kind of LogicLock constraint. Allows the Quartus II software to choose appropriate region size and location. Floating Fixed Assumes size of LogicLock constraint area is already optimal in existing Quartus II project. You can apply these attributes to the top-level constraint file or to the individual constraint files for each lower-level module. Synplify Pro offers another attribute, syn_allowed_resources, which restricts the number of resources for a given module. You can apply a syn_allowed_resources attribute to any compile point view. f For specific information regarding these attributes, refer to the Synplify Pro online help or Reference Manual. During compilation, the Synplify Pro software creates a <top-level project>.tcl file that provides the Quartus II software with the appropriate LogicLock assignments, creating a region for each VQM file along with the information to set up a Quartus II project. 8 Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices The Tcl file contains the following commands for each LogicLock region. This example is for module A (instance u1) in the project named top where the region name cpll_1 was selected by Synplify Pro for the compile point. project add_assignment "top" "cpll_1" "" "" "LL_AUTO_SIZE" "ON" project add_assignment "top" "cpll_1" "" "" "LL_STATE" "FLOATING" project add_assignment "top" "cpll_1" "" "|A:u1" "LL_MEMBER_OF" "cpll_1" These commands will create a LogicLock region with Auto Size and Floating Origin properties. This flexible LogicLock region allows the Quartus II Compiler to select the size and location of the region. f For more information on Tcl commands, refer to AN 195: Scripting with Tcl in the Quartus II Software. Creating a Quartus II Project for Multiple VQM Files You can use the following methods to import the VQM files into the Quartus II software. ■ Use the <top-level project>.tcl file that contains the Synplify assignments for all blocks within the project. This method allows the top-level designer to import all the blocks into one Quartus II project for an incremental flow. You can optimize all modules within the project at once. Figure 2 shows a visual representation of the design flow. 1 Altera Corporation If additional optimization is required for individual blocks, each designer can take their VQM file and create a separate Quartus II project at that time with the appropriate assignments. New assignments would then have to be added to the top-level project through the LogicLock import function. 9 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Figure 2. Design Flow Using Multiple VQM Files with One Quartus II Project Quartus II Project a.vqm Use a.tcl to Import Synplify Pro Assignments b.vqm c.vqm or ■ 10 Generate multiple Quartus II projects, one for each block in the design. Each designer in the project can optimize their block separately within the Quartus II software and back-annotate their blocks. Figure 3 shows a visual representation of the design flow. The optimized sub-designs can be brought into one top-level Quartus II project using the LogicLock import function. Each designer will have to manually enter their assignments into the Quartus II software because Synplify Pro doesn’t write a Tcl file for the lower-level modules. Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Figure 3. Design Flow Using Multiple VQM Files with Multiple Quartus II Projects Quartus II Project a.vqm Quartus II Project b.vqm Manually Enter Assignments f Use a.tcl to Import SynplifyPro Assignments Quartus II Project c.vqm Manually Enter Assignments For more information on importing LogicLock assignments, refer to AN161: Using the LogicLock Methodology in the Quartus II Design Software. Generating a Design with Multiple VQM Files Using Black Boxes This section describes how to manually generate multiple VQM files using a black boxing technique. The following manual flow was supported in previous versions of the SynplifyPro software, and is discussed here because some designers or teams may want more control over the project for each submodule. In addition, this manual flow is supported in the Synplify (non-Pro) software that does not include the Multipoint Synthesis feature. Manually Creating Multiple VQM Files Using Black-Boxes To create multiple VQM files manually in the Synplify software, create a separate project for each module and top-level design that you want to maintain as a separate VQM file. Implement black-box instantiations of lower-level modules in your top-level project. When synthesizing the projects for the lower-level modules and the top-level design, follow these general guidelines. Altera Corporation 11 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices For lower-level modules: 1. Turn on Disable I/O Insertion for the target technology in the Implementation Options dialog box. 2. Read the HDL files for the modules. 3. Modules may include black-box instantiations of lower-level modules that are also maintained as separate VQM files. 4. Add constraints with the SCOPE constraint editor. 5. Enter the clock frequency to ensure that the sub-design is correctly optimized. 6. In the Attributes tab, set syn_netlist_hierarchy to 0. For top-level designs: 1. Turn off Disable I/O Insertion for the target technology. 2. Read the HDL files for top-level designs. 3. Black-box lower-level modules in the top-level design. 4. Add constraints with the SCOPE constraint editor. 5. Enter the clock frequency to ensure that the design is correctly optimized. 