美國非營利組織「華盛頓實習及學術論壇中心」 (The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars,簡稱 TWC)提供之「保德信獎學金」簡 要說明 一、 TWC 過去三年(2010~2012)每年獲保德信金融集團資助,提供獎學金 (全名為:Prudential Foundation Global Citizens Program)予印度、日本 、韓國及臺灣等四個亞洲國家學生(每年共 25 或 26 名)至美國華府實 習及上課,過去三年分別有 7 名、6 名及 7 名臺灣學生獲選至美,本部 派駐美國代表處文化組每年均協助 TWC 洽排此二十餘位學生至駐美代 表處參訪,反應良好。 二、 此前文化組曾爭取我國學生續參與本項計畫,近日該中心國際與學術實 習計畫 Jung Lim 主任電郵送來本案詳細資料,並告稱我國學生得繼續參 與。 三、 該計畫採春、秋兩季、原 25 或 26 名學生來自印、日、韓、臺四國,未 來每季將自前四國再加上巴西與中國大陸中挑選學生,每批 20 人,每年 共 40 人。 四、 本次公告之 2013 年春季計畫略以:學生將於 2013 年 1~5 月停留華府( 共 15 週) ,該中心將安排集體住宿,ㄧ週 4 天白天赴其安排之機構實習 與主修及興趣相關之事務,另將安排學術課程,授課教師來自大華府區 知名大學,如喬治城大學(Georgetown University)及約翰霍普金斯大學 (Johns Hopkins University)等,另每週一安排參訪或演講等行程。 五、 獎助項目:本案資助每位學生申請費、學費、住宿費、簽證費(J1 簽證 ) 、保險費及來回機票費(上限為 1 千美金)等,我學生自付額僅為膳食 費等小額支出。詳請參見附件 L 主任電郵所附本案計畫簡介及申請通知 (含電郵共 4 頁) 。 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Are you interested in receiving a scholarship to study and complete an internship in the U.S. from January to May 2013? The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars (TWC) located in Washington D.C. is offering twenty (20) scholarships sponsored by The Prudential Foundation, to the best students from Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, to participate in the Prudential Foundation Global Citizens Program. The scholarship covers most expenses including: application fee, program and housing fees, J-1 SEVIS visa fee, health insurance, and an airfare allowance. This program is available to students (undergraduate and graduate) enrolled in higher education institutions located in these six countries that are affiliated with TWC. For more information, please visit: http://www.twc.edu/internships/all-programs/prudential-foundation-globa l-citizens Interested students should complete and submit the following documents before September 15th, 2012. The documents must be submitted in English. 1. Online Application Form (http://www.twc.edu/internships/learn-more/application) 2. One-page Résumé 3. 500-word Issues Essay talking about a current event in the field of business, management, finance or entrepreneurship 4. 100-word Statement of Professional Interest indicating the type of activities students would like to be involved with during the internship and how they relate to their career goals 5. Two Letters of Recommendation (one of which must be provided by a faculty member)* 6. Official Transcript from university showing a GPA at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent)* 7. TOEFL Exam (80 or higher on the Internet-based test) or official equivalent exam, waived in certain cases* 8. Copy of the first page of Passport* * These documents can be scanned and sent as attachments to internationalinfo@twc.edu with the file name including the applicant’s name. ** Students must complete all application components to be considered, and when they are ready to submit their application, they should contact internationalinfo@twc.edu in order not to pay the application fee.* Program Dates: The program begins on January 30th and ends on May10th, 2013 Program Components This program provides students interested in learning more about the financial role of the private, government, and nonprofit sectors in the U.S. and around the world an opportunity to work and interact with experts in areas such as business, corporate social responsibility and ethics, and the intersections of business and government. The program has the following components: Internship: students will be placed in an internship with an organization that fits their interests and skills. Students will intern four days a week. Academic Course: students will complete an academic course. TWC’s faculty includes adjunct professors from local universities including Georgetown and Johns Hopkins University, among others. Monday Programming: students will attend a series of events with experts and leaders from the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. Civic Engagement Project: students will devote a minimum of 15 hours over the semester to active learning and action to become well-informed about an issue they care about, then work to make a positive difference in public life at the local, national or global level. Portfolio: students will produce a compilation of documents that chronicles and summarizes their learning experience during your time with The Washington Center. For more information about the program, please contact us at internationalinfo@twc.edu.
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