Li K \ i;; i i ‘4 i-‘, , i ‘RECEIVED BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-000 Special Services Fees uL 8 I[ j. AM '96 ? POSTAL RATE COHHISSI~N OFFICE OFTHE SECRETARY and Classifications) Docket No. ~-7 i MC96-3 OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS TIMOTHY D. ELLARD (OCA/USPS-T6-7-12) (July 8, 1996) Pursuant the Postal hereby Rate submits documents. the to United incorporated sections Commission, 25 and 26 of the interrogatories Instructions States Postal Office the of Rules the and requests included with Service dated of Practice Consumer for production 19, 1996, by reference. Respectfully #522 dW GAIL WILLETTE Director Office of the Advocate OCA Interrogatories June submitted, Consumer DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney Advocate of of l-4 are hereby to Docket NO. MC96-3 OCA/USPS-T6-7. a. Please 2 Please confirm POBOX.DAT of tabulations times the b. the are in If If Please explain POBOX.DAT of weights 100 times Tables 2-7 do not on file too large are approximately confirm, do confirm, SSR-111. supplied or that please on POBOX.DAT should you of times 32988 as shown Please POBOX.DAT is as large in Please confirm sum of as the Table refer the 100 explain be used please that described explain USPS-T-4. please provide a citation explain base source witness the of Lion's large all Table in for how to tabulate the reasons of four approximately 1 weighted page these If this data. to the where testimony discrepancy 53 of base of (149,9301) PO confirm, If do confirm, you these or was the do not figures library between base Table SSR-111. figures you of 1 This is the sum of the weighted weighted base for group 2 as shown in first testimony. 2 at respondents the 99762, Group your source the in total the provide presented weights about 2 of to please weighted file the you why the three Please the disparity. Box Study /--- SSR-111 data. OCA/USPS-T6-8. b. either provided observations a. that small. weights for to provided too survey refer references. the in are total your for group 1 and 2 of USPS-T-6. the Docket No. MC96-3 testimony and installed (14,290,298) 3 of "(Do same ZIP Suppose you Code reside / as the town at the that ZIP Please would post office bjoxes by witness "If used the Lion in Table of obtain ZIP This for in the a~nd they person does 20016), SW, Washington only la service?" 20016 (Friendship, the business) box Code is DC. Questicmn SSR-111. place residence live nclt but rent instead DC 20026. personal use. ZIP is Code not If box was obtained. the you same do not explain. that both was obtained are please explain what this fee the residence Washington, and the DC. If town you where do not explain. the correct response to question la respondent. Please the you Plaza, Code where confirm be for 17 of primary location that OCA/USPS-T6-10. 3 asks, your where is please box page NW, Washington box as the Please to L'Enfant confirm confirm, ,,--.. at Please the C. Is closest this confirm, b. of as reported residence Ave, a PO box Suppose number refer a respondent's a PO box a. total Please on New Mexico rents the USPS-T-4. OCA/USPS-T6-9. asks 3 were refer to to page be changed to 18 of Question SSR-:Lll. $(MID-PRICE) for 6 Docket No. would months, or a. MC96-3 would post try to office it as something find an alternative?" that the box fees that classification in MC96-3 changes are be avoided cannot not proposed restricted to for a 6 period. Were not accept confirm month b. you you Please 4 respondents revert informed to current that prices any box after rent increases would 6 months elapsed? Please explain. C. Would to you this anticipate question increases the to question Suppose the e. Please designed tested rates revert to least at current would Did any the 6 month period? restrict the example, suppose a 6 week period. rates would 6 months. not be How could as these to questionnaire, did be temporary Please and not subtle effect you understand 6 months) that and then your understanding increased again that for at explain. inquire If (for Or was it be raised respondents respondents For to such from explain. rates? 6 months? that not time? increases changes the were did of least wording responses? rates period stated for reaction question the question a- When you the a 6 month questionnaire box if limited messed d. a different so, about what what would responses happen were they after given. Docket f. No. MC96-3 5 You state in your overreact to price Was this increases? price and the indicate study of Please explain. Please refer potential the at post box to office renters to 7, lines page or so, how could the Statement pages 24-30 box tend minimize If to questionnaire that respondents USPS-T-6, to OCA/USPS-T6-11. pages increases. designed accomplished? 2-3 that questionnaire overreaction pages testimony rate currently reduce of of 8-9 this Work be at SSR-111. research These included on waiting lists a for boxes. a. Please confirm waiting lists explain why there b. the alternatives ,I--. are were collected from respondents study. If you do not confirm, figures in the column marked printout of sample that respondents references Are this the confirm testimony. C. data disposition on please "Waiting pages 42-49 SSR-111. Please list in in Completes" of that were If to data you and tabulations not included in do not confirm, please the tabulations. respondents on the to post from office waiting lists boxes when SSR-111 the or waiting in provide more faced your page likely with to box seek rent Docket NO. MC96-3 increases? your 6 Please Questions a. any tabulations used to sup:port response. OCA/LJSPS-T6-12. resident provide la and lb Please refer appear to and nonresident Please provide testimony box to attempt to holders tabulations separately page for 17 of SSR-111. differentiate between under the tested rates. and graphs for Tables 3-8 resident and nonresident of your box holders. b. Do your the C. Does resident your study box compared to support show differences in and nonresident same for and ,--. data indicate holders those with box that renting renting survey data sensitivity between holders? the the for price nonresident box business results. for rate personal use? Please is the use explain Docket No. MC96-3 7 CERTIFICATE I hereby document upon accordance certify all with that I have participants section OF SERVICE 3.B(3) this date of record of the in served this special the foregoing proceeding rules of practice. DAVID RLJDERMAN Attorney Washington, D.C. July 8, 1996 20268-0001 ,_-. ,-- .__-- in ---
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