- -. - BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. REI:E\\IE~ 1 SPECIAL SERVICES FEES AND CLASSIFICATIONS Docket No.. MC96-:I MAJOR UAILERS ASSOCIATION'S RESPONSE TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE'S "SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS" TO MOTION TO STRIKE MUA WITNESS BENTLEY'S "NEW ANALYSIS" Major Postal Mailers Association Service's BMA witness request Bentley documents to (Tr. (Exhibits asks strike the Commission (1) 6/2008-11) OCA's (2) and OCA/MMA-XE-1 through to deny the cross-examination three XE-3, of related Tr. 5/2039-41). INTRODUCTION The Postal Service's Bentley's testimony, approved methodology methodology are Mr. first Bentley testimony, Postal to during about to conclusion The Postal references examination, data to the the (See Mr. Postal United (Tr. in his and LR-2 by data to strike is groundless. "clearly Service v. Lowenbery, 1 Mr. After th:at right his No. R94-1. Bentley's By its opened the Bentley'is Docket Mr. 6:200!3-10). direct data. noted from attempt data States apart" Bentley a Commission- substitute challenged corroborated R94-1 MMA witness that Service's PRC-LR-1 and LR-2, Service's strike conclusion cross-examination also to dollars this with PRC-LR-1 is Postal "a billion advanced Service's seeks cross-examination, and the illustrated refer R94-1 motion the 8!??F.2,d own crossdoor 295, to” 299 the ,F. (5th Cir.))', and "quickly 426 stepped F.2d 1288, In any specify prejudice cost to 1120, Lastly, the Commission's 1126 and that not unduly repetitious of Practice 531(a). v. If the evidence two Bentley Perini, Practice as "substitutes Service can disagrees avoid about its methodologies. the of be used Service any version of Of course,, information the such requested by 1134. motion to "relevant or Mr. Birnr; Rules to l.C). provide Service's Rule not the the necessarily No. (See Special are rebuttal between would Orders strike (Rule by producing rebuttal door." because Cir.))' conclusion, differences complain Commission's evidence" Bentley's open (6th the motions cannot the 1290-91 rebuttal Mr. Service through event, that for... with the ignores and material cumulative Italics strike the evidence which be admitted." shall is (Rules supplied.) DISCUSSION A. The Postal Opened the The crux to this dispute disclose its costs methodology for attributing his direct testimony, consequences of ,e-, of Service's Own Cross-Examination Door To Use of the R94-1 Data the of Commission using is according the to city Mr. Bentley the Postal Postal the delivery concluded Service's "huge," 1 Cert. denied, 489 U.S. 1032 2 Cert. denied, 402 950 U.S. 2 refusal Commission-approved carrier methodology--are Service's (1988). (1970). that e'xpense. thse dollar methodology--instead about a billion In dollars (Tr. This that Bentley and LR-2. At data that Docket to conclusion," at (Id. In its chose it more right to assembled data from the use Postal PRC-LR-1 Docket No. R94-1 room. At attack on Mr. Bentley's testimony responses as written the MMA's door to This (Id. he cited related this" hearing the data his for the R94-1 same 1995 data than Docket the at from PRC-LR-1 No. 1194-1's challenged And so Mr. and brought Postal them Service from Mr. No. the Bentley "independent Docket to its and by oral Responding, 6:2009). Bentley its OCA asked by data Mr. continued cross-examination this, data Service by designating was corroborated reference" "yes "--and the Following cross-examination. library the revised "the and LR-2. hearing conclusion conclusion 2044-45). Bentley's his and LR-2 recent PRC-LR-1 After Bentley the testimony issued 6:2042). Mr. use his his supported to is interrogatories, interrogatory at (Id. data of illustrated PRC-LR-1 of draft Commission and LR-2, sets because the R94-1 Bentley the Bentley the both solely data No. PRC-LR-1 Mr. and LR-2 Mr. substitute Although in before time, issued testimony 1994 was contained prepared from Commission data. 1895-96). conclusion Mr. with 6:1893, of Mr. R94-1 whether tha Bentley said .and proe3uced documentation. position by is its "open-door that "the Postal cross-examination doctrine 'I haunts 3 Service (Id. all at has opened the 2011). cross-examiners. In ,-... Birns v. Perini, prosecutor did F.2d 426 not and could certain improperly-acquired But defendant the question "the about State policeman upheld the prior State's action :F.2d a prior asking during opened (5th the about incident. policeman a also United ("The cross:- See Cir.)' to and by having The Court door State illegal the door" illegality. 