6. In the Attributes tab, set syn_netlist_hierarchy to 0. The sections below describe an example of black-boxing modules using the files described in Figure 1 on page 2. To create multiple VQM files: 12 1. Generate a VQM file for module C. Use C.v/.vhd and F. v/.vhd as the source files. 2. Generate a VQM file for module B. Use B.v/.vhd, D.v/.vhd, and E.v/.vhd as the source files. 3. Generate a top-level VQM file A.v/.vhd for module A. Ensure that you black box modules B and C, which were optimized separately in the previous steps. Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Black Boxing in Verilog HDL Any design block that is not defined in the project, or included in the list of files to be read for a project, will be treated as a black box by the software. Use the syn_black_box attribute to indicate that you intended to black-box the given module. In Verilog HDL, you must provide an empty module declaration for the module that you will be treating as a black box. Figure 4 shows an example of the A.v top-level file. If any of your lowerlevel files also contain a black-boxed lower-level file in the next level of hierarchy, follow the same procedure. Figure 4. Black-Boxing Example for Top-Level File A.v module A (data_in, clk, e, ld, data_out); input data_in, clk, e, ld; output [15:0] data_out; wire [15:0] cnt_out; B U1 (.data_in (data_in),.clk(clk), .ld (ld),.data_out(cnt_out)); C U2 (.d(cnt_out), .clk(clk), .e(e), .q(data_out)); // Any other code in A.v goes here. endmodule // Empty Module Declarations of Sub-Blocks B and C follow here. // These module declarations (including ports) are required for black boxing. module B (data_in, clk, ld, data_out) /*synthesis syn_black_box */ ; input data_in, clk, ld; output [15:0] data_out; endmodule module C (d, clk, e, q) /*synthesis syn_black_box */ ; input [15:0] d; input clk, e; output [15:0] q; endmodule Black Boxing in VHDL Any design block that is not defined in the project, or included in the list of files to be read for a project, will be treated as a black box by the software. Use the syn_black_box attribute to indicate that you intended to black-box the given component. In VHDL, you need a component declaration for the black box just like any other block in the design. Altera Corporation 13 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices 1 Note that although VHDL is not case-sensitive, VQM (a subset of Verilog) is case-sensitive. Entity names and their port declarations are forwarded to the VQM. Black-box names and port declarations are similarly forwarded to the VQM. To prevent case-sensitive mismatches between VQM, use the same capitalization for black-box and entity declarations in VHDL designs. Figure 5 shows an example of the A.vhd top-level file. If any of your lower-level files also contain a black-boxed lower-level file in the next level of hierarchy, follow the same procedure. Figure 5. Black-Boxing Example for Top-Level File A.vhd LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; LIBRARY synplify; use synplify.attributes.all; ENTITY A IS PORT ( data_in : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15; clk, e, ld : IN STD_LOGIC; data_out : OUT INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15 ); END A; ARCHITECTURE a_arch OF A IS COMPONENT B PORT( data_in : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15; clk, ld : IN STD_LOGIC; d_out : OUT INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15 ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT C PORT( d : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15; clk, e: IN STD_LOGIC; q : OUT INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15 ); END COMPONENT; attribute syn_black_box of B: component is true; attribute syn_black_box of C: component is true; -- Other component declarations in A.vhd go here signal cnt_out : INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 15; 14 Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices BEGIN U1 : B PORT MAP ( data_in => data_in, clk => clk, ld => ld, d_out => cnt_out ); U2 : C PORT MAP ( d => cnt_out, clk => clk, e => e, q => data_out ); -- Any other code in A.vhd goes here END a_arch; After you have completed the steps outlined in this section, you will have different VQM netlist files for each block of code. These files can now be used in the LogicLock incremental design methodology in the Quartus II software. Creating a Quartus II Project for Multiple VQM Files The Synplify software creates a Tcl file for each VQM file, providing the Quartus II software with the information to set up a project. Altera recommends the following method for bringing each VQM and corresponding Tcl file into the Quartus II software: Use the Tcl file that is created for each VQM file by the Synplify software for each Synplify project. This method generates multiple Quartus II projects, one for each block in the design. Each designer in the project can optimize their block separately within the Quartus II software and backannotate their blocks. Figure 6 shows a visual representation of the design flow. Designers should create a LogicLock region for each block; the toplevel designer should then import all the blocks and assignments into the top-level project. This method allows each block in the design to be treated separately; each block can be back-annotated and brought into one toplevel project. Altera Corporation 15 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Figure 6. Design Flow Using Multiple Synplify Projects and Multiple Quartus II Projects Quartus II Project a.vqm Quartus II Project Use b.tcl to Import Synplify Pro Assignments f Incremental Synthesis Flow b.vqm Use a.tcl to Import Synplify Pro Assignments Quartus II Project c.vqm Use c.tcl to Import Synplify Pro Assignments For more information on creating and importing LogicLock regions, refer to AN 161: Using the LogicLock Methodology in the Quartus II Design Software. Difference-Based Synthesis with the MultiPoint feature When using the Multipoint synthesis flow, if you make changes to one or more submodules, you can use incremental synthesis to generate a new netlist for the changed submodule(s). The Multipoint flow within the Synplify Pro software will use difference-based synthesis to regenerate VQM files only for compile points that have been changed. The Multipoint feature uses difference-based synthesis to maintain the synthesis results for compile points that have not changed. Differencebased synthesis does not use time-stamp checks to see if a file has been edited, it actually determines if any of the logic or constraints have changed. This means that a module will not be re-compiled in the MultiPoint flow if you add a comment or change the syntax – it will only be re-compiled if the logic has changed. 16 Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices The Synplify synthesis process is divided into two parts: RTL compilation and mapping. When using Multipoint synthesis, Synplify Pro software stores an RTL netlist for each compile point after RTL compilation (rtl.srd) and after mapping (mapped.srd). These intermediate mapping files are located in a subdirectory named after the compile point. In subsequent iterations of the design, the compiler reads the current source code and the mapper will compare the new rtl.srd with the old rtl.srd stored on the disk in the previous run. If these two RTL netlists match then the mapper will not re-map that compile point, instead it will use the stored mapped.rtl netlist. If the two RTL netlists differ then the mapper will completely re-map this compile point. This flow is referred to as difference-based synthesis. A compile point that has already been synthesized is not resynthesized, unless at least one of the following is true: ■ ■ ■ ■ You change the HDL source code defining the compile point. You change the constraints applied to the compile point. You change any of the options on the Device panel of the ‘Options for implementation’ dialog box (except Update Compile Point Timing Data). In this case the entire design is resynthesized, including all compile points. You intentionally force the resynthesis of your entire design, including all compile points, using the command Run -> Resynthesize All. 1 Note that the intermediate mapping.srd files are used to save mapping information for subsequent synthesis runs. If these files are deleted, the associated compile point will be re-synthesized and the files regenerated. The Synplify Pro software does not currently propagate timing constraints through hierarchical or nested compile points such that a child compile point module inherits the .sdc file of a parent, or the compile point module constraint file updates the constraint file of a parent. You should add the correct timing model (time budgeting) for each constraint file associated with each compile point module. In the Quartus II software, use the LogicLock back-annotation feature to lock down placement on modules that have not changed. When importing a new VQM file you can keep the placement of the other logic in your design and just update the new module. f Altera Corporation For more information on LogicLock back-annotation, refer to AN 161: Using the LogicLock Methodology in the Quartus II Design Software. 17 AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices Conclusion The LogicLock incremental design flow uses module-based design to help you preserve performance of modules and have control over placement. By setting Synplify Pro compile points on the modules requiring separate VQM files, you can make multiple VQM files for use with the Quartus II software and the LogicLock block-based design feature from a single Synplify Pro software project. Revision History The information contained in AN 165: Synplify and Quartus II LogicLock Design Flow version 2.0 supersedes information published in previous versions. Version 2.0 The following changes were made in AN 165: Synplify and Quartus II LogicLock Design Flow version 2.0: ■ ■ ■ ■ Added information on the Multipoint feature introduced in Synplify 7.2. Added information on the LogicLock design flow to make the document consistent with other application notes. Added three new figures to document. Added and repaired tables from new information additons. Version 1.2 The following changes were made in AN 165: Synplify and Quartus II LogicLock Design Flow version 1.2: ■ ■ Made minor corrections to page 1. Updated list of devices in procedure on page 5. Version 1.1 The following changes were made in AN 165: Synplify and Quartus II LogicLock Design Flow version 1.1: ■ 18 Updated Synplify version number Altera Corporation AN 156: Using General-Purpose PLLs with APEX II Devices 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com Applications Hotline: (800) 800-EPLD Customer Marketing: (408) 544-7104 Literature Services: lit_req@altera.com 19 Copyright © 2003 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. Altera Corporation
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