0 C Interior Penalty Methods Isoparametric Version Current Trends in Computational Methods for PDEs CIMPA-NPDE-NBHM Research School Bangalore, July 2013 Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Outline � Bending of Kirchhoff Plates � Numerical Difficulties � Isoparametric C0 Interior Penalty Methods � Convergence Analysis � Numerical Results � Concluding Remarks Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Bending of Kirchhoff Plates Ω (⊂ R2 ) = smooth configuration domain of the middle surface of a thin plate ∂Ω is the union of disjoint closed sets where clamped, simply supported or free boundary conditions are posed. (|ΓS | + |ΓC | > 0) ΓF PSfrag replacements ΓC ΓS u = vertical displacement of the middle surface Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Bending of Kirchhoff Plates Weak Formulation Find u ∈ V such that � a(u, v) = f v dx Ω a(w, v) = � Ω � � (∆w)(∆v) − (1 − τ )[w, v] dx [w, v] = wx1 x1 vx2 x2 + wx2 x2 vx1 x1 − 2wx1 x2 vx1 x2 τ = Poisson ratio (0 < τ < 1/2) f = load density/flexural rigidity (f ∈ L2 (Ω)) V = {v ∈ H 2 (Ω) : v = 0 on ΓC ∪ ΓS and ∂v/∂n = 0 on ΓC }. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Bending of Kirchhoff Plates a(w, v) = � Ω Bounded � � (∆w)(∆v) − (1 − τ )[w, v] dx |a(w, v)| ≤ C|w|H 2 (Ω) |v|H 2 (Ω) ∀ v, w ∈ H 2 (Ω) Coercive a(v, v) = � Ω � � � 2 �� 2 2 2 τ ∆v) + (1 − τ ) vx1 x1 + vx2 x2 + 2vx1 x2 dx ≥ (1 − τ )|v|2H 2 (Ω) ≥ c�v�2H 2 (Ω) ∀v ∈ V The plate bending problem is well-posed. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Bending of Kirchhoff Plates Integration by Parts � {(∆w)(∆v) − (1 − τ )[w, v]} dx D � � � � = (∆2 w)v dx − M∂D (w)(∇v · n) + N∂D (w)v ds D w ∈ H 4 (D), ∂D v ∈ H 2 (D) M∂D (w) = −∆w + (1 − τ )(D2 w)t · t � � � d� 2 (D w)t · n N∂D (w) = ∇(∆w) · n + (1 − τ ) ds D2 w = Hessian matrix of the second order derivatives of w Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Bending of Kirchhoff Plates Integration by Parts � {(∆w)(∆v) − (1 − τ )[w, v]} dx D � � � � = (∆2 w)v dx − M∂D (w)(∇v · n) + N∂D (w)v ds D ∂D In particular � � f v dx = {(∆u)(∆v) − (1 − τ )[u, v]} dx Ω �Ω � � � 2 = (∆ u)v dx − M∂D (u)(∇v · n) + N∂D (u)v ds Ω ∂Ω for all v ∈ H 2 (Ω) such that v = 0 on ΓC ∪ ΓS and ∂v/∂n = 0 on ΓC Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Bending of Kirchhoff Plates Strong Form Find u ∈ H 4 (Ω) such that ∆2 u = f Tuesday, July 16, 2013 in Ω u = ∂u/∂n = 0 on ΓC u = M∂Ω (u) = 0 on ΓS M∂Ω u = N∂Ω (u) = 0 on ΓF Bending of Kirchhoff Plates Strong Form Find u ∈ H 4 (Ω) such that ∆2 u = f Remark in Ω u = ∂u/∂n = 0 on ΓC u = M∂Ω (u) = 0 on ΓS M∂Ω u = N∂Ω (u) = 0 on ΓF The bending moment MC (w) = −∆w + (1 − τ )(D2 w)t · t can be defined on any curve C intrinsically (i.e., independent of the orientation of C). Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties Since plate bending problems are fourth order problems, the standard finite element approach requires C1 finite element methods, which are difficult to construct for non-polygonal domains. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties A natural approach is to first approximate Ω by a polygonal domain Ω̃, and then solve the corresponding plate bending problem on Ω̃ by a C1 finite element method to obtain an approximate solution of the original problem. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties A natural approach is to first approximate Ω by a polygonal domain Ω̃, and then solve the corresponding plate bending problem on Ω̃ by a C1 finite element method to obtain an approximate solution of the original problem. This approach works for the clamped plate, but fails for the simply supported plate due to the plate paradox. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties Plate Paradox Let a circular disc Ω be approximated by inscribed regular polygons Ωn with n sides. The solutions of the problem of the simply supported plate on the polygons do not converge to the solution of the problem of the simply supported plate on the disc as n ↑ ∞. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties Plate Paradox Let a circular disc Ω be approximated by inscribed regular polygons Ωn with n sides. The solutions of the problem of the simply supported plate on the polygons do not converge to the solution of the problem of the simply supported plate on the disc as n ↑ ∞. In fact, if un is the solution of the simply supported plate on the regular n-gon, then un converges to the solution of the simply supported plate on the disc with τ = 1. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties Plate Paradox Boundary Value Problem for un ∆ 2 un = f un = 0 on ∂Ωn M∂Ωn (un ) = 0 on ∂Ωn M∂Ωn (un ) = −∆un + (1 − τ )(D2 un )t · t Tuesday, July 16, 2013 in Ωn Numerical Difficulties Plate Paradox Boundary Value Problem for un ∆ 2 un = f in Ωn un = 0 on ∂Ωn M∂Ωn (un ) = 0 on ∂Ωn M∂Ωn (un ) = −∆un + (1 − τ )(D2 un )t · t However, on a straight boundary edge, 2u d n 2 =0 (D un )t · t = 2 ds Therefore the second boundary condition becomes ∆un = 0 Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties Plate Paradox Boundary Value Problem for un ∆ 2 un = f in Ωn un = 0 on ∂Ωn M∂Ωn (un ) = 0 on ∂Ωn M∂Ωn (un ) = −∆un + (1 − τ )(D2 un )t · t Hence the limit u of un satisfies ∆2 u = f in Ω u=0 on ∂Ω ∆u = 0 on ∂Ω which is the boundary value problem for the simply supported plate with (the nonphysical) Poisson ratio τ = 1. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties References • Babuška, The theory of small changes in the domain of existence in the theory of partial differential equations and its applications (1963) • Maz’ya and Nazarov, Paradoxes of limit passage in solu- tions of boundary value problems involving the approximation of smooth domains by polygonal domains (1986) • Babuška and Pitkäranta, The plate paradox for hard and soft simple support Tuesday, July 16, 2013 (1990) Numerical Difficulties If we want to have higher order convergence, then we must approximate Ω to higher order, which means that we need to approximate Ω by curvilinear polygons. But it is very difficult to construct C1 finite element methods on curvilinear polygons. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties Summary C1 finite element methods are automatically stable and consistent for fourth order problems. But they are not appropriate for problems on curved domains. We need to develop alternative stable and consistent finite element methods for fourth order problems on curvilinear polygons. Reference • Scott, A survey of displacement methods for the plate bending problem Tuesday, July 16, 2013 (1977) Numerical Difficulties Summary C1 finite element methods are automatically stable and consistent for fourth order problems. But they are not appropriate for problems on curved domains. We need to develop alternative stable and consistent finite element methods for fourth order problems on curvilinear polygons. Isoparametric finite element methods, which are originally designed for second order boundary value problems on curved domains, can be applied to fourth order problems with optimal orders of convergence, provided we combine them with the approach of interior penalty methods. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Difficulties Summary C1 finite element methods are automatically stable and consistent for fourth order problems. But they are not appropriate for problems on curved domains. We need to develop alternative stable and consistent finite element methods for fourth order problems on curvilinear polygons. Isoparametric finite element methods, which are originally designed for second order boundary value problems on curved domains, can be applied to fourth order problems with optimal orders of convergence, provided we combine them with the approach of interior penalty methods. Isoparametric mixed finite element methods for clamped plates were investigated by Bhattacharyya and Nataraj (2002). Tuesday, July 16, 2013 0 Isoparametric C Interior Penalty Methods Ωh = curvilinear polygonal approximation of Ω Th = isoparametric triangulation of Ωh Each triangle in Th has at most one curved edge, and only those that have more than one vertex on ∂Ω have a curved edge. ∂Ω Each triangle in Th is the image of the reference triangle (with vertices (0, 0), (1, 0) PSfrag replacements and (0, 1)) under a polynomial map of degree ≤ k. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 0 Isoparametric C Interior Penalty Methods Ωh = curvilinear polygonal approximation of Ω Th = isoparametric triangulation of Ωh Each triangle in Th has at most one curved edge, and only those that have more than one vertex on ∂Ω have a curved edge. Vh is the curvilinear Pk Lagrange finite element space whose members vanish on ΓS,h ∪ ΓC,h . PSfrag replacements All the nodes associated with Vh belong to Ω̄ and the nodes on ∂Ωh also belong to ∂Ω. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 ∂Ω 0 Isoparametric C Interior Penalty Methods References for Isoparametric Finite Elements • Ciarlet and Raviart, Interpolation theory over curved ele- ments, with applications to finite element methods (1972) • Lenoir, Optimal isoparametric finite elements and error es- timates for domains involving curved boundaries (1986) • Bernardi, Optimal finite-element interpolation on curved domains (1989) Tuesday, July 16, 2013 0 Isoparametric C Interior Penalty Methods Notation � � � � � � � � � � � Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Eh is the set of the edges of the triangles in Th . EhI is the subset of Eh consisting of edges interior to Ωh . EhC is the subset of Eh consisting of edges on ΓC,h . EhS is the subset of Eh consisting of edges on ΓS,h . EhF is the subset of Eh consisting of edges on ΓF,h . EhB = EhC ∪ EhS ∪ EhF |e| is the length of the edge e. hT = diameter of T and h = maxT∈Th hT . σ ≥ 1 is a penalty parameter. {{M(v)}} is the average of the bending moment of v across an edge. [ ∂v/∂n]] is the jump of the normal derivative of v across an edge. 0 Isoparametric C Interior Penalty Methods Let e ∈ Eh be � shared by the triangles T± , v± = v�T± , ne be the unit normal of e pointing from T− to T+ , and te be a unit tangent along the edge e. T+ I te T_ ne e The average {{M(v)}} and jump [ ∂v/∂n]] on the edge e are defined by � 2 � � 1� {{M(v)}} = − ∆(v− + v+ ) + (1 − τ ) D (v− + v+ ) te · te 2 [ ∂v/∂n]] = (∇v+ − ∇v− ) · ne Tuesday, July 16, 2013 0 Isoparametric C Interior Penalty Methods Let e ∈ EhB , ne be the outward pointing unit normal, and te be a unit tangent. te e ne The average {{M(v)}} and jump [ ∂v/∂n]] on the edge e are defined by {{M(v)}} = M(v) = −∆v + (1 − τ )(D2 v)te · te [ ∂v/∂n]] = −∇v · ne Tuesday, July 16, 2013 0 Isoparametric C Interior Penalty Methods Discrete Problem Find uh ∈ Vh such that � ah (uh , v) = fh v dx ∀ v ∈ Vh Ωh where fh is the interpolant of f and � �� � ah (w, v) = (∆w)(∆v) − (1 − τ )[w, v] dx T T∈Th − � � � e∈EhI ∪EhC + e {{M(w)}}[[∂v/∂n]] + {{M(v)}}[[∂w/∂n]] ds � e∈EhI ∪EhC Tuesday, July 16, 2013 � σ |e| � e [ ∂w/∂n]][ ∂v/∂n]] ds, Convergence Analysis We assume f ∈ Wpk−1 (Ω), where p > 2 if k = 2 and p = 2 when k ≥ 3. (k ≥ 2 is the degree of the polynomials in the finite element space.) This implies in particular that fh is well-defined. Then u ∈ Wpk+3 (Ω) by elliptic regularity and we can extend u to R2 (still denoted by u) so that �u�Wpk+3 (R2 ) ≤ CΩ �u�Wpk+3 (Ω) f = ∆2 u is defined on R2 and belongs to Wpk−1 (R2 ). Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Convergence Analysis Energy Norm (mesh-dependent) � �� 2 2 2 �v�h = τ �∆v�L2 (T) + (1 − τ )|v|H 2 (T) T∈Th + � e∈EhI ∪EhC Tuesday, July 16, 2013 � |e| �{{M(v)}}�2L2 (e) + σ I e∈Eh ∪EhC σ �[[∂v/∂n]]�2L2 (e) . |e| Convergence Analysis Energy Norm (mesh-dependent) � �� 2 2 2 �v�h = τ �∆v�L2 (T) + (1 − τ )|v|H 2 (T) T∈Th + � e∈EhI ∪EhC � |e| �{{M(v)}}�2L2 (e) + σ I e∈Eh ∪EhC σ �[[∂v/∂n]]�2L2 (e) . |e| Bounded ah (w, v) ≤ 2�w�h �v�h H 3 (Ω Tuesday, July 16, 2013 ∀ v, w ∈ H 3 (Ωh , Th ) � 3 (T) � , T ) = {v ∈ L (Ω ) : v = v ∈ H T h h 2 h T ∀ T ∈ Th } Convergence Analysis Energy Norm (mesh-dependent) � �� 2 2 2 �v�h = τ �∆v�L2 (T) + (1 − τ )|v|H 2 (T) T∈Th + � e∈EhI ∪EhC � |e| �{{M(v)}}�2L2 (e) + σ I e∈Eh ∪EhC σ �[[∂v/∂n]]�2L2 (e) . |e| Bounded ah (w, v) ≤ 2�w�h �v�h Coercive 1 ah (v, v) ≥ �v�2h 2 (for σ sufficiently large) Tuesday, July 16, 2013 ∀ v, w ∈ H 3 (Ωh , Th ) ∀ v ∈ Vh Convergence Analysis Abstract Error Estimate For any v ∈ Vh , �u − uh �h ≤ �u − v�h + �v − uh �h ah (v − uh , w) ≤ �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh ah (v − u, w) + ah (u − uh , w) = �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh � ah (u − uh , w) � ≤ C �u − v�h + sup �w�h w∈Vh Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Convergence Analysis Abstract Error Estimate For any v ∈ Vh , �u − uh �h ≤ �u − v�h + �v − uh �h ah (v − uh , w) ≤ �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh ah (v − u, w) + ah (u − uh , w) = �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh � ah (u − uh , w) � ≤ C �u − v�h + sup �w�h w∈Vh � ah (u − uh , w) � �u − uh �h ≤ C inf �u − v�h + sup v∈Vh �w�h w∈Vh Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Convergence Analysis Abstract Error Estimate For any v ∈ Vh , �u − uh �h ≤ �u − v�h + �v − uh �h ah (v − uh , w) ≤ �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh ah (v − u, w) + ah (u − uh , w) = �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh � ah (u − uh , w) � ≤ C �u − v�h + sup �w�h w∈Vh � ah (u − uh , w) � �u − uh �h ≤ C inf �u − v�h + sup v∈Vh �w�h w∈Vh Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Convergence Analysis Abstract Error Estimate For any v ∈ Vh , �u − uh �h ≤ �u − v�h + �v − uh �h ah (v − uh , w) ≤ �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh ah (v − u, w) + ah (u − uh , w) = �u − v�h + C sup �w�h w∈Vh � ah (u − uh , w) � ≤ C �u − v�h + sup �w�h w∈Vh � ah (u − uh , w) � �u − uh �h ≤ C inf �u − v�h + sup v∈Vh �w�h w∈Vh Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Convergence Analysis Approximation Property inf �u − v�h ≤ �u − Πh u�h ≤ Chk−1 �u�Wpk+1 (R2 ) v∈Vh Πh u ∈ Vh equals u at all the nodes of the Pk finite element space. �v�2h = �� T∈Th + τ �∆v�2L2 (T) + (1 − τ )|v|2H 2 (T) � e∈EhI ∪EhC Tuesday, July 16, 2013 � � |e| �{{M(v)}}�2L2 (e) + σ I e∈Eh ∪EhC σ �[[∂v/∂n]]�2L2 (e) . |e| Convergence Analysis Approximation Property inf �u − v�h ≤ �u − Πh u�h ≤ Chk−1 �u�Wpk+1 (R2 ) v∈Vh Πh u ∈ Vh equals u at all the nodes of the Pk finite element space. It remains only to bound the consistency error ah (u − uh , w) sup �w�h w∈Vh Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Convergence Analysis ah (u, w) = �� T T∈Th − � � � e∈EhI ∪EhC + {(∆u)(∆w) − (1 − τ )[u, w]} dx e � {{M(u)}}[[∂w/∂n]] + {{M(w)}}[[∂u/∂n]] ds � e∈EhI ∪EhC σ |e| � e [ ∂u/∂n]][ ∂w/∂n]] ds � {(∆u)(∆w) − (1 − τ )[u, w]} dx D � � � � 2 = (∆ u)w dx − M∂D (u)(∇w · n) + N∂D (u)w ds D Tuesday, July 16, 2013 ∂D Convergence Analysis ah (u, w) = �� T T∈Th − � � � e∈EhI ∪EhC + {(∆u)(∆w) − (1 − τ )[u, w]} dx e {{M(u)}}[[∂w/∂n]] + {{M(w)}}[[∂u/∂n]] ds � e∈EhI ∪EhC � � � σ |e| � e [ ∂u/∂n]][ ∂w/∂n]] ds � � ∂w = (∆ u)w dx − M(u) ds ∂n T e S F T∈Th e∈Eh ∪Eh � � �� ∂u σ ∂u ∂w � + M(w) ds + ds ∂n |e| e ∂n ∂n e C e∈Eh � � − N∂Ωh (u)w ds 2 e∈EhF Tuesday, July 16, 2013 e Convergence Analysis � � � ∂w ah (u, w) = fw dx − M(u) ds ∂n Ωh e S F e∈Eh ∪Eh � � �� ∂u σ ∂u ∂w � + M(w) ds + ds ∂n |e| e ∂n ∂n e C e∈Eh �� − N∂Ωh (u)w ds e∈EhF Tuesday, July 16, 2013 e Convergence Analysis � � � ∂w ah (u, w) = fw dx − M(u) ds ∂n Ωh e S F e∈Eh ∪Eh � � �� ∂u σ ∂u ∂w � + M(w) ds + ds ∂n |e| e ∂n ∂n e C e∈Eh �� − N∂Ωh (u)w ds e∈EhF ah (uh , w) = � Ωh Tuesday, July 16, 2013 fh w dx e Convergence Analysis � � � ∂w ah (u − uh , w) = (f − fh )w dx − M(u) ds ∂n e Ωh S F e∈Eh ∪Eh � � �� ∂u σ ∂u ∂w � + M(w) ds + ds ∂n |e| e ∂n ∂n e C e∈Eh �� − N∂Ωh (u)w ds e∈EhF = I + II + III + IV Tuesday, July 16, 2013 e Convergence Analysis � � � ∂w ah (u − uh , w) = (f − fh )w dx − M(u) ds ∂n e Ωh S F e∈Eh ∪Eh � � �� ∂u σ ∂u ∂w � + M(w) ds + ds ∂n |e| e ∂n ∂n e C e∈Eh �� − N∂Ωh (u)w ds e∈EhF e = I + II + III + IV Goal so that Tuesday, July 16, 2013 |I| + |II| + |III| + |IV| ≤ Chk−1 �w�h ah (u − uh , w) sup ≤ Chk−1 �w�h w∈Vh Convergence Analysis �� � � � |I| = � (f − fh )w dx� ≤ �f − fh �L2 (Ωh ) �w�L2 (Ωh ) ≤ Chk−1 �w�h Ωh � f ∈ Wpk−1 (Ωh ) � Poincaré-Friedrichs inequality (p ≥ 2) �w�L2 (Ωh ) ≤ C�w�h Tuesday, July 16, 2013 ∀ w ∈ Vh Convergence Analysis � � � � � � ∂w � � k+ 12 |II| = � M(u) ds� ≤ Ch �w�h � S F e ∂n � e∈Eh ∪Eh � The arc on ∂Ω between the two endpoints of a boundary edge is approximated by the edge to the order of hk+1 in the C0 norm and to the order of hk in the C1 seminorm. � 3 (R2 ) M∂Ω (u) = 0 on ΓS ∪ ΓF and u ∈ W∞ � � Tuesday, July 16, 2013 � � |M(u)| = � − ∆u + (1 − τ )(∇2 u)te · te � ≤ Chk �� −1 �∂w/∂n�2 |e| S F e∈Eh ∪Eh L2 (e) �1 2 ≤ C�w�h Convergence Analysis � � � � ��� �� σ ∂u ∂w ∂u � � k+ 12 |III| = � M(w) ds + ds � ≤ Ch �w�h � C e � ∂n |e| e ∂n ∂n e∈Eh � The arc on ∂Ω between the two endpoints of a boundary edge is approximated by the edge to the order of hk+1 in the C0 norm and to the order of hk in the C1 seminorm. � 2 (R2 ) ∇u = 0 on ΓC and u ∈ W∞ � |∂u/∂n| ≤ |∇u| ≤ Chk+1 � Tuesday, July 16, 2013 �� e∈EhC � |e|�M(w)�2L2 (e) + |e|−1 �∂w/∂n�2L2 (e) �� 21 ≤ C�w�h Convergence Analysis � � � � �� � � |IV| = � N∂Ωh (u)w ds� ≤ Chk−1 �w�h � F e � e∈Eh � The arc on ∂Ω between the two endpoints of a boundary edge is approximated by the edge to the order of hk+1 in the C0 norm and to the order of hk in the C1 seminorm. � 4 (R2 ) N∂Ω u = 0 on ΓF and u ∈ W∞ � � Tuesday, July 16, 2013 � �� � � � � � d 2 |N∂Ωh (u)| = � ∇(∆u) · ne + (1 − τ ) ds (D u)te · ne � ≤ Chk−1 �w�L∞ (Ωh ) ≤ �w�h Convergence Analysis Theorem � � ah (u − uh , w) �u − uh �h ≤ C inf �u − v�h + sup v∈Vh �w�h w∈Vh ≤ Chk−1 This result also holds for nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Convergence Analysis Theorem � � ah (u − uh , w) �u − uh �h ≤ C inf �u − v�h + sup v∈Vh �w�h w∈Vh ≤ Chk−1 By a duality argument, we have Ch2 �u − uh �L2 (Ωh ) ≤ Chk+1 provided ΓF = ∅ Tuesday, July 16, 2013 k=2 and f ∈ H 2 (Ω) k≥3 and f ∈ H k+1 (Ω) Numerical Results Example 1 A general plate with τ = 0.3 ΓF : x14 + x24 = 1 1 2 1 2 ΓC : (x1 + ) + x2 = 2 16 1 2 1 2 ΓS : (x1 − ) + x2 = 2 16 Exact solution �2 � 1 � 2 �1 1 2 1 2 2 2 x1 +x2 − (x1 + ) − x2 − (x1 − ) − x2 e u= 16 2 16 2 (solved by an isoparametric quadratic C0 interior penalty method) Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Results h 0.283 0.202 0.141 0.094 0.064 0.043 0.029 0.019 �u − uh �L2 1.25E+00 7.15E-01 4.65E-01 2.00E-01 1.27E-01 7.33E-02 4.03E-02 2.40E-02 rate 1.66 1.21 2.08 1.18 1.36 1.51 1.31 k=2 �D2h (u − uh )�L2 1.27E+02 9.42E+01 7.38E+01 4.94E+01 3.26E+01 2.44E+01 1.64E+01 1.12E+01 σ = 50 �u − uh �h ≤ Chk−1 Tuesday, July 16, 2013 rate 0.89 0.68 0.99 1.09 0.71 1.01 0.95 Numerical Results Example 2 A clamped plate with τ = 0.3 ΓC : x14 + x24 = 1 Exact solution u = (1 − x14 − x24 )2 (solved by isoparametric C0 interior penalty methods) Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Numerical Results h 0.141 0.094 0.064 0.043 0.029 0.019 �u − uh �L2 2.80E-01 1.43E-01 7.08E-02 3.35E-02 1.65E-02 7.24E-03 rate 1.65 1.84 1.88 1.79 1.96 k=2 �u − uh �h ≤ Chk−1 Tuesday, July 16, 2013 �D2h (u − uh )�L2 1.08E+01 6.89E+00 5.58E+00 3.68E+00 2.57E+00 1.64E+00 rate 1.10 0.55 1.05 0.91 1.06 σ = 50 �u − uh �L2 (Ωh ) ≤ Ch2 Chk+1 k=2 k≥3 Numerical Results h 0.141 0.094 0.064 0.043 0.029 0.019 �u − uh �L2 4.10E-03 1.10E-03 2.81E-04 5.38E-05 4.16E-05 5.70E-06 rate 3.24 3.56 4.15 0.65 4.70 k=3 �u − uh �h ≤ Chk−1 Tuesday, July 16, 2013 �D2h (u − uh )�L2 1.80E+00 7.03E-01 3.80E-01 1.58E-01 7.52E-02 3.23E-02 rate 2.32 1.60 2.22 1.88 2.00 σ = 50 �u − uh �L2 (Ωh ) ≤ Ch2 Chk+1 k=2 k≥3 Concluding Remarks � Tuesday, July 16, 2013 C0 interior penalty methods are simpler than C1 finite element methods and they can be naturally implemented on isoparametric meshes to solve plate bending problems on smooth domains with optimal order of convergence. Concluding Remarks � C0 interior penalty methods are simpler than C1 finite element methods and they can be naturally implemented on isoparametric meshes to solve plate bending problems on smooth domains with optimal order of convergence. � This is due to the fact that isoparametric finite element methods are designed for C0 Lagrange finite element spaces, which are exactly the spaces for C0 interior penalty methods. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Concluding Remarks � C0 interior penalty methods are simpler than C1 finite element methods and they can be naturally implemented on isoparametric meshes to solve plate bending problems on smooth domains with optimal order of convergence. � This is due to the fact that isoparametric finite element methods are designed for C0 Lagrange finite element spaces, which are exactly the spaces for C0 interior penalty methods. � Unlike other ad hoc methods for plate bending problems, isoparametric C0 interior penalty methods come in a natural hierarchy. Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Reference • Brenner, Neilan and S., Isoparametric C0 interior penalty methods for plate bending problems on smooth domains Calcolo, 2013 Tuesday, July 16, 2013
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