299 the cross-examination,, the as proper. 295, clearly examination... of Cir.),' a policeman of through prior (6th question mistake stepped the 853 not incident elaborate Lowenberq, 1290-91 evidence made the quickly the 1288, the the of Appeals States government's v. follow- up question..."). In their these lawyers' here to of administrative (Matthew defendants opened Especially under Bender)), the admission of the the avoid rebuttal Commission the need grants to went door the open-door to to "more (4 Stein, jail when otherwise relaxed"' rules Administrative doctrina evidence warning, Rebuttal invited is by the effective Plostal in Testimony Timing of the the Service That the Prejudices the contest testimony. motion That would, however, its Special Rules Cert. denied, 402 U.S. 950 4 Cert. denied, 489 U.S. 1032 4 -_. .- to strike, Bentley's Mr. 3 /- __..---.. the agencies The Right To File Negates Any Claim Bentley Testimony Commission's -..~ criminal cross,-examination. B. If in justify Service's will evidence. evidence Law s28.01 cases, cross-examination inadmissable of court (1970). (1988). the testimony of Service by means circumvent the Practice (§l.C), that "motions to strike... are not substitutes for...rebuttal evidence." Does the Service testimony--in that the both dollar $1 billion? Bentley's the If Bentley's C. There Comments, rebuttal. it should l-2) in to is the dollar that it Bentley's Docket the to prejudiced R94-1 of is about answering Mr. evidence--evidence file rebuttal of in negates timing 5 U.S.C. of Mr. §556(e).)5 That Which In Merit complaint is (Tr. test (Cf. time testimony No. the by the Service's lacks testimony-- difference. Service's Contention Lacks Ample Time In Rebuttal Is Lacking to Bentley's methodologies rebuttal testimony. no merit Mr. two opportunity Service The Postal the Agency To Prepare pp. be put of cross-examination is the by presenting the with and cross-examination between Service's that disagree direct own estimate Mr. testimony so, testimony Service's claim his difference The Postal any really which an updated 13A:6082-84) (Suppl. to prepare version of his that: which is Exhibit MMA-lF,...indicates My comparison, that compared to the Service's new carrier-cost attribution technique, the Commission's methodology will c:ause a significant increase in total attributable costs (almost $1 billion) and that this increase (on a relative basis) is greater for third-class mail (57%) than for First-Class Mail (45%). The Service twenty-seven has months. been In familiar both with Docket 5 No. Mr. Bentley's R94-1 thesis for and this 5 U.S.C. §556(e) is the provision of the Administrative Procedure Act that allows an agency to rest its decision on "official notice of a material fact not appearing in so long as the agency provides the the evidence in the record" parties with "an opportunity to show the contrary." ,- 5 /-. proceeding, the Service Commission-issued During this library period, familiarize itself rebuttal testimony is not Bentley---and two methodologies' present the would the Service about this opportunity on this has and to to study same s:ubject. had more issue have been based his to is 1134). In Service wants than enough be able to time to produce of its the order information to to the that provide rebut in have the to dixlose. It Commission’s the (Orders disclosing that Bentley's Mr. erase would refusing to to own. the avoid been clrder difference Service according as its to to has rebuttal In time. a $1 billion Postal costs Service of filing Commission Nos. 1120, information, testimony has 1126, the instead of The Alleged Inability To Understand Documentation Is the Mr. Bentley's Result of the Service's Own Actions rebuttal because requiring the also asserts Mr. Bentley's explanation Even 2-4). if the consequence During Service it precisely The Service is lack to it. D. issues any results--the show ordering rebutting upon objection estimate as well That real information methodology, ,e-. had the references Service's Mr. it also testimony. The Postal PP. has first Mr. of or the it lacks analysis alleged Service's the testimony 6 to prepare "a number (Suppl. puzzlement of Comments, is genuine, own actions. cross-examination, to time presents clarification" Service's Bentley's objected that when the about the 1194-l Postal data, MMA ,/- counsel offered Bentley's for to 2011-13, as well to have Service, which cannot now complain make Mr. all Mr. Bentley available these that it offers lacks his at (Id. (Id. the 6: exambation, explain XE-3 (Tr. cross-examination 2042-43;). The Postal 2029-211, at MMA information 2043), that could have provided. In any event, Service a letter provide all on November (Attachment available for promised that to he will respond a first the installment, documents stand. This offer The Postal analysis Mr. Mr. is The Postal Objections E. formal relied upon Comments, Mr. Bentley about OCA. had done record so, materials Mr. offer questions, Postal copies any on the genuine have conferences. written Service to and to In dispel expresses (Suppl. following the by facsimile. him Postal addition, as of all witness puzzlement. Service's Remaining Are Without Merit R94-1 asked data accept had with to the renews informal will the Bentley ample Service may have or promptly sent and workpapers Bentley MMA sent which that calculations MMA also which MMA counsel 22, A hereto) Mr.. Bentley's Bentley NO. with redirect Bentley through declined as to during Mr. OCA/MMA-XE-1 Service and cross-examination addition, In offered exhibits, Postal interrogatories 2037). counsel Mr. the documentation, additional been provide (Tr. Bentley from have proceeding. 7 affirmed Bentley's from Service If the that Docket could him cross-examined 2044-46). would that it Mr. materials The Postal 4). when 6:2034-36, that extra-record p. this a concern Postal again Service he used only have ,,*- The Service analysis.. also .directly thereby raises earlier testimony" testified examination) testimony his at the billion The Service's is in Comments, right about Mr. from 1994. the did [OCA/MMA-XE,-1 (Tr. consider to 6:2013). OCA/MBA-XE-1 Mr. is It the the Service lay an adequate XE-31 is of Bentley's responses XE-3 that it offered examination, as the for to documents 8 contests Mr. for complain recent MMA most admission of Comments, record as cross-examination Bentley to data, for (Supp:L. OCA's Mr. from "counsel the used data most record" data 3.995 data cannot that "is analysis 1994 1994 next of the Bentley's the the sets ;!009-11). the foundation the at uses data, both methodology Service argues into for between Mr. than 1995 were through true direct same conclusion" (Id. that cross- his Service's Postal documents On redirect in the as it current Postal through have Bentley in so, range" insofar since Mr. difference dollar more that But plainly to consideration not These 6-7). ancillary to Bentley's Lastly, certainly But R94-1. is contention is recanting is 4). and the 5-6). and LR-2 No. Bentley's pp. and expressed dollar and outdated" PRC-LR-1 Docket PP. next "problematic (SUPPl. the testimony, (discussed Bentley] methodology in Bentley p. And that that Commission-approved Mr. conclusions [Mr. "new original computations 6:2011). 2044)--namely Bentley's .his Comments, the "allowed consistently Mr. whether R94-1 confirm calculations (Id issue (Supp. (Tr. that contradicts.. the that argues which identified he referred in the at to replying statements OCA counsel, that F. than those used Law 928.01 Administrative Procedure Commission's material evidence In laymans is ordinarily supported Inc., to kind (Id. rely 94 F.2d 862 strike testimony unless of "the that persons in kind the Cert. in of Practice 531(a). Commission conduct denied, would 304 supplied.) even evidence "the NLRB I'. concludes affect reasonable Thus that and (1938). finding persons Remington the denies Bluestone affairs." 9 Italics responsible regularly 576 cumulative which J.). the and if: affairs." U.S. or wrote, agency their "relevant be admitted on (FERC) the of judge with this that repetitious Cir.)6(Hand, line 5556(d)), unduly serious (2d In not evidence considerably (4 Stei.n, direct should of evidence Bender)). (5 U.S.C. excludable Regulatory 6 for that courts" as a famous terms, Energy not is of the Practice (Rules by the accustomed Rand, basis cross-examination ignores rules (Matthew of which also in Act own Rules be admitted." are ,- apply Administrative is the was required. motion agencies relaxed that formed OCA's foundation Service's "administrative shall they Motions To Strike Should Not Be Granted When the Evidence Is Relevant And Material And Is Of the Sort On Which Responsible Persons Are Accustomed To Rely In Serious Affairs The Postal more he made during No additional 2037). and that the Federal motions evidence fair-minded Enerqy to is r.-. Design, 75 FERC 1[ 63,022 Inc. (1996) (ALJ. Birchman).' FOR THE FOREGOING REASONS, MMA asks deny the Postal examination three of related Service's MMA witness documents motion to Bentley strike (Tr. (Exhibits (1) that OCA's 6/2008-11) OCA/MMA-XE-1 the Commission cross- and (2) through XE-3, the Tr. 6/2039-41). Respectfully submitted, Nineteenth St. N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 466-8260 November 25, 1996 Counsel CERTIFICATE 25, MMA OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have document (1) upon the U.S. Postal the Office of Consumer parties by First-Class Mail. November for this day served the Service by facsimile, foregoing (2) upon the other 1996 'See also Utah Power and Light Co., FERC Dkt. No. ER83-427000 (May 7, 1984)(ALJ Zimmet)(denying motion to strike testimony because hearsay arguments have no place in an administrative FERC Dkt. ER 96-6-000 (Feb. 8, proceeding); Paiute Pipeline Co., 1994)(ALJ Grossman)(denying motion to strike witness' references to statements made by FERC Chairman on the grounds that the motion "goes to the weight to be accorded to [the Chair's] both unreported decisions comments not their admissability"), that are summarized in I Herman, FERC Practice & Procedure Manual, n 509.122 (Washington Thompson Publishing). 10 LAW OFFICES RICHARD LlTJxLL 1220 Nineteenth Street, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 ,- Direct Dial: (202) 4664260 Telecopier. November 22, (202) 1934377 1996 BY FACSIMILE Susan M. Duchek. Attornev Law Department . United states Postal Service 475 L'Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-1137 FAX: (202) 268-5402 Dear Susan: I want to renew my offer, made at last Tuesday's hearing (Tr. 6:2011, 2013), to provide the Postal service with any additional information it desires regarding (1) EEA witness Bentley's statements made during OCA's cross-examination and (2) Mr. Bentley's computations underlying those statements and Exhibits OCA/EMA-XE-1 through OCA/EEAXE-3 (Tr. 6:2OOS-11, 2039-41). In addition to being available for recall at the hearings, Mr. Bentley will, upon request, provide the Service with all his Hr Bentley is also available at any calculations and workpapers. for formal or informal data time, in person or by telephone, conferences to answer any questions the service has about his answers cross-examination exhibits and his methodology, to OCA, the three sources, computations and workpapers. Mr. Bentley will accept formal or formal written questions or interrogatories regarding these matters; he will respond promptly by facsimile. This Commission's offer is effective resolution of the immediately Service's and does not await Motions to Strike. the at the hearing I offered to provide you with As you will recall, you thought would be sufficient certain documents which, for a time, Even though you later reconsidered (Id. at 2029(Tr. 6: 2011-13). I am enclosing copies of the documents that Mr. Bentley had with 311, with additional footnotes to sources added. him on the witness stand, I'm also enclosing pages from Docket No. R94-1 materials from which I am sending these materials to you as a Mr. Bentley derived numbers. first installment. Please advise me if the Service wants to schedule any meetings or The Service may send Written data conferences with Hr. Bentley. questions or interrogatories directly to Mr. Bentley, with a copy to me. (Mr. Bentley's facsimile number during the week is 703/281-0677, except that this coming weekend please send Mr. Bentley a duplicate facsimile at 7571220-3215.) Cordially, .-. IC96-1.PRC,D”Ch&.ltT Littell